Time passed quickly, without the entanglement with Lu Ming, the life of Shen Tian's family was happier than before, and Lu Ningwan didn't have to go back to Lu Ming's place several times a year to put on a show, her custody had long since belonged to Shen Tian. In the blink of an eye, the two little milk dumplings from back then are about to enter the house.

In the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-], Lu Ningwan was lying on the table with a pale face, cold sweat running down her cheeks, adding a layer of charm to her already charming temperament. Right now, she is in math class. No one noticed the abnormality on Lu Ningwan's side.

"Teacher, I feel a little uncomfortable." Lu Ningwan finally couldn't bear it any longer and interrupted the teacher who was lecturing on the podium.

The math teacher saw that it was Lu Ningwan, and immediately said, "How is student Lu? I'll ask someone to accompany you to the infirmary."

"No teacher, I'll go with her." Shen Tian volunteered to stand up from the back row, and went to help Lu Ningwan.

After entering high school, Shen Tian's height has grown a lot higher than when she was in junior high school. Now she is 1.7 meters tall, four centimeters taller than Lu Ningwan, and her face is no longer as green as before. , has long been the appearance of an adult girl.

"That's fine, Student Shen, take good care of Student Lu, and come back to the teacher if you have anything to do." The math teacher urged.

"Okay, teacher." As soon as Shen Tian's hand touched Lu Ningwan's arm, she felt hot, and anxiously helped Lu Ningwan out of the classroom.

Lu Ningwan was still fine when she came in the morning, but she started to feel hot all over her body when she was in the fourth math class. She also had a vague guess in her heart. Under normal circumstances, her body would not be like this suddenly, unless it was at the point of differentiation. when.

Lu Ningwan's heart tightened. She couldn't split up in the teaching building, otherwise it might cause riots, so she hurriedly said to Shen Tian, ​​"Tiantian, we have to go to the infirmary quickly, I seem to be going to split up."

Shen Tian immediately understood the seriousness of the matter. In the second year of high school, a classmate in the class split into an Omega in the corridor before he had time to go to the infirmary, causing the alphas in the whole building to get excited. Fortunately, most of them were betas. , Only then did the riots of the alphas in the school be stopped.

"Okay, sister Lu, don't be afraid, I'm here." Seeing that Lu Ningwan was struggling to walk, Shen Tian simply bent down in front of Lu Ningwan, "Sister Lu, I'm carrying you on my back." Come on, come on, come on faster."

Lu Ningwan was dizzy and her consciousness was a little flustered. She lay on Shen Tian's back with her little consciousness.

Shen Tian picked up Lu Ningwan on her back, and walked quickly to the infirmary on the other side of the playground downstairs. She was a girl after all, and when she carried Lu Ningwan to the infirmary, Shen Tian seemed to be in the infirmary. Like soaked in water.

"Teacher, Lu Ningwan may be splitting up." Shen Tian hurriedly said without wiping off her sweat.

The teacher in the infirmary was also taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and help him into the consultation room."

The barrier of differentiation can only be overcome by oneself. Even if it is in the infirmary, the teacher in the infirmary will not have any good solutions. They can only provide a consultation room for differentiation.

Shen Tian carried Lu Ningwan on her back and walked towards the consultation room staggeringly. She really had no strength, but fortunately she put Lu Ningwan on the bed safely and let Lu Ningwan lie down.

"Student, come out too, let this classmate differentiate himself." The teacher in the infirmary said to Shen Tian, ​​division is a very private matter after all, the teacher can see that Shen Tian is an ordinary person, but he doesn't want her Stay in the consulting room.

Lu Ningwan is still holding Shen Tian's hand tightly at this moment, murmuring something in his mouth.

Looking at Lu Ningwan like this, Shen Tian couldn't feel at ease, and hurriedly said to the teacher: "Teacher, I am her sister, I am not differentiated, and I am still an ordinary person now, so it will not affect her. Don't worry about my sister Lu being here alone, teacher, please let me accompany her."

The teacher looked at Shen Tian's earnest eyes, then looked at Lu Ningwan holding Shen Tian's hand, and nodded reluctantly, "Okay, let me know when she's differentiated, and I'll lose some for her to recover her strength." liquid."

"Thank you, teacher." Shen Tian watched the teacher close the door of the consulting room, and nervously looked at Lu Ningwan who was lying on the bed with frowning eyebrows.

One of Shen Tian's hands was held by Lu Ningwan, so she had to use her left hand to take out the tissue in her pocket, and took out the tissue inside to wipe Lu Ningwan's sweat.

Lu Ningwan's whole body was burning red, and Shen Tian was scorching hot when touched by Lu Ningwan's hand.

Seeing that Lu Ningwan was so uncomfortable, Shen Tian's eyes were red, and while wiping Lu Ningwan's sweat, she looked at Lu Ningwan distressedly, "Is sister Lu in pain? You are so hot, what should I do, how can I help you?" your turn."

Lu Ningwan's consciousness has been plunged into chaos, it seems that his body is in extreme pain, and he mutters something in a low voice.

Shen Tian hastily leaned down and leaned closer to listen. Lu Ningwan repeated a few simple words intermittently, "Sweet, sweet..."

When Shen Tian heard Lu Ningwan calling her, she became even more anxious. She only hoped that she could suffer for Lu Ningwan. She put her face against Lu Ningwan's side, hoping to cool down Lu Ningwan.

Lu Ningwan frowned tightly, rubbing Shen Tian's cheek impatiently.

