Jun heart my heart

Chapter 41 Decision

The white Buick stopped slowly in front of the apartment. The people in the car sat on the driver's seat with their eyes closed, their slender eyelashes trembling slightly, and their clean and beautiful faces were calm, only the knuckles holding the steering wheel were slightly white After a long time, I turned off the engine and opened the door.

Another black Maybach followed closely behind, and a handsome man in a suit got out of the car, his disdainful eyes swept across the hesitant figure in the rearview mirror,

"Nan Nan", Song Haoxuan stretched out his hand to stop Zhou Nan who was about to go upstairs. The woman in front of him wore delicate makeup and exuded a gentle and charming fragrance. His heart instantly turned into a puddle of spring water.

Zhou Nan took a step back, frowned, and looked at him from the corner of his head with his head tilted.

"Have you really decided to inherit the company? I heard from my aunt that you like teaching very much, and it is very hard to suddenly take over the company",

Seeing her silent, Song Haoxuan continued on his own,

"I can share the burden on your shoulders for you, you don't have to wrong yourself to do things you don't like",

"With me, you can live a happy and worry-free life, you can do whatever you want, and I will make you the happiest princess in the world",

"Are you finished?"

"You will understand sooner or later, as I said, only I am qualified to stand by your side",

"Get out of the way", Zhou Nan ran out of patience, walked around him and walked upstairs.

Annoyed, Song Haoxuan kicked the tree trunk by the side of the road hard, turned around and saw the white figure standing behind the streetlight for a long time, the sneer at the corner of his mouth became more and more abrupt,

"She's just playing with you, and she'll calm down when she gets tired of playing with you,"

Situ Che ignored his sarcasm, his indifferent face was covered with faint worry,

"What did you mean just now?"

Song Haoxuan snorted coldly,

"You really don't know anything? Nan Nan wants to go back and inherit the company because of you, and even gave up her favorite professor."

Situ Che's chest seemed to be weighed down by a heavy stone, and he couldn't breathe.

"Do you know?" Song Haoxuan slowly approached her, "You will only drag her down, you have caused her to lose her dream now, but her uncle and aunt will not recognize you, and she will lose her parents and everything in the future. Such a good person, if you drag her into the water and let her face those vicious gossips, won't your conscience hurt?"

Reason told her that the other party was irritating her, but Situ Che still felt that every word was stuck in her heart, Zhou Nan didn't tell her anything, yes, what's the use of telling her?

Song Haoxuan felt a sense of revenge when he saw her distraught appearance,

