Even in the last days when communication was difficult, the three major research achievements of the Beishi Base Laboratory were quickly spread across the country.Everyone is looking forward to, expecting them to share the results of the experiment with every region and help mankind tide over the difficulties.

Everything is going on in order.

Since the Beishi base researched the first batch of reagents for killing zombies, Academician Chen's team immediately spent two days producing several large barrels of solvent.And the place where the first batch of anti-zombie reagents were actually put into use was Hubian Island, the birthplace of the zombie virus.

The people who performed the task were still the same batch of soldiers who landed on the island.

But this time, they will not face any danger-firstly, in order to protect their safety, the base took the lead in vaccinating them with zombie virus vaccines for those who go in and out of dangerous areas on a daily basis; In the helicopter, spray the anti-zombie agent on the zombies below, and observe the fate of the fused zombies.

The laboratory has conducted several clinical trials, and the effect is very remarkable, so everyone is looking forward to the effect of the reagent in actual combat.

This is the first battle fought with anti-zombie reagents,

Once the actual battle is successful, they will mass-produce this reagent and ship it to all parts of the country in batches.

Autumn is crisp and the weather turns cooler.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were fully equipped, with a huge spray box on their backs and a slow-down rope tied around their waists. The teammates on the other helicopter gunships were also ready to carry out their missions.

Everyone's mood was quite different from the last time. This time, they didn't have a heavy heart or death, only anticipation and joy.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Qian Guowei held the intercom and asked, "Is everyone ready?"

Everyone speaks in unison——


"That's good." Qian Guowei said in a serious tone, "The first step in the actual combat is to spray the anti-zombie agent from the helicopter!"

With an order, all the modified helicopters were activated, spraying high-concentration anti-zombie agents from below.The potion is colorless, transparent and has an irritating smell, but the pungent smell is harmless to the human body, and it will only make the zombie lose its sense of smell. When the potion touches the zombie's flesh, it will deprive the zombie of its ability to move within a few minutes.

The potions were scattered on the open space of the island densely like a torrential rain.

The hideous-looking fusion zombies below have no brains. They don't know what fear and avoidance are, and they all look up at the helicopter making noise in a daze.The final result can be imagined - all the fused zombies were successfully overwhelmed by the anti-zombie potion.

A few minutes later, those terrifying monsters in the past crashed down one after another.

The sky is full of cheers.

Dr. Liang was also in the team, and he was recording the actual effect of the medicine with excited eyes.

"It's done." Qian Guowei smiled, "Now, the target is the zombies in the room."

"Roger that!"

The helicopter slowly lowered its altitude.

Until everyone could see the zombies in the window, then all the soldiers jumped out of the helicopter, their bodies hanging firmly in the air.They smashed the windows of the building with bullets, and then sprayed the medicine they were carrying into the building, wiping out all the zombies inside.

After solving these fused zombies, Yang Yiqin's eyes fell on the experimental floor of the pharmaceutical factory.

Next, there was the unkillable monster and the zombie covered in scalpels.

Feng Lin cast down his eyes, "Go down and open the side door."

Yang Yiqin took out the iron rod: "Then find a way to lure those two things out again."

"Wear bulletproof helmets and armor well." Qian Guowei reminded, "Remember, you need to be clever in combat, and try to avoid confronting them head-on!"

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly.

"Understood, Captain Qian, don't worry."

The combat power of the blade zombie comes from the weapons inserted into its body, and the defense power comes from the bulletproof helmet, which prevents others from approaching it at will, and cannot kill it.The two landed on the ground, close to the laboratory of the pharmaceutical factory, where the side door appeared to be ajar.

Yang Yiqin reported the situation to Qian Guowei.

Hao Ping sighed softly: "To be honest, I doubt that this zombie has a mind of its own."

"I don't think so." Yang Yiqin said, "Looking at the appearance of that zombie, it turned out to be a scientist working for a pharmaceutical company. He must have known the effect of the virus, so he put on bulletproof armor before it mutated. helmet."

Qian Guowei said in a deep voice: "Anyway, no matter what, just wipe out the monster."

Yang Yiqin hooked his lips: "Got it."

A few more people fell behind them, offering support and assistance.

Feng Lin opened the side door of the laboratory building.

Several people looked around, and the long and narrow corridor was darker than before, because a monster blocked the passage at the end of the corridor.Because the monster blocked the passage, the Blade Zombie's movement was hindered, so he could only wander in the corridor, unable to return to his original room.

Hearing the sound of the side door opening, the blade zombie turned his head to this side.

Feng Lin changed his rifle and picked up a giant axe.

Yang Yiqin activated the spraying equipment, waved at the zombie wearing a helmet, and said with a smile, "Hey, big brother, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

The blade zombie naturally couldn't understand what he was talking about, but this didn't prevent it from drawing a scalpel from its body and rushing here.

