poor road [end times]

Chapter 147 Preparation

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly followed Qian Guowei to the laboratory at the Beishi base.

Academician Chen and Dr. Liang have been waiting for a long time.

When several people entered the laboratory, Dr. Liang was holding several tubes of strange reagents, dropping them one by one on the glass slide under the microscope for observation.Academician Chen was also analyzing a stack of experimental data, frowning deeply.

And the person standing beside them was Dr. Xu.

"Dr. Xu?" Yang Yiqin looked at her in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Come to deliver the samples, and pass the news to the teacher and Junior Brother Liang by the way."

"News from foreign experts?"

"That's right, that person didn't dare to be away from the other two for too long. He only used an excuse of convenience to follow me for half an hour, and then handed me samples of seawater and soil. I hope we can act as soon as possible to remove the original virus on the island." samples, and then completely block the island.”

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin frowned.

They still have doubts about the expert who suddenly turned back.

Dr. Xu is not someone who can be easily persuaded. She chooses to trust the other party. There are only two possibilities—one is that the expert is very sincere and moved her; the other is that the matter the other party said is so urgent that she has to Pay attention to.

Yang Yiqin guessed it should be the latter.

So he asked, "What happened on the island?"

Dr. Xu frowned: "As we guessed at the beginning, these experts were indeed the first to participate in the experiment. They were studying an undiscovered plant. A special substance was found in the plant, which can promote cell growth. Splitting and reorganizing, pharmaceutical companies want to use that plant to develop specific medicines for incurable diseases, so that they can make a lot of money..."

"The expert said that he did not agree with the company's experiment at the beginning, but they signed the contract long ago, and he knew too much inside information. The company refused to let him go, and if he wanted to leave, he would have to pay sky-high liquidated damages. There is also the possibility of being arrested for leaking company secrets."

"In the end, he had to get involved in the company's pharmaceutical operations."

Feng Lin looked disdainful: "He said so many irrelevant things, he should just want to shirk his responsibility."

"It's hard to say." Dr. Xu continued, "It doesn't matter whether this matter is true or not, as long as more than half of what he said later is true, then we must treat it with the most rigorous attitude."

Feng Lin asked: "What?"

Dr. Xu replied: "Plants, tsunamis, meteorites, solar eclipses, and later human intervention... All kinds of conditions superimposed together caused the disaster that the zombie virus swept the world. As the center of the disaster, the situation on Hubian Island was the worst. The monsters have shown signs of fusion in the early days of the end of the world. There were originally more than a thousand people on the island, but only a few dozen people escaped in the end, and they were basically high-level and important scientific researchers."

"The reason why several foreign experts are timid and fearful is because the people on Hubian Island were all killed by them. Those people turned into monsters and almost tore them apart in the early days of the end of the world; when they landed on the island again later , and almost no one survived.”

"The person who killed him?" Yang Yiqin narrowed his eyes, "Is it someone from the pharmaceutical company, or..."

He spoke halfway, but everyone present understood the deep meaning of his words.

——If you want to do a successful experiment, you must always use a test subject.If the so-called special medicine for curing human terminal diseases is only tested on animals, the desired effect will not be obtained at all.

Dr. Xu's expression was compassionate: "There are all of them."

Yang Yiqin took a shallow breath.

Feng Lin's eyes became colder and colder.

Even though Qian Guowei had already known these things first, he would still feel very angry when he heard them again.The same is true for other scientists in the lab, but they are too busy to express their anger.

Finally, Dr. Liang finished his work.

He handed over the new experimental data to Academician Chen, and said: "So the whole story is very clear. Pharmaceutical companies are running amok on the private island for money and profit. Because of their various behaviors, the present apocalyptic crisis has been caused. , pushing human beings into a desperate situation. But as the situation became more and more serious, they could no longer solve the troubles they encountered by themselves—or, in other words, they needed heavy losses to solve it, so they tried to ask for foreign help.”

Dr. Xu nodded: "It probably means that, we are the foreign aid."

Academician Chen analyzed the report in his hand, and the furrow between his brows was extremely deep: "From these data... what the expert said about the end of the world is mostly true."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked puzzled.

Academician Chen sighed lightly.

He took off his reading glasses, rubbed his temples, and looked extremely tired: "The expert told Xiao Xu that the concentration of the original zombie virus on Hubian Island is increasing now, because the experimental results made by a group of scientific researchers in the factory of the pharmaceutical company, It is constantly leaking and infiltrating into the rock formations of the meteorite island, and then polluting the surrounding ocean. If the concentration of the virus reaches a certain level, there will be another tsunami or typhoon, and all human beings will experience a second infection..."

