poor road [end times]

Chapter 133 Bombing

at dusk.

After the support arrived, the villagers in the Sancun safety area were still working hard. Not only did they not relax because of the arrival of the fighter jets, but they felt calm and excited, and they had inexhaustible energy all over their bodies, and they worked harder.

More than [-] soldiers extended a helping hand, and some of them set up a row of sniper racks and artillery towers on the roof and ground facing the river.Some people planted a row of landmines along the east bank of the river, and recorded the location of each mine to facilitate mine clearance after the battle.

In addition, they also placed a few fire.flame.jet.shooters outside the village. Steel wire fences were erected in front of the fire.flame.jet.shooters as the last line of defense in the safe zone. ——Of course, in everyone's expectation, this line of defense should not be used.

The professional layout and weapons have greatly enhanced the anti-zombie project in the Sancun Safe Zone.

The villagers immediately felt more at ease.

In the evening, Zhou Botao received a communication from Qian Guowei.

Qian Guowei said in the communication that there are certain hidden dangers in the defense of the safety zone in the neighboring city. If it is not resolved in time, the safety zone may be breached by zombies in subsequent battles.Therefore, they will stay there tonight, helping each other to improve the defensive and offensive fortifications.

After finishing speaking, he also asked Zhou Botao to transfer some people to help, and strive to complete it before tomorrow morning.

Zhou Botao asked: "Got it! Are we proceeding as planned?"

"Well, proceed according to the original plan." Qian Guowei promised, "I will also finish the construction of the fortifications here before the start of the plan."

"Okay, I see."

After cutting off the communication, Zhou Botao hurriedly went to find Yang Yiqin.

At that time, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were standing on the wasteland, rolling up their sleeves to deal with nearly a hundred logs that had been cut down.They selected the appropriate aspen wood, turned it into torches and arrows, and put the rest aside for firewood, trying not to waste any available materials.

Arrows are naturally used for shooting, and torches have the same function as guns, and are mainly used to throw towards the opposite side of the bridge, and ignite guns that have not exploded by the way.

Zhou Botao asked: "How are you doing?"

"It's almost there." Yang Yiqin wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, his eyes sparkled, "It will definitely be able to keep up with the combat operations."

Zhou Botao nodded and continued: "Qian team contacted me just now. I want to transfer some people to the safety zone of the neighboring city to help them rebuild the fortifications. We will start to act after the matter is completed."

"Okay." Yang Yiqin nodded, "We will do our best to cooperate with your actions."

"You first make things according to the plan. I only transfer more than a hundred people, and the rest are still here to help you build the fort. Let's keep in touch."

"oh, I understand now."

After clearing his instructions, Zhou Botao left in a hurry again.

Not long after, several helicopters rose slowly and flew towards the south.

As time passed by, more and more zombies arrived near the safe zone one after another. In order not to let them affect the tanks and armored vehicles stationed, or accidentally explode the landmines buried along the river, some of them took turns to deal with those zero zeros. Zombies of the stars.

After dinner, it was Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin's turn to deal with the zombies.

It is rare for the village to be brightly lit at night, with torches made of wood and oilcloth inserted everywhere, the red flames swaying gently in the weak spring breeze, illuminating the villagers working in the night.The two stood on the observatory on the roof of the east side of Qiancun, holding a telescope in each hand, looking at the situation of the fields in the east from a high position.

A helicopter is parked beside them, so that they can take off and land at any time to solve the problem.

People from the other two villages were also watching the fields on the east side of the river.

Where the fire illuminated, there were people busy everywhere, and there was almost no communication among them. They only focused on dealing with the matter at hand, and the night before the battle was extraordinarily quiet.

"More and more zombies are coming." Yang Yiqin put down the binoculars and rubbed his temples, "Now basically four or five come here together."

Feng Lin's eyes darkened: "As many as you come, kill as many as you want."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin chuckled, put away the binoculars, and moved his wrist to make the bones crack.

"That's right, let's go 'killing' now."

Six o'clock in the morning.

Qian Guowei and his party flew back.

Except for the children, everyone in the village woke up before dawn, and waited eagerly at the door of each house after eating.

In order not to scare the children, Mother Yang taught all the children in the village a lesson in advance, telling them not to panic when they hear anything today, because the adults are fighting monsters.As long as they stay at home obediently, they will be fine... If something really happens, they will immediately hide in the cellar with their grandparents.

After everything was arranged properly, the old people hid in the same courtyard with their children, and all the mutated animals stayed in their courtyard to protect their safety.

All other middle-aged people and young people gathered at the entrance of the temple, waiting for action.

Qian Guowei and others also came here.