This time, Yang Yiqin was well prepared.

In his eyes, the running knife seemed to be in slow motion, and he could easily dodge it.While dodging the flying knife, he aimed the spray nozzle at the zombie, and the whole movement was calm and calm.

The zombies were drenched in potions, and their ragged clothes stuck to their knives-streaked bodies.

Just as the zombies were about to run to the door, Yang Yiqin turned off the spray nozzle, and then jumped back two steps lightly to avoid the impact of the zombies.

The next moment, the blade of the giant ax flickered with a cold front, cutting the zombie into two halves.

The splattered black blood and carrion instantly splashed all over the wall.

It wasn't over yet, Feng Lin continued to swing the axe, and cut off the zombie's limbs one by one, leaving no chance for it to resist and act.

The zombie with only its body and head left lay on the ground, wriggling slowly from time to time, proving that it was not dead yet.If it wasn't for verifying the effect of the anti-zombie potion, Feng Lin had already chopped off the zombie's head.

While paying attention to the monsters deep in the corridor, they observed the "vital signs" of the blade zombies.

After about 10 minutes, the zombie finally became silent.

That's all that's left of the monster.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiqin waved to Feng Lin.

Feng Lin understood.

The two turned and walked towards the depths of the corridor, with the others following behind them.

That monster was fused from countless experimental subjects, and even though dozens of heads were smashed to pieces, it still did not lose its ability to move.Therefore, before spraying the potion on the monster, everyone had no idea.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After three or ten minutes of being contaminated with the potion, the monster stuck at the entrance of the passage gradually lost its movement.

Yang Yiqin put away his combat tools and reported to the superior: "The effect of the anti-zombie potion is no problem, but the higher the degree of zombie infection, the longer the potion will take effect."

Qian Guowei: "Got it."

Dr. Liang was very satisfied: "It seems that when the medicine works in the urban area, the effect will be more significant."

Qian Guowei nodded: "Basically, a large piece can be poured at once."

Their action this time is an experiment.

After the actual combat is successful, the Beishi base will find a way to promote drone operations.However, the prerequisite for supporting drone operations is sufficient energy, so the power must be restored, and there are many things to consider.

After Yang Yiqin and his party returned, they brought the news of the complete success of the actual combat to the base.

The base responded immediately and began to manufacture anti-zombie medicine in large quantities, hoping to use it in practice in large quantities as soon as possible.The research institutes in Beishi and Mingcheng and Haicheng have always kept in touch with each other, telling them all the methods of making vaccines and medicines, so that they can also put the matter of mass production of medicines on the agenda as soon as possible.

The raw materials and production methods of the anti-zombie medicine are much simpler than the zombie virus vaccine, so not long after the news came back, various research institutes mass-produced several tons of medicine.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin modified their helicopter.

Afterwards, the two began to take on a new task - to spray anti-zombie agents in the city and wipe out the zombie tide on a large scale.

With the help of potions, the zombies in the city quickly lost their mobility.

The same operation is being carried out all over the country, and the zombies in the city have fallen in pieces, greatly reducing the burden on the defense of each base.After the spraying operation lasted for more than ten days, the spraying of vine suppression sprays continued, and all the vines in the city gradually withered and turned yellow.

After the cleanup operation in the big cities is over, the zombies in small and medium-sized cities and towns will start to be wiped out.After all the zombies on the bustling streets were settled, the Beishi base began to organize a team to wipe out the zombies in the buildings.

There is a long way to go to clear the zombies in the building.

If this trend continues, humans may be able to completely wipe out zombies from the world in a few years.

At the same time, batches of vaccines from the research institute were developed and then rushed to places where they were needed.

Mankind is rebuilding the post-apocalyptic order step by step.

The puppy has grown up. It studied and trained with military dogs in the base, and was finally honored as a search and rescue dog.The little white goose has also grown into a big white goose, and has become Mao Xiaoliu's most loyal younger brother. His daily job is to help the base take care of the farm.

Huahua's family often lives in scenic spots, and they have designated the area around the base as their own territory. Once they encounter other mutant animals approaching, they will definitely warn them.

After the situation in the Beishi base stabilized, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin began to carry out missions across the country.

Xiaogouzai and Maoxiaoliu followed them all the time.

The vigorous black cat and wolf green dog shuttled between cities and towns, with Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin closely following behind.The two little ones are well-trained and have a keen sense of smell. They can help them search for traces of zombies, and they can also help them rescue survivors who are still alone.

Time passed quietly.

It was the spring of the second year that Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were able to return home.

The two of them received a task to deliver a new batch of vaccines and medicines to the base in Beihe Province, and by the way, supplies to the base in Xinzhong City and the Sancun Safety Zone.

The author has something to say:

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