poor road [end times]

Chapter 040 Rat eradication

When the two of them went downstairs together, they happened to meet Zhao Guowei who had rushed over.

Qian Guowei looked at the black-and-white cat following Yang Yiqin, his expression showing some scrutiny: "I heard from Wang Che that a cat smarter than a human came to your house. Is this the one? It looks quite similar. So what happened..."

"Smarter than humans?" Yang Yiqin looked down at Hua Hua, "It's very smart, but I'm afraid we can't simply compare it with humans."

Each population has its own characteristics.

He treats the pastoral cat as a companion and respects Huahua's spirituality.But there are many rules in human society, Huahua can understand people's language and actions, but not necessarily understand more complicated things.

Simply using "smarter than humans" to define it deifies the essence of animals, but may bring unnecessary difficulties to it-such as being coveted by humans.

Wang Che's words are always too exaggerated.

Feng Lin said softly, "He's probably comparing himself to himself."

Qian Guowei was speechless: "..."

It's not impossible, this cat seems to be smarter than Wang Che.

It may be that the cat's eyes are too clear, just looking at it, there is an illusion of being seen through.

Huahua let out a "meow".

Qian Guowei asked again: "I heard that it found you by itself?"

"Yes, Huahua helped us catch another mouse that ate roast chicken." Yang Yiqin explained, "But its owner is not me and Feng Lin, but the two children we rescued earlier."

"So it's the cat of the siblings? I do have the impression that the older sister in the child called a cat 'Hua Hua' or something..." Qian Guowei changed his mind and was caught by another question, "So, Did other mice steal your food yesterday?"

"That's right, so Feng Lin and I have locked up all the food and supplies now, and we'd better notify the people at the base as soon as possible."

In particular, there is a "heavy place" like a canteen in the base. A large amount of food is stored in the spacious canteen, which is most likely to be poisoned by rats.But the current situation is still optimistic, only Yang Yiqin and his roast chicken have attracted a few mice, maybe the mouse nest is not too big.

Hearing this, Qian Guowei immediately recruited someone and whispered a few words to him.

The man nodded and turned to go to the other side of the playground.

Not long after, the radio in the base sounded, and the serious voice of the old man spread to every corner of the base——

[Recently, there have been giant rats infested in the base, and they would steal food from the survivors. If you find rats infested in the dormitory, please contact the person in charge of the base immediately!Once again, please contact the person in charge of the base immediately! 】

[In addition, for the sake of your personal safety, please do not drive away the mice without the ability to deal with them. 】

Afterwards, the broadcast was repeated several times.

Yang Yiqin looked at his watch and said, "Everyone is almost up at this time, otherwise it will be called wake-up service."

Before the end of the world, how many people liked to sleep until noon, but now most people wake up at dawn.

Because people have no sense of comfort, no modern recreational facilities for recreation, and besides, they may face the threat of death all the time, so it is difficult to sleep peacefully.

"The other survivors don't have as many supplies as yours, so I just need to remind a few words. The key is that our canteen and warehouse... are very dangerous." Qian Guowei looked at the black cat Tianyuan cat at his feet, "Now, it Want to take us to find mutant mice?"

"To be precise, it's the nest of mutated mice." Yang Yiqin thought for a while, "We think we need to bring some tools."

Qian Guowei said: "The base has prepared flamethrowers."

The method of eradicating rodents is not a difficult problem. Everyone knows more or less. The common methods of eradicating rodents are mechanical, chemical...ecological and so on.

But now there is no rat poison in the base, and ordinary mousetraps will definitely not be able to catch such a large mutant mouse, and at most it will cause them a little damage.Although ecology is the most scientific, they have no time to find a large number of natural enemies of mice and put them in the fields. The only cat that can catch mice is this one...

After much deliberation, I can only bring a flamethrower and a digging shovel.In order to avoid a fire, there are also people carrying emergency fire extinguishing devices on their backs.

If you encounter a huge mouse nest, destroy the opponent's nest directly, and then capture two mice as experimental materials.

