poor road [end times]

Chapter 008 Liu Decheng

Two big cars?

Yang Yiqin glanced at the time, it was already [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

The yellow sand in the sky still shows no signs of dissipating. At this twilight hour, the already dark sky is even darker. In addition, this area is desolate compared with the city center, and the eerie feeling is lingering.

Especially after the man finished speaking, the air froze for a few moments, and even the wind seemed to carry a frightening fishy smell.

Fearing that Yang Yiqin would not believe it, the man pointed emotionally at the location behind the car, and explained loudly in a flustered and urgent tone: "Brother, don't believe it, the bus is not far behind you! Many people were bitten when I ran away. There was a mess in the car, I really had no choice but to stop you!"

Yang Yiqin turned his head and looked back.

——There is a crossroad not far behind, and since he came in the direction he found nothing unusual, so if the man's words are true, the bus should be on another longitudinal road.

According to the map, that road is indeed the direction to the bus station.

Yang Yiqin has already believed it to a certain extent.

He asked, "Minibus?"

The man cried and said: "Two big ones!"

The passenger capacity of each bus at the long-distance bus station is different, which has a lot to do with the arrival city. If there are two large buses, they should be the one with more than 80 seats.Even if someone escaped in the middle, the bus is not full, and it is conservatively estimated that there are [-] to [-] people.

The man anxiously reminded: "Please let me get in the car! Brother, you are a good person! If you don't run away, we are all finished!!"

Yang Yiqin looked at the man carefully again, and after making sure that he was no match for him, he rolled up the window and opened the door.

"Get in the car."

After receiving an affirmative answer, the man thanked him several times, then hurriedly climbed onto the back seat of the car.At the same time as he closed the door, a few zombies came running in groups at the turn of the intersection.

"Run! Run!" The man's mood fluctuated greatly, and he said with snot and tears, "The zombie in the front was sitting in the back seat of me. It was the first one to mutate, and now they are catching up!!"

Yang Yiqin, who was in the driver's seat, shifted expressionlessly, kicked the accelerator and rushed out.

The man sitting in the back immediately grabbed the handle on the door.

In a short while, they left the small group of zombies far behind.After a while, Yang Yiqin slowed down the speed of the car.

The man felt that the speed of the car was slowing down, and immediately became uneasy. He asked quite familiarly, "Why did you slow down? In this situation, I feel panicked when the car doesn't speed up..."

While turning the steering wheel, Yang Yiqin replied: "It's too dark, the front may not be safe, and there is no destination, so it's useless to speed up. Where should I put you down?"

The reason for the deceleration is very simple. First, the situation ahead is not clear, and rampage is prone to accidents; second, he has no idea of ​​taking this man with him. Saving people is one thing, but partnering with them is another. .

Be wary of strangers in peaceful times, let alone now.

Now acquaintances may not be able to trust.

He let the man get into the car because he couldn't do anything about it.

In the current situation, if people do not help each other, they will never be able to restore the original order.Although this is a sudden and terrible natural disaster, zombies are dead things, and they cannot reproduce without wisdom, but people are alive. Yang Yiqin believes that with the strength of the Hua Kingdom, the disaster will pass sooner or later.

Before that, he didn't want to lose his humanity.

"Brother, why don't we go to the countryside?" the man suggested, "It's not always like this in the movies. Once a zombie crisis breaks out, the countryside is sparsely populated and it's easy to survive."

Yang Yiqin shook his head: "No, I'm going downtown."

"City area?!" The man was startled, and his voice was broken, "Wouldn't it be death if you went to the city area?! Brother, don't think too hard!"

Yang Yiqin glanced at the man through the rearview mirror in the car, his eyes were a little calm, and somehow intimidating.

The man fell silent for a moment.

"Stop calling me big brother." Yang Yiqin said, "You should be older than me."

The man is a little embarrassed.

Just now he felt that Yang Yiqin's face was tender and handsome, like a college student.But he asked for help, deliberately lowered his posture, so he called big brother one by one.

"I'm going to the urban area to find someone, and walk along Yanxi Road to Tonghuayuan Community on Chang'an Road. If there is no one I'm looking for, I will continue to the second ring road." Yang Yiqin explained, "In the process of searching, there must be a I can't take care of you, if there is a place you want to go in the middle of the road, I will let you go."

The more the man listened, the more frightened he became: "Little brother..."

"Just call me Yang Yiqin."

"Then you can also call me Liu Decheng, little brother Yang, listen to my advice—" Liu Decheng still didn't give up the idea of ​​going to the countryside, "You are going to the city at this time, you must be looking for important people, but you You can't underestimate the current situation, what if you both get stuck there?"

"I know." Yang Yiqin interrupted him, "but I have to go."

The reason why Liu Decheng persuaded him was because he was afraid of zombies, he didn't dare to act alone, and for the sake of his own life, he wanted to hitch a ride and find a safe place.

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, he could only stop persuading in resentment.

He would definitely not go to the urban area. Thinking about the situation there, he felt that his scalp was numb, and he couldn't get better anywhere.But when it comes to where to settle, he can't think of it for a while, because his family is not here, and he is unfamiliar with the place in a foreign land...

