poor road [end times]

Chapter 009 Driver Zombie

On the way into the urban area, Yang Yiqin tried his best to choose a spacious and unmanned route, just because he was afraid of the possibility of being blocked.

However, things backfired, and the thing he was most worried about happened.

In fact, there was still some distance between them and the obstacle. Yang Yiqin's eyesight had always been good, but it seemed to be better than usual today, which is why he discovered the obstacle ahead of the road so early.

Probably when sandstorms and storms swept across the city before, the trees on the left side of the road failed to withstand the lightning and strong winds, and several decades-old thick trees were swept up by the strong winds and fell crookedly on the side of the road, causing There is only a gap on the right side of the road for a car to pass through.Others also chose this road to escape. Unfortunately, the people in the car mutated halfway, driving indiscriminately, and the car directly hit the wall on the right longitudinally, blocking the only gap.

There are three zombies on the car blocking the way.

The first one to mutate should be the boy in the back seat of the car. He looked like five or six years old. A piece of his ear was bitten off, and his face was covered with black and red lumps of flesh.In the front seat should be his parents, still wearing seat belts, both of them had their faces and necks badly bitten.

If there is no one chasing after him, Yang Yiqin can get out of the car to clear away the zombies, and then move the car away to pass safely.

But now-

Obviously not that effort.

Yang Yiqin frowned slightly, and whispered to himself: "It's not easy."

Liu Decheng in the backseat of the car arched his body, turned his eyes dullly for a while to look at the front, and then turned to look at the back... It took him more than ten seconds to realize their situation, and he was so scared that he breathed heavily and sweated profusely , can't say a word.

Yang Yiqin closed his eyes, his eyes were silent, staring at the obstacle in front of him.

The road is straight, with greenery and newly built residential quarters on both sides, and the construction site is surrounded by walls and iron plates.However, the width of the entire road is only narrow at this section, which can only accommodate four vehicles. There are half-meter-high imitation U-turn railings between the forward and reverse roads—that is to say, there is only room for two vehicles to drive. The width of the cars side by side, there is no place to turn at all.

Yang Yiqin's little broken car really couldn't break through these roadblocks.

He could only slow down the car, thinking about countermeasures frantically, while the bus full of zombies behind him was chasing after him.

Different from his small broken car, the tonnage of the large long-distance bus has enough advantages, so that the driver zombies without IQ can rampage without any scruples.It can easily run over the railings in the middle of the road, or it can hit walls and iron plates. After bumping into potholes, it twists and turns back to the middle of the road and continues to chase after them.

Yang Yiqin originally hoped that the zombies would accidentally let go of the steering wheel and foot brakes, or directly hit the wall, making it impossible for the bus to start again.However, this zombie driver's business ability is too strong. Not only does he rely on muscle memory to drive, but he is also surrounded by zombies behind him and restricts his movements. Instead, his hands and feet are firmly glued to the proper position.

Absurd to the point of being unreasonable.

"Ahhh! What to do! What to do! Brother, what should we do?!" Liu Decheng, who finally recovered his voice from the panic, started calling Yang Yiqin again, "I, I don't want to die yet!"

Due to his personality, the more afraid he is, the more he can't help chattering and talking to himself indiscriminately: "Is it evolved in this situation? Has it evolved? How else can it follow us accurately?! If zombies can evolve, then we humans are not finished..."

The zombie's limbs were stiff and slow, and it was completely incomparable to normal humans. This was also the reason why Liu Decheng was able to escape.Once their movements became agile, and even possessed simple skills, how could human beings survive?

Yang Yiqin was quite calm: "I don't think so."

Although from the intersection in between to the road blocked by obstacles now, the zombie bus full of people chased them for at least seven or eight miles, and they didn't lose their way even once in the middle.But it would be too early to draw conclusions about evolution or not.

Yang Yiqin guessed: "It may be because of the smell, or it may be that the driver is too dedicated. In this state, he can bypass all roadblocks."

Liu Decheng had a mournful face, and his voice was hoarse: "...Brother, please stop talking, this is not funny at all."

Yang Yiqin didn't want to laugh either.

He wanted to make an extreme U-turn, but the bus behind was chasing too closely, and the way of driving was not the slightest rule. He was afraid that he would collide with the other party after turning around. Under the tonnage gap, they would definitely be sent away by a car accident.

Yang Yiqin firmly held the steering wheel and said, "Do you want to live?"

Liu Decheng nodded heavily: "Think!"

"That's good—" Yang Yiqin said, "There are seat belts in the back seat too, hold on tight."

Liu Decheng hastily put on his seat belt and grabbed the handle on the side.

The next moment, the speed of the car suddenly started to go up and down, and the two of them kept leaning forward and back, staggering.Yang Yiqin was trying to see if he could pass the bus and let the bus run in front of them, so that they could take the opportunity to change the route into the city.

