poor road [end times]

Chapter 134 Puppy

"...Is it a laboratory?"

Hearing Qian Guowei's words, Yang's mother suddenly thought of bad things - such as the white bed board, all kinds of strange experimental instruments, and the severed organs soaked in formalin.

At this time, the laboratories of Doctor Strange that often appeared in those TV dramas came to her mind one by one, which made her subconsciously reject this word.

Qian Guowei saw what she was thinking, and quickly comforted her, saying, "Don't worry, we won't do anything that would endanger the health of Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, it's just that the laboratory has finally made new progress. There are signs of solving the zombie virus, but the further research has encountered a bottleneck..."

Mother Yang asked inexplicably: "What's the bottleneck...do I need the two of them to help?"

"Because of some reasons that are temporarily inconvenient to disclose." Qian Guowei did not go further, but simply explained, "Scientists told me that their next experiment needs the cooperation of people with active mutated cells. If it is not theirs, then The sample collection and experimental research could not be completed. But they also promised us that they would not use the bodies of survivors for experiments. I guess they just need them to verify something..."

Mother Yang actually didn't quite understand, but this did not prevent her from understanding that there was no malice in this matter.

The four were silent for a moment.

Yang Yiqin asked, "Excuse me, what kind of inconvenience does this 'inconvenience to disclose' refer to?"

"Because the laboratory has not yet drawn a definite conclusion, it is inconvenient to disclose it-this is what Dr. Liang told me. In fact, I don't know the specific situation, and you may need to communicate with them again."

"When did Dr. Liang say that?"

"Just before I moved the rescuers. Do you remember when I returned to Beishi, I brought back a lot of samples of vines and zombies?"

Yang Yiqin nodded.


He and Feng Lin participated in the collection of the samples.

"As soon as I returned to the Beishi base, I handed over the collected samples to the laboratory, and the researchers immediately started targeted research. Before I led the team, Dr. Liang found me." Qian Guowei slowly The narrative said, "After the bombing operation was a great success, let me call you two back, because he has some conjectures that must be confirmed by people with high mutant cell activity."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other with thoughtful expressions in their eyes.

Qian Guowei knew Dr. Liang's character.

He solemnly promised: "You can rest assured that when Dr. Liang entrusted me, Academician Chen was also listening. With him as a guarantee, Dr. Liang will never make fun of anyone's health."

"I understand." Yang Yiqin nodded, "I believe in Academician Chen."

Hearing this, Mother Yang, who had been silent all this time, asked softly, "Then you... are you going to leave together?"

Yang Yiqin had already made a decision in his heart, and he nodded lightly: "Well, I decided to go back to the Beishi Survivor Base, but we must leave two days later than Captain Qian."

So far, countless people are running around to solve the zombie virus, and have exhausted their energy and lives for this.Personal power is always limited. He may not be a hero who can save the world, but since the experiment needs him, he has no reason not to go back.

Feng Lin naturally had no objection.

No matter what decision Yang Yiqin makes, he will support it.

"Alright." Mother Yang just sighed, and didn't intend to stop them, "Then your dad and I will prepare some specialties for you, and remember to eat them when you bring them over there."

The openness of Father Yang and Mother Yang is reflected in all aspects. They never hinder Yang Yiqin from any choice, and always encourage him to follow the path he wants to take.

The same is true now of course.

Moreover, she also sincerely hopes that the zombie apocalypse will end as soon as possible, so that no one will lose their lives because of it.

Yang Yiqin frowned, jokingly said: "Special products? Just take a little bit. After all, the weather is too hot. We don't have a refrigerator now, and the food that can't be eaten is easy to spoil."

"Then you tell your dad." Yang's mother said with a smile, "he likes to stuff things in your suitcase the most, and he can't stop him."

Father Yang came over at the right time: "Why did I hear you talking about me?"

"It's about you." Yang's mother said softly, "We, Qinqin and Xiaofeng, are going back to Beishi soon. What do you want to tell me?"

"Leaving?" Father Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said slowly, "Alright, both of you, pay attention to safety."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "Okay, thank you Dad."

Feng Lin: "Thank you, Uncle Yang."

At this time, the village head came over and greeted them and said, "Dinner is ready, let's all sit down and prepare to eat."

Qian Guowei nodded: "Okay, thank you village chief."

After speaking, he waved to Zhou Botao and others in the distance.