At this time, Yang Yiqin said: "How about this, if there is a car with keys on the side of the road in a while, I will put you down, can you drive?"

Liu Decheng nodded again and again: "Yes, I will."

This is also a way. After someone mutated or was bitten, the car became an abandoned car.During the special period, he didn't care if the car was dirty, as long as it allowed him to leave Beishi and escape back to his hometown.

But what if there are zombies in the car...

Then he dare not approach.

Liu Decheng secretly glanced at Yang Yiqin, wanting to ask if he could beat the zombies together.Although Yang Yiqin was younger than him and saved his life, it might be because he was in a hurry to find someone, and he exuded an aura that was not easy to get close to. After thinking twice, he didn't dare to ask more questions.

It was eerily quiet in the car.

Yang Yiqin watched the road conditions while looking at the map, and tried to avoid every place where there might be large crowds.

After only a few minutes, the sky became dark enough to turn on the lights. Yang Yiqin was more cautious when driving, for fear of accidentally breaking into an unsafe place.

The inside of the car is quiet, and the outside of the car is secretive. Liu Decheng couldn't bear this oppressive atmosphere, so he couldn't help but open his mouth to relieve the atmosphere: "Brother Yang, are you really not afraid? Judging from the direction you came from, you should come from the suburbs, right? Now It's very dangerous outside. Not to mention anything else, just say that the small area at the bus station is already in disarray. People bite and eat people everywhere. There are bloodstains, dead people and broken limbs everywhere. I was going back to my hometown. I went to Beishi just to change trains. Who knew that the weather suddenly became particularly bad before the departure, and all of us were stranded at the long-distance bus station. There were several other cars in the same situation as us. "

Yang Yiqin's attention was all on observing the surroundings, so he didn't say anything, but he listened to what he said, so Liu Decheng continued to speak.

"When the mutation happened at the beginning, all of us didn't realize it, and many of us were bitten. After everyone came back to their senses and worked together to push the mutated and biting guy out of the car, the driver pulled We ran out of the station in a car. There were few mutated people in our car, and the driver was kind, and when we fled, we let many people who escaped from other cars get into the car."

"Who knew that thing was really a zombie, and it bit people with infection! Halfway through the escape, the injured and bitten people on the bus suddenly mutated. Originally, the seats on the bus were one after another and there was no room for movement. Our car rescued people halfway At that time, the number of people exceeded the number of seats, and many people stood in the aisle. Once the mutation broke out, everyone really had no place to run. I was lucky, sitting in the first row, and ran out of the car when I realized something was wrong. , the rest of the people couldn't get out of the car door. When I was running away, I looked back, and the tragedy... Hiss... Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps!"

As he talked, Liu Decheng's sense of fear gradually diminished, and he thought that talking is indeed a good way to relieve stress.

He went on to say: "Brother Yang, let me describe to you the tragic situation in the car at that time. At that time, the glass on the car—"

As soon as Liu Decheng started talking, he was stopped by Yang Yiqin: "There is blood on the glass of the car. When people were struggling, countless bloody handprints were pressed on it. Everyone's faces were squeezed on the glass and deformed."

Liu Decheng was taken aback: "How do you know?"

Yang Yiqin looked at the rearview mirror on the left side of the car, stepped on the accelerator to speed up, and said calmly, "Turn back."

Liu Decheng turned his head subconsciously.

Two seconds later, he couldn't help uttering a curse: "...fuck!"

A few hundred meters away from them, a bus was rushing towards them crookedly at full speed!

It was dark and the road was bent, and the other party didn't have driving lights, and the wind outside was too strong to overwhelm the roar of the engine, so they didn't notice it before.Now that they were a little closer, Yang Yiqin realized the other party's existence.

The bus was almost full, there were dying humans who had been bitten to pieces, and there were also horrifying zombies waving their arms and screaming.The glass in the middle of the bus cannot be opened, and it has long been stained red by red blood plasma. Countless arms and hideous faces are tightly attached to the glass, squeezing each other out of human form, and the blood flows down turbulently.

Liu Decheng's voice trembled uncontrollably: "Fuck! Zombies, can zombies drive?!!!"

Which country is the advanced zombie in? !

"I don't know, but the driver doesn't seem to be dead yet." Yang Yiqin looked serious, "It's probably an occupational disease."

Liu Decheng: "...?"

Fortunately, the other party's driving movements were just the inertia before unconsciousness, and he didn't have the ability to think. The car was stumbling around, and there were other passenger zombies behind him interfering with the driver's zombie movements. The bus sometimes went full speed and sometimes slowed down.

Just when both of them were so happy, Yang Yiqin suddenly slowed down.

Liu Decheng hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, is it out of gas?!"

Yang Yiqin replied: "There is plenty of oil."

He and Feng Lin just filled up the gas last night.

He went on to add: "But we are in danger."

Liu Decheng swallowed: "Why... why?"

Yang Yiqin——

"The road ahead is blocked."

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