I lived in the village for two weeks, helped Sancun Safety Zone and Xinzhong City Base to wipe out many lone zombies, and then returned to Beishi Base.As the largest bases in Huaguo, Beishi and Haicheng bases have to take care of other small safety zones. Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin have rested for a long enough time, and it is time to do what they can do as soon as possible.

After the two returned to the base, they began to accept and complete tasks non-stop, flying around all over Huaguo, and even all over the world.

In a blink of an eye, it was four years later.

All the bases have been continuously expanded in the past few years, and the scale has long been different from the past. Except for areas with special terrain and conditions, almost all safe areas have achieved self-sufficiency.But the survivors will still go to the city to collect supplies, and kill the zombies hiding in the corner by the way, to prepare for clearing all the zombies in the world as soon as possible.

Now, 90.00% of this goal has been achieved.

Beishi base.Exclusive

The wasteland on the east side of the prison has been fully utilized, while the mountains opposite and behind the prison have been further reclaimed and expanded, and all of them have been built into houses, terraced fields, and parking lots.These areas were enclosed within the safe zone by tall iron mesh walls. The area of ​​the base was more than three times larger than before, and the number of survivors also increased to a certain extent.

Most of the survivors will get a bicycle, which is convenient for shuttling and busy inside the base.Small maps were also set up at important intersections, because in addition to the survivors of the Beishi base, there would be people from other safe areas coming to handle errands.

In prison—

A black cat ran by the side of the road, running so fast that it was like an afterimage, so that most people could not catch its figure.But after a while, a fat big white goose waddled past, allowing the survivors to recognize the previous cat.

——It’s Mao Xiaoliu.

After four years of reproduction, the cats raised by Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin have gradually grown in population. Five of the six kittens have found their mates and successfully reproduced to the next generation.Because of the uniqueness of the mutated cats, they chose different places to live separately, gradually evolved and integrated into the local area, and occasionally came back to "visit relatives".

The only kitten living alone is Mao Xiaoliu.

Only it, Huahua, and the big black cat still live in the Beishi base.

But Mao Xiaoliu was not alone, because there were puppy cubs and a big white goose to accompany him, and the three of them followed Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin all day long, running around to perform tasks.

Once you see Mao Xiaoliu, you can immediately find the figures of Yang Feng and the others.

Sure enough, after a while, the two of them leisurely walked out from the side.

Mao Xiaoliu had already run to the broadcasting room, and chatted with Lao Yuan in cat language. Lao Yuan opened the form for recording tasks and points, and chatted with Mao Xiaoliu with a smile.After several years of getting along, Lao Yuan finally managed to get acquainted with the kittens and was qualified to pet cats. Unfortunately, there is only one cat left to pet.

Huahua and the big black cat can't move...

Thinking of this, Lao Yuan looked at Mao Xiaoliu with a face full of relief, and did not forget to say hello to the big white goose and the puppy.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin walked into the broadcasting room.

"Morning Uncle Yuan." Yang Yiqin greeted with a smile, "Are you busy recently?"

"Busy." Lao Yuan smiled, "Which day is not busy? You just came back from Haicheng, how is the task completed?"

"pretty good."

With that said, Yang Yiqin handed over the task completion details to Lao Yuan.

After Lao Yuan took over, he entered the details into the computer one by one, sorted out the completion of the task, and updated the points for completing the task for the two of them respectively, and then continued: "Do you want to take on a new task?"

Feng Lin asked: "Any other tasks?"

The old man asked back, "Is it farther away or closer?"

In the past two years, communications and electricity have been gradually restored in safe areas across the country, and the connection between them is no longer dependent on the people in power at the base, and has become clearer and freer.Because of this, now every base, or even every single individual, can submit the problems they encounter, and the veterans will sort them out and send them to each base, looking for survivors who are willing to help.

These tasks can be counted with points, and points can be exchanged for supplies in any national security zone.

The entire scoring system is constantly improving.

Feng Lin only said, "It's fine."

"Well. Then... just this." Lao Yuan picked a task from the task list and said, "This is a task sent by Mingcheng, saying that there have been large-scale mutant animals running rampant in their place recently. People with the ability to do a favor, help them solve the problem of disturbing movements without harming the animals."

Hearing the content of the mission, Yang Yiqin raised his eyebrows lightly: "This mission... sounds very suitable for me."