Everyone immediately went to the stove in a well-trained manner, and enthusiastically helped the villagers serve meals and vegetables.

Meals filled the tables quickly.

Before dinner, Qian Guowei stood up with a glass of water and said to everyone: "Thank you for the sumptuous meal, everyone. Now that the crisis in the village has been resolved, my teammates and I will leave tomorrow morning. Leave Before, we would leave some zombie virus serum in the nearby safe zone. I hope everyone can live a good life in the future, and our scientific researchers will find a way to completely eliminate the end of the world as soon as possible.”

The villagers applauded vigorously.

This night, the hot and fresh dinner was extra warm.

As he himself said, Qian Guowei left dozens of virus serums for the village, and hundreds of virus serums for the other two safe areas, and hurriedly led the team the next morning, preparing to leave the village.

But the villagers got up earlier than they did.

Almost all of the more than 100 people in the village were mobilized. Everyone pushed a small wooden cart with a single wheel. There were local handmade specialties on the cart. Qian Guowei and others must take it away, otherwise Don't give up.

Qian Guowei was extremely helpless.

Before he could refuse, the village chief said with a smile: "Captain Qian, don't try to fool us country folks. Your plane is so big and you have already spent so many shells. There must be empty seats in the cabin now." .”

Aunt Biao also had a smile all over her face, and shouted loudly——

"That's right, it's just such a small amount of food, I can definitely put it down!"

"It's not something valuable, it's just pickled vegetables from various companies. Captain Qian will take some back and give it to others to eat!"


Yang Yiqin came over and persuaded with a smile: "Let's take Captain Qian. When I return to Beishi, I will definitely bring back a bunch of specialties. But our helicopter has a small space and limited load, so I'm afraid it won't be enough for everyone to share. Now these are estimated to be enough to feed two meals for the entire base, so Captain Qian will take it as our consignment."

Qian Guowei: "..."

This excuse made him unable to refute it.

Feng Lin also said: "A bunch of people are deadlocked near the transport plane, it's not safe."

Qian Guowei remained silent and compromised again.

So everyone began to help the villagers carry various special products.

After moving all the hot products quickly, Qian Guowei was afraid that the villagers would stuff them again, so he quickly directed everyone to leave.

The villagers stood on the wasteland in the safe zone, watching the huge transport plane fly into the sky.

After Qian Guowei and others left, the villagers began to carry out post-war restoration work. Because the main battlefield was not in the village, there was nothing to repair in the village. They only repaired and repaired the problematic areas found by Yang Yiqin. reinforcement.

The mines on the side of the stone bridge have been cleared.

It's just that the ground has been bombed with potholes, and there are countless mutilated limbs of zombies, as well as the charred bodies and the ground that were burnt black by burning flasks.Seeing that scene, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin decided to dig a big hole to bury the zombies before leaving.

They mentioned this idea to the village chief, gathered a group of able-bodied villagers, and started digging a hole.

Feng Lin drove the excavator to dig a hole.

Yang Yiqin drove the bulldozer to push the corpse of the zombie into the pit.

With the tacit cooperation of the two, the speed of digging and burying the zombies was very fast, and the work of burying the corpses was completed in only one morning.

Next, they were busy flying helicopter patrols during the day to ensure that there were no other zombie groups nearby.In the evening, they will concentrate on accompanying Yang's father and Yang's mother, farming, cooking, and chatting with them.

The villagers are also used to their current life. Even if they occasionally see fusion zombies coming outside the village, they can organize other people to shoot them without haste.

Everything is gradually on the right track.

Even the potatoes they had planted were sprouting tender green shoots.

Yang Yiqin squatted down, checked the leaves of the sprouting plants, and said, "When the potato plants turn yellow and gradually wither, it means that the potatoes are about to mature."

Feng Lin looked into the distance, looking at the wheat seedlings and potato sprouts in the field: "Maybe when we come back, we can still see the grain harvest."

Yang Yiqin smiled lightly.

"hope so."

Mao Xiaoliu, who was playing at the side, let out a soft "meow".

Yang Yiqin rubbed its cat's head: "Do you want Huahua and Dahei?"

Mao Xiaoliu nodded and rubbed Yang Yiqin's palm affectionately.

Yang Yiqin asked again: "Where are the other brothers and sisters?"

Mao Xiaoliu changed his disgusted look.

