The Haicheng base sent out an elite team.

The team was not large, because Meng Zheqi didn't want them to take risks to land on the island, but only asked them to observe the situation on the island from a distance, investigate whether there really were pharmaceutical companies and zombies on the island, and by the way, send Dr. Xu to the island. Their reagent paper was exposed to the air and brought it back in good condition.

The reagent paper was specially made by Dr. Xu. In order to extract the original zombie virus in the air, it was brought back to the research institute to continue testing the concentration of the virus.

For the sake of caution, even if they didn't know if it would be useful, they still wore gas masks and disinfection equipment when they left. Unfortunately, there was no zombie virus serum available at that time, otherwise there would be another protection.

The morning sun shines on the sparkling sea level.

Two armed helicopters rumbled back from the rising direction of the orange-red sun.

Everyone was very excited, but Meng Zheqi was worried that the returnees might mutate, so he asked someone to use a container to circle a separate isolation area in advance.At this time, someone was standing on top of the ship, directing the armed helicopter to land in the middle of the land separation zone.

Wuzhi flew very smoothly.

It shows that the driver's will and mental state are acceptable, and he should not have encountered any danger.

When the helicopter landed steadily on the ground, the survivors on the deck and on the land all roared with cheers and applause, and the people who ate were choked with excitement.

But Meng Zheqi quickly stopped their actions, because the group of zombies outside the barbed wire heard the cheers of humans, and they became more aggressive than before.

The soldiers stationed on the wall hurriedly shot and killed the excited zombies.

For a time, the base was under fire.

At this time, Dr. Xu, Dr. Liang and others also came over.

Meng Zheqi looked at the other survivors: "I know that you are worried about the safety of our soldiers, so you gathered here. Now that they have returned, I hope everyone can do their own things, and we will leave the rest to us."

"Okay, General Meng has worked hard!"

"Scientists and our soldiers have also worked hard!"

Afterwards, the survivors talked and laughed and left.

Meng Zheqi looked at the others: "Let's go there together, but there is one thing you need to pay attention to. You must stand on the container first. After the inspector confirms that there is no danger, we can directly contact the person who came back."

Everyone nodded.

Afterwards, everyone followed behind him and walked towards the two armed helicopters that were isolated separately.

When the concentration of the original zombie virus reaches a certain level, it may cause secondary mutations in humans.Someone was already standing on the container, directing the people inside to come down one after another, and then carrying two boxes of special potion, spraying it towards the armed helicopter.

Yang Yiqin asked curiously: "Are they spraying disinfectant? It doesn't smell like it."

Dr. Xu explained: "It is a specially made dilution potion, the effect is to dilute the original virus. The method of making the potion is what I heard from those foreign experts. I have done several verification experiments, and the potion does have a certain effect. .”

Yang Yiqin asked: "How is the effect?"

Dr. Xu shook his head helplessly: "To be honest, it's not that big, but it's better than nothing."

"Well." Dr. Liang also said, "We did another experiment in the laboratory last night, and there should be room for improvement in the potion."

Feng Lin said, "It may also be that those few people didn't tell the truth and taught you how to make defective products."

Yang Yiqin narrowed his eyes: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

After all, among the people who landed on the island, only those experts survived, and they must have some cards in their hands.

Dr. Liang on the side hooked his lips.

After spraying the potion, the armed men from Wuzhi jumped down one by one, and waved to everyone on the container—this elite team of ten people came back in full swing.

Meng Zheqi breathed a sigh of relief.

Dr. Xu shouted to them: "Wait a minute, there is a small box where you landed, and there are syringes and small test tubes in the box. Please draw half a tube of blood from each of you, and then we will bring the sample up with a rope. After the mutation occurs, you can leave the quarantine area."

Dr. Liang added: "There are also air samples near Hubian Island, just bring them here."

Hearing this, the people below saluted in unison, and then bent down to get the box at their feet.They took blood samples according to Dr. Xu's request, and handed over the test tubes and samples collected near the island to Dr. Xu and others by rope.

Dr. Xu immediately passed the test tube of the blood sample to the assistant on the side. The samples taken near the small island were not in a hurry to analyze, because the test of the zombie virus in the air was more troublesome.

The assistant took the test tube and hurried back to the laboratory at the land base for testing.

In order to make it easier for scientific researchers to conduct experiments, Meng Zheqi immediately organized everyone to build new laboratories as soon as the defense system of the land base was completed. It took them a month to build several laboratories.

Before the test results came out, the leader of the elite team first reported the work situation to Meng Zheqi and others.

