The day the supporting army arrived at the base, it was a sunny afternoon.

The base learned the news in advance, and asked the logistics staff in the cafeteria to prepare a large amount of cooked meals early to welcome the coming people.With such a big movement, the survivors in the base knew some news. When they went to the cafeteria at noon to exchange for today's food, they deliberately stopped and stayed for a while.

At that time, Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin happened to be in the laboratory, assisting Dr. Liang and other researchers to conduct experiments.

In front of the office building are three relatively low factories. Looking out from the window on the fifth floor, you can see the situation in front of the base.Looking around, I can only see the majestic and powerful troops on the northern road, and the mighty whole team is full of endless army cards, tanks... and even fighter jets.

In addition, you can also see many private cars protected in the middle of the convoy - those should be survivors who were rescued on the road.

Roughly counting the past, there are dozens of private cars in the convoy, and they are basically full.There are also survivors on the truck, and a military truck can hold dozens of people.

Among this team, there are more than [-] survivors alone.

According to Qian Guowei, this team is an army from other places. In the process of passing through various places, the local forces are constantly gathered together, and this is how the huge team is now.

Qian Guowei and others went out to carry out their missions without any hesitation. The old man was mainly responsible for the reception in the base, and General Zheng and others were also guarding the gate of the base.

It seems that there will be a lot of battles in today's welcome ceremony.

"This is the end of today's experiment, I don't need your help anymore, you can leave to watch the excitement." Dr. Liang said with his head down, "It's a good thing that so many people have come to the base, but I'm afraid that it will divide the original high-level management of the base." right."

Someone will have intrigue.

At that time, the right to speak in their laboratory may also change accordingly.

"I think General Zheng must be concerned." Yang Yiqin said, "Dr. Liang, then we're leaving, and you can come to us again if you need it."

Schools known as ivory towers will have power struggles and power divisions, not to mention the gathering of various people in the survivor base. In the last days without legal and moral constraints, many people began to wantonly indulge their evil thoughts and desires. .

When everyone has the same common goal, it is natural to choose the most courageous and far-sighted person as the leader.Yang Yiqin and General Zheng met once, believed in the other person's character, and thought he was the most suitable person.

But Yang Yiqin's positioning of himself is very simple, he is just an ordinary person who might fight quite well.

It's good to be a normal person.

When Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin walked near the cafeteria of the base, they saw the helicopter descending slowly in the sky and landed on the roof.There is not enough space in the base, only a few cars have driven into the base, other cars can only be temporarily parked on the wasteland on the right side of the base - the surrounding zombies have been cleared, and it is not a big problem to temporarily put them in the open space .

At this moment, Lao Yuan saw the two of them.

He walked over quietly, and whispered to Yang Yiqin: "You are here, I was going to find you just now, you and Feng Lin remember to stand behind General Zheng later."

Yang Yiqin was puzzled: "Why? The leader of the opponent is threatening?"

"No." Lao Yuan shook his head, "The leader's heart must be towards our base."

Yang Yiqin continued to ask, "...then why?"

No matter how you look at this scene now, it is not an occasion where he and Feng Lin should show up.

The old Yuan only said: "Because you need to represent ordinary survivors and speak in front of new survivors."

"Comfort the newcomers." Yang Yiqin said, "Uncle Yuan, why don't you talk about it?"

"We just found out that the opponent's team rescued some survivors, and some of them are very powerful among the survivors...even higher than the base." Lao Yuan briefly explained, "Those people are Like brainwashing, it instilled a lot of restless thoughts in the survivors, causing many people to say that they don’t want to enter the base established by the people above, saying that we can’t tolerate ordinary people.”

"Actually, we don't force them not to come. After all, the base exists to save people. If they can live well by themselves, we are of course very happy. But they say so, but people still follow."

"Not only has it come, but there is always room for criticism."

Now, Yang Yiqin probably understood.

In the end, it was the mentality of bullying honest people—knowing that the people at the base would not do anything to them, they dared to question them unscrupulously, and even output on their faces.

People always like to question, especially things that they cannot think about, authority and facts.The less experience and lack of foresight, the more lack of judgment, it is easy to admit death, and be brainwashed by some remarks that others think are outrageous.

So they drove all the way under the protection of the army and finally arrived at the base safely, but they still feel that the base has bad intentions.

The worst is the people who try to brainwash them.

It's not that they can't understand the minds of these people. The last days have broken people's inherent concepts and reversed the nature of things. The previous order is no longer useful, and the most important paper and pen have become worthless numbers.It turns out that those who are in the top position still want to continue to enjoy the sense of superiority over ordinary people; those who are suppressed below think that they finally have a chance to overturn, and they have even more arrogant ambitions.

It's ridiculous that most of them don't have the ability to subvert the order. At the same time, they still don't recognize their own strength and are full of self-confidence, just like middle school students who believe that they can save the world.

