poor road [end times]

Chapter 109 High School Classmates

Having experienced what happened to the Lin family, it reminded Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin.

Yang Yiqin looked down at the scenery below and said, "Tell me, is it possible for the survivors to hide underground?"

While driving the helicopter, Feng Lin asked, "Underground?"

Yang Yiqin pointed to the continuous plain below: "Like the air-raid shelter of the Lin family, my hometown - this endless plain, actually had many tunnels in the past."

In the past, when they were looking for a safe zone, they had been looking for buildings where people gathered, but ignored the bomb shelters hidden underground.In many places in the North China Plain, there are intricate tunnels, and even a huge network of tunnels, with entrances and exits scattered in unexpected corners.

These tunnel networks are fireproof, waterproof, and anti-virus. They are the underground Great Wall built by everyone, which can resist and guerrilla the enemy.

Today, many tunnels are still intact, some have been converted into underground shopping malls and other places, and some have been converted into former site protection areas for tourists to learn about past history.

No matter how long the time has passed, these fortresses, which were solid and brilliant in the past, still exist on this vast plain with the indomitable and unyielding spirit at that time.

This wisdom and integrity engraved in the bones may make the survivors choose to rebuild their solid underground homes again.

Feng Lin heard about these things: "Do you have them at home?"

"There used to be." Yang Yiqin explained, "When the farmyard was rebuilt, it was changed into a cellar and water wells were dug, which are the two wells you saw these two days. In fact, there are not many real pure water wells in the village now. Unlike the south, the north does not have a rich groundwater system. The wells must be drilled deep enough to find groundwater. Most of the wells in other villagers’ homes are water storage wells, which are used to wash vegetables and dishes after being filled with tap water. , Watering the vegetable garden."

Feng Lin understood: "So, I didn't know that before."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "After living for a while, I will gradually know everything."

Then, he turned on the radio broadcast.

If there is a safe zone around here, I will definitely not give up sending messages to nearby survivors.However, after the end of the world broke out, all kinds of signals in the village were not smooth, and even the broadcast was intermittent, so no information from the outside world was received.

However, after waiting for a long time, the radio broadcast still only heard noise, and could not receive useful news.

Probably the radio signals near Xinzhong City have received interference from the weather.

According to the usual practice, they went to the nearest county and city first.

The county seat is really not that big. There are only two middle schools in total. Most of the buildings are self-built houses with one or two floors. There are only a few residential buildings with six floors. A little bustling place is a market and commercial intersection of streets.There are some restaurants on the commercial street, and a three-story shopping mall. The downstairs of the shopping mall is always full of all kinds of bicycles and electric vehicles. There will be a row of private cars parked along the commercial street.

In Yang Yiqin's impression, he only occasionally accompanied Yang's mother and other aunts to the county to buy New Year's goods when he went home during the Chinese New Year.

Looking down from a helicopter now, the whole county looks even smaller.

From the conversation with Yang's father and Yang's mother last night, we know that on the day when the end of the world broke out, there was also a rare rainstorm near Xinzhong City.Therefore, there are not a large number of people gathering in the shopping malls in the county seat, and the number of bicycles and electric vehicles is far less dense than before.

They circled the county and only saw a few survivors living alone waving at them.

Every time he saw someone waving, Feng Lin would fly a helicopter, approach the building where the other party was, and ask about the other party's situation.Most of these survivors have their own ways of heating, only one man relies on quilts and drinking to keep warm.

When the man saw them, he was overjoyed and exchanged some living supplies with Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin for some coal.In addition, Yang Yiqin also informed the other party of the location of nearby coal, reminding him that he can find it according to the route.

However, after getting to know these people, they have heard of the existence of a safe zone, and it seems that someone has already gone to the national base.But they missed the rescue at that time, and they thought it would be better to wait, but after a while, the radio could not receive the latest signal, and the helicopter never flew by in the sky.

Then there was heavy snow.

Knowing the news he wanted, Yang Yiqin promised every survivor that once he found out the location of the national base, he would inform them in time.These people didn't ask them to take them away, they were just curious about where they got the helicopter, and they also told them to pay attention to safety.

Yang Yiqin felt a little emotional: "There are still a lot of people watching and helping each other."

"The nearby bases may have encountered difficulties." Feng Lin's eyes were serious, "Otherwise, they wouldn't suddenly stop sending helicopters to rescue people, and even the broadcast information would not be received."

Speaking of this matter, Yang Yiqin became serious: "I think so too. If there is no accident, the people in the base will go to save the villagers in the village sooner or later."