But its performance traces are too heavy, the disgusted eyes and expression are very stiff, and the eyes can't help showing a look of longing.It seems that after a few months of separation, it misses its family very much, and maybe even misses the little monkeys bullied by it in the scenic area.

Yang Yiqin smiled.

"It's okay, we're going back tomorrow."

There was no other danger in the village, so they decided to leave here tomorrow and set off for the survivor base in Beishi.

The purpose of this return trip is to cooperate with the laboratory research.

Then the two of them should not return to the village until the final results are researched. Although they have helicopters, the cost of going back and forth hundreds of kilometers in the last days is too high, and there are also many considerations in terms of time and safety.

Even Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin had to be fully prepared every time they went back and forth.

Optimistic about the situation of the potato seedlings, the two returned home.

Yang's father is scalding a chicken, Yang's mother is picking vegetables in the vegetable garden, and the wolf green dog is walking in the yard.Seeing the two coming back, Yang's father and Yang's mother asked in unison: "I'm back, what are you going to have for dinner?"

Afterwards, the two were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled.

Yang Yiqin also smiled and said, "Haven't you two already cooked, why are you asking us?"

While plucking chicken feathers, Father Yang laughed and said, "Isn't this a routine thing?"

Mother Yang beckoned to the two of them.

"Come on, if you have nothing to do, come and help me pick vegetables."

Yang Yiqin rolled up his cuffs: "I obey, mother."

Feng Lin put the weapon in his hand aside, rolled up his cuffs, and looked like he was going to fight.

After the two helped pick and wash the vegetables, and cut the vegetables, they were driven away by Yang's mother.

"That's all right, all right, I won't need you anymore." Yang's mother said with a deliberately disgusted tone, and said with a smile, "You two hurry up and pack your bags, and remember to take away everything I put in your living room, don't leave tomorrow I left things in a hurry. Otherwise, by that time, I would have no place to send you express mail."

"Okay." Yang Yiqin leaned over and hugged Yang's mother gently, "Then wait for your sumptuous dinner."

Mother Yang held back her reluctance, and patted him on the back hard——

"Dinner will wait for Mom to show you a good show."

Father Yang mentioned the molted duck, and walked over slowly: "Don't forget there is me, I think I cook much better than your mother."

Mother Yang raised the kitchen knife in her hand and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

Father Yang: "..."

Several people laughed.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin went back upstairs, and Mao Xiaoliu followed closely behind them.However, as soon as they entered the living room of the suite on the second floor, the two of them stopped short.

I saw a vast array of food in the living room of the suite. The food in various large and small packages includes but is not limited to-handmade dough from Uncle Liu’s family, big buns with candied dates and red beans from Uncle Zhang’s family, and marinated crisps from the village head’s family. Fish, and a jar of sauerkraut pickled by myself.

There are even things like glutinous rice strips and popcorn.

The battle of moving house really surprised them—it was Yang's father who carried it up. The key point is that the other party did not carry it to the helicopter, but went a long way and put it into the living room.

Maybe they are not willing to accept the fact that they are leaving.

Yang Yiqin was both helpless and moved: "...how can I take this away?"

Feng Lin was also silent for a while: "Perhaps... maybe you can try hard."

Yang Yiqin walked over to move the food, roughly weighing the weight of each food.

Feeling the heavy weight in his hands, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It reminds me of every time I returned to Beishi after the holidays, my mother would stuff countless snacks and fruits into my suitcase and tell me to eat them on the way. And I I specially bought a very large suitcase, and only brought a few changes of clothes, just to leave space for the things she stuffed for me, so that I can take it away in one suitcase, without having to carry it to school.”

Speaking of this, his smile became helpless and grateful: "The bigger the suitcase is, the more things you can carry."

Feng Lin likes to hear him talk about the past.

Not to mention, he had been involved in the past about Yang Yiqin.

"I remember, every time you came back, you would ask me to eat special products." Feng Lin hugged Yang Yiqin from behind, sniffing the refreshing smell in his hair, "We will come back again when everything is settled."

"Well, you're right." Yang Yiqin grabbed Feng Lin's muscular waist with his backhand, and said with a smile, "When the end of the world really ends, we can fly a helicopter and travel freely between Beishi and Xinzhong. .”

Afterwards, the two of them sorted out the luggage by category and carried them to the back seat of the helicopter in order of importance.