"The base is now worried that they will affect our original survivors, but we can't ignore them. After all, the purpose of our base is to accommodate any survivors." The old man continued, "So we are thinking, instead of waiting for them to understand the base For the survivors to attack, it is better to introduce a powerful survivor representative first, so as to divert the attention of the other party."

Only then can these people who are trying to establish their own "kingdom" in the last days be disintegrated.

The base supports the formation of small groups of survivors, and supports the unity of all people to obtain better supplies and life, but it will not allow the above behaviors, which will not be of any benefit to the development of the base and mankind.

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay, I understand."

After speaking, he glanced at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin understood immediately, and the two walked behind General Zheng together.

General Zheng stood at the gate of the base, and when he saw them, he nodded and smiled at them.Afterwards, two majestic people greeted them in front of the gate of the base, and General Zheng shook hands with them and chatted for a few words.

After that, a group of chaotic survivors entered the isolation room, pushing and shouting.Seeing the solid high walls and iron gates, the survivors couldn't hide their excitement on their faces, as if they wanted to rush in immediately.

In order to welcome the large number of survivors, more than a dozen isolation rooms were temporarily added at the entrance of the base, and the personnel were utilized to the extreme.

Even so, the scene was still in chaos, and order was difficult to maintain.

The army escorting them along the way stood outside the base, waiting for the survivors to have their body checked before queuing up to enter the base.As Qian Guowei said, there are about tens of thousands of people supporting the army, and many of them are wearing civilian clothes and carrying guns.

After more than a thousand survivors had gathered in the playground, and the troops were all lined up on the wide road, the old man activated the radio next to the playground.

General Zheng was standing right in front of the playground, without any condescending demeanor, he first spoke words of comfort——

"Everyone has traveled thousands of miles to come to our Beishi Survivor Base, which is the recognition of the survivor base. We will also work hard to improve the base's rules and regulations, optimize the base's living conditions and safety facilities, and ensure the safety of the survivors. Do it for yourself and bring convenience to everyone.”

"Currently, the base has formulated relatively simple rules about how to help survivors better integrate into the base. If they can be obtained in a fair, just and open way by completing the tasks of the base, they can be exchanged for material points. The rules have already been established among the previous survivors. Implementation, judging from the results during this period, the effect is not bad, we decided to continue to use it.”

"Next, let me briefly introduce..."

General Zheng's voice was powerful, concise and clear, and he introduced all the regulations of the current base.After he finished speaking, the survivors on the playground whispered for some reason.

People are group.

The end of the world, death, base, rules, leaders, supplies...the connection of various important words undoubtedly brought this groupness to the extreme.Just a little provocation can shake the hearts of countless unsteady people.

Not long after, there were many whispering voices of doubt on the playground.At the end of the fermentation, the voice became louder and louder, and some people even said it out loud without any scruples.

[What, did you ask us to do the work? ]

[What does it mean to exchange points for supplies? If you don’t work, you won’t be given food?Thanks to the introduction of the base on the radio, I thought it was Noah's Ark...]

[What Noah's Ark, we need to work to feed, I'm afraid it's not a fire pit.If this is the case, can we suspect that the base's claim to save lives is originally to recruit labor? ]

[Yes, if this is the case, I might as well stay at home and go out to search for supplies occasionally to survive?There is no need to look at others, let alone be restricted in freedom. ]


"What's going on." Yang Yiqin whispered to Feng Lin beside him, "It's more stupid than I imagined."

Feng Lin: "It's not like being brainwashed."

Yang Yiqin smiled: "Looks like you don't have a brain?"

Feng Lin nodded.

And not without sobriety.

The survivors on the playground were clearly divided into two groups—one group questioned unscrupulously, expressing the word "Sapo" vividly; the other group looked at the Sapo with suspicious eyes, as if thinking about their Is there something wrong with my head, and I seem to be used to it, but I subconsciously stay away from them.

Of the hundreds of survivors in the base, except for a few who defected on their own, most of the rest were citizens and villagers rescued by the base.Everyone is very grateful for the rescue of the base, and works hard to do tasks every day to improve the conditions of the base and exchange for points by the way.

Yang Yiqin believes that after living in the base for a period of time, many new survivors will gradually understand the importance of base rules, and work together to build the base like the original survivors.

But there are bound to be people with impure minds.

General Zheng seemed to have expected it.

He was not angry, but continued: "I heard that there are still many retired soldiers in this team. Thank you for taking up arms again to protect the survivors."

The soldiers in plain clothes standing on the playground shouted in unison: "If there is a war, we must call back!"

The momentum is full of people, and the righteousness is awe-inspiring.

In an instant, the voices among the survivors were suppressed, and even the murmurs were silenced.

Seeing this, General Zheng continued: "The base does not restrict the movement of the survivors, and even encourages everyone to form a survivor team, go out and kill zombies within the scope of their ability, collect supplies, and improve their living conditions. Our base is now There are two exceptionally good survivors who have completed many missions out of the base and established their own team, if you have any doubts about this, you can also ask them in private."

