poor road [end times]

Chapter 148 Landing on the Island

In the past period of time, Academician Chen's team used all the materials at hand to prepare special combat equipment for everyone involved in the mission to land on the island.Each set of equipment is tailor-made according to height and body type after obtaining personal body data.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin got their equipment.

They touched the surface of the clothes, and they could clearly feel that the material was different from ordinary clothes, and the outside seemed to be covered with a special material.The gas mask has also been modified, the breathing port used as a filter has been lengthened, and the shape is very strange.

Yang Yiqin looked through the equipment carefully, and found that the side of the gas mask and the conspicuous position on the shoulder of the combat uniform were all sewn with his name and a serial number.He lightly touched Feng Lin's hand, turned his head to check the opponent's equipment, and found that the opponent's equipment was also sewn with a name and number.

Other soldiers preparing for war also saw those characters.

Academician Chen noticed everyone's doubts, and slowly opened his mouth to answer the doubts: "The concentration of zombie virus on Hubian Island is too high. The samples taken by the Haicheng base came from the area near the island's airspace, and the foreign experts brought over only the outer perimeter of the building. So far, we don’t know the specific situation in the pharmaceutical factory. I predicted the concentration in the laboratory and found that no matter how active your mutated cells are, they may mutate when they enter.”

Everyone sat upright and listened carefully.

"The serum production method of foreign experts is different from ours. They extracted the ingredients of special plants on the island and added them to the serum. The laboratory used the fastest speed to analyze those distinctive ingredients and deduce that the wild growth outside There is a similar cellular organization in vines."

"Therefore, based on this understanding, we have improved the blue reagent and zombie virus serum to make them have stronger effects. At the same time, we have also attached special medicine to the gas masks and combat uniforms, which can counteract the effect to a certain extent. The high-concentration zombie virus attack can also make zombies far away from you ignore your existence."

Ignore existence?

Yang Yiqin remembered the scientific lunatic who founded the cult.

In this way, there should be something extracted from the zombie on the clothes.However, he remembered that Dr. Liang did an experiment later, which proved that this method would be greatly reduced in the face of fusion zombies, and the laboratory must have optimized it.

Academician Chen has said everything he wanted to say.

In the end, his heart was extremely heavy: "I hope everyone... can return safely."

As soon as Academician Chen finished speaking, General Zheng stood up beside him.He looked around at this group of heroic warriors who looked at death like home, with a solemn and serious expression, and gave the final order.

"Get ready to go, head to the Haicheng base."


The group had already made preparations. After getting their respective equipment, they immediately put on the tailor-made combat uniforms, put the gas masks in their backpacks, and headed to the Haicheng base under the leadership of the former king.

Dr. Liang, as he himself said, will also participate in this island landing operation.

He also took a set of exclusive combat equipment.

When Academician Chen found out about this, he was silent for a long time, and finally turned his back and told him to be careful.

As soon as the group approached the Haicheng base, they saw the group of zombies at the outermost edge of the base.

Overlooking the "grand event" below from the air, the concentration of zombies is chilling. Those terrifying monsters swarmed in, and the battle was obviously bigger than last time.Countless soldiers stood on the container as the third line of defense, holding heavy weapons to attack the fused zombies trying to climb over the barbed wire, and rotting flesh and blood scattered inside and outside the barbed wire.

After a chaotic battle, every gap in the iron net was covered with rotten meat, and the ground was covered with a layer of red and black soft rotten objects.

Even so, some monsters still climbed over the first defense and came under the brick wall.

There are survivors in the brick wall who are struggling to carry the bricks, working together to heighten and strengthen the second line of defense, so that the zombie tide must not have a chance to overcome the second line of defense.In the base not far away, some people are farming, fishing, and some are building forts and houses... Everyone is in a hurry with solemn expressions.

The arrival of summer drives zombies crazy, and gradually makes many human bases unable to do what they want.

Everyone looked at the battle below, and they all held their breath in their hearts.

The survivors cheered when they saw a row of armed helicopters approaching.

They didn't know the actions of the soldiers, they just thought that the armed helicopters that came to Haicheng were the same military support as before.Even if they saw the helicopters flying to the islands in the depths of the ocean not long after, they would still think that they were going to conduct preliminary surveys.

Wu Zhi's team landed on the open space designated by Meng Zheqi.

Even though the group flew directly from the Beishi base and did not even touch their feet during the flight, they still underwent a full-body inspection according to the rules.After confirming that there was no danger, Meng Zheqi led them to the large conference room at the land base.

In the conference room, the fighters selected from the Haicheng base had been waiting for a long time.