In order not to be overloaded, Yang Yiqin decided to give up some of the food prepared by Yang's mother after much deliberation, and only took some of each to put on the helicopter.Just taking a little of each item is already quite substantial.

"Clothes, food, living and survival supplies, emergency medical kits, weapons..." Yang Yiqin pondered, "It should be almost there. I'll think about whether there is anything missing."

Feng Lin suddenly said, "I left one thing behind."

Yang Yiqin looked at him in surprise.

"What is it?"

"Wait for me, I'll go get it."

"it is good."

Feng Lin's next actions made Yang Yiqin even more surprised.

He thought that Feng Lin would go back to the room where they lived and look for the things he had left behind.Unexpectedly, the other party walked out of the Yang family's yard, walked along the path towards the south of the village, and disappeared after a while.

Did he leave something outside?

Mother Yang came out of the kitchen, raised her head and shouted towards the second floor: "Qinqin, what is Xiaofeng doing out?"

Yang Yiqin probed: "It said that something was left behind, so I went over to get it."

Hearing this, Mother Yang didn't have the slightest doubt, and went back to the kitchen to cook with Father Yang seriously.

After a while, Feng Lin walked back quickly.

There is a noticeable bulge on one side of his coat.

Yang Yiqin became even more curious in an instant: "What is this?"

Mao Xiaoliu suddenly jumped up emotionally.

It looked warily at the bulging place of Feng Lin's coat, and made a threatening sound from its throat, as if it regarded the lump as a threat to itself.It even got close to Yang Yiqin's feet, pushing his head against his trouser legs, trying to divert his attention to himself.

This made Yang Yiqin guess.

Sure enough, Feng Lin slowly pulled down his coat, and there was a milk dog with eyes closed in his arms.

Feng Lin explained: "In order to feed more big dogs to guard the village, the breeder of the Langqing dog hoped that it could be bred, but it didn't work at first. Until some time ago, the female dog suddenly showed signs of pregnancy, and was about to approach. In the state of labor, I booked a pup with the other party." Speaking of this, Feng Lin paused, and then added, "...and asked that uncle to keep it a secret from other people for the time being."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin smiled and stretched out his hand, gently scratching the puppy's chin.

The milk dog stuck out his tongue limply.

Feng Lin said: "I remember you said you liked it."

"Well, I said it." Yang Yiqin gently hugged the puppy, and said with bent eyes, "Thank you."

Seeing Yang Yiqin's smiling expression, Feng Lin's eyes gradually softened.

The Langqing dog raised by Yang's father seemed to have sensed something, and climbed up the stairs quickly, standing beside Yang Yiqin, looking curiously at the little guy in his arms, and from time to time he gasped and stuck out his tongue at the puppy.

The fur on the puppy's body was fluffy, and he moved uneasily, sticking out his tongue with his four paws facing the sky.

Mao Xiaoliu was even more anxious.

It desperately grabbed Yang Yiqin's legs, trying to climb onto Yang Yiqin's body, trying to take back the position in his arms.Yang Yiqin picked up its back and put it on his shoulders, so that Mao Xiaoliu would know that he hadn't forgotten it and wouldn't neglect it because of it.

Langqinggou barked twice at Maoxiaoliu.

Langqinggou has a mature mind and knows that this little cub is theoretically his younger brother or sister, so he wants to be friendly with Mao Xiaoliu and let him take good care of his younger siblings.

Mao Xiaoliu let out a rather arrogant "meow".

Yang Yiqin rubbed Tsundere Black Cat's soft chin with his backhand, and rubbed Mao Xiaoliu so comfortably that he narrowed his eyes.After rubbing for a long while, Mao Xiaoliu raised his noble paws, and pressed the puppy's head reluctantly, as if he had recognized the little brother.

The little milk dog didn't recognize his life, and even dazedly rubbed his head against the black cat's paw.

A great sense of responsibility suddenly rose in Mao Xiaoliu's heart.

It jumped to the ground and patted its strong chest with its meaty claws, expressing that even if it arrived in Beishi, it would do its best as a landlord and call on other animals to take care of this little brother.

The little milk dog closed its eyes and made a purring sound from its throat.

At this time, Yang's mother's voice sounded from downstairs: "Qinqin, Xiaofeng, have you packed up your things? Come down to eat soon!"

"Okay." Yang Yiqin quickly responded, "We'll come down right away."

Father Yang also shouted: "Is the big wolf upstairs? Let him come down to eat too!"

