poor road [end times]

Chapter 152 End of Text

After Feng Lin recovered, they did not immediately return to Yang Yiqin's hometown.

Although it only takes a few hours to go back and forth, it takes too much energy and time to go back and forth.However, with the help of Qian Guowei, Yang Yiqin had contacted Yang's father and mother several times, and knew that everything in the Sancun safe zone was fine.

Experimental research does not happen overnight.

Scientists study day and night, sleepless nights and food, and until they have a result, everyone is doing their best to survive.As a group of people with outstanding abilities, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin naturally shouldered the responsibility of saving others.

The two of them often take some out-of-base missions—sometimes to rescue survivors who are unfortunately trapped, sometimes to support bases in other areas, and sometimes to follow the base team to bomb the zombie tide in the city.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.


The weather in the north has also become extremely hot. Amidst the noisy chirping of cicadas and crickets, the city is filled with the stench of rotting corpses.Emerald green vines aggressively cover buildings throughout the city, occasionally causing fragile buildings to collapse.

During a bombing operation, Qian Guowei took the initiative to inform Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin of the latest news about the laboratory.

"Academician Chen and the others have already made progress."

"Progress?" Yang Yiqin overlooked the collapsed house below, "A vaccine or eliminate the weird vines?"

"There are both, and it is possible to develop a spray that can kill a large number of zombies." Qian Guowei explained, "You should know that there is also a research institute in Mingcheng to the west. Their scientific researchers also came to us. Joined Academician Chen's team and assisted him in completing his research."

Feng Lin asked: "How long will it take?"

Talking about this matter, Qian Guowei showed joy on his face: "Academician Chen said that this year will definitely not pass, and if it is soon, the results will be available in a few months."

Yang Yiqin was surprised: "Really?"

"Well, it's true." Qian Guowei nodded, "They have found the key to a breakthrough. The theory has been formed, and they are short of turning the theory into reality."

Yang Yiqin bent his eyes: "It's good, I can go home with peace of mind when the vaccine research is successful."

Hearing this, Feng Lin's eyes fell on his face.

Yang Yiqin looked back with a slight smile.

"go home together?"

"Well, let's go home together."


Good news from the lab.

——The zombie virus vaccine has finally been successfully developed.

At the same time, the solvent for suppressing vines and the spray for killing zombies are just around the corner. It will take less than half a month at most for the researchers to develop the finished product.

Once the news was released, all survivors were shocked.

Because they all understand that researching vaccines is a very difficult thing, and they heard that it is necessary to find the origin of the zombie outbreak.But they never knew that the origin of the zombies had been found, let alone that the base had sent people to that place and brought back key samples for research.

I also know that the birthplace must be an extremely dangerous place.

The vaccine has only been researched and has not yet been mass-produced, but the Beishi base decided to hold a morning meeting for this purpose.After all, the reason why they released the news was to encourage the survivors in the base and let them see the hope of the end of the world.

At the same time, this news was also passed on to other regions in Huaguo; it was even passed on to overseas bases through the experts stationed at the Haicheng base.

This is a major event that all mankind has been looking forward to.

Six o'clock in the morning.

On the playground of the Beishi base.

Before the morning meeting started, the playground of the prison was already crowded with densely packed survivors, and everyone's faces were filled with joy, sharing the good news they had just learned with each other.

At this time, dozens of hideous and terrifying zombies came from outside the base. The gunfire broke the silence and peace of the morning, but it did not dispel the joy of the survivors.

Because they all know that this situation will not last long.

The time came to 06:30.

Lao Yuan walked to the front of the crowd, took out the loudspeaker in the radio room, and looked up into the crowd.After a while, Academician Chen and General Zheng walked over and stood beside Lao Yuan.

Seeing this, the survivors on the playground were all silent.

The scene suddenly became extremely quiet.

Lao Yuan picked up the loudspeaker and said with a smile: "You are too self-conscious, I, the 'host', haven't had time to speak yet."

The crowd laughed.

Lao Yuan laughed again and said: "Since everyone knows the summary of the previous situation, I will stop talking nonsense and let General Zheng and Academician Chen explain the situation to everyone."

After speaking, he handed the megaphone to General Zheng.

General Zheng said with a smile: "We held this morning meeting today to officially tell everyone that our researchers have indeed developed a vaccine for the zombie virus."

As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause on the playground.

Some people were so excited that their hands were swollen from patting, and they were so excited that tears almost came out of their eyes.

