Jun heart my heart

Chapter 42 Sad

In the middle of the night, Situ Che fell ill again. Because he had been stretching his strings before going to bed, he slept very restlessly. He woke up suddenly in pain, with sweat and tears all over his face, curled up in a corner by himself as usual, She looked back at the person next to her who was still sleeping soundly. Regardless of the physical and mental pain, she got out of bed as lightly as possible and crawled out. Every time she moved, she stopped to look at the bed. Zhou Nan's sleep was very light, and she didn't want to wake her up again. .

After finally reaching his own room, the strength on his body was almost exhausted, and he lay on the ground feeling relieved.

Looking up and seeing his ridiculous reflection in the glass, how can he be with her like this?

Before, Situ Che only felt that depression had brought her pain and loneliness, but now there is one more thing - low self-esteem.

The pain was hers alone, and the loneliness was hers alone.

Professor, don't like me anymore, I don't want you to go through so much suffering.

Is it too late to let go now?

"Doctor Situ, so early?" The nurse on duty looked at her with wide eyes,


Situ Che nodded to greet her and entered the duty room. Dawn was the quietest time in the emergency room. She rested on the sofa with her eyes closed. She had just taken the medicine, and now she felt drowsy, so she dared not go to the office. There is a professor's breath, and my resistance to her is so weak, time will help.

When Zhou Nan woke up, it was already dawn, and she habitually moved to the side. It was cold, but it was not her body, and she frowned before she opened her eyes. When she saw that there was no sign of her in the room, her heart was empty. , Did she have an attack again, but why didn't she respond?

After rubbing his eyes, he got up and walked to the kitchen. The milk and bread were hot in the incubator. Zhou Nan looked at them in a daze. note,

"The doctor is busy with work recently, the professor remembers to eat breakfast", and a smiling face was drawn on the back,

Zhou Nan finally let go of his worries, looked at the neatly written words, pursed his lips and smiled, and took the note away.

When the resignation report was handed in, she was already in a calm mood. It would take a certain amount of time to get a reply, and the class of this semester still needs to be finished, so let her take advantage of this last time, she has to make the class up to [-]% wonderful.

After class, she went to Wu Ye's psychological counseling room and learned about Situ Che's situation. Wu Ye suggested that Zhou Nan wait for her to feel better and accompany her home in person. Only by figuring out the root of the problem can she completely recover from depression. When he came out, Zhou Nan thought it was right, but when he thought of the current situation, he felt helpless.

"I decided to go back",

"Huh?" Wu Ye looked at her with wide eyes, "Going back?"

"Inheriting the company, I may be very busy in the future. I don't know when I can solve her matter." She pinched her brows and said helplessly. She couldn't figure out Zhou Jing's attitude, but at least it was much better than resolute opposition.

"Why? Your father—"

"I came out with my dad, or was out",

Wu Ye opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"He has people following me all the time, I can't hide it from him," Zhou Nan laughed self-deprecatingly, "It was his request that I go back, and I also want to take this opportunity to take back the initiative."

"Does she know?"

"I don't know, I don't want to make her feel burdened. In fact, this is what I should do. After all, I only have one chance to be willful, and I want to give it to her",

"This road is too hard, won't you regret it?"

"I regret it now, isn't it too late?" Zhou Nan said slowly, looking at the woods outside the window, "I just regret not meeting her earlier."

Wu Ye gently put his hand on her shoulders, this world is really unfair, why some people's love is extraordinarily difficult.

"Wanderer, can you tell me about Song Yu? I want to know everything",

"Why didn't you ask your dad?"

"I don't dare to talk to him now, for fear that he will change his mind if he is unhappy. I am very worried that he will go to find Archer. She doesn't understand those ways of the world, and she is vulnerable in front of my dad."

"Your dad wouldn't do that," Wu Ye shook his head and chuckled, "It's an old wound that he will object to you, and I'm afraid you will suffer the same harm as him."

"When A Yu passed away, your father almost went with him, but luckily the bodyguard followed,"

Zhou Nan's heart suddenly rose, and the scene of Zhou Jing crying on the table was still fresh in her memory.

"He jumped off the building because of depression, but it wasn't just depression that tormented him at the time",

"He and I are college classmates, originally majored in law, and your father met after graduating from college. At that time, Ayu was already engaged. He and his girlfriend were very affectionate, at least we thought so."

"I have had a crush on him for a long time. We are good friends. I don't know exactly what happened between him and your father. I only found out later that he likes boys."