Among them, in addition to more than 20 new faces, there is also a ten-member team that flew to the vicinity of the island before.They have already been to Hubian Island once, and they can navigate this operation and speed up the completion of the mission.

Dr. Liang brought more than 30 sets of combat uniforms.

As soon as he entered the conference room, he asked people to distribute the items to each soldier, and explained in detail the purpose of the combat uniform.

After Dr. Liang finished speaking, Meng Zheqi walked to the center of the conference room.He glanced at the most elite fighters of the two bases, and explained to everyone a series of plans for landing on the island.

"Tomorrow at six o'clock in the morning, we will go to Hubian Island. Our goal is to land on the island, take out the original zombie virus in the laboratory of the pharmaceutical factory, and stop the continued spread of the zombie virus. Academician Chen will divide you according to your physical condition. It became two teams, some of them will drive a helicopter to pick up near the island, and the other will need to carry out more dangerous missions to land on the island. In addition, there will be a small warship parked in the waters outside Hubian Island, which can be temporarily used as a helicopter A resting place."

"The next people I read are the names of the people who landed on the island—"

"Liu Hu."


"Zhang Qingming."


Every time Meng Zheqi called out a person's name, that person would give a vigorous response. Everyone had the words duty-bound written on their faces, and they were not afraid of the dangers that might be encountered during the mission.

Meng Zheqi continued to read the names of the people who landed on the island.

"Hao Ping."


"...Yang Yiqin, Feng Lin."

Yang Yiqin's eyes were clear and firm.

Feng Lin's eyes were quiet.

The two of them spoke in unison and answered "Yes" sonorously and forcefully.

After reading the list of twenty people who landed on the island, Meng Zheqi looked at the two of them: "You are the only ordinary people in the team, and you are also the most suitable people to enter the room with high concentration of zombie virus. Thank you for your willingness to cooperate with us. This action."

Yang Yiqin just shook his head slightly.

Knowing the internal situation of Hubian Island and knowing that this operation is closely related to the future of mankind, he certainly cannot sit idly by.

Meng Zheqi looked away and continued with the next speech——

"You must have known the importance of this island landing operation for a long time."

"Today, survivors from all parts of the country are busy building our new homes to defend against those terrible monsters. They have survived the predicament of the past year, and they are always looking forward to the dark clouds of the end of the world being blown away. Walking on the bustling streets with ease and joy without worrying about the evolution of zombies and the collapse of buildings."

"They don't know what happened on Hubian Island, and they don't know that human beings may face a catastrophe. What we have to do is to eliminate this catastrophe, so that survivors across the country can continue to live with hope."

"Many years from now, the survivors may know what's coming tomorrow."

"At that time, I hope they are celebrating the great victory of the landing operation, rather than remembering the countless compatriots who died in the disaster."

Hearing this, everyone breathed heavily.

Meng Zheqi also said: "You are the most elite, the best, and the people with the strongest combat literacy in the two large bases of Beishi and Haicheng. Apart from you, we can't find anyone else who can land on the island. This also means that Once your actions fail, humans may no longer be able to find a second batch of people who can land on the island, and we can only watch the zombie virus sweeping the world for the second time."

"Therefore, in this operation, to get the original zombie virus sample and prevent the zombie virus from leaking, one of them must be completed."

"Are you confident?"

The crowd shouted in unison——

"Have confidence!!"

"Then... trouble you."

When he said the last sentence, Meng Zheqi's voice was trembling. He took off his hat, bent down and bowed deeply to everyone.

Everyone present stood up and saluted Meng Zheqi in unison.

They are ready to fight.

Six o'clock the next morning.

Everyone put on protective clothing and gas masks, and a dozen armed helicopters took off on time and flew towards the depths of the ocean.

The other people in the Haicheng base were still fighting against the invasion of zombies. When they saw the helicopter flying towards the ocean, they just glanced at it and continued to focus on what they were doing.

Although they don't know the seriousness of this mission, when the helicopter comes back, they will still go to the deck to welcome the soldiers triumphantly.

Everyone is equipped with communication equipment, so that they can contact any teammate in time.The device is like a delicate earphone, the sound can only be heard by the wearer, even if there are zombies wandering around them, it will not attract the attention of those zombies.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin sat side by side in a helicopter in the front.

During the flight to Hubian Island, Yang Yiqin thought of his parents and fellow villagers in Yang Village, Haohe County.Everyone who performed the task had written a suicide note in advance, and the two of them were no exception.

He left letters to Father Yang, Mother Yang, Uncle Zhang and the village head.

Feng Lin wrote letters to Father Yang and Mother Yang.