But now clearly something happened.

According to several survivors, the helicopter in the safety zone came to this little-known rural county for the first time before the snow fell, and rescued some people.As for the remaining survivors, some didn't have time to show up; some were afraid that strangers would be unkind, so they didn't dare to show up, and the Blizzard queen regretted it.

But according to their guess, these people didn't go to the safe zone, maybe they just escaped unharmed.

Feng Lin said, "The next stop is Xinzhong City."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay."

The reason why he went to the city was because of the safety zone established by the country, which would definitely rescue the survivors in the urban area, so there might be some traces left behind.Compared to passing by in a hurry last time, this time the two carefully circled Xinzhong City twice, just looking for clues.

It's a pity that no survivors showed up as they looked around.

Yang Yiqin has been able to see some supermarkets and markets, and the supplies inside have been rummaged over and over again, which shows that there must be survivors here.Those scattered survivors dare not show up, most likely because they are afraid of strangers.

The two of them parked the helicopter on the roof of a building and carefully analyzed the current situation.

"There are people in the city—that's for sure." Feng Lin glanced at the city below, "But these survivors should all be those who refused to go to the safe zone."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "They have survived for several months in the apocalypse, and have repeatedly refused the help of the base. They must be extremely cautious and will not expose themselves easily."

"It's not a big problem, our purpose is not to find them."

"It's just that they may have clues—although the possibility of this matter is relatively small, at least it is better than our aimless search. We will go around Xinzhong City in a while."

The two analyzed the current urban situation, trying to find a breakthrough point to find a safe zone.

However, they didn't find anything else for a while, and even if they were sure that there must be survivors in some areas, it would be difficult to search each building one by one.Yang Yiqin pondered for a moment, then decided to take a helicopter and continue looking for clues on the east and west sides of Xinzhong City.

When they came from Beishi, they had already seen the situation in the north of Xinzhong City, where the nearest safe zone was a hundred miles away.From the village to Xinzhong City, and looked at the situation in the south, there is no other discovery for the time being.

That being the case, it is better to look in the east and west directions first.

Just find the location of the safe zone before next spring.

Sitting on the helicopter again, Yang Yiqin looked down at the farmland that would not be harvested in the future, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"I thought about it."


"Where should we look for farmland? There are obvious signs of large-scale harvesting." Yang Yiqin said, "Although the blizzard overwhelmed many crops and buried the fields, the corn stalks are so high that there are still many harvested and unharvested crops." difference."

Hua people are not of the nature of sitting still, they are used to creating a better living environment by themselves, and they will never see food wasted in front of them.According to their planting nature, if they have time, they will even dispose of the corn stalks after harvesting to facilitate the planting of new crops later.

If this is the case, there may be a circle of obstacles around the farmland.

"Yes." Feng Lin said, "I will fly along the farmland at low altitude."

"Okay, hard work."

Feng Lin drove the helicopter extremely low so that Yang Yiqin could observe the conditions of the fields below.

Soon, they found something suspicious.

It was a middle school built in the fields, perhaps adopting the boarding system of teaching. The school has two six-story dormitory buildings, which occupy a relatively large area.Except for a gas station, there are almost no other buildings in the surrounding area, and there are large fields along the road.

As for the large circle of fields surrounding the school, although there were no barriers such as fences, there were obvious signs of being crushed and harvested by vehicles.

It is definitely not a project that can be completed by a few people.

"I found it." Yang Yiqin pointed to the teaching building, "Closer there."

Feng Lin nodded: "Okay."

Before approaching the middle school, they thought they could see a large number of survivors, but the situation inside was completely different from their imagination.

There are hordes of zombies wandering around inside and outside the school.

These zombies are obviously not students. Judging from their clothing and appearance, these zombies are of different genders and ages, and the degrees of decay are different. They basically have bitten wounds on their bodies, and the most serious ones even had two bites off. Legs, still dragging the upper body to crawl on the snow.

The snow was slippery. These zombies fell and got up again, occasionally rolling and crawling on the ground. The same behavior was repeated thousands of times, staining the originally clean snow with dirty mud and blood.

Hearing the sound of the helicopter, the black zombie group raised their heads in unison, and looked over with their chaotic red eyes.There is only hunger in their eyes, thick yellow saliva drips from the corners of their mouths, and a beast-like roar comes out of their throats.

Yang Yiqin looked serious and said firmly, "These zombies are not the first wave of mutated people."