The team leader said angrily: "Report to General Meng, we found a new building on Hubian Island, which contained three factories and two office buildings! Moreover, even though it was far away, we also saw zombies on the island. A class of monsters move!"

Meng Zheqi was stunned: "...what? What does this mean?"

The team leader replied: "Because their appearance is completely out of the scope of human beings, they should all be fusion zombies."

Meng Zheqi hurriedly asked, "Do you have any photos?"

"Yes! But it's not very clear!"

They specially brought a camera and went to the only research institute with a power supply to fully charge it, so as to faithfully record the situation on Hubian Island.But in order to be able to return safely, and hand over all the information they obtained to the base, they never dared to get too close to the island.

Therefore, the captured picture is not very clear.

They put the sealed camera in the basket, and Meng Zheqi lifted the basket up.He took out the camera inside and played back the photos and videos taken by the team leader before.

From the photos and videos, although the island is relatively far away, it can be clearly seen that there are some buildings full of green plants on the island.The vegetation on the small island is lush, and the pharmaceutical factory is located among the lush forests. There are several "monsters" taller than one floor wandering in the open space.

A hundred meters away from the building, there was a large bare space. All the trees in the space had been cut down, and a huge deep hole was dug in the ground. The soil layer was exposed, and the hole was filled with water.

The deep pit should be dug by pharmaceutical companies.

They picked special plants and tested the deep soil, so they suspected that Hubian Island was formed by meteorites.

But other than that, you can no longer see the details below.

The helicopter flew around Hubian Island and took pictures of it from various angles. Although all the monsters in the video data were blurred, all of them were grotesque and did not lose their human appearance at all.

Seeing this video, everyone fell silent.

At least some of what foreign experts said was confirmed, such as the fact that there is a pharmaceutical factory on Hubian Island, and the concentration of zombie viruses in the island is far higher than that in other areas.

As for how high it is, it needs to be tested and speculated.

Yang Yiqin said in a low voice, "Are those foreign experts frightened by these monsters?"

"It should be." Qian Guowei nodded, "Looking at their appearance, they should have little courage. It can also be explained by being scared out of their wits by this kind of thing."

Feng Lin's eyes fell on those buildings, and he said in a deep voice, "Maybe... there are more outrageous things."

Yang Yiqin frowned: "I can't rule out this possibility. Who knows what the factories and offices look like. And since the pharmaceutical company bought the island for the purpose of studying the special plants on the island, there must be relevant research institutes on the island. The things in the research institute..."

Dr. Liang smiled: "You always think the same as me, I'm curious."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin looked at him: "No matter how curious Dr. Liang is, he can't follow us to the island, it's too dangerous."

Dr. Liang smiled without saying a word.

The test results still have to wait for a while, and someone handed warm food to the ten people waiting in the isolation area, telling them to rest and eat first.Foreign experts gave them the specific coordinates of Hubian Island, but without navigation, they could only use a compass to judge the direction, so they flew for a long time and could only rest on the unnamed island on the way.

After a long time, Dr. Xu's assistant walked over quickly.

"Dr. Xu, the test results have come out. The cells in their bodies are normal, and there is no sign of being infected by the zombie virus!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Meng Zheqi waved his hand: "Let our soldiers out!"

The people on the side responded: "Got it!"

Then he took out the key, opened the iron door in the middle of the container, and let the elite team inside walk out of the isolated area.Meng Zheqi led the people out of the container, greeted the ten people at the door, and shook hands with them one by one.

"Thank you for your hard work." Meng Zheqi firmly held their hands. "We will hold another meeting later to record all your experiences on Hubian Island. After the meeting is over, you can rest."

The team leader said: "It's not hard, these are what we should do!"

Dr. Xu also came over, her face was extremely serious, and she promised in a solemn tone: "Don't worry, we will never waste your hard work, and we will definitely produce a result."

At this moment, an accident happened.

The soldier walking at the end suddenly twitched all over his body, and then staggered and fell to the ground. Seeing this, several people around him subconsciously bent down to help him.

Yang Yiqin shouted coldly: "Don't move!"

The few people stopped in response, and a bad premonition emerged in their hearts at the same time.

Afterwards, Yang Yiqin took out the zombie virus serum that he carried with him, rushed towards the soldier with lightning speed, injected the zombie virus serum into the side of the opponent's neck, and then restrained the opponent's movements with his backhand.

The whole process is extremely fast.

It was so fast that everyone didn't react for a while.

After regaining their senses, they hurried up worriedly and checked the situation of the soldier intently.

I saw an abnormal cyan color on his face, his eyeballs gradually became cloudy, and cyan veins ooze from the surface of his skin—it was like a precursor to zombification, and it was different from the normal zombification process.