Old Yuan laughed and said, "Is it? I think it is suitable for you at first glance, but the distance is a little far away. I am afraid that the two of you have just completed a long-distance mission and you will not want to take this mission."

"How come." Yang Yiqin chuckled, "Although it's a little far away, it's not like we haven't flown farther."

"Okay." Lao Yuan said, "That's the mission. You can go to Mingcheng for details."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay."

Lao Yuan pointed to the three small animals next to him: "Do they want to be together? Or should I help you take care of them temporarily?"

"Let's go together." Yang Yiqin said, "Isn't the mission to communicate with animals?"

"... also." Old Yuan joked, "Speaking of which, they should be the most suitable guys for this task."

Yang Yiqin scratched Mao Xiaoliu's chin lightly, and said with a smile, "So we're all covered."

Cat Little Six: "Meow~"

Puppy: "Wow!"

Yang Yiqin made a phone call with Yang's mother and told his parents where he and Feng Lin would go on their next mission—although communication has been restored now, the signal is basically limited to each safe zone, and the signal after leaving the safe zone is generally relatively poor. In some places, the signal cannot even be received, so Yang Yiqin developed the habit of calling his parents in advance to report his whereabouts.

The lives of the survivors are gradually getting on the right track, but Yang's father and Yang's mother are busier than before, because they have to be busy with the education of the children in the village, trying to make up for them all the courses they have missed in the past few years.

Knowing that the two were going to perform missions far away, the two elders told them to pay attention to safety as before.

In this way, the two of them brought their three pets to Mingcheng, which is thousands of miles away.

The person responsible for releasing the task in Mingcheng had already heard about it from Lao Yuan in advance, and asked for the contact information of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.The Mingcheng base also covers a large area, and for the first-time survivors, it is easy to get lost.

After arriving in Mingcheng, Yang Yiqin contacted the person in charge.

Not long after, a woman in her 50s hurried over and asked kindly, "Are you Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin from the Beishi Base?"

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Yes, we are, are you Comrade Li Limei?"

Li Limei smiled: "It's me, is this your pet?"

She pointed to the eye-catching three pet group, Cat Little Liu, Puppy Cub and Big White Goose, her eyes were full of curiosity.Nowadays, many people will raise some mutant animals to help them collect supplies and keep watch, but such a combination is still rare.

The most important thing is that these three little guys look very smart, their eyes are flickering and alert, and they must have a high degree of mutation.

"That's right." Yang Yiqin explained, "They are very obedient, maybe they can help."

Li Limei had a gentle attitude: "Okay, you guys come with me."

After speaking, Li Limei took them to the task reception office in Mingcheng.

It was a single bungalow, and the entire front wall had been broken through, leaving enough room for walking.The climate in Mingcheng is very good, and the winter is not too cold, so it's okay to cut open the walls to create an open space.

While handing them a piece of paper, Li Limei said, "We are quite happy to hear that someone has accepted this task, because after those guys came around the base, Mingcheng base has not dared to let their skills be more ordinary for a while." Some people went out. Although I know that they are not malicious, but the size gap between human beings and mutant animals is huge, there must be any problems, which may cause irreversible consequences."

Yang Yiqin took the paper and read the contents carefully with Feng Lin.

On this piece of paper is written the specific species and location of the animal.

Yang Yiqin thought slowly: "Elephants, giraffes, hippos... are all quite powerful herbivores."

"Really?" Li Limei smiled wryly, "And they are basically one or two times larger than before the end of the world. A population lives together, and the earth shakes when they move together."

"They all live in lakes." Feng Lin asked, "Mingcheng base is built on lakes?"

"Not exactly." Li Limei explained, "In the beginning, after considering various factors, our base was far away from the urban area and main rivers. However, half a year after the end of the world, a moderate earthquake occurred here. Although there were few casualties, a lake formed a few kilometers away from the base."

Yang Yiqin was thoughtful: "So that's how it is."

After the end of the world, various large and small natural disasters continued, resulting in changes in the topography of many places.

When he and Feng Lin returned home for the first time, they saw a big crack on the way of flight, and now that canyon has turned into a new river.The Beishi base specially sent people to garrison there, and sailed to receive the survivors coming and going. In the future, if conditions permit, they will build a bridge that can be used by trucks.

Li Limei continued: "Those animals came to our province a few years ago, but they have been living in the depths of the jungle, and the gathering place is far away from the safe zone of human beings. Some time ago, for some reason, they suddenly came in groups Nearby, it gave our people a headache for a while."