If Shen Tian looked carefully at this time, she could already see the changes in Lu Ningwan. Lu Ningwan was born to be good-looking, and she was a little more charming than Shen Tian's pure appearance, but here is something more than charming. , the slightly curved eyebrows are even more sultry.

However, Shen Tian couldn't care less about these things. Seeing Lu Ningwan suffering, she almost felt distressed to death. She only hoped that Lu Ningwan could complete this division sooner.

After about an hour, Lu Ningwan slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes gradually became clear.

Seeing that Lu Ningwan woke up, Shen Tian hurriedly asked, "Sister Lu, how are you doing? You scared me to death just now, you are so hot."

Lu Ningwan saw the person in front of her clearly, got up and threw herself into Shen Tian's arms, she knew that her sweetness would always be with her, sure enough, the first person she saw when she opened her eyes was Shen Tian.

It's just that what Lu Ningwan didn't expect was that she would actually differentiate into an Omega, which was a bit different from what she thought before. She thought she could differentiate into an alpha. After all, her Tiantian is such a grandma and Tiantian. Whether it is to differentiate into an Omega, or to be an ordinary person, but no matter what, as long as it is her sweetness, hit the number and hit the number.

Lu Ningwan will be full in a few months. She differentiated into an Omega on the eve of her birthday, and she differentiated when Tiantian was by her side. For my own girl, the love accumulated in my heart over the years can hardly be suppressed and poured out, but I am afraid that these will affect her sweetness, and they will take the college entrance examination in seven months.

Lu Ningwan frantically suppressed the love that was surging in his heart, and slowly calmed down in Shen Tian's arms. After calming down the turbulent waves in his heart, Lu Ningwan gently rubbed Shen Tian's shoulder Neck acting like a baby, puppy love affects grades, so it should be normal for an elder sister to act like a baby to her younger sister, "Tiantian, it hurts so much just now, I have no strength at all."

Lu Ningwan leaned on Shen Tian's shoulder with his head sideways, and his warm breath hit Shen Tian's fair neck, making Shen Tian itchy.

Shen Tian shrank her neck itchyly, but didn't dodge it. She was afraid that Lu Ningwan would be tired from relying on it, so she put her hands behind Lu Ningwan's head to protect her, "Sister Lu, where does it hurt? Let me rub it for you." .”

Lu Ningwan chuckled, and rubbed the tip of her nose against Shen Tian's neck, "It hurts everywhere, my waist, my back also hurts, and my arms hurt too."

When Lu Ningwan said something, Shen Tian obediently and softly squeezed one, "Sister Lu, will it be better if you pinch like this?"

"Well, it's sweet and comfortable to pinch." Lu Ningwan leaned against Shen Tian's arms and acted like a baby.

While the two were hugging each other, the teacher in the infirmary knocked on the door a few times, and when no one heard it, he opened the door and came in, and then saw Shen Tian and Lu Ningwan hugging each other.

Are these really sisters?Why is she a little unbelievable?No matter how you look at it, you look like a young couple, don't this girl lie to yourself, right?

Lu Ning turned her face to the outside, and immediately saw the teacher from the infirmary come in, but she was leaning on Shen Tian's arms like a normal person, obviously not planning to get up.

The teacher in the infirmary could only cough tactically to show his presence.

Only then did Shen Tian look back at the teacher, "Teacher, my little sister Lu is awake, is she going to need an infusion?"

The teacher in the infirmary looked at the two people who were hugging each other, and they didn't think about separating when they came in together, so they blocked themselves?

"It's for an infusion, but are you two really sisters?" The teacher in the infirmary still expressed his doubts. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a love sister, not a real sister.

Shen Tian nodded solemnly, "Yeah, the kind of sisters who are on the same household registration book can't be more real!"

"Okay." The teacher didn't want to look at the two of them any more, and asked: "Don't hug, aren't you sisters? You have plenty of time to hug when you go home. You help your sister to lie down first. My medicine has been prepared and I'm ready for the infusion." Bar."

"Good teacher." After Shen Tian finished speaking with the teacher, she coaxed Lu Ningwan in her arms, "Sister Lu, let's infuse first."

Only then did Lu Ningwan reluctantly get up.

Shen Tian was afraid that Lu Ningwan would be uncomfortable, so she stacked the quilt and pillows on the bed together to raise it up, "Sister Lu, it's comfortable for you to lean here like this."

Lu Ningwan looked at the stack of quilts and pillows and then at Shen Tian, ​​"I want to rely on Tiantian, Tiantian is more comfortable than the quilt."

When Shen Tian heard that Sister Xiao Lu wanted to lean on her, she immediately leaned there without saying a word, and waved to Lu Ningwan, "It's okay, Sister Xiao Lu wants me to do anything, just rely on me."

Lu Ningwan looked at Shen Tian, ​​who was smiling sweetly at her family, and the corners of her lips raised unconsciously, her sweetness was so obedient, if this continues, Lu Ningwan doesn't even know that she can't bear it for half a year .

"Okay." Lu Ningwan responded to Shen Tian, ​​and moved into Shen Tian's arms to lean on.

The teacher who came in to give Lu Ningwan an infusion looked at the two of them suspiciously, and said nothing more. After all, they were all sisters written in the same household registration book, so there was no need for him to say anything else. After the infusion, he quickly sent them away. Well, she looked at her teeth sour.


The author has something to say:

Teacher (doubtful jpg): Are they real sisters?

Shen Tian (nods jpg): That's too real, the kind of sisters in the same household registration book!

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