Fortunately, Yang Yiqin had quick eyes and quick hands, and injected the virus serum into the other party as quickly as possible, which temporarily suppressed the mutation, otherwise he should have become a member of the zombie army by now.

The team leader asked: "General Meng, what should we do now?"

Meng Zheqi calmly analyzed the situation, and ordered: "The other nine people... all tied up first!"

Captain: "Got it!"

The nine people stuffed a ball of cloth into their own mouths.

Afterwards, they took the initiative to turn their backs and waited for others to tie them up.

The man who was mutating had already been clamped by Yang Yiqin's arms, so there was no need to worry about him suddenly turning into a zombie and biting others.Therefore, Dr. Liang squatted down in peace, lifted the other's eyelids to check his condition.

After a while, Dr. Liang said, "Inject a few more serums."

Dr. Xu hurriedly asked: "Can the serum be injected repeatedly?"

"Yes, I have tried." Dr. Liang nodded, "But everyone's constitution is different, so there is no guarantee that it will work."

He is indeed a lunatic, but the premise of his willingness to use himself as an experiment is out of conceit—because he has quietly made complete preparations and firmly believes that his theory will not go wrong.

However, so far, he has not tried this method on other people.

They have no chance of trial and error.

Time waits for no one, and within such a brief conversation, the bluish-gray color on the soldier's face gradually deepened, and his state became even more frightening than before.

Eager to save people, Dr. Xu's heart was broken: "Just do as you say."

Meng Zheqi said in a deep voice, "Please trouble Dr. Liang."

Hearing this, Dr. Liang took out a serum and turned to ask the others: "It's too late to go to the warehouse to get it, who has the serum now?"

Feng Lin stood up: "I have."

Qian Guowei: "Me too."

Several people from Beishi stepped forward.

The reason why they had zombie virus serum on them was that before they left the Beishi base, Academician Chen distributed several serums to each of them, and earnestly told them to pay attention to safety, and it was best to carry the serum with them.

Everyone took out the serum and handed it to Dr. Liang.

Dr. Liang had the experience of injecting himself. While observing the face of the person who was about to mutate, he cautiously pushed the serum into the other person's body.One after another, the zombie virus serum was injected into the blue flesh, and everyone's faces became more and more serious.

Finally, when the fourth dose of serum was pushed in, blood appeared on the man's face again.

Everyone waited with bated breath for a moment.

The other party's eyes regained their clarity, all the bluish purple on his skin faded, and his breathing gradually returned to calm.Yang Yiqin, who was still restraining the man, also felt that the man's body temperature had returned to normal.

Dr. Liang: "It's done."

The soldier slowed down, and begged, "Don't let me go, I'm afraid I will suddenly mutate again..."

Meng Zheqi nodded heavily: "Okay."

Yang Yiqin took out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffed the other party.

Dr. Liang looked at these people and said slowly: "It seems that the original zombie virus is hidden very deep, but the routine blood test can't find any abnormalities. We should bring people to the laboratory now."

"I think so too." Dr. Xu also said, "Other people may also mutate, and we must prevent this from happening."

Meng Zheqi nodded: "Okay, leave the professional work to professional people, so I'll leave it to you." Then, he turned his head to look at Yang Yiqin, and patted him on the arm, "I want to thank you more, thanks You reacted quickly enough to give us time to save lives."

Yang Yiqin shook his head: "General Meng, you are being polite, I hope the soldiers are all right."

After that, they assisted several scientific researchers and sent all the members of the elite team to the research institute.

As the person in charge of the Haicheng base, Meng Zheqi had to pay attention to too many things. After waiting here for a while, he had to deal with other affairs first to ensure the normal operation of the base.

Yang Yiqin and others stayed here.

In addition to them, there is also a group of soldiers from the Haicheng base staying behind.

The soldiers of these elite squads are all first-class fighters. Although they are all tied up with ropes at this time, Dr. Liang and others will not be able to withstand any accidents.

They waited in the laboratory just in case something happened and they could rescue researchers at any time.Fortunately, this is a newly built laboratory, and the room is tall and spacious enough to accommodate so many people.

The team of Dr. Liang and Dr. Xu worked together to check the bodies of the ten-member team and constantly exchanged the detected data with each other.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the rescued soldier showed no other abnormalities.Yang Yiqin and others are not professionals in the industry. They don't understand those professional terms and data analysis, so they stand quietly by the side without disturbing.

After a while, Dr. Liang calmly pointed at one of them: "Be careful, this soldier may mutate."

Dr. Xu on the side compared the various data that had just been tested, and her face was extremely heavy: "... There is also a problem with the data of a soldier here."