"Okay, Dad."

After speaking, Yang Yiqin turned his gaze to Feng Lin.

"Let's go downstairs."

Feng Lin nodded.

"it is good."

So the two of them went downstairs with the three animals.

Seeing the puppy in Yang Yiqin's arms, Father Yang was startled for a moment, and it took him a while to realize what was going on.

He said: "...I thought the big wolf had reverted to childhood."

"That would be scary." Yang Yiqin explained, "It's the big wolf's mother who is pregnant again."

"Could it be that what Xiaofeng left behind was a puppy?" Father Yang looked puzzled, "Why haven't I heard that your uncle's dog is pregnant again, no wonder I haven't seen that bitch come out to patrol..."

Feng Lin took the initiative to stand up and explain: "I'm asking him not to say it for the time being, because Qinqin likes wolf and green dogs, and I want to give him a surprise. It just happened that the time to give birth coincided with the mutation of zombies, and the atmosphere in the village was very tense. This uncle has never had a chance to speak."

Father Yang suddenly realized: "It turns out to be like this."

The puppy is very cute, and Mother Yang couldn't help rubbing its head: "It's still so small... I remember that the big wolf soon caught the little mouse by itself, and it should be having fun all over the place in a few days .But are you going to take it to the Beishi base? Will this little bastard interfere with your missions?"

Judging by how eager Captain Qian was when he asked them for help, there was a high probability that the two of them would "take up the post" soon.They may go out to perform tasks at any time, where there is no time, to take care of a puppy who has not yet been weaned.

"I've considered this issue." Feng Lin said, "We have other people we know in Beishi, and they can help take care of it."

The vitality of mutant animals is exceptionally tenacious. In fact, puppies don't need to be taken care of perfectly. As long as they have enough milk powder and food for them when they need to breastfeed, that's enough.After the full moon, you can even put it directly in the scenic area, and let the monkeys who have nothing to do to take care of its safety.

The only thing that needs their help is probably teaching it how to hunt.

"As for training—" Feng Lin continued, "The base has always wanted to train more police dogs. Captain Qian admired the wolf and green dogs before. I think he is very willing to help us train the puppies."

Mother Yang said comfortingly: "Since Xiao Feng has thought it through, let's not talk too much, let's eat."

The dining table in the living room is full of meals.

They were all Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin's favorite dishes, and they even made Mao Xiaoliu's favorite dishes.

Yang's mother glanced at the puppy, took out a bag of milk powder from the warehouse, washed the milk powder away with warm water, and said lovingly: "I haven't prepared dinner for this child yet, just happened to have leftovers from before there was a big wolf at home." Remember to take away the milk powder when you leave."

"Okay, thank you Mom."

After speaking, Yang Yiqin put the puppy on the chair.

The puppy turned over, with its paws facing the sky, squinting its sleepy eyes and trying to lick Yang Yiqin's fingertips.

Although admitting that the puppy is his little brother, Mao Xiaoliu still doesn't like the way it acts like a baby.In Mao Xiaoliu's eyes, he is the baby who can throw himself into Yang Yiqin's arms.

However, the black cat's body shape has long been different from the past. It knows that it must control its own movements to pounce with its own weight, otherwise it will be like a cannonball.But like a wolf green dog, with its hind legs on the ground and its front legs on Yang Yiqin's body, it doesn't look very elegant and decent...

The more Mao Xiaoliu thought about it, the more melancholy he became.

Seeing this, Yang Yiqin nodded his chin with a smile: "What are you thinking? Let's eat quickly."

Seeing that Yang Yiqin noticed him, Mao Xiaoliu was overjoyed, and immediately began to fight for favor.

It blinked its yellow eyes at Yang Yiqin, then meowed softly, and rubbed the other's palm affectionately.This kind of milk cat-like voice, coupled with that sturdy body like a young black panther, is a bit weird and cute.

Yang Yiqin also smiled even more indulgently.

Just when Mao Xiaoliu thought he had won the victory and successfully suppressed the puppy's limelight, Feng Lin's generous palm suddenly fell from the sky, carried it and the puppy to the place where pets eat, and gave it a Calm and extremely oppressive eyes.

He even gave the same look to the puppy who didn't open his eyes.

Maoxiaoliu: "..."

Hateful humans.

Sure enough, no matter how the time, place and characters change, he is the biggest stumbling block on his way to contend for favor!

The author has something to say:

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