Dr. Liang poured a glass of water for Academician Chen, and continued his words: "At that time, all people whose mutated cell activity is below a certain value will be infected—just like the three soldiers at the Haicheng base."

Yang Yiqin couldn't help pressing the center of his eyebrows: "If there is another large-scale infection, how many people can survive?"

"A conservative estimate, at most 5.00%." ​​Dr. Liang replied, "Moreover, this data only analyzes people who may become zombies, and has not analyzed the data of zombies biting uninfected people."

Yang Yiqin pondered: "Based on this calculation, [-]% or even less is possible."

Dr. Liang nodded.

Feng Lin asked: "Does General Zheng already know?"

"Understood." Dr. Xu said, "After we communicated with General Zheng first, we entered the Beishi Laboratory under his leadership and found the teacher and Junior Brother Liang."

Yang Yiqin turned his gaze to Academician Chen: "Academician, you said before that if you want to develop a vaccine for the zombie virus and a method to inhibit the growth of weird vines, you should go to Hubian Island. Now we have soil samples from the island , do you need other samples?"

A sad look appeared on Academician Chen's face: "I still need a sample of the original zombie virus."

Dr. Xu explained in a timely manner: "It turns out that the original virus is a product of man-made and accidental manufacture. When we first studied the virus, we felt that the structure of the virus did not seem to be something that formed naturally. The reason why those experts would come again Landing on the island was also to recover the original virus and find a solution to the zombie virus. However, they failed. The concentration of the virus on Hubian Island was increasing day by day. Coupled with the monster's breath, they died before they got close to the laboratory. personal."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin looked at her: "Did that expert tell you the location of the original virus?"

"Speaking of which, they are all in the laboratory of the pharmaceutical factory." Dr. Xu said, "There is a glass container with a ceiling in the laboratory, which is filled with the original zombie virus. After the island was baptized by the tsunami, the huge glass container There's been a leak, and now it's unknown how much solvent is left..."

"What if I make it myself?" Yang Yiqin continued to ask, "Aside from environmental factors such as tsunamis, solar eclipses, and meteorites, shouldn't the original zombie virus be a solvent made by them using special plants?"

Dr. Xu shook his head decisively: "It won't work."

Yang Yiqin was puzzled: "Why?"

"Foreign experts also have the same idea - if they can't get into the laboratory of a pharmaceutical factory, they will pick special plants and make the original virus, and then make a vaccine from the original virus." Dr. Xu said with a serious expression, "But they landed on the island Immediately afterwards, it was discovered that the special plants on the island... had all withered."


"That's what he said. Although there are many crises on the island, they still spend time around the island for several weeks just to need special plants. If they didn't find it, they wouldn't have to enter the laboratory."

Academician Chen put on his reading glasses again and said: "This is a situation with only one solution. If we want to completely solve the threat posed by the zombie virus, we must find the original zombie virus. And even if we give up the development of the zombie virus vaccine, consider the human Coexisting with mutated zombies for a long time, as long as the original virus continues to leak into the rock formations and the sea, human beings will still face devastating disasters sooner or later."

Qian Guowei also said in a heavy tone: "Human beings really can't afford a bigger trial."

"So——" Yang Yiqin's eyes were firm and clear, "We must go to the pharmaceutical factory on Hubian Island."

"Yes, we must go," Dr. Xu said, "and before the virus leaks out."

Feng Lin said, "There is another problem here."

Everyone else looked at him.

Academician Chen asked: "What's the problem?"

"Landing on the island, one is to prevent the original virus from leaking, and the other is to obtain samples of the original virus." Feng Lin said slowly, "Then how many samples are needed, and how to prevent the leak? According to the instructions of those foreign experts It is said that there are many crises on the island now, and it is difficult for people to get close to the factory's laboratory, and it will only be more difficult to transport things."

"I've thought about what you said." Academician Chen said, "After the end of the world, no one has entered the factory, and no one knows what's going on there. Foreign experts said that the glass left the cracks, so the virus leaked. problem, but he can’t guarantee the size of the crack. It’s definitely unrealistic to use people to block it, and using tools increases the difficulty of entering the laboratory—and I want to minimize the difficulty of the task.”

Speaking of this, Academician Chen walked to the experimental table and took out a tube of reagents: "So, I want to use fire to fight fire."

Feng Lin raised his eyebrows.

Yang Yiqin was puzzled: "What do you mean by fighting poison with poison?"