Yang Yiqin asked: "How is the situation in the safety zone in the neighboring city?"

"It's all taken care of." Qian Guowei replied, "We have left more than 40 people stationed to help them defend against possible zombie attacks, and the rest will come back to participate in the next bombing operation."

Yang Yiqin's eyes were calm: "The village is also ready, ready to act at any time."

"Okay." Qian Guowei nodded solemnly, his eyes swept over all the soldiers and villagers present, "From now on, everyone will immediately find their positions according to the plan."

"Roger that!"

Someone asked, "When do we start?"

Qian Guowei said, "Wait for dawn."

Everyone follows the arrangement and is orderly——

The villagers stood in different positions according to the group and guarded the three villages.

Qian Guowei led a team of bombers and armed helicopters, and flew towards the destination in unison, with shocking and loud roars.Li Jiang led another group of people to board the tanks and armored vehicles on the other side of the river, ready to bombard the zombies fleeing from the east.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin took the helicopter.

They are in charge of patrolling back and forth between the village and the zombie tide, passing on the situation of the fleeing zombies to the villagers and Li Jiang in time, and by the way, using the howitzer in the helicopter to deal with the hordes of zombies below, reducing the pressure on the village's defense mountain.

In addition to the two of them, Han Wenliang hurried over with people, and Zhou Botao also drove a helicopter with three teammates to carry out the same task. .

The sky is bright.

Yang Yiqin heard a loud explosion.

It seemed to be a signal——in the blink of an eye, in the endless fields, there were earth-shattering rumbles and long blasts of gunfire piercing the sky one after another.

Feng Lin moved the helicopter in the direction of the zombie tide, so as to observe the bombing situation.

I saw the bombers arranged in formation in the air, dropping countless shells densely.Under the cannon fire, the crowd of zombies on the ground was instantly blasted away, and many zombies were blown away by the shock wave.

In an instant, rotting organs and limbs flew all over the sky, faintly visible in the layers of dust stirred up.

This was the first time Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin saw the bombing site.

Zombies have no pain nerves, as long as their brains are not blown apart, they will always be like silly perpetual motion machines.They first looked curiously at the place where the shells exploded, and even wanted to follow the sound to the very center of the bombing, and killed countless "companions" in the process of crowded and shouting.

After a while, the zombies fled in panic - but they didn't know how to escape because of their intelligence, but because after being blown up into the air, their hearing and vision may not be very good, and they dragged their crippled bodies to get up After that, I couldn't tell the direction, so I ran in all directions in a daze.

Some zombies even ran back to the bombing center and finally lost their brains as they wished.

Yang Yiqin mainly sniped the zombies running northward, and tried not to let any zombie go. As for the zombies scattered in other directions, as long as the number was not too large, they were put aside for now.

After all, they only have more than 300 people, and there are divisions of labor for different tasks, but they have to face tens of thousands of zombies. They must only deal with the zombies that are most likely to threaten the village.

It has to be said that the effect of the bombing can be described as outstanding.

Under the full coverage of the high-density thermal weapons, within a few minutes, the originally vast zombie tide was blown to pieces, and the huge battle that made the spectators terrified before was completely gone.In addition, the huge movement also attracted other zombies from the urban area of ​​the neighboring city, but no matter how many zombies rushed forward, they could not fill the hole that was blown to pieces.

The ground was littered with broken limbs.

The squirming zombies were covered in blown flesh and mud, looking hideous and funny.

Both Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were wearing intercom equipment. While attacking the scattered zombies, they reported the latest situation to Li Jiang who was stationed by the river.

Armed helicopters with weapons, from time to time, make up for the undead zombies below.

With their cooperation, not many zombies could escape the village.

"Zombies are seen ahead." Li Jiang, who was stationed in the village, sent the latest news, "Tank company, fire!"

The next moment, the sound of bombing came from the intercom.

At the very center of the bombing, the unilateral crushing of the zombies was carried out vigorously.

After discovering that more and more zombies had escaped from the central area, Feng Lin and Zhou Botao drove the helicopter back to the village along the road, and dealt with the zombies they encountered along the way.

Although there were not many zombies who raided the village from the front, some of the zombies fled in other directions and then returned to the northbound route.

Therefore, zombies came one after another on the east bank of the river.

The zombies couldn't shake the heavy tanks, and they were killed one by one by the crushing and shelling of the tanks.

Occasionally, one or two zombies bypassed the tank's line of defense, and were lucky enough to continue walking towards the river, and would soon be blown up by the explosives buried along the river.Otherwise, they would be attacked with guns and grenades by the villagers on the roofs on the other side of the river, and they would lose their minds before they could get close to the river.