Yang Yiqin asked: "I heard from Uncle Yuan that you hope we can try to get animals out of here without harming them?"

"That's right." Li Limei nodded. "It's best to let them leave. If there is no way to leave, we hope to build a wall around them and try our best to protect the survivors who pass by there."

"Survivors often pass by there?"

"Often, because if you continue to go south, you will find towns and forests. The climate here in Mingcheng is warmer, and there are a lot of wild animals and wild vegetables in the mountains. Survivors like to go to the mountains to catch wild animals and dig wild vegetables. In the early days of the end of the world, Many of the food in our base is picked by everyone, and we don't want to waste such a good natural resource."

"I understand." Yang Yiqin nodded, "Let's go and see what's going on first."

"Alright." Li Limei said, "I'll find someone to take you there."

"Okay, then I will trouble you."

After finishing speaking, Yang Yiqin squatted down, hugged the cat Xiaoliu who had grown into the size of a little black panther, pinched its furry ears, and said with a smile, "I may need your help later."

Mao Xiaoliu held his head high and held his chest high: "Meow!"

The wolf and green dog on the side were unwilling to be lonely, and barked to try to attract Yang Yiqin's attention.

Yang Yiqin also patted its head: "I'll trouble you too."

The wolf green dog wagged its tail straight after being touched, and its originally fierce expression became naive.

The big white goose is not so attached to Yang Yiqin, because it was brought up by Mao Xiaoliu, and has accepted his identity as a follower since he was a child.However, it still envied the black cat and wolf green dog to be touched by Yang Yiqin, and looked at Yang Yiqin eagerly.

Fortunately, Yang Yiqin is a master who is exposed to both rain and dew. After touching the wolf and blue dog, he stroked the elegant back of the big white goose.

The big white goose also looked very happy.

Seeing this, Li Limei smiled and praised: "They are very spiritual."

"Their parents and brothers and sisters are also very spiritual." For these little guys, Yang Yiqin is always generous with praise, "The Beishi base also welcomed uninvited guests before. At that time, it was the parents of this black cat who went to the beast negotiated by the group."

Li Limei showed a look of expectation: "Really? So, we can probably solve this difficult problem for more than a month. Before you, we have also come here with several groups of people, but they have not succeeded in dealing with those mutated animals. Fortunately, those animals are not aggressive for the time being, otherwise the base will have to consider the worst."

The so-called "worst plan" must have been solved violently with heavy firepower.

In the past two years, several large bases tried to control some military factories and resumed the production of bullets and artillery.Although the production efficiency is far less than before the end of the world, and large-scale weapon production cannot be carried out, it is enough to meet the current weapon needs of various safe areas across the country.

If Mingcheng Base really wanted to, they could use the simplest and most brutal way to drive away those mutated animals.

Li Limei added: "Before the mutated animals threaten the base, we will definitely not take such extreme measures. But if they don't leave the lake next to the base for a day, we dare not let ordinary people go through the lake to pick things on the mountain. Villages and towns have to take long detours... All in all, this situation has greatly hindered the development of the base."

Mao Xiaoliu on the side listened to their conversation the whole time, and understood what they were saying, his orange pupils were shining brightly.

At this time, it shook its long black tail, and then gave a soft "meow".

Li Limei asked: "What does it mean?"

"It's saying leave it to it." Yang Yiqin handed back the paper to Li Limei, "Let's go and see the situation first."

Feng Lin on the side said, "Things shouldn't be that bad."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "I think so too."

"Okay, I'll arrange the vehicle right away, and I have to trouble you to wait a little longer."

After speaking, Li Limei turned around and walked into the crowd.

Although it was only a few kilometers away, it was impossible to walk there. She needed to find a suitable car to come.After a while, Li Limei came back again and said with a smile: "Ready, please come with me."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay."

The two and the three pets followed behind her and walked to the open space of the Mingcheng base.

Li Limei pointed to a car and said, "Let's take that off-road car. Although those animals are not aggressive for now, we still have to be cautious."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked in the direction she pointed.

I saw a modified military off-road parked there, with solid iron bars installed on the windows and roof.The modification method of this car is similar to Feng Lin's off-road vehicle, except that the step of adding blades to the body is omitted.

