poor road [end times]

Chapter 110 Reason [2 more]

Feng Lin's unabashed attitude made Gong Qiang and others look sideways.

But they soon came back to their senses.

Even before the apocalypse, this kind of thing is rare in small places. Now that we are facing the dangers of the apocalypse, everyone naturally doesn't care about other people's emotional life.

With that time, it is better to think about whether you can eat refined rice for the next meal.

Only Gong Qiang was a little embarrassed.

After all, he just rushed forward to hug her boyfriend again and again in front of someone else's boyfriend, and he was too enthusiastic.Thinking in another way, if his partner is hugged by a friend from the past, he will definitely not be happy.

"That..." Gong Qiang shook hands with Feng Lin in a friendly manner, "Sorry, I'm just a little excited to meet an old friend."

Feng Lin's eyes were calm: "Well, it's understandable."

Gong Qiang: "..."

While he was embarrassing himself, a man in his 30s came over.The man stopped in his tracks, looked at them and asked suspiciously, "Why are you all gathered here? Did something important happen?"

Shishiming took the initiative to explain: "You are here, and I was waiting for you. These two young people are from Haohe County. They were looking for a national security zone and found Pinghua County Middle School." After finishing speaking, he Looking at Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin again, "This is Police Officer Liang Jichao Liang. You can call him Brother Liang. He is the person in charge of the safety zone of Pinghua County Middle School."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin shook hands with each other.

"Hello, Brother Liang." Yang Yiqin asked politely, "We want to know what happened to Pinghua County Middle School, and why so many survivors turned into zombies?"

Mentioning the matter of Pinghua County Middle School, Liang Jichao's eyes flashed with grief.

Gong Qiang on the side also showed sadness.

It seems that they all left bad memories there, which made Yang Yiqin think about whether to continue asking. Maybe the truth of the past is not that important, and looking forward is the most important thing.

But Liang Jichao quickly calmed down and said to them, "Let's go to the small room to talk."

A group of people, including Shi Shiming and Gong Qiang, came to the self-built small building next door. There was a temporary meeting room here, and a set of meeting tables and chairs were barely pieced together from tables and chairs found from various places in the township.

After everyone sat down, Liang Jichao said slowly: "Actually, we are not the survivors who first arrived at that middle school..."

Liang Jichao, a policeman in Xinzhong City, was interrogating a thief at the beginning of the outbreak of the end of the world, recording the whole story of the theft.When the thief mutated in the interrogation room, fortunately, there were handcuffs to restrict the other party's movements, so that he and his colleagues could not be bitten by zombies.

They are well-trained people who quickly realized what was going on and took immediate action.

In the early days of the end of the world, they rescued countless survivors one after another, and gathered everyone in a shopping mall in Xinzhong City.But as the number of zombies downstairs continued to increase, and the precious ammunition and food continued to decrease, he gradually felt a sense of urgency, thinking that he should stay away from the city and find a safer shelter.

But most survivors disagree.

They think that the shopping mall is a safe place where there is food and drink, and there is no need to take the risk of going outside.

After Liang Jichao's persuasion failed, he had to go to other places in the city with his colleagues to rescue people and collect supplies to meet the daily food needs of the survivors.It wasn't until the gate of the shopping mall was broken by hungry zombies that the survivors suddenly realized that they were willing to follow Liang Jichao to a safer place.

At that time, Liang Jichao learned of the existence of a safe zone from the broadcast, so he led the convoy there.

However, they encountered Pinghua County Middle School on the way, and some survivors did not want to continue because they questioned the existence of a further safety zone.

Speaking of this, Liang Jichao shook his head: "The person who occupied Pinghua County at that time was a wealthy businessman from Xinzhong City. Although he was only famous in the small Xinzhong City, he was very bossy. Therefore, I don't recommend staying there for a long time. Yes, I think national bases are more secure."

Gong Qiang on the side added: "Brother Liang is my savior. I followed him all the way here and witnessed the whole process. In fact, there are only a few survivors who disobeyed discipline, but they can always incite other people , so that people often don’t believe what we say. I don’t know what they think, I would rather believe those people than Brother Liang.”