"It shouldn't be long after being bitten." Feng Lin gave the same judgment, "Most of the zombies are wearing long trousers and long sleeves in late autumn."

The end of the world erupts in June of summer.

After finishing speaking, Feng Lin drove the helicopter higher to prevent the zombies below from forming a sea along the wall and posing a threat to their helicopter.Ever since what happened in the Lin Family Cave, they had to consider that the zombies' desire for human flesh might drive them to behave in unexpected ways.

Just like now, before they came, the zombies at most wandered around the school, dazed, one by one as if they were unconscious dummies.But when they appeared above the school, the zombies seemed to be crazy, roaring and rushing towards the gate.

They don't have any reason, they only know that they are closer to the food in front of them, so they don't hesitate to push and trample other zombies, causing the zombies to fall in groups in the snow, unable to climb up, which looks funny and ridiculous.

The zombies behind stepped on the fallen zombies and ran forward until they were stopped by the locked school gate, then slammed on the iron gate frantically, throwing out the rotten flesh in their hands with such force.

Although the zombie group was blocked inside the school gate, they still did not give up stretching out their rotten arms and waving them towards the sky.

Seeing these crazy zombies, Yang Yiqin joked: "Does it look like a star chasing scene? It hasn't been so popular for a long time."

Hearing this, Feng Lin couldn't help but look at him, as if a little nervous: "Has it happened before?"

Yang Yiqin: "..."

Feng Lin clenched the helicopter joystick and pursed his lips: "...is there any?"

"It's just a joke." Yang Yiqin laughed, "It's not a big celebrity, how could it be possible to encounter such a thing of being crazily sought after by others."

Feng Lin's tense nerves relaxed a little, but his eyes were somewhat dark.

Yang Yiqin's thoughts were all on the zombies below.

If he guessed correctly, this place should have been a safe zone before, and the zombies should be survivors of the previous safe zone.It can be seen that they must have suffered some kind of accident, which led to a large-scale mutation of the survivors.

But there were many zombies in the school who had been shot in the head. There were only four damaged private cars parked on the playground. Other than that, there were no other vehicles left behind. The iron gates were even locked from the outside...

From this point of view, many survivors must have fled here.

Yang Yiqin was thoughtful, and asked Feng Lin, "If it were you, where would you escape to?"

Feng Lin replied: "I will kill these zombies first, instead of fleeing."

"That's the truth." Yang Yiqin felt deeply agreed, "The school buildings can resist zombies. Since there are people with guns in the safe area, if it were me, I would let the survivors hide in their rooms and stand on the high ground. After killing the zombies with guns, let everyone come out to help dispose of the corpses."

Feng Lin added: "Besides, if you flee with people and a large amount of supplies, the future is uncertain."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "It is not only necessary to organize the survivors to sort out supplies, but also to get on the vehicles in batches with ranks. The amount of work is huge, and there may be no next safe foothold." He touched the palm of his hand, "With this time, already Clean up the zombies here."

"There is only one possibility." Feng Lin continued, "They packed up their supplies in advance and found a new foothold."

"However, there are still many doubts... Since these zombies are survivors in the safe zone, are they bitten and mutated overnight? Moreover, why did the survivors find the way to leave in advance?"

"I can't guess at the moment."

"I think so." Yang Yiqin's eyes were burning, "It seems that the only way to solve this doubt is to investigate the safe zone and find the relocated survivors."

Feng Lin said, "Let's investigate the middle school first."

Yang Yiqin took out his gun: "Okay."

After making sure that the door to the roof was closed and no zombies approached the roof, Feng Lin parked the helicopter on the roof of the teaching building.The zombies in the entire playground followed the helicopter and ran in the opposite direction. The group of zombies that were trampled at the beginning were about to be trampled into a puddle of mud.

The two were already fully armed. They were wearing bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets exchanged from the Beishi base, plus thick winter clothes. The anti-bite equipment made Yang's father and Yang's mother feel at ease.After landing on the roof, they immediately took out cold and hot weapons and jumped out of the helicopter.

A few minutes after they landed, zombies ran into the teaching building and slowly climbed up the stairs.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other, then took an ax and a machete respectively, opened the door leading to the roof, and walked down in a tacit cooperation.

There are a few climbing zombies in the stairs. In order not to waste the ammunition in their hands, they try to use melee weapons to deal with the zombies.If the zombies are far away, Yang Yiqin will shoot with a bow, and he will not forget to retrieve the arrows afterwards.

With the cooperation of the two, they quickly checked the top floor of the entire teaching building.