Wu Ye's voice slowly choked, and the circles of his eyes turned red. Zhou Nan lowered his head and held her hand,

"Before he jumped off the building, no one knew that he had depression. He had been enduring it in silence and left me a letter before he was ready to end everything. I found antidepressants in his coat pocket",

"The engagement was forced by his parents. After knowing that his sexual orientation was abnormal, his father used other methods to make him have a relationship with that girl. He couldn't bear to hurt that girl. He originally planned to hide it from her forever. To do my duty as a husband, I never thought I would meet your dad, I can't hide my liking",

"Later, his parents kept urging him to marry that girl. He chose responsibility and went to say goodbye to your father. Your father had a big fight with him. After he returned home, he lost control of his emotions and had another fight with his parents, but was rejected by the girl. Hearing that, the girl walked away in shame and indignation, his depression reached its peak, and it didn't take long before..."

"No wonder my dad hates the Song family so much",

Wu Ye shook his head, two lines of tears leaked from his eyes, "More than that, do you know why he suffered from depression?"

Zhou Nan had a bad feeling in his heart, and handed over a tissue,

"He knew that he liked boys when he was very young, and his parents sent him to a mental hospital for forced sexual orientation treatment, where he spent three years of inhuman life, and suffered from severe depression after he came out,"

I don't know how to describe my mood, I can't say a word except that I feel uncomfortable, and she will never forget those gray eyes.

"It's because of him that I changed my major in psychology. It's also because of him that your father didn't dare to accept Situ Che. He was afraid that you would follow in his footsteps. After A Yu left, he suffered for a long time, and he married your mother four years later." .

Zhou Nan originally thought that she was mentally prepared enough to listen to Song Yu's story, but unexpectedly she was still not ready.

"But your dad never thought that you would fall in love with a depressed person of the same sex. He won't hurt Situ Che. He has been funding the treatment and research project for depressed patients in the name of the company,"

Wu Ye smiled with red eyes, "Situ Che's personality is somewhat similar to A Yu's, and he also likes to suffer alone. People with this personality are most likely to suffer from depression."

Thinking of Situ Che's silent state, Zhou Nan's heart throbbed.

"Boss, you are really a role model for us." Du Ming looked at the duty schedule on the whiteboard and sighed loudly, "Do you have no money to pay the rent and plan to sleep in the hospital?"


"This is too much, you should pay attention to rest", Lao Zhang couldn't help but said, "You are not made of iron",

"I'm fine." Situ Che smiled shallowly. Apart from this, she didn't know any other way to divert her attention.

During this time, Zhou Nan was also very busy. During the day, she had to prepare for lessons, and at night she had to read the company information sent by Zhou Jing. When she raised her head from her busy work, she realized that she hadn't seen Situ Che for a week. There is only one phone call every night, and the content is also very fixed.

After thinking for a few minutes, I called her, but no one answered. Zhou Nan was stunned for a moment. She rarely heard this sentence, and it took a while to understand what it meant. Is she so busy at work?Thinking that it might be an operation, he set an alarm for two hours later.

It's not that Situ Che didn't see the call. She was very afraid of receiving the call these days, but the professor didn't seem to be abnormal, so she decided to keep her distance according to this rhythm. It's afternoon, so she can't answer it.

Putting away his mobile phone, Situ Che walked into the consultation room without hesitation.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Situ Che didn't call her back. After the call, he didn't call her by her name as usual, nor did he call her professor.

"Archer", Zhou Nan said it first,


"Are you... very busy?" Zhou Nan asked with a puzzled look. No one answered the two calls this afternoon.


"We haven't seen each other for a week." Hearing her indifferent tone, Zhou Nan's mood suddenly fell,

Situ Che heard it, but what could she say, this is what she wanted,

"Are you—"

"I don't want your apology, I miss you", Zhou Nan looked at the empty room and whispered, "How about going home tonight",

"Maybe not", Situ Che refused hard-heartedly, "I can't walk away",

"Then what time do you leave work tomorrow? I'll pick you up",

"No need, the operation schedule is very full recently, I can just rest in the duty room",

Having been rejected twice, Zhou Nan was very hurt and kept silent.

"That's it, you go to bed early", Situ Che watched the hands of the watch tick-tock, wanting to end this conversation quickly, "Good night",

There was no sound from the other side, Situ Che felt an ant gnawing at her heart, making her restless,

"Good night",

Zhou Nan hung up the phone, and Situ Che watched the screen displaying the call time of 14 minutes and [-] seconds go off instantly, and slumped on the sofa weakly.

The author has something to say:

Doctor Situ carefully chasing his wife at the crematorium~

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