However, the road is narrow and the direction of the bus is vacillating, and there is no place where we can see the stitches for a while.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the obstacle, the distance between them and the bus gradually shortened.Yang Yiqin's hand holding the steering wheel was so hard that it turned white, and his eyes were firm and sharp like never before.

Take a gamble.

And, must win.

As if anticipating what he was going to do, Liu Decheng held his breath, not daring to let out a breath.

Yang Yiqin stepped on the brakes, deliberately shortening the distance between the body and the bus to the extreme, so close that the front and rear of the bus almost touched each other.During countless collisions, the glass of the bus had already been shattered, and countless zombies struggled to stretch out their arms, as if they could find fresh and delicious flesh as long as they got out.Because they don't feel pain, they don't care about the bloody flesh cut by the glass slag arms.

The black, red and rancid blood blended together, making the whole zombie bus look even weirder.

One of the zombies worked harder than the others, protruding most of its body from the gap, the driver zombie made a sharp turn, the zombie hit the wall by the side of the road, and immediately lost its head. "Pfft—" After another two seconds, that head was crushed into a pulp.

"It's now!"

Yang Yiqin moved his hands and feet neatly, taking advantage of the gap when the bus hit the wall, he reversed suddenly, and drove towards the gap between the railing and the bus.

At the same time, the bus was driving towards the middle of the road again.

At this distance, the front of the bus and the side door of the car almost collided, and they leaned out of the window. The dancing zombies seemed to be able to smell people through the car door. They were more manic than before, roaring and yelling at them Stretch out your arms.A zombie even fell off the car and fell to the side of the road with a "slap". The car just ran over it with a thud, and the two people in the car were jolted violently.

The feeling of the car pressing over the bones makes the scalp tingle.

At the critical moment, Yang Yiqin held his breath, reversed the car and rushed out!

Holding his breath, Liu Decheng's mood was ups and downs, and he finally uttered: "...Fuck!!"

Yang Yiqin clenched the steering wheel and looked at the crushed zombie that fell to the ground: "That's why I said don't lean your body out of the car."

Liu Decheng: "..."

Thanks to the rampage of the bus, the railing in the middle was knocked down in a large area, leaving him with significantly more room for Yang Yiqin to operate.He didn't dare to delay for a second, quickly slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel quickly, and successfully turned around and drove in the opposite direction.

If it wasn't for this crisis, he wouldn't even know that he would still be drifting and turning around - he had only heard Feng Lin mention the method before.

Sure enough, people were forced out.


After a loud noise, the bus hit a fallen tree, pushed several trees forward and slid forward for tens of meters, then overturned and finally turned off.

It is a pity that the vehicle did not explode after the impact, and soon the zombies in the vehicle struggled to get out with their broken bodies and chased after their vehicle.After a while, dozens of disabled zombies gathered and chased them in groups.

After Yang Yiqin drove for a while, he put on full speed—because there were also small-scale zombies appearing on the return journey, they should be passengers on another bus.

Zombies don't know how to live or die, and jump up when they see moving cars. Yang Yiqin drives cautiously, trying to avoid colliding with them.Once or twice is okay, but if there are too many collisions, I am afraid that there will be problems with the car.

As soon as the speed of the car slowed down, he could gradually see the zombie team chasing behind him clearly, and the driver's zombie was the one who was chasing him the most.Other zombies are all waving their arms to pounce on food, but this one is different. The posture of raising their arms is like holding a steering wheel.

Liu Decheng also saw it, and he couldn't help feeling: "...this is too inspiring."

However, after a while, the zombie stopped suddenly, and was overtaken by other zombies in a blink of an eye.

Liu Decheng: "What's going on?"

Looking back, Yang Yiqin understood the reason: "It's probably a red light."

Liu Decheng: "..."

When the heavenly king and Lao Tzu come, they will all praise the degree of abiding by the law.

Yang Yiqin concentrated on driving, and after a few minutes, he managed to get rid of the bus zombies.

Liu Decheng, who did nothing to help, said sincerely: "Thank you, you saved my life again."

Yang Yiqin nodded: "Well, it's okay."

Only then did he loosen his grip on the steering wheel a little bit, his knuckles twitched belatedly, and his temples ached from the overly tense nerves.He breathed a sigh of relief, his palms were already sweating, and his heartbeat was as loud as thunder.

They are all ordinary citizens, so they don't have the experience of being as stable as Mount Tai in the face of life and death. He has been forcing himself to be calm.

Once or twice, you have to get used to it.

The suburbs are so dangerous, what should Feng Lin do?


More than 20 kilometers away, Feng Lin pulled the fire ax from the head of the zombie, and finally came to the underground parking lot of the office building.

The author has something to say:

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