Dr. Liang stared: "Get ready to inject serum for them."

Dr. Xu nodded seriously.

"it is good."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin came up to help hold down the two people who might mutate.Because it was only "possible", they had to wait until they really showed signs of mutation before injecting them with serum.

Qian Guowei asked: "If they haven't turned into zombies, inject them with serum...what will happen?"

"It depends." Dr. Liang replied, "Maybe he will die."

Dr. Xu shook his head and sighed softly: "Our understanding of the original zombie virus is really too little."

Everyone waited quietly for more than half an hour, and the two people showed the characteristics of zombies one after another.With the experience of the first person, they injected the serum into the two with ease, pulling them back from the brink of mutation.

Immediately afterwards, everyone waited for another two hours, and neither of them had any other symptoms.Seeing that their condition was stable, the researchers collected another sample of blood and skin tissue, and began a lengthy experimental analysis.

During this process, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin went to the cafeteria to pack several meals and distributed them to the researchers and soldiers in the laboratory.

The research was carried out for two full days. Dr. Liang's face was covered with stubble, and he looked like a middle-aged man in his 40s.Dr. Xu's eyes are also black and blue, his lips are pale and chapped, and the fine lines at the corners of his eyes are clearly visible.

Everyone else was exhausted too.

Dr. Liang sat heavily on the chair and picked up the experimental report in front of him: "In order to ensure the absolute safety of the mission, the ten people who went to Hubian Island were all selected from the Haicheng base with top-notch mutated cell activity. Before they left, The senior sister once sorted their cell activity data, and the three people at the bottom are the three people who mutated two days ago."

Dr. Xu rubbed the center of his brows: "Fortunately, they came back in time, otherwise they would have mutated during the flight..."

Needless to say, everyone can guess what happened next.

Dr. Xu continued: "From this point of view, [-]% to [-]% of what foreign experts told us should be true—including that the virus from the small island can cause a second infection in humans; It can resist the virus with a concentration exceeding the standard on the island."

Qian Guowei frowned: "We must tell Academician Chen the news as soon as possible."

Even though he has been busy for two full days, Dr. Xu is still very organized: "Don't worry, I will organize all the experimental data into materials immediately, which is convenient for the teacher to read. Of course, we will also organize all the samples, and let Junior Brother Liang together Take it with you."

"Then trouble Dr. Xu."

"No trouble."

Dr. Liang was still analyzing the experiment report.

What he held in his hand was the experiment report of the three soldiers who had been injected with overdose of serum, in which there was a comparison of the data before and after the three of them left for Hubian Island, and before and after the serum was injected.

Halfway through, Dr. Liang suddenly rolled up his sleeves and drew a tube of blood from his arm.

The rest of the people were startled when they saw this.

Dr. Xu was puzzled: "Brother Liang?"

Dr. Liang calmly said, "Don't worry, I'll do an experiment."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the experiment table and used his own blood samples to conduct experimental research, raising his pen to record while researching.It didn't take long before he had another experiment report of his own in his hand.

Qian Guowei asked: "Did Dr. Liang discover any problems?"

"Strictly speaking, it shouldn't be a problem." Dr. Liang's eyes flickered abnormally, "Maybe it's a good thing."

People don't know why.

Dr. Liang walked to his suitcase on his own, took out two stacks of A4 papers full of handwriting, put them together with today's experiment report, and observed and compared them.

Qian Guowei became more and more confused: "What is this?"

Dr. Liang replied without raising his head: "It's the physical data of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin."

Hearing this, Qian Guowei was startled: "Are there so many?"

Dr. Liang said calmly: "Because I have organized and backed up the data of every blood test they have taken."

Yang Yiqin: "..."

Feng Lin: "..."

Everyone turned their attention to the two of them.

"I understand the truth." Yang Yiqin said helplessly, "But Dr. Liang...why do you carry it with you?"

While turning over the paper in his hand, Dr. Liang replied calmly: "As the person with the highest cell activity, every piece of experimental data detected from your body is a very important research sample."

Yang Yiqin shook his head, he had no choice but to let him go.

After a while, Dr. Liang suddenly stopped: "Now, there are other important samples."

Yang Yiqin guessed: "Dr. Liang and the three soldiers?"

"That's right." Dr. Liang said slowly, "In order to resist the zombie virus in the laboratory, I once injected myself with an overdose of serum."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "We all know."

"Now—" Dr. Liang raised the corners of his lips, "I want to go to Hubian Island with you."

Yang Yiqin had a flash of inspiration, and immediately thought of the key point.

"The cell activity in your body has also been greatly improved?"


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