Have a meal for a while, and then come to gather when it's time? "

"Go to the deck and wait for the assembly."


At this time, many survivors had gathered on the deck, and some were even eating the steamed buns in their hands.Everyone stood on the east side of the deck, gathered together in groups of three and four, quietly waiting for the red sun to rise above the sea level.

What was even more unexpected was that Meng Zheqi had also come here.

Qian Guowei led the team over and asked, "Is everyone here waiting for the sunrise?"

Meng Zheqi laughed and said, "Not only."

"more than?"

"Many survivors have the habit of waiting for the sunrise on the deck, but they only do this occasionally to seek spiritual comfort for themselves. Generally, so many people will not gather here early in the morning."

Qian Guowei was even more puzzled: "Then what are you waiting for?"

Meng Zheqi's eyes were far-reaching, looking at the distant sky: "Waiting for the returning soldiers."

The golden light of the morning glow dyed the clouds where the sea and the sky meet orange red.

The team heading for Jubian Island has returned.

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