"Now that we're ready, how do we set off?" Yang Yiqin asked, "How about Feng Lin and I driving the car?"

Qian Guowei nodded: "Yes."

After talking, the group officially set off.

Feng Lin was driving the off-road vehicle, and Yang Yiqin was sitting in the passenger seat.

Huahua squatted in front of the car as motionless as a mountain, her yellow eyes were always staring at the field outside, and occasionally she showed a thoughtful expression.

Yang Yiqin was also observing.

There are hundreds of acres of fields on the west side of the fruit forest, and two small villages that have been emptied are located in the fields. At the end of the fields are real estate and mountains.Driving along the east-west winding road, you can see these fields along the road.

It is now mid-July, and the malnourished corn stalks in the field are only [-] to [-] centimeters high. On the contrary, the uncontrolled weeds are tenacious and grow wildly without any scruples.In some fields, the corn stalks are even sparse, with few plants left, and the growth space is completely occupied by overgrown weeds.

When it comes to the autumn harvest, it would be good to have [-]% of the harvest in the field.

Suddenly, Huahua let out a "meow".

Yang Yiqin said on the intercom: "Qian Dui, stop first."

The three military off-road vehicles and a fire truck that followed stopped.

Qian Guowei's voice came from the intercom: "Is this here?"

"Well, it should be." Yang Yiqin said, "Huahua is scratching the door."

After finishing speaking, he opened the co-pilot's door, and just as the door showed a crack, Hua Hua nimbly squeezed out.

Cats are indeed liquid.

Everyone in the other cars got out too.

This place is a little far from the base, no matter how big a wild mouse is, its claws are far less than wheels.The fact that those two fat mice ran all the way to the base in order to steal food from humans is indeed an "admirable" biological instinct.

After Huahua jumped out of the car, she looked back to make sure that Yang Yiqin was following her, then turned around and jumped off the field ridge, and walked deep into the cornfield.

Yang Yiqin beckoned to Qian Guowei and the others, and then quickly followed the black and white cat.

Although the corn doesn't grow very tall, and each plant is sluggish and lacks nutrition, the weeds in the field are overgrown and crowded together, completely covering the color of the soil.Even though Huahua was an adult garden cat, after entering the field, it was immediately overwhelmed by weeds and corn stalks.

If you don't follow closely behind it, you will soon lose it and get lost in the fields.

A group of people carefully avoided the corn stalks and walked all the way in. The weeds were crushed and trampled in pieces.

Even a cornfield tended by a farmer will have nests of bugs, let alone a field left unattended.Yang Yiqin walked a few steps in, and suddenly heard a "puchi", looked down again, and found that there was a dark nest wriggling in the grass, and he happened to step on it.

After the environment changed, even the bugs grew fat.

——The more so, the greater the damage to the crops.

The bugs that were not stepped on rushed to scatter, and some even climbed onto Yang Yiqin's shoe.

He flicked his foot to shake off the long black bug, and immediately reminded the people behind: "There are a lot of wild bugs in the ground, I don't know if they bite people, and I can't tell if they are poisonous, everyone should be careful. "

When you encounter poisonous and blood-sucking bugs, you suffer.

Qian Guowei and others responded, "Okay."

The group of people walked about five acres of land, completely away from the road, and Huahua stopped.

Yang Yiqin asked, "Huahua, are you here?"

Huahua moved the tip of her nose, jumped out with a "swoosh", and disappeared into the grass in an instant.

"Where's the cat?" Qian Guowei looked around, "Why did it disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Yang Yiqin settled down: "Let's wait for a while."

After waiting for a while, Huahua reappeared with a hairless baby mouse in her mouth.The suckling mouse was only a little bit bigger, struggling feebly in the black and white cat's mouth, completely unable to see the exaggerated body shape it would have when it grew up.

Wild mice live in groups. Since you can see the cubs, it means that the mouse nest is nearby.

Huahua swallowed the hairless rat cub, shook her head at Yang Yiqin, let out a "meow", and led them towards the denser grass.

A person behind couldn't help asking: "When it eats big rats, does it always swallow it in one gulp?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before." Yang Yiqin shook his head, "But the big mouse can't swallow it in one bite."