After all, the function of the vehicle is to escape and defend. Just adding a circle of blades will not have a substantial impact on the thick-skinned elephant, but may affect the driving speed.

Just then, another young man walked over.

Li Limei introduced: "This is Xiao Chen. He will drive in a while and take us to the lake."

Xiao Chen smiled brightly: "Every time someone comes over from the base, I take them there. I'm already familiar with the road."

Yang Yiqin said politely, "Then I will trouble you."

"What's the trouble?" Xiao Chen smiled and shook his head, "If you can help our base solve this problem, we have to thank you in turn."

After that, he didn't say any more, and drove a few people to the lake.

The Mingcheng base is roughly located on flat ground, but it is not far from the mountains and forests, and the lush vegetation around the base blocks most of the sight of humans.Therefore, although the lake is only a few kilometers away from the base, they cannot immediately see its "real body".

The off-road vehicle turned a few turns before Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin saw the legendary lake.

Yang Yiqin sighed softly: "It's bigger than I imagined."

When he heard that the lake was only formed in the past two years, he thought that the area of ​​the lake would not be too large, but what caught his eyes was one.

"That's right." Li Limei pointed to the mountain forest not far away, and said, "The lake water flows down from the mountain over there. In the past two years, we specially sent people to estimate the depth of the lake water. The deepest part is almost hundreds of meters gone."

"It's very deep."

"It is very deep, and there were no living things in the lake at the beginning. We saw the value of the lake, and specially found a batch of edible fish from other places, and put the adult fish and fry into the lake, so the past two years began to continue There are groups of fish and shrimp appearing..."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin pondered: "If those animals keep occupying the lake, the base's aquaculture plan will always be stranded."

It is even possible that those mutated animals will send wedding dresses.

"That's right..." Li Limei sighed softly, "So the person in charge of breeding has been worrying recently."

The current Mingcheng base has sufficient food resources, and there is no shortage of aquatic products for the time being.But watching the fish shoals gradually mature, but unable to get off the net to harvest, this makes everyone who is good at farming and breeding feel uncomfortable.

Those herbivores grew bigger and bigger one by one. The elephants and giraffes were both shaped like hills, and they seemed majestic and terrifying just by looking at them.At this time, they were gathering in batches by the lake, drinking water and taking a walk quite leisurely, and they did not seem to be aggressive.

Xiao Chen parked the car far away from the lake, and then took out two binoculars: "We can't get too close, otherwise we won't be able to escape in an accident. Do you need binoculars?"

"No, thank you." Feng Lin took out two small binoculars from his backpack, "We have them ourselves."

After speaking, he handed one of them to Yang Yiqin.

Yang Yiqin took over the telescope. His eyesight is quite good, but he will not refuse to use a tool like a telescope. After all, it is always a good thing to save effort.

"That's right." Xiao Chen smiled, "The survivors are away from home, so how could they not have complete equipment."

Li Limei took another telescope.

Several people got out of the car.

They just got out of the car and were about to look at the herd of beasts in the distance, when Mao Xiaoliu beside him suddenly became agitated, even the wolf green dog and the big white goose were a little excited.Yang Yiqin noticed its restlessness, first put down the binoculars in his hand, squatted down and held Mao Xiaoliu's eager body.

"What's wrong?" Yang Yiqin asked, "Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

Yes, excitement.

At first, he thought that Mao Xiaoliu felt the threat from a powerful enemy after seeing so many huge herds of beasts.But when he squatted down and took a closer look at Mao Xiaoliu's expression, he found that the other party's eyes were full of excitement, as if he had seen something interesting.

Hearing the question, Mao Xiaoliu meowed and danced for a while.

After reading its statement, Yang Yiqin couldn't help raising his eyebrows, stood up and looked at the herd of animals in the distance with a telescope.Feng Lin also understood Mao Xiaoliu's gesticulation, and turned to look at the giant beasts beside the lake.

After watching for a while, Yang Yiqin pondered: "It seems to be really..."

Feng Lin nodded silently.

Hearing the affirmation of the two of them, Mao Xiaoliu couldn't control himself anymore, and it suddenly ran towards the lake at a speed as fast as lightning.The wolf green dog and the big white goose followed closely behind, as if they saw something interesting, each one became more and more interested.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to stop them: "Be careful! Be careful!"

Li Limei asked worriedly, "What's going on?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Yang Yiqin rolled his eyes, "Because the black cat met a group of acquaintances...ah no, acquaintances."

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