There are indeed traces of people living here. A pile of old mattresses and old blankets are scattered on the classroom floor, and there are some garbage such as food packaging bags in the corners.The same is true in the dormitories. In each dormitory, traces of people living there can be found, as well as traces of food and supplies piled up.

All kinds of traces further confirmed Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin's thoughts.

This place is indeed a safe zone.

It's just that it's not sure whether the base was established by the state. Although some zombies were hit in the head by ammunition, the small possibility of survivors accidentally obtaining a pistol cannot be completely ruled out.

It's a pity that the university covered the roof and the ground, otherwise they could judge the type of vehicle based on the ruts, and judge whether vehicles such as helicopters have been parked here based on other traces. These are the key to judgment.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin have long been used to slaughtering zombies in close combat. They can kill a zombie with a knife and clear a safe area. While killing zombies, they check all directions of the boarding middle school.

It wasn't long before they found clues on the first floor of the dormitory.

I saw a few large characters sprayed with spray paint on the inner wall of the first floor. It may be because of the urgent time. The characters are crooked and distorted, and the content can only be barely read.

"[The safe zone has been captured, please come to the east for the survivors]..." Yang Yiqin read the words on the wall, frowning and thinking, "Is this reserved for the survivors who defected to the base later?"

Feng Lin nodded: "I think it should be that Yu Yuli sent a broadcast signal to the outside, indicating that they believe their base is safe enough."

But the final result of the base was not satisfactory.

Yang Yiqin scanned the wall, trying to find other handwriting, but there were no other clues for reference: "No, I can't find any other useful information."

Feng Lin raised his ax and chopped down a zombie that was staggering towards him.

"In this case, we continue to fly east."

"it is good."

They returned to the roof and flew the helicopter east.

The boundless fields are flat, and any villages and buildings are abrupt and clear, and they can be seen clearly.Every time they encountered a village or school, they would slow down the speed of the helicopter and carefully observe the situation below.

Finally, they saw a small town with a difference.

This township is actually a slightly richer village. The most "prosperous" roads have been blocked, and the zombies in the blocked roads have been cleaned up.One street in the blocked area is full of shops opened by the town itself, and there is a huge open space in the middle. The road in the middle is probably sprinkled with snowmelt salt, and Wuzhi and military off-road vehicles are parked.

However, there were not many pedestrians on the ground, only the guards in the blocked area cautiously raised their guns towards them.

Seeing this, Yang Yiqin opened the door on the side of the helicopter, waved to the people below, and shouted——

"Excuse me, is this a safe zone established by the state?"

Hearing the words, the people below nodded first, and then raised their hands to direct the helicopter to land in the middle of the blocked road.The moment they landed, five or six men with guns surrounded them and pointed at them cautiously.

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin took their time and jumped off the helicopter without any aggression.

The leader who surrounded them asked, "Who are you? Where did you come from? How come there are helicopters and bulletproof helmets?"

Yang Yiqin answered them one by one.

"My name is Yang Yiqin, and the person next to me is Feng Lin. He came from a village in Haohe County to find a safe zone. He saw the message left by Pinghua County Middle School and found this place. The helicopter is our private property, and the bulletproof helmet It was at the Survivor Base in Beishi, and the supplies were exchanged with the base."

Hearing this, surprise flashed in the team leader's eyes: "Are you survivors from Beishi?"

Yang Yiqin nodded: "The parents who were worried about retirement in the countryside happened to have a helicopter in their hands, so they came back to look for relatives."

In order to prove their identities and show that they are not dangerous people, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin took out their respective ID certificates from the Beishi Survivor Base, and named the main person in charge of the Beishi Base.

The leader believed half of it.

He looked at his teammates around him, whispered a few words to each other, and his teammates ran to the second-floor building next to him.

After a while, several men and women came hurriedly in the house.

Among them, a 40-year-old woman walked in the forefront. Her steps were brisk and steady, and her temperament was upright. She looked like the actual person in charge of the base.

The team leader introduced them: "This is the current person in charge of the base, Comrade Shi Shiming."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin nodded.

"Hello, Comrade Shi."

Shi Shiming reached out to them first, and asked with concern while shaking hands: "Hello, is the place where you came from safe?"

"Thank you for your concern. Our village is safe for the time being." Yang Yiqin explained, "But everyone wants to know if there is a safe zone nearby, so Feng Lin and I searched everywhere, and finally found this place."

Hearing this, Shi Shiming sighed softly: "You are right, you must find a safe place in the last days."