Qian Guowei was worried, and reminded: "Can Huahua avoid people as much as possible when eating in the future? It may be because of its racial talent that it is not afraid of the virus on mice, but it is afraid that the people in the base will accidentally contract some diseases. "

"It shouldn't do such a thing. I'll remind it later." Yang Yiqin added, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen it eat a big rat yet."

This was the first time he saw Hua Hua eating.

In just a few hours from last night to this morning, Huahua once caught two fat mice, but every time she ate, she ate them quietly, without leaving any traces behind. .

Afterwards, Yang Yiqin just wiped off the mud on the balcony.

"That's good." Qian Guowei nodded, "The most feared thing about rats is stealing food and carrying viruses."

Not far ahead, Huahua stopped at a place where the weeds were the densest, and the height of the weeds in that place was even higher than the corn stalks that were forty centimeters high.But the whole is hidden in the vast fields. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it.

Yang Yiqin walked over.

After careful inspection, he was surprised to find that the weeds there were so tall, not because the plants themselves were tall, but because the soil there was originally arched, like a grave mound.

Yang Yiqin murmured: "...strange."

Qian Guowei ordered: "Pull the grass away."

Everyone peeled away the grass and took a closer look...

Where is the naturally raised soil here? It is clearly a hill-like soil nest that was actively built, somewhat similar to a termite nest.There are holes everywhere in the soil of the nest, and the soil is obviously harder than other places, and the hardened soil bag is like a shell.

At the bottom of the hole, a black mouse can be vaguely seen sticking out its head.

"Wow." Someone exclaimed in a low voice, "I never heard of mice making nests..."

"Probably because of the change in body shape, it is inconvenient to live underground, so the lifestyle has also changed." Yang Yiqin looked very cautious, guessing, "Huahua's cat claws are also sharper than ordinary cats, so they can hook the concrete. Building exterior."

Huahua said "meow".

Qian Guowei pursed his lips and said seriously, "Destroy the rat nest."

Mice can only live for two or three years, but the reproductive period is short and frequent. Generally, a mother mouse of Mus musculus can start to conceive within a month, and can reproduce several times a year, giving birth to several cubs each time.There are already mutated mice giving birth, and after another two months, the field will probably be full of mice.

At that time, the base will definitely be in trouble.

The rat plague in the last days is no joke.

A group of people cooperated tacitly, and quickly destroyed the rat nest, and took photos as records.

Seeing this, the black and white cat, which had been on the sidelines, moved its nose, gave a "meow", and then turned to Yang Yiqin's handsome tail and walked in another direction.

Qian Guowei was puzzled: "...is this?"

Yang Yiqin's expression froze: "There should be other nests."

The group traveled through the fields all day, living twenty different pups and destroying a dozen nests.In order to get rid of these mice, they had to reluctantly destroy part of the crops.

Some mouse nests are still being built, and some mouse nests are connected like a mountain range, and dozens of mice can crawl out with just one foot.Thankfully, not all musculus musculus are that large, and two-thirds of the mice in the nest remained intact.

It wasn't until it was getting late that Huahua licked her paws contentedly.

This eradication operation was considered a success. Although there may be some wild mice that were missed, it is presumed that there will be no swarms of large mice in the future.As for those scattered wild mice, they should become Huahua's food.

Yang Yiqin and the others were quite tired.

"By the way, does Huahua need anything?" Qian Guowei asked, "It is the main force in this rodent eradication operation, and the base should reward it."

For creatures with human nature, they should be treated equally and rewards and punishments should be clearly defined.

Yang Yiqin lowered his head and looked at the black and white cat: "Huahua, what do you want?"

Huahua turned around a few times, then shook the cat's head.

Qian Guowei became worried: "...What does this mean?"

Yang Yiqin used his imagination: "I don't lack anything, I just want a place to stay?"

Huahua let out a satisfied "meow".

Qian Guowei: "..."

"Haha." Yang Yiqin laughed heartily, "Could it be that I am level [-] in cat language?"