However, they don't know the contents of the letters they wrote to each other, because they will both do their best to get back alive.After the task is completed, they will take out the letter, read it to Father Yang and Mother Yang face to face, and tell each other about this dangerous mission with a smile.

When people get along for a long time, you can judge each other's happiness just by looking at their backs.

Although Yang Yiqin was wearing a gas mask, Feng Lin still sensed his mood, so he held his right hand silently.

Yang Yiqin looked at him and frowned.

The voice of the pilot came from the communication device: "We are approaching Hubian Island, we are approaching Hubian Island. Please prepare for all landing personnel, we will drop you off at a relatively safe location close to the pharmaceutical factory."

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"


All are ready.

The pilot continued: "When you complete the mission, please send us a message in time and inform us of your specific location. Even if you run away during the mission, we will take every living person back to the helicopter. "

After speaking, he took the lead and drove to the conspicuous island in the center of the ocean.

Yang Yiqin overlooked the small island below.

The size of the island was not too big, and he could see a few conspicuous buildings in the center of the island at a glance. There were groups of zombies wandering aimlessly on the roofs and open spaces.There are almost no ordinary zombies in the group of zombies, at least two zombies are fused together, and countless fused into balls.

This phenomenon made Yang Yiqin think of other things.

Until now, every fusion zombie they have seen has been "spliced" together because of their physical incompleteness. Have all the zombies on the island been injured?

Considering that Hubian Island was once hit by a tsunami, it seems that this possibility is not impossible.

Flight spotters found a suitable landing site—

"Attention! Attention! We are about to approach Hubian Island, all boarding personnel are asked to prepare for battle!"

"Roger that!"

As soon as the flight observer finished speaking, several helicopters immediately flew in completely opposite directions.

They are troops that confuse the zombies, fly as close to the island as possible, and use the loud noise of the helicopter propellers and loudspeakers to lure the zombies on the island away from the landing site, creating the best landing time for the people who land on the island.

Seeing that some of the zombies were led to other directions, the helicopter that landed on the island immediately took the opportunity to stop.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other, and then fastened the buckle of the slow-down rope around his waist.

The twenty fighters quickly slid down the rope one by one, and landed quietly on one of the corners of Hubian Island.

Even though the zombie-attracting helicopters took the lead, the movement on their side still attracted many mutated zombies.Seeing a group of zombies running towards this side, everyone did not dare to stop at all, and ran towards the pharmaceutical factory with weapons in their hands.

After the people landing on the island, there will be three people on each armed helicopter-the pilot is responsible for driving the helicopter, and the other person is responsible for picking up the people on the island; this arrangement is also for the sake of the pilot. During the process of driving the helicopter, once the pilot When there are signs of zombification, the responders can immediately inject them with the zombie virus.

The two bases worked together to prepare for such a long time, naturally taking into account every possible situation.

These helicopters will also take on the responsibility of attracting the attention of the zombies. They fly close to the heads of the zombies at low altitude, successfully attracting most of the firepower, and buying time for Yang Yiqin and others to break into the laboratory of the pharmaceutical factory.

After that, the helicopter will assist the people below to complete the task in the air.

The pilot sometimes attracts firepower, and sometimes provides the people below with the trajectory of the zombies on the island.

Dr. Liang and the foreign experts were also wearing protective clothing, secretly watching the movements of the people below from the helicopter.

Everyone had already discussed the steps to enter the pharmaceutical factory. As the person with the most prominent five senses and the quickest action in the group, Yang Yiqin walked at the forefront of the team, reminding everyone to pay attention to zombies in a certain direction from time to time.

The foreign expert was right, there were no other large mammals on the island.Except for insects and birds, they saw no other animals for a while-this relieved their burden a little.

But they cannot let their guard down.

Because the closer to the zombies in the pharmaceutical factory, the more unaffected they were by the noise of the helicopter, and every time they just glanced lazily at the direction of the helicopter.They seem to like the air around the pharmaceutical factory very much, standing in the park-like open space in front of the pharmaceutical factory, slowly moving their huge and terrifying bodies.

There is a high probability that they are the original viruses spilled from greedy pharmaceutical factories.

Those viruses are making them constantly mutate.

This means that there is a high probability that Yang Yiqin and his party will have to fight those zombies face to face.

Although there were snipers on the helicopter, the heads of those zombies were embedded in the bloated and rotting bodies, and it was difficult to find each head from the air.And as long as there is still a head that can move, the huge body of the fused zombie will not fall down.

The advantage of being undead is too obvious.

Yang Yiqin led a group of people behind him and quietly approached the pharmaceutical factory.

In the communication equipment, the voice of a foreign expert came over: "The laboratory is in the pharmaceutical factory in the middle, and there will be a map of the laboratory inside. The original zombie virus is in the room marked with a red dot. You can just follow the map! "

Yang Yiqin gave a soft "hmm".

They are now hiding in the small woods, using the dense woods and bushes to hide their bodies, and they only need to pass through the woods for a few meters to reach the open space full of fused zombies.

I have to say that the combat uniforms on them are very effective.

According to their previous experience of killing zombies, if humans stood in an open space without any shelter, the zombies at this distance would definitely notice their existence because of the smell of flesh and blood.

This is true of ordinary zombies, let alone fusion zombies.

But right now, those fused zombies didn't notice their existence.

Qian Guowei is also a flight observer, because his physique is more likely to mutate, so he is not suitable for landing on the island.He observed the situation below and said, "Yang Yiqin, there are fewer zombies behind the building, you can go around from the back."

Yang Yiqin nodded.

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, he held the rifle in one hand, and waved towards the people behind him with the other, signaling them to follow his pace.

Everyone followed silently without saying a word.

They bowed their backs and proceeded cautiously under the cover of the dense forest, trying not to make noises that might attract the attention of the zombies.In order to match their movements, the snipers on the helicopter aimed at the group of zombies below and started shooting.

The deafening gunfire and the sound of propellers mixed together, successfully covering up the movement of Yang Yiqin and others walking.

All buildings are surrounded by trees.

They took a long way around and approached the pharmaceutical factory from the back of the woods, intending to enter the pharmaceutical factory through the side door according to the instructions of foreign experts.On the way the group sneaked, occasionally a bird or two would be startled.

Everyone approached the pharmaceutical factory step by step, hope is not far ahead, as long as they enter the pharmaceutical factory, it is considered as a successful first step.

Suddenly, Yang Yiqin stopped in his tracks.

He stood quietly in the woods, listening carefully, as if he was distinguishing something.

Seeing this, Feng Lin immediately signaled the people behind to stop and keep absolutely quiet.Afterwards, he set his eyes on Yang Yiqin, his expression gradually became solemn, his whole body tensed, and he clenched the rifle in his hand.

After about twenty seconds, Yang Yiqin suddenly turned to the depths of the woods and set up his rifle.

"There's something coming from the north."

he said in a low voice.

When the others heard the words, they raised their weapons and moved towards the place Yang Yiqin said.

Although Qian Guowei and the others have an air superiority and can see most of the dangers on the ground, the trees and bushes grow lushly, and the branches and leaves in the depths of the forest block out the sky. If there are zombies hiding in the densest part of the forest, they must could not be detected in time.

At this time, they also slowed down their breathing, for fear of affecting the judgment of Yang Yiqin and his party and dragging them down.

However, everyone waited for a while, but did not see anything approaching, and there was silence in the depths of the woods.Except for Yang Yiqin, no one else even heard any abnormal noises, only the occasional noises made by birds and mosquitoes.

Feng Lin had absolute trust in Yang Yiqin's judgment, and never let down his vigilance; although the others had doubts, they still cautiously looked into the distance and entered a state of preparation for battle.

Yang Yiqin was very calm.

He pricked up his ears and looked into the depths of the jungle without blinking.

After another half a minute, Yang Yiqin suddenly said, "...Here we come."

Hearing his words, everyone held their breath.


The wild bushes in the woods to the north are shaking slightly, and the sound of leaves rubbing against each other echoes in the forest.However, there were no zombies on the other side of the bush that was half a person tall, and the shaking just now seemed to be just an illusion.

Another flock of birds on the tree was startled, and they flew away in all directions. The sound of shaking leaves almost overwhelmed the sound of the bushes, which made it easier for everyone to suspect that the sound just now was just an illusion, and the bushes had never moved.

But everyone knows it's not an illusion.

Because even through the gas masks, they still smelled a disgusting putrid smell, like the smell of corpses that have been rotting indoors for months.However, even after smelling the pungent smell, everyone still couldn't find the source of the smell.

Zombies can never fly over...

Just when they were at a loss, Yang Yiqin suddenly lowered the muzzle of his rifle, pointed at the bottom of the bushes, and whispered: "On the ground!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had already fired, and two loud bangs of "bang" and "bang" echoed in the forest.

The well-trained team looked at the bottom of the bush at the same time - there was a fused zombie wriggling there, but what it fused was not other zombies, but a black cicada embedded in the carrion.

Yang Yiqin calmly retracted the gun, pointing the gun at the depths of the woods again, with a calm and composed voice.

"and also."

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