The bombing operation lasted for a whole day, and the frontline fighters changed several batches, and finally came to an end.

The tide of zombies has completely disappeared, leaving only the fleeing zombies who have become useless.

After the great success of the battle, the team led by Qian Guowei still stayed in the center of the zombie group, making up and finishing work.The rest of them fought in teams and pulled the front line to the river bank, working together to fight against the scattered zombie groups and eliminate the aftermath of the zombie tide.

The finishing work lasted intermittently for two days and two nights.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin relied on being dominant mutants, young and strong, they had hardly slept a wink in the past two days, and spent sporadic killings of zombies outside the village every night.

Under the high-intensity action, Yang Yiqin's five-sense sensitivity and body agility have been raised to a higher level, and he can clearly hear the low-pitched roar of zombies [-] meters away.

Then it was a one-stop process of raising one's hand, drawing a bow, and shooting an arrow.

Accurate and fast.

Feng Lin's strength has also been greatly increased, and he can even move heavy tanks with his bare hands.

Qian Guowei and others also have limited rest time every day.

They must solve this matter as soon as possible, because there are still many things that need to be done at the Beishi base.

Mother Yang, Aunt Biao and the others were in charge of everyone's meals. Seeing this behavior of disregarding their own bodies, they were naturally anxious and angry.But they knew in their hearts that the special nature of this operation made rest a luxury. The most direct way to let everyone rest well was to repel all the zombies.

The evening of the third day.

As a fused zombie crashed to the ground, everyone looked around in the sky and underground of the village, but they couldn't find any more zombies.

This fire coverage operation that wiped out hundreds of thousands of zombies finally declared a great success.

In the intercom, Qian Guowei said in a deep voice.


Hearing this, Feng Lin drove the helicopter and slowly landed on the village.Yang Yiqin pushed open the door of the co-pilot of the helicopter, held the door frame on one side with one hand, leaned out of the helicopter with half of his body, and waved vigorously at the villagers below.

"It has ended."

Yang Yiqin smiled at the villagers.

For a time, everyone was stunned.

Some of them are preparing to put bombs in the catapult, some are preparing to cook dinner for more than 300 people, and some are struggling to move the logistics equipment...

At this moment, they seemed to have pressed the pause button together.

Yang Yiqin smiled.

The next moment, a cheer suddenly came from the crowd, breaking the silence of the scene.Immediately afterwards, lively applause and cheers came from the three villages one after another. Some people even waved torches and danced on the roof.

While everyone was celebrating enthusiastically, Feng Lin drove the helicopter to a stop in front of the stone bridge.

Yang Yiqin jumped off the helicopter, took out the key and opened the iron gate of the stone bridge, allowing the tanks and armor on the battlefield to drive back to the bridge, and finally returned to the transport plane.The countless bombers and helicopters in the sky also lined up to return to the transport plane.

Qian Guowei and others lined up and walked into the village.

Although their faces were pale and tired, their eyes were bright and energetic, and the aura they exuded could not be concealed at all.

The village chief welcomed them into the village excitedly, and thanked them again and again: "Captain Qian, I really thank you Captain Qian, thank you for helping us solve the biggest hidden danger in the neighborhood! In this way, our village will be safe for a long time .”

The rest of the villagers also came up to thank them, their faces full of joy.

Qian Guowei and the others were overwhelmed for a while.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin came up and helped them escape from the siege.

After being saved, Qian Guowei said earnestly: "Village chief, the reason why our operation was so successful is the result of the concerted efforts of the soldiers and the villagers. You don't need to thank us, you should thank yourself. We fought for three days and three days in a row. At night, the villagers should be tired, you should eat something good tonight and celebrate."

The village head smiled and said: "Captain Qian is right, we must have a big meal today, to make up for the energy and energy spent in the past three days. You take the soldiers to the house and wait, and we will arrange for people to cook right away." , must be turned into a banquet like the Manchu Banquet."

"No, there's no need." Qian Guowei quickly stopped him, "We can just eat whatever we want."

Hearing this, the village chief frowned immediately: "What's the matter..."

"The main reason is that we still have things to deal with." Qian Guowei explained, "The landmines along the river must be cleared, otherwise other survivors may be injured; our equipment must also be checked and repaired, so we are afraid that something might go wrong. .After everything is sorted out, we should go back."

The village head quickly asked.

"When will you go back?"

"Probably tomorrow morning."

"What? Go back so soon? Stay and rest for a few days!"

"There are still things to do in Beishi." Qian Guowei looked resolute, "I really can't stay any longer."

"...that's fine." The village chief first showed regret, then his tone suddenly changed, "Then tonight's meal must be arranged in place!"