Feng Lin praised faster than anyone else: "It's amazing."

Qian Guowei and others had to admit: "...it's amazing."

This can actually get the answer.

After solving the hidden danger of rats, the group returned by car.

Before returning to the base, Qian Guowei revealed to Yang Yiqin: "After a while, a group of support troops will arrive at the base. After that, we will start to expand the base."

After a pause, he continued: "We will also start a large-scale extermination of the zombies in the city."

"This is a good thing." Yang Yiqin raised his eyebrows, his clear eyes were full of expectation, "I have been looking forward to the expansion for a long time."

Qian Guowei said in a deep voice, "So do we."

"I'm also a person who studies architecture. I hope I can help you then." After finishing speaking, Yang Yiqin asked, "How many people will come?"

Qian Guowei replied: "There are at least 1."

Yang Yiqin was thoughtful, directly several times the original number of people in the base.

Handing over the captured mutant animals to Dr. Liang has become a regular procedure.

Seeing them again, as rigorous as Dr. Liang also joked: "Apart from the researchers in our laboratory and the zombies on the experimental bed, the people I see the most are you."

"Dr. Liang is exaggerating." Yang Yiqin smiled, "It's only a few days."

"I heard that you put aside the matter of zombie animals and went to exterminate the mutant mice?" Dr. Liang asked, "How is it? What was the result? Did you find anything?"

Qian Guowei handed him the cardboard box containing the baby mice and the camera that took the photos: "This is the cub of the mutated mouse and the photo before the mouse nest was destroyed."

Dr. Liang took it, first looked down at the baby mouse, and then flipped through the photos for a while.

Afterwards, his face was a little dignified: "This is not a mutation of a simple individual."

Qian Guowei frowned: "We think so too, but we are not professionals and can't see the reason. Generally speaking, can a species complete the change of the entire population so quickly? Even living habits can be changed accordingly."

Dr. Liang sighed: "Give me a few more days."

Zombies, mutated sheep, mutated mice, mutated cats... This virus is like nuclear radiation, affecting all the populations covered by it in a short period of time and on a large scale, violently shaking the originally stable earth's ecological circle.

"Okay." Qian Guowei nodded, "We will also find experimental materials for your laboratory as soon as possible."

After speaking, he looked at Yang Yiqin.

Having cooperated with him tacitly, Yang Yiqin understood: "I will do my best to help."

When Feng Lin heard the words, he immediately agreed: "Me too."

No matter what Yang Yiqin does, he will accompany him.

"Thank you, then I will trouble you again." Qian Guowei sighed unconsciously, "You are almost becoming our non-staff personnel."

Yang Yiqin shook his head: "No, it's our honor."

Because they are capable, and the base trusts their ability, they are always assigned important tasks.Soldiers like Qian Guowei, regardless of any interests, can sacrifice their lives for the base and the survivors, are truly admirable people.

Yang Yiqin didn't want to die yet.

Otherwise, he was afraid that Feng Lin would be reincarnated with him in the next second.

"If there's nothing wrong here, we'll go back first." Yang Yiqin said politely, "I won't disturb Dr. Liang's experiment."

"So urgent." Dr. Liang nodded, "Is there anything you need to do when you go back?"

"There are a few little guys living in the dormitory." Yang Yiqin replied, "I'm anxious to go back and see how they are doing."

The moment she entered the base, Hua Hua jumped out of the car window and ran all the way to the prison, attracting the attention of everyone in the base.Huahua followed the team to kill mice for a day, so she was naturally worried about her children.

Garden cats—especially garden cats that grew up in rural areas are easy to feed and not delicate at all.

The six kittens were not completely weaned, and before leaving in the morning, Yang Yiqin made some rice cereal for them, wondering if they had eaten well.

Dr. Liang heard about the cats from Wang Che, and knew that apart from the big cat leading the team to exterminate mice, there were several milk cats.Those six milk cats are as powerful as the tabby cats. They are only full-term old, and they can climb the outer walls of buildings and climb high-rise buildings.

Thinking of this, he was a little moved.