"We already know that during the evolution of zombies, a white membrane will grow, and the combination of the white membrane will give birth to the so-called fusion zombie. In the past period of time, we have devoted all our efforts to research this kind of white membrane, and successfully simulated the white membrane. production."

With that said, Academician Chen handed the reagent in his hand to Yang Yiqin.

Yang Yiqin took it and checked the reagent in the test tube with Feng Lin. The reagent showed a clear light blue color.

Academician Chen continued to explain: "This reagent is the final experimental result of our team - when the solvent is in contact with a high concentration of zombie virus, a tough white film will quickly grow. The higher the concentration of the virus, the tougher and denser the white film will be. Just be strong."

The two of them got through at once.

Yang Yiqin asked: "Use reagents to 'sew up' broken glass?"

"'Sewing'? It's easy to say." Academician Chen nodded, "I think so."

Dr. Liang took back the reagents in their hands and put them in the iron box properly: "It is not difficult to load several reagents on one person, and the laboratory does not need too many primitive zombie viruses. One person can fill a box of test tubes." That's fine. After installing the virus, immediately use the blue reagent to 'sew' the glass, then immediately escape from the laboratory of the pharmaceutical factory and fly back to the Haicheng base."

"Those who perform the task must carry the serum of the zombie virus with them." Dr. Xu continued, "In addition, the task must be completed as soon as possible. It is best to complete the operation from landing to the outlying island within one day, because the virus concentration in the laboratory is lower than that outside the laboratory." Dozens of times more than that, someone may turn into a zombie on the spot every minute and every second later. After the team returns, the Haicheng base will immediately check the bodies of the people performing the task, and pay close attention to their physical conditions within 72 hours to ensure that there will be no mutations. "

This must be the most critical task since the last days.

If it succeeds, mankind will be reborn; if it fails, mankind will surely perish.

After talking here, Qian Guowei turned his attention to Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin: "The base needs your help, but this time...we can't guarantee that there will be no danger."

Knowing the whole story of the incident clearly, Yang Yiqin felt that he had shouldered an unprecedented burden.

Feng Lin remained silent and only looked at Yang Yiqin.

Qian Guowei added: "I don't want to persecute or kidnap you. After all, even if the original zombie virus is completely leaked, the two of you will probably be able to escape. You have the right to choose. But standing on the base and other survivors From the perspective, I still want to ask you once."

All eyes were on the two of them.

Dr. Xu has seen their physical data, and she is [-]% sure that there is no more suitable person than them in the entire Haicheng base.In addition, she could infer from the words of Dr. Liang and Qian Guowei that there was no one in Beishi base who could surpass them.

After what seemed like a long time, Yang Yiqin suddenly frowned.His smile was warm and hearty, so bright that it dazzled people's eyes, and his voice was as clear and pleasant as ever: "Captain Qian doesn't need to be so serious, I have already decided to go."

Afterwards, Feng Lin expressed his opinion without hesitation.

"I'll go as well."

Qian Guowei was speechless and could only pat them heavily on the shoulder.

Yang Yiqin smiled and said: "Although everyone thinks that I can survive, if the zombie virus sweeps the earth for the second time, my family and friends may not be spared. Now is not the time to back down."

Qian Guowei's eyes were determined.

"I'll go too."

Feng Lin asked: "Do you still want to be with those experts?"

"No." Dr. Xu replied, "Only with the person who told us the truth, and he refused to approach the island, only willing to use the walkie-talkie to help in the air."

Hearing this, Academician Chen thought of something, and suddenly said: "Speaking of the air...Last night, General Zheng asked me if it was possible for people to drive fighter planes and Wuzhi to approach the island and bomb the monsters on the island. I rejected this proposal. , because the bombing may speed up the leak of the original zombie virus, and even speed up the process of the virus sweeping the world for the second time. So... After you go down, you will have to face thousands of monsters."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "I already know it in my heart."

Qian Guowei said: "I am also ready."

Feng Lin clasped Yang Yiqin's wrist in front of everyone, and said frankly: "I'm not ready, because I will put Yang Yiqin's safety first while performing the task."

He called Yang Yiqin by his full name, which is enough to show how decisive his attitude was.

Qian Guowei didn't say anything.

Academician Chen looked at these young juniors, and thought of the students who generously died for him in the early days of the end of the world. His heart was filled with endless sadness and intolerance: "Although the situation is serious, we cannot fight unprepared. Before leaving, I must I will do my best to find ways to reduce the difficulty of the task."