When the surrounding villagers heard this, they all began to persuade——

"Yeah, just have a meal with us for a while, does Captain Qian look down on our food?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Captain Qian dislike us?"

"Our village cooks delicious food!"

"That's right! The food in our village is delicious!"

Qian Guowei: "..."

Yang Yiqin on the side just smiled and said nothing.

Qian Guowei shook his head helplessly, and finally couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the villagers and agreed.

The "prosperity" that the villagers say is not adulterated.

Although after three days of fierce fighting, everyone was a little tired mentally and physically, but they still slaughtered pigs and sheep with excitement in their eyes, went to the vegetable garden to pick up green and tender vegetables, and made this celebration meal vigorously.

Qian Guowei brought people back from demining and maintenance, and when he entered the village, he could smell the smell of meat and vegetables.

The crowd set up countless round tables and square tables directly at the entrance of the temple, and hundreds of benches and benches were filled to the brim, and some people shuttled among them with bowls and chopsticks.On both sides of the main road in the village are lit torches. The flickering flames illuminate the busy faces of the villagers, and everyone has a bright smile on their faces.

The old man and the child hid in the room for three whole days.

Depending on their age, they can't help much, and they are afraid of causing trouble to people outside, so they close the gate of the courtyard tightly every day. In addition to meeting their basic needs of eating, drinking and lazing, they can only fight for the outside world day and night. people pray.

Fortunately, no one died.

They were finally able to come out to get some fresh air.

The children ran and shuttled among the tables, and the old people sat aside happily.

Others are busy by the temporary fire stove, washing, cutting, cooking, frying, and arranging dishes... Different people are in charge.

Qian Guowei felt a warm feeling in his heart.

——The reason why they work so hard is to see such a scene?

While everyone was busy, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin were checking the strength of the village's defenses.Although the zombies did not approach the city, the recoil of the turret caused the building to suffer a certain impact, and the walls in some places needed additional reinforcement.

After checking and registering all the defense projects, the two returned to the temple entrance of Yangcun.

The little black cat hadn't gotten used to Yang Yiqin for three days. Now it followed behind them step by step, wagging its black tail from time to time, rubbing its round fat cat's head against Yang Yiqin's trouser legs, waiting for Yang Yiqin's loving touch.

"Qinqin, Xiaofeng!"

Mother Yang not far away called them.

Both of them turned their heads at the same time, looking in her direction.

Seeing this, Mother Yang walked over quickly, rubbed the black cat's soft and smooth head, and said in a worried tone: "You haven't closed your eyes for two days, why don't you go back to sleep for a while? I'll leave you dinner."

"Thank you Aunt Yang for your concern." Feng Lin said, "But we still have something to do."

Hearing this, Mother Yang asked puzzledly: "What else is important? Haven't we settled everything?"

Yang Yiqin leaned over, and the two brothers took Yang's mother's arm nicely.With a bright smile, he explained: "Mom, we have something to do with Captain Qian, and he seems to have something to tell us."

"Captain Qian?" Mother Yang immediately looked around, "He just came back."

"I am here."

A voice came from behind the three of them.

As early as when he saw Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin, Qian Guowei was about to call them back, but when he saw the other's mother walking over, he resisted the urge to go up and talk.

Yang Yiqin exchanged pleasantries: "Captain Qian."

Feng Lin: "Captain Qian."

Qian Guowei asked: "Have your matters been resolved?"

"Solved." Yang Yiqin asked back, "How is Captain Qian?"

"We have also solved it. After the helpers from the neighboring city come back, they can return normally tomorrow morning." Having said that, Qian Guowei shook his head helplessly, with a smile on his lips, "The group of bastards who helped from the neighboring city also survived. Those who stayed to eat."

Yang Yiqin bent his eyes: "It means that everyone is very grateful for your help."

Qian Guowei couldn't help laughing.

Of course they were very grateful for everyone's hospitality, but they were a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of everyone.

Mother Yang is impatient, so she couldn't help but remind her: "Since you are all here, let's discuss everything clearly. After the chat, eat and rest, don't drag yourself down."

Hearing this, Qian Guowei looked a little serious.He looked at Yang's mother and said, "It happens that you are here too, so I want to tell you something too."

Mother Yang was puzzled: "Does it still have something to do with me?"

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin showed expressions of wanting to hear more about it.

Long before the bombing operation started, they had a faint feeling that the other party might have something to do with them, that's why they had the conversation with Yang's mother just now.

"It does matter." Qian Guowei pleaded, "Your son and son-in-law are not only skilled, but also the activity of mutated cells is different..."

"Now, the laboratory at the Beishi base needs them."

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