After speaking, he looked at Yang Yiqin.

Yang Yiqin understood, stepped forward and introduced himself, and impromptuly talked about the process of carrying out the mission from the perspective of survivors.While speaking, he paid attention to the people below, and found that among the survivors who questioned him earlier, several tall men were staring at him full of scrutiny.

It seems that these people are the culprits of the trouble.

But at this time, Wang Che, who did not know when he became a bystander, got angry and shouted a few words in a low voice: "It's Brother Yang, Brother Yang is so handsome!"

The point is that there are still people who agree with him—even Yang Yiqin himself doesn't know, it turns out that he is quite famous in the base.

After that, the feeling of being scrutinized became even heavier.

The fish is hooked.

Yang Yiqin remembered it in his heart.

Feng Lin then said a few words briefly.

"Next, we will distribute a lunch to each survivor and arrange accommodation for you." General Zheng's speech came to an end, "Finally, I hope that everyone can strictly abide by the rules of the base and refrain from touching others." Together with the behavior of testing the bottom line, we will build a safe zone for human beings."

After he finished speaking, someone brought a plate and distributed food to the survivors.After the distribution was over, someone took them to cells No. [-] and [-], and arranged accommodation one by one.

After the survivors were settled, the soldiers were divided into two parts.Some entered the cell; some set up tents on the playground as temporary accommodation—the temperature at night is low, and there may be rainy days in the future, so it will definitely not work like this.

Yang Yiqin secretly guessed in his heart that the base will start to expand tomorrow.

After the base introduction, General Zheng invited Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin to the office for a detailed discussion.

Inside the office building.

In addition to Yang Feng and General Zheng, there are also two leaders who entered the base today.

"Yang Yiqin, Feng Lin." General Zheng thanked him solemnly, "It's hard work for you to drive the ducks to the shelves today so that you can speak up."

Yang Yiqin shook his head: "We have received a lot of care from the base, so doing this is nothing."

He knew that the base valued him and Feng Lin so much because there were many things that only they could do, and only they could do.

"You have also seen that the number of newcomers to the base is several times that of our original number, and there will definitely be various problems in management." General Zheng continued, "Especially among the new survivors, there are many restless ones. people."

"The boss who shakes people's hearts is called Huang Yuanqi. It is said that he seems to have boxed before, so his skills are not bad. Before we went over, he gathered more than 50 survivors and set up a small base in the village." One of the leaders He roughly explained the situation and said, "Later their small base was attacked by mutant wild boars. Our team happened to pass by and rescued them."

"After rescuing Huang Yuanqi, we said that we would come to the Survivor Base in Beishi to take root and persuade those survivors to join us so that their safety could be guaranteed on the road. They readily agreed. We never expected that because of these dozens of people, less than half of them survived Everyone feels that the base has ulterior motives, and they always have various doubts in their hearts.”

Speaking of this, the leader's expression was a bit distressed: "At the beginning, we only focused on opening the road, collecting supplies, and saving survivors, and didn't notice their small movements... After we realized it, it seemed that everything we did was wrong."

"Some people, while feeling that they have ulterior motives, at the same time dislike the fact that the materials in the base need to be exchanged for labor, and want to get something for nothing..." Yang Yiqin narrowed his eyes, "In short, let them talk about everything, good or bad."

"Yeah, so we're worried that they're going to cause trouble in the base."

Feng Lin said: "We can deal with Huang Yuanqi directly."

"No." General Zheng shook his head. "Strictly speaking, Huang Yuanqi did nothing wrong. We can't punish him at will."

At the same time, it is impossible for them to abandon those survivors, and it is even more impossible for them to use force or restrict the freedom of the other party, but it seems unreasonable to reason.But if you really leave it alone, if the other party has a whim one day and collectively riots, maybe they will do something that hurts other survivors and the interests of the base...

At that time, it will be too late to keep them under strict supervision in the same way as prisoners are held.

"So we came up with an impromptu solution—see if we could select a few strong survivors from among the survivors in the base to guide the correct wind direction, and suppress Huang Yuanqi's Mars by the way."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Did you choose me and Feng Lin?"

"Yes, I hope you understand."

Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin looked at each other.

"We get it."

The two of them knew very well that if the new survivors really clashed with the people on the base, it would definitely have an impact on their lives.The base wanted to find someone to suppress Huang Yuanqi, and both of them were the most suitable candidates no matter in terms of force or intelligence.

At the end of the meeting, General Zheng said to them: "If you need help, just ask."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Okay."

Hold down Huang Yuanqi...

As his thoughts turned, countless plans emerged in his mind.

The author has something to say:

Today is a bit short, next week I will accompany my friend to have an operation, the update will be a little later in these few days...

Everyone should also pay attention to your health, go to bed early and get up early, don't wait until you get sick to regret it! =3=

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