General Zheng handed the loudspeaker to Academician Chen, and chuckled: "Look, everyone wants to know the specific situation, so I won't say much, Mr. Chen, please tell everyone quickly."

"Alright." Academician Chen looked a little older, but his eyes were full of vitality and joy, "Then let me report to everyone about the current research progress of our laboratory."

Hearing this, everyone consciously stopped applauding.

Academician Chen said slowly: "The zombie virus vaccine that everyone is most concerned about, we already have the finished product on hand, and there is no problem with the effect. I think everyone will ask, when will everyone have vaccine reagents? This will take one step." The pace is coming slowly. Do you still remember the last time we made the serum? This time it is the same, the base will choose willing and suitable survivors to join the team that makes the vaccine, and try to speed up the production."

When everyone heard this, they raised their arms high.

"Academician Chen, choose me! I'm careful!"

"Choose me! I work hard!"

"Choose me choose me..."


Academician Chen stretched out his hand and stopped everyone's enthusiastic self-recommendations.

He smiled and said kindly: "I know that everyone is very excited and wants to participate in the production of vaccines, but the screening will be left to the base. I will only report the progress of the laboratory to you here."

The old man signaled everyone to keep quiet.

Academician Chen then continued: "As for the spray to eliminate zombies, it will take about half a month before the laboratory can develop a final product. However, the production method of the spray is relatively simple, as long as the effect of the finished product is not wrong. , we can put it into mass production immediately. At that time, we can organize a helicopter fleet to spray chemicals and wipe out a large number of zombies wandering in the city."

Knowing that they shouldn't interrupt Academician Chen's speech, the survivors on the playground still couldn't hold back their excitement and applauded frantically after hearing what the academician said.

Academician Chen understood their feelings, so he didn't stop them.

Finally, the applause became sparse.

Academician Chen went on to say: "Finally, it's about the solvent that inhibits the vines - when we are all injected with the zombie virus and wiped out most of the zombies in the world, one day we will return to the cities we used to live in and rebuild human civilization .Until then we have to protect buildings in urban and rural areas."

Someone couldn't help asking loudly: "Academician Chen, how long will it take to study this?"

"It will take about a month." Academician Chen replied, "And as long as the manpower is in place, mass production is not a problem."

Afterwards, the crowd asked many more questions.

Academician Chen was very patient and answered them one by one.

The more they understand the research progress of the laboratory, the more joyful the survivors' faces are, and they no longer have previous worries and fears.They struggled for a year in the last days, lost their homes and lost countless relatives and friends.

Finally...the dawn is coming.

After Academician Chen finished speaking, he handed the PA equipment back to General Zheng.

After General Zheng took it, he said solemnly: "I understand everyone's joy and joy, and I understand that everyone is grateful to all the researchers, but there is one more thing, I hope you can know-the reason why the research in the laboratory can be fruitful, I would also like to thank the countless heroes who relentlessly searched for the original virus, without their bravery, there would be no research progress in the laboratory."

Academician Chen on the side nodded in agreement.

Someone asked curiously: "...Who are they all?"

"Yeah, who are they? Why haven't we heard of this before?"

General Zheng called Qian Guowei up.

Qian Guowei held a piece of paper in his hand. He took over the position of General Zheng and continued the topic just now: "What I hold in my hand is the list of all the soldiers who participated in the operation. They landed on the zombie The island where the virus originated, completed this dangerous task."

Immediately afterwards, he told the survivors on the playground the ins and outs of the Hubian Island incident in detail.

At first, the survivors were bewildered, but it didn't take long for them to burst into tears as they listened.From Qian Guowei's narration, they understood the necessity of landing on the island, and they also understood that when they didn't know, someone shouldered the hope of mankind and brushed past death again and again.

"The people I'm reading below are all those who performed their missions without fear of danger during the island landing operation: Zhao Minghua, Lin Ming...Hao Ping, Liu Hu. Some of them are from the Beishi base, and some are from distant lands. Haicheng base, but they are all tough and courageous without exception."

"Here, we would like to especially thank Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin."

Speaking of this, Qian Guowei set his sights on the two young people in the crowd—the two were tall and straight, with handsome faces, and they had a decisive and decisive aura, and they were always particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

Everyone else turned their heads and looked at the two of them.

Qian Guowei continued: "As early as the beginning of the establishment of the base, they have provided assistance to the base countless times, and saved ordinary people from fire and water countless times. At the same time, they are also the most important part of this mission. It is no exaggeration In other words, if it weren't for the existence of the two of them, the mission to land on the island would not have achieved such a complete success."

