The next morning, Shen Tian woke up early, her right hand was still held by Lu Ningwan.

Shen Tian looked at Lu Ningwan, who was still sleeping beside her, and carefully moved over, stretched out her other hand that was not caught, and touched the temperature on Lu Ningwan's cheek, to make sure that Lu Ningwan's current temperature was normal. I was relieved.

Shen Tian couldn't sleep because her hands were being grabbed, so she simply turned around and looked at Lu Ningwan. Her little sister Lu was just beautiful, and her eyelashes were curled and long without any treatment. Shen Tian simply counted them out of boredom. Lu Ningwan's eyelashes came.

The distance between the two got closer, and Lu Ningwan felt in a daze that there was a warm air rushing towards his cheeks. When he opened his eyes, he saw Shen Tian leaning in front of her face. Lu Ningwan's heart beat a few beats faster. "Sweet?"

Seeing that Lu Ningwan woke up and did not back away, Shen Tian smiled and said, "Sister Lu woke up, your eyelashes are so long, I just counted halfway and forgot where I was."

Lu Ningwan shook her head with a smile, she knew she was thinking too much, how could Tiantian understand this?It's just playing, "Okay, I'm so old and still love to play."

"I don't like to play, I just want to see if sister Lu is an eyelash master." Shen Tian smiled and took Lu Ningwan's hand but did not let go.

"Then am I an eyelash essence?" Lu Ningwan tore off the cooling sticker on his forehead to tease Shen Tian.

"Must, Little Sister Lu's eyelashes are the longest among all the girls I've ever seen! By the way, Little Sister Lu, are you still dizzy?" Shen Tian didn't forget to care about her Little Sister Lu while saying Rainbow Fart. body of.

"I'm not dizzy anymore, thank you Tiantian for taking care of me. But besides me, has Tiantian met many girls?" Lu Ningwan grasped the point and poked Shen Tian's face while asking.

Although her family Tiantian doesn't know about puppy love, she has a sweet smile and a good personality. Usually, many men and women in school are interested in her family Tiantian, but Shen Tian is still provocative without knowing it.

Shen Tian shook Lu Ningwan's hand and hugged Lu Ningwan again to act coquettishly, "I haven't seen many girls, but I just know that sister Lu has the longest eyelashes!"

"Okay, you are the only one who can coax people, but you can only coax family members, you know?" Lu Ningwan poked the little dimple on the side of Shen Tian's face and asked, smiling so sweetly, isn't he afraid of being abducted?No, she has to help mommy and mommy keep an eye on her coquettish girl.

Seeing that Lu Ningwan was joking with her family, Shen Tian made sure that Lu Ningwan was really fine, so she simply rested her face on Lu Ningwan's shoulder. She really liked how little sister Lu hugged her, it was comfortable.

Lu Ningwan didn't get angry holding the boneless coquette in his arms, and the two played together.

Lin Qinghan got up in the morning and was a little worried about Lu Ningwan. He knocked on the door and pushed the door to find Lu Ningwan. He saw his own baby lying in Lu Ningwan's arms like a boneless one. Lu Ningwan also had a smile on his face. Are the two kids having fun?Lin Qinghan felt that he was a little redundant.

"Mom." Shen Tian greeted her mother immediately when she saw her mother coming.

"Well, I'm here to see Ning Wan." Lin Qinghan smiled at the two cubs and said.

"Mom, I'm fine." Lu Ningwan replied obediently.

"That's not true. Sister Xiaolu had a fever last night. I gave her medicine and took her body temperature." Shen Tian immediately told the truth, and did not forget to praise herself.

Lin Qinghan shook his head with a smile, "Okay, Tiantian knows how to take care of her sister, Tiantian is the most obedient."

"That's right, little sister Lu is healed now." Shen Tian was not humble, and immediately happily pulled Lu Ningwan into laughter.

"You two come down to eat after washing up. Your mommy has already made breakfast."

"Okay, come right away." Shen Tian immediately responded when she heard the breakfast. She didn't eat much dinner last night because of Sister Lu's affairs, and Sister Lu who was anxious to accompany her didn't eat anything when she came back. I really feel a little hungry.

"Sister Lu, hurry up, I have to make up for the short custard buns yesterday." As Shen Tian said, she immediately put on her shoes and got off the ground, and rushed back to her room to wash up.

Lu Ningwan smiled lightly and shook her head, when will her Tiantian think about things other than food?

After Shen Tian washed up, she went next door to find Lu Ningwan and went downstairs to eat together holding hands.

Xiao Zai Zai looked at Shen Tian and said with disgust: "Sister, how old are you? You have to be led by Xiao Lu to eat."

"What's the matter, didn't you pinch your little face yesterday and feel that something is missing?" Shen Tian said and wanted to pinch Lin Yinan's little face.

Lin Yinan knew that her sister listened to Xiao Lu's words, and immediately hid behind Lu Ningwan, complaining: "Xiao Lu, sister bullied me."

Lu Ningwan hilariously grabbed Shen Tian, ​​and then patted Lin Yinan behind him, "Be good both of you, Yinan, go and sit with Mommy, and I'll sit between you two."

Shen Tian glanced at her younger sister, since her elder sister Xiao Lu had already said so, of course it was more important to listen to what elder sister Xiao Lu said.