Dr. Liang said: "The pastoral cat——"

"This is not good." Before Dr. Liang finished speaking, Yang Yiqin interrupted him with a smile, "There are many mutant animals, this one is not bad."

Dr. Liang was helpless: "I haven't finished yet."

A scientific research madman like him has an excess desire to explore.

This desire to explore sometimes does not even distinguish between races, nor does it need to distinguish between good and evil, it is just out of curiosity.

"Don't hide it from Dr. Liang."

Yang Yiqin smiled with curved eyes.

"Actually, I'm quite protective."

When Yang Yiqin and Feng Lin returned to the office, Huahua was squatting on the window sill.The six kittens ran around the house vigorously. Sometimes they were loose and scattered, and they were piled up in a group;

Finding that the door was opened, the little milk cat heard the movement, and six pairs of round eyes looked at Yang Yiqin at the same time.

The next moment, six balls rushed towards him at the same time.

Looking at the string of fur balls arching around his feet, Yang Yiqin thought to himself, this is the cat he stroked.

He knelt down, rubbed them one by one, and said softly, "Next time I go out of the base, I'll see if I can find some tools to make you a proper cat litter and cat climbing frame."

After hearing this, Huahua jumped off the window sill and rubbed Yang Yiqin's leg.

Yang Yiqin also patted its head: "Thank you for your hard work today."

Huahua let out a "meow".

Feng Lin narrowed his eyes.

It's a little annoying, but that's all.

He knew that when Yang Yiqin saw these cats, he would not only think of the yellow and white cats he raised in the past, but also the grandfather who had treated him so well.

Feng Lin understood this feeling.

In the next few days, the two of them assisted the base, captured a few inertial zombies and zombie chickens, and provided them to Dr. Liang for experiments.Dr. Liang and other scientific researchers do not have the self-protection ability to go out to the base, so they can only study with photos and few experimental materials. They will occasionally call Yang Yiqin, Qian Guowei and others to ask about the details of the zombies, and even discuss with them. Experimental results.

The senior management of the base also pays close attention to the progress of the laboratory.

A few days later, Dr. Liang called them over and had a small meeting.

"My scientific research team believes that the mutation of animals is also caused by viruses of the same origin as the zombie virus." Dr. Liang pushed his glasses, "After the sandstorm, humans who were not immune to the virus mutated into zombies, and humans who were immune to the zombie virus remained the same. But as long as it is bitten, secondary mutations will occur."

"But animals are different."

"The currently known zombie animals are almost all mutated by secondary infection. The sandstorm only spawned mutated animals. For these reasons, after a zombie animal bites a human, it will not cause human mutation."

"And it's worth noting that whether it's zombies or zombie animals, the main targets of attack are humans."

Yang Yiqin asked: "Will you not actively attack other creatures when there is no one around?"

Dr. Liang nodded: "That's right."

They conducted hundreds of experiments on the zombie chicken, and found that he would attack humans first, and only after he could no longer smell or see humans would he turn to attack the mutant mice around him.

This is bad news for humanity.

"However, the runaway mutated animals attack indiscriminately." Dr. Liang said, "I don't know whether this news is good or bad."

Qian Guowei asked: "Can the serum be developed?"

Dr. Liang shook his head and sighed: "As I said before, with our current team and equipment, there may not be results in a few years."

"After waiting for so long, zombies are no longer the main problem facing human beings." Yang Yiqin said, "Zombies cannot reproduce, and their bodies are constantly decomposing. Even if people don't take the initiative to exterminate them, they will wait ten or twenty years... Sooner or later they will disappeared from the face of the earth."

Feng Lin continued: "Not to mention for the sake of survivors and supplies, the base has never stopped its efforts to exterminate zombies."

At that time, the biggest problem facing mankind should be the chaos and disorder of the earth's ecological circle.

In this zombie crisis, some creatures are mutated, and some creatures are completely extinct.Any insignificant creature in the food chain is an indispensable link, and if it is missing, it will collapse.

Just when the base's research was deadlocked, the support army mentioned by Qian Guowei finally arrived at the base.

The author has something to say:

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