Although Yang Yiqin pushed back in every possible way...

A day later, he still saw an axe, peanuts, and red dates at home.

There is no need to ask about peanuts and red dates. They must have been organized by Yang's mother and cousin, and there are many red papers prepared by Yang's father beside them.As for the brand-new iron ax... I wonder who made it.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiqin picked up the ax and went out to find Feng Lin.

Feng Lin was harvesting vegetables in the vegetable garden in the front yard, his tall body was particularly conspicuous in the yard.It is natural to use the freshest vegetables for banquets. The vegetables in their vegetable field are all natural and pesticide-free, and the taste is better than the ones eaten before the end of the world.

Feng Lin was picking vegetables, and when he thought that these would be put on tomorrow's wedding banquet, he couldn't help feeling happy.

Can't hold back.

At this moment, Yang Yiqin came over and called out, "Feng Lin?"

Feng Lin raised his head: "Here!"

Yang Yiqin chuckled: "Don't be nervous." After speaking, he raised the ax in his hand and asked, "When did you do this?"

Feng Lin's eyes followed his guidance, looked at the axe, and then pursed his lips.

"This morning."

"This morning?"


Yang Yiqin thought about it, and remembered that Feng Lin had helped Yang's father cook in the morning, so he probably built this ax in the spare time of cooking.The symbol of "YYQ&FL" is engraved on the ax body of the axe, but the axe blade is not cut, and there is no danger even if it is placed directly on the bed.

Others give rings when they get married, they get an ax when they get married...

Also strangely interesting.

"The speed is quite fast." Yang Yiqin glanced at the axe, "Do you want me to sit on the axe?"

Feng Lin frowned, with a serious expression: "I can also sit."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

At this moment, Father Yang came over: "What are you two doing idle here? Hurry up to the temple entrance and help your second uncle kill pigs and chickens!!"

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay, wait a moment."

After speaking, he put the ax back into the house, and Feng Lin also put the picked vegetables in the stove.

Yang Yiqin asked: "Do we need to prepare anything?"

Father Yang smiled: "Just bring someone with you."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin came to the entrance of the temple.

When they ate before, they used long tables and benches, which took up relatively little space.At this time, twenty or so round tables had been placed on the open space at the entrance of the temple, and twelve benches were placed beside each round table, and the tables were covered with clean red cloth and red flowers.

There are countless colored ribbons and red flowers hanging in the sky above the temple entrance, as well as the small lanterns that Feng Lin brought from Xinzhongshi shopping mall earlier, and Gong Qiang is standing on a high place to decorate those lanterns.

The atmosphere is fully set in place.

Uncle Yang was slaughtering pigs nearby, and several villagers squatted aside to help. Gong Qiang jumped down after hanging up the lanterns, and took an iron basin to fill the meat.

"Master, Gong Qiang." Yang Yiqin called out, "We are also here to help."

Uncle Yang said cheerfully: "That's a good relationship, you guys bring another basin and fill it with blood and internal organs later."

The two complied.

While killing the pig, Yang Yiqin asked Gong Qiang, "How was your stay last night?"

"Very good!" Gong Qiang's face was rosy, "I was woken up by the rooster in the yard in the morning, and I also met your cat patrolling the village. If you don't look at the blocked village entrance and the enclosed farmland, the Life is comfortable."

The village head specially set up several farmyards for hospitality, where every guest who comes to the village can live.Gong Qiang temporarily lived in one of the farmyards last night, and helped take care of the vegetable garden in the yard when he got up in the morning, teasing the cats, dogs and geese.

Life is very comfortable, and I am almost too happy to think about it.

Yang Yiqin chuckled: "I think the base life in Xinzhong City is similar."

"Indeed." Gong Qiang smiled innocently, "But I'm here on vacation, and I still have business to do when I get back."

Feng Lin on the side said: "The wedding banquet is over tomorrow night, and we will send you back the day after tomorrow."

Gong Qiang nodded: "Okay, I will trouble you."

After two days of preparation, on the afternoon of the third day, the wedding banquet between Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin was held as usual.

To Yang Yiqin's surprise, the village head even asked someone to write couplets and banners. On the long red cloth was written in golden characters "I wish Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin a happy knot". congratulations.In the middle of the temple entrance, a simple platform was set up, and the village head had a red flower pinned to his chest and a microphone in his hand.

All these things were done without telling Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.

Standing at the entrance of the temple, Yang Yiqin didn't dare to move forward for a long time - he hadn't expected that today's wedding reception would go to this level, and he just felt a little funny and a little touched for a while.

Feng Lin also hadn't seen this battle before, but when he came back to his senses, he accepted the decoration in front of him earlier than Yang Yiqin.Thinking that this was his own wedding with Yang Yiqin, a proof that he was recognized by Yang's mother, Yang's father and the villagers, he couldn't help but smile.

Mother Yang and Father Yang stood beside the village head and waved to them.

The two parties walked up to the stage.

The crowd immediately started booing and applauding.

The village head acted as the master of ceremonies, and said with a smile, "Today is a good day for getting married. It just so happens that the great heroes of our village, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, have returned, and the Yang family's parents decided to hold a wedding banquet for them."

Yang Genbo whistled, and some people started clapping and cheering again.

The village chief stretched out his hand, motioning for everyone to be quiet first.

"Sooner or later, the end of the world will pass, and life is getting better step by step. Today will be the first wedding banquet in our village, but it will definitely not be the last. I won't say much about the rest, let the parents of the Yang family say Two sentences, and then we will directly start eating, drinking, and stepping into the bridal chamber."

Mother Yang took the microphone: "To be honest, I didn't expect it to be so serious. Dad Qinqin and I mainly want to set a name for them, so we want to hold a wedding party."

Having said that, she turned her head to look at Feng Lin who was at the side, and said with a smile: "Then, his father and I will entrust the rest of Qinqin's life to you."

Father Yang also said: "Although the end times are coming to an end, danger will always be by everyone's side for several years or even ten years... I hope you two can support each other until the last moment."

Feng Lin took Yang Yiqin's hand, his eyes were sincere, and his tone was solemn——

"Thank you Aunt Yang, thank you Uncle Yang."

"I swear, no matter what happens, I will always be by Chin Chin's side."

Just like in the early days of the end of the world, they were separated at both ends of the city by sudden disasters, but he will eventually return to Yang Yiqin's side, and the two will go through all the difficulties and disasters together, and live hand in hand until the last moment.

Neither death nor disaster can take them away.

The corners of Yang Yiqin's lips rose: "Well, we will always be together."

Yang's mother and Yang's father looked relieved.

As soon as the words on their side fell, Gong Qiang lit the firecrackers.Huahua's family came at the sound, a cat with a few peach and pear blossoms in its mouth, lined up to Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, and gently placed the flowers at their feet.

Immediately afterwards, the puppy with a red flower on his chest squatted in front of the two of them and barked twice excitedly.

The village head joked: "We can only find peach blossoms and pear blossoms in our village, but I still wish you all a happy wedding."

The rest booed: "Happy wedding!"

For a while, the scene became lively, and the cousin who was the chef and others brought all the hard dishes to the table.

Halfway through eating, the little white goose ran out suddenly and quacked a few times, and everyone saw Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, the protagonists of tonight, pick up their weapons, climb over the wall and rush outside to deal with the sporadic three fusion zombies, and then He ran back and continued to eat his wedding wine.

Reality and absurdity.

That night, Feng Lin sat on the prepared ax and gently stroked the peanuts and red dates on the bed, so as not to hurt Yang Yiqin when he lay down for a while.

Then he opened his arms towards Yang Yiqin.

Hold each other in your arms with great care.

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