Shen Tian glanced at the breakfast on the table, custard buns, small meat buns, sandwiches, cold dishes and milk, Shen Tian immediately chose the custard buns first, put the three custard buns in a bowl, and rushed to Lu Ning Wan showed a big smile.

Lu Ningwan smiled and shook his head, do you like it that much?I have loved this since I was a child.

A few days later, the adults' New Year's holiday was over, and Shen Xian immediately arranged for someone to settle the custody of Lu Ningwan.

Lu Ming knew that he had offended the Shen family, but he still didn't want to let go of Lu Ningwan, a straw that could be grasped in his hands. As long as the custody was still with him, he would have the opportunity to negotiate terms with Shen Xian, so before going to court, he also wanted to He hired a lawyer himself, but it's a pity that the lawyer he hired could be better than the lawyer team of Shen's Group?

Not only did Lu Ming lose the custody of Lu Ningwan, half of the inheritance left by Lu Cheng and his wife should have been awarded to Lu Ningwan. The inheritance is also asked to come back.

It's just that Lu Ming argued that he didn't have money and didn't want to give it. The solution given by the court was that if he didn't have enough money, the house that Lu Ming and the others lived in would be foreclosed.

The money in Lu Ming's hand was indeed almost spent, but he was reluctant to auction off the house, so he got another 200 million from the old lady and paid it to Lu Ningwan.

Lu Deyu didn't come out of his room very much during the whole holiday. Lu Ming wanted to kill this unworthy son. He wasted 300 million for no reason and offended someone who shouldn't be offended.

It's just that there is no movement at the school for the time being. Lu Ming hopes that Shen Xian will forget about the school and send his son and daughter to school as usual when school starts.

When the new semester started, Lu Deyu and Lu Zixuan went to school in fear. When Shen Xian said those words, they were both there. It was not until they entered the class and sat down that Lu Zixuan and Lu Deyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The homeroom teacher came in and scanned around, and clicked on the names of Lu Deyu and Lu Zixuan. Lu Deyu's face turned pale at that time, and Lu Zixuan frowned even more. This matter had nothing to do with her in the first place. I was tired, and I was often scolded by Lu Ming during the holidays, and now I have to go out with Lu Deyu to embarrass myself.

The two were brought directly to the dean. The dean looked at them and said, "You two have been expelled from the school. Take your files and pack up and go."

"Teacher, why? I, did Shen Xian tell you to do this? I was confused for a while, and I will definitely not do it again next time." Lu Deyu hurriedly explained, his face was soaked in cold sweat.

"Student Lu, the teacher called you out alone to save face for you. Otherwise, if you tell the whole school about your attempted molestation in front of the whole school, you may not be able to stay in Linhai Middle School, even other schools. I will accept students like this." The dean doesn't like this at all.

"Teacher, why should I fire Lu Deyu for his mistakes? I don't accept it." Lu Zixuan coaxed loudly.

"If you are not satisfied, you can report it. We expel students with moral problems according to the school rules. This is a routine operation. If you are not satisfied, you can report it to any department." After the dean finished speaking, the class teacher took the two of them back to class to pack up.

Lu Deyu's face was gloomy, while Lu Zixuan's face was flushed with anger, and he stared fiercely at his brother.

Lu Ming didn't expect that Shen Xian still remembered this, so he had to ask someone to find a relationship, and got Lu Deyu and Lu Zixuan into the [-]th Middle School. The teaching quality of the [-]th Middle School in Linhai City is not good, and there are many gangsters in it. But it was because of Lu Deyu's criminal record that he entered such a school. It was Lu Ming's great effort to let the two children go to school.

Knowing that she was going to No. [-] Middle School, Lu Zixuan cried and scolded Lu Deyu, "Lu Deyu, if you want to die, go by yourself. Now that it hurts me, I have to go to this kind of bad school. I don't have a brother like you."

"Blame me, blame me, just blame me. If it wasn't for Lu Dezhou, how could it be like this, and don't you also hate Lu Ningwan?" Lu Deyu roared, as if he wanted to hold his breath for the rest of the holiday. All sent out.

"I hate Lu Ningwan, but I hate you even more now. If it weren't for this incident, we could have been studying in the best high school in Linhai, and we might be able to enter Shen's as Dad said in the future. It's all right now, enter What else can I expect from such a school? Lu Deyu, from today onwards you are not my brother." Lu Zixuan slammed the door and entered the room angrily.

Lu Deyu slid on the ground with tears in his eyes. Lu Ming was promoted to the team leader in the company because he could speak a few words with Shen Xian, but within a month, the department manager dismissed him for various reasons. Lu Ming's team leader, the team leader has 1000 yuan more per month than ordinary employees, and 1 yuan more bonus at the end of the year. Lu Ming is gone now, but luckily he didn't fire him.

The old lady living in the village is not doing as well as before. After all, she used to have 300 million in her hand to spend her old age in peace. Now she gave 200 million to her son, and she also spent some before. The old lady can no longer be arrogant. She cut off contact with her younger brother's family, and felt that if it wasn't for Lu Dezhou, the family and Lu Ningwan would not have fallen apart. Now not only can't get the money from Lu Ningwan, but even lost a lot.


The author has something to say:

In the next chapter, the two children will almost grow up~

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