"Therefore, the base decided to present awards to all the heroes who participated in landing on the island, as well as all scientific researchers, to thank them for their contributions to solving the end of the world. In addition, a special award will also be given to Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin."

Qian Guowei first awarded the award to other people, then looked at Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, and signaled them to come and take this special award.


Yang Yiqin had never heard the news in advance.

He and Feng Lin looked at each other, and found that the other party's eyes were also a bit dazed.

The two looked at each other, without moving for a while.

Qian Guowei has already stretched out his hand towards them, raised the corners of his lips, and said jokingly: "Come on, come up quickly! Now our base will represent all mankind, and we will present awards to you two human heroes."

Good news brings a good mood.

Wang Che, Li Qiao and others were also standing in the crowd on the playground. They also did not know about the landing on Hubian Island, but this did not prevent them from admiring the abilities of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, and thanking their brother Yang and Feng Lin for their "treasure swords". You are not old", unexpectedly quietly made such a big thing.

Wang Che was the first to clap his hands and shouted: "My brother Yang! My brother Feng! They are all our heroes!"

Li Qiao hurriedly followed the rhythm, her eyes glowed with excitement——

"Brother Yang! Brother Feng!"

Even Dr. Wang Yumin, who has always been prudent, shouted, not to mention Liao Wei and Huang Ying who were willing to join in the fun.

As if in a fire, the survivors below erupted into thunderous applause, shouting the "nicknames" of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin in unison.

"Brother Yang!"

"Brother Feng!"



Yang Yiqin was helpless.

Feng Lin was expressionless.

Instigated by everyone's kindness, the two walked to the front of the crowd, but the shouting still didn't stop.

Qian Guowei is like watching a good show.

He handed the PA equipment to Yang Yiqin: "Come on, come and say something to everyone."

Wang Che quickly motioned everyone to keep their voices down so as not to interrupt Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin's speech.The survivors cooperated very well and fell silent immediately, their curious eyes fell on the two people in the middle.

Difficult to get off, Yang Yiqin had no choice but to take over the loudspeaker equipment, and he looked at Feng Lin who was on the side.

Feng Lin leaned forward and said, "Thank you everyone."

Then he took the PA equipment and wanted to return it to Qian Guowei who was watching the show.

Wang Che applauded enthusiastically: "Good!"

Li Qiao and Huang Ying on the side suddenly linked arms, leaning forward and backward with laughter.

Qian Guowei did not reach out to pick it up, showing a disapproving expression, and said with a smile: "Is it just like this? Today is a great day that can be recorded in the annals of human history. Shouldn't you make some long speeches about your acceptance?"

Everyone followed suit.

Yang Yiqin said softly, "Then let me say a few words."

Everyone keep quiet.

"Actually—" Yang Yiqin slightly raised his beautiful eyebrows, his eyes were clear and clear, "I don't want to be a hero."

There was a good-natured laugh from below.

"Although Captain Qian always praised Feng Lin and me, at the beginning we just wanted to survive by ourselves. We are far from General Zheng, Academician Chen, Captain Qian, Comrade Shi... and even all the people who built and guarded the national base. , so selfless. I am very grateful to Captain Qian for his affirmation, but there is no need to praise the two of us too much, they are the real heroes.”

Hearing this, the survivors on the playground suddenly stopped booing, and instead showed contemplative and moved expressions.

"I'm not much of a hero." Yang Yiqin smiled, "At first, I just wanted to keep the people I love and the people who love me alive; later, I wanted to keep my family and friends safe, and let the people in the last days live. Unknown people who don’t know each other can survive.”

"I believe that you feel the same way."

After speaking, he looked around at everyone on the playground.

The base was extremely quiet in the early morning, and everyone was affected by Yang Yiqin's words, recalling the experience of the past year or so.The reason why they are here now is because the national base has never thought of abandoning anyone, no matter men, women or children.

Yang Yiqin's clear and pleasant voice continued to echo in the playground——

"The most difficult time is about to pass. I hope that after many years, human beings will still exist on the earth."

"At that time, our future generations will definitely mention this period of history and the 'end of the world' that exists in imagination. What do you think they will say about us now?"

The crowd was silent.

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly.

"I think they will laugh and say that although our predecessors took some detours, they finally overcome the predicament of the dead end, so we have the peace and tranquility we have now."

A month later.

The other two studies mentioned by Academician Chen were equally successful.

The author has something to say:

It's over~

Next, there will be a few chapters about returning home and extra chapters after x years, and then the full text can be concluded.

Volume 1 Extra Story

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