Yang Yiqin asked: "Were you and the other survivors in Pinghua County Middle School?"

"No, there is another group of people over there. The scale of the two safe areas is not large, and each has its own shortcomings. The process of establishing the base is somewhat difficult." Shi Jingming shook his head, "We unexpectedly I got in touch with them there, and I was thinking about whether there is a need to merge the bases. The plan was only going well, and they had an accident...then they led the convoy and fled to our side overnight."

Feng Lin glanced at the nearby self-built houses: "But the buildings here don't seem to accommodate many people."

Shishiming stretched out his index finger and pointed to the ground with a smile: "This town has a large underground air-raid shelter. Most of the survivors will sleep underground at night, which is warm and safe. Counting the buildings on the ground, this area can It accommodates tens of thousands of people, and the total number of people in our two safety zones only has more than 2000 survivors."

Hearing this, Feng Lin turned his gaze to Yang Yiqin.

It turned out to be the same as what they thought.

Shi Shiming also said: "However, everyone can't live underground all the time. Our idea is to wait for the snow to melt and slowly bring the entire town into the safe zone. It is best to gradually enclose the surrounding farmland to meet Safe Zone self-sufficiency needs."

In order to ensure the safety of survivors, the person in charge of each base has careful and long-term planning.

Yang Yiqin said, "May I ask, what happened to the survivors of the other base, and they left the established safe zone in a hurry? Why is it overrun by zombies now?"

"This..." Shi Shiming thought for a while and said, "Come on, young people, come with me, and I will let the survivors in that safe zone tell you about the situation at that time."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin followed each other's footsteps.

Several people entered the three-story shopping mall in the township.

The materials and shelves in the mall have long been moved to other places, leaving only an empty space for action.At this time, the survivors are all "working" on the buildings on the ground - some are sewing shoe soles, some are assembling parts, and some are rubbing corn kernels with their hands.

Yang Yiqin noticed that Shimingming's hands also had traces of fiddled with corn, and they should have been working before.

Although the shopping mall is empty, it is not cold. Not only is there a stove, but there are also two air conditioners blowing hot air.

Shi Shiming walked towards a young man: "Gong Qiang, where is your captain?"

Gong Qiang replied with a smile: "He's gone to the bathroom, and he'll be right back—" Halfway through speaking, he was suddenly dumbfounded, "This, this... aren't you Yang Yiqin?"

Yang Yiqin was also surprised: "Gong Qiang? You are here?"

Gong Qiang put down what he was busy with, rushed up in two or three steps, hugged Yang Yiqin tightly and refused to let go: "It's really you, Yang Yiqin, I didn't expect you to be alive! Shouldn't you be wandering in Beishi? Forget it, never mind , Great! I finally met an acquaintance!"

Feng Lin's eyes darkened.

Shi Shiming was a little curious: "You two knew each other before?"

The previous team leader also had a surprised expression on his face.

If they were still cautious and suspicious of their identities before, now that the other party has acquaintances, they can basically confirm what they just said. At least they are indeed locals, and they are indeed from Beishi. people who come over.

Yang Yiqin pushed Gong Qiang away and explained the relationship between the two to others.

"Gong Qiang is my high school classmate. The two of us go to high school in the provincial capital. Because we are both from Xinzhong City, we often take the car home together during the holidays, so we are relatively close."

"It's more than acquaintance, shouldn't I be your best friend in high school?"

"Hmm..." Yang Yiqin pretended to be distressed, "That's a bit close."

"Isn't it?" Gong Qiang cried, "I know you are very popular, but I never thought that you would cheat on me and make other good brothers?!"

His extremely playful expression made the atmosphere brighter.

The other survivors reminded with a smile: "Gong Qiang, Comrade Shi is still here, you hold it a little bit."

Shi Shiming shook his head and chuckled: "It's okay, don't worry about me."

It can be seen that although this safe zone is not big, the overall atmosphere is surprisingly good.

Gong Qiang scratched his head in embarrassment.

Yang Yiqin bent his eyes: "Just kidding, I'm also very happy to see you are still so lively."

Hearing this, Gong Qiang was deeply moved.

He wanted to rush over to hug Yang Yiqin again, but was stopped by Feng Lin beside him.

Gong Qiang blinked in confusion: "... Excuse me, are you Yang Yiqin's friend?"

Feng Lin closed his eyes, pulled Yang Yiqin to his side, and then stretched out his hand to Gong Qiang, with a very stiff tone.

"Hi, I'm Chinqin's boyfriend."

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