Yang Yiqin said: "Probably to confirm my right to speak."

Shi Shiming nodded secretly: "I think so too."

"These are not important." Liang Jichao went on to say, "I just want to send them to a safe place, but some survivors are unwilling to leave, and the wealthy businessman is also very happy that there is a lot of labor, trying to keep them with very favorable conditions." Next. In order to ensure their safety, we stayed in Pinghua County for a while, and the wealthy businessman encouraged everyone to harvest a large amount of corn, and two survivors were lost during the harvest.”

Yang Yiqin asked: "And then?"

There was a sad look in Liang Jichao's eyes, more of a powerlessness.

"I'm very sad. But the rich businessman brainwashed everyone to survive and successfully deceived many people."

"Since then, Brother Liang has firmly decided to take everyone away, and he can no longer let everyone be deceived." Gong Qiang was indignant, "It just so happened that the helicopter in the safe area discovered the gathering place. After Comrade Shi learned of the situation, he personally Come and ask us if we would like to come to the National Security Zone."

Shi Shiming sighed, with melancholy and regret flashing in his eyes: "Actually, survivors want to survive on their own, as long as they make sure their residence is safe enough, we usually don't stop them, but the situation there is different. After communicating with Officer Liang, I try to do everyone's mind work, tell them how safe they are under the protection of the military, tell them that there will be no shortage of food in the safe zone, and no one will die because of food..."

Yang Yiqin had a vague guess about the next plot.

"Is that the rich businessman secretly instigating?"

"You guessed right." Liang Jichao's face was serious. "We try our best to persuade as many people as possible to get out of the control of the rich businessman. At the same time, we have prepared all the supplies and vehicles, and just waited to lead the convoy away from the gathering place. But he saw himself After the number of people who could be managed decreased, he became vicious, took advantage of everyone's deep sleep at night, let a group of zombies into the gathering place, and then took his own people away ahead of time."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin's eyes turned cold.

Gong Qiang sniffed: "It was too late when we found out. Some people were bitten by the rushing zombies in their sleep, and the others were in a mess. If Brother Liang hadn't been calm and calm, while resisting the zombies, his organization would not have been bitten." people got into the car and fled..."

Liang Jichao touched his face and said in a hoarse voice, "One of my colleagues and dozens of other survivors all died there."

Feng Lin asked, "Where is that rich businessman?"

"Run away." Shi Jingming's eyes became sharp, and said, "A car ran to the safe zone, set a fire in the dark, and then fled. Some of us kept watch at night, and quickly called everyone to put out the fire, and others went to Pursue the man who set the fire."

Hearing this, Yang Yiqin said: "The person who set the fire is already an abandoned child."

Shi Shiming nodded: "Yes, he said that his sister was with a rich merchant, and he had to do this for her sake. We then launched a hunt, but the cold snapped quickly, and the safe zone can only be prioritized against the blizzard."

Because of the arrival of Liang Jichao and his party, the number of survivors in the safe zone has increased sharply. Although the underground air-raid shelter is warm in winter and cool in summer, they still need to do a lot of work to help survivors survive the cold winter.

And the rich businessman has long since disappeared.

Yang Yiqin asked, "Brother Liang, do you know which direction he ran away?"

"It should have fled to the south." Liang Jichao said, "I don't think they can escape the boundaries of Xinzhong City, but we don't have time to take care of their affairs for the time being."

Yang Yiqin asked again: "Can you tell us the name and appearance of the other party?"

"Of course." Liang Jichao nodded, and after describing the other party's appearance in detail, he said, "I hope your village will not encounter those people."

Feng Lin looked determined: "If you meet them, let them come and go."

He doesn't have that much scruples.

In the village, there are no regulations such as prohibiting fighting and executing bad guys.

Shi Shiming shook his head disapprovingly, and said in a worried tone, "You are still young, don't be impulsive. If you have news about that group of people, please tell the people in the safe zone immediately, and I will send someone to help you as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your concern, we will deal with it as appropriate." Yang Yiqin smiled slightly, "After all, no one wants to see the wicked live a long life."

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