Yang Yiqin advised him: "Your body is more important."

For several months, the non-stop experimental research day and night has already exhausted Academician Chen.If this continues, Academician Chen will be sick before they set out to carry out the mission.

Academician Chen smiled and replied in the words of the other party.

"Don't worry, I know it too."

Regarding the matter of Hubian Island, the base did not leak any information to the outside world.

The survivors in the base, as usual, exercise hard every day, do tasks, and exchange supplies. Although difficulties and dangers often come, they still believe that human beings are about to usher in a bright and beautiful future.

The same is true for other safe areas across the country.

While the survivors hope for a better future, many are silently busy resisting a human catastrophe.

Academician Chen and General Zheng of the Beishi Base are constantly holding meetings to secretly plan a plan to land on Hubian Island.The person in charge of the Haicheng base did not dare to rest for a moment—Dr. The laboratory can come in handy.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin will go to the laboratory to test their physical parameters every day to ensure that they can maintain the best condition and prepare for landing on Hubian Island.They were not the only ones who wanted to enter the laboratory of the pharmaceutical factory. Both the Haicheng base and the Beishi base selected the most elite teams to act with them.

These individuals will also be involved in testing.

A few days later, Dr. Xu came again and handed over the serum he got from foreign experts to Academician Chen.Compared with them, foreign experts were originally scientific researchers in pharmaceutical factories. They had an earlier understanding of viruses and developed serum earlier, which was quite different from their production methods.

It is of great research value.

As if he had found a treasure, Academician Chen immersed himself in the laboratory after getting the serum, doing experiments without sleep or food.If Dr. Liang hadn't been by his side all the time, supervising his diet, his body would have collapsed.

During this period, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin couldn't be busy for the time being.

They can only increase the amount of training every day, raising their physical fitness to a new peak, and the various functions of the body have repeatedly exceeded Dr. Liang's requirements.At the same time, they will still take on some small tasks, but they will not do too dangerous things.

Because for them now, a little injury may affect the entire mission.

During this process, the puppies grow up slowly visible to the naked eye, with new breakthroughs in speed and strength every day.The dumb goose has molted twice, its white feathers and yellow down are mottled, and its temper is becoming increasingly irritable.

They are two little creatures, following behind the tail of the flamboyant Mao Xiaoliu every day, lining up in a row and swaggering through the market.

Whoever sees this combination will stop and play with them in different ways for a while.Even if they didn't get any response, everyone still enjoyed it.

During this time, Huahua often lived in the caves in the scenic area, and it and the big black cat seemed to be training other kittens to dig their own holes.As for the little black cat... because its character is too restless, and it prefers to live around Yang Yiqin, Huahua just let it go.

Time passes day by day.

With the gradual warming of the climate, fusion zombies also appeared in Beishi.

The location of the Beishi base is relatively remote. It is located in a mountain forest with winding roads and guarded by layers of low mountains. For the time being, there is no need to worry about a large number of fusion zombies integrating here, and there will only be a small wave of zombies from time to time.

Under the cover of the heat gun, the small zombie wave couldn't get close to the base at all.

The situation in the Haicheng base is a little worse. The size of the fusion zombies is getting bigger and bigger, and there is no pattern at all.Sometimes, some zombies even jumped over the first barbed wire defense, went to the corner of the brick wall, and hit the wall hard.

Fortunately, Meng Zheqi paid great attention to the defense line of the base, no matter day or night, there were hundreds of people guarding the container, and thus cleared away the zombie tide again and again.

But there are still too many zombies after all.

A steady stream, endless.

Although the Haicheng base has obtained a batch of weapons and ammunition supplies from the Beishi base, it can continue to develop in this form. Meng Zheqi is afraid that one day they will run out of ammunition, and they will have to abandon the road base that they have built so hard, and then return to the base. Go to the ocean.

That is equivalent to nailing another board on the door they just opened.

Knowing their situation, General Zheng sent hundreds of troops to provide firepower and manpower support to the Haicheng base, and told Meng Zheqi earnestly: Wait a little longer.

Just a second.

You will be ready to go to the island in no time.

At the beginning of June, a full year after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the two bases finally made their final preparations.

General Zheng called all the people who landed on the island together, and announced: "Please get ready, we will go to Haicheng base this afternoon, and we will fly to Hubian Island in a team tomorrow morning. Academician Chen's research has made a new breakthrough , the base will prepare a set of special protective suits and gas masks for each of you."

"I hope the mission can be completed smoothly, and I hope you can all come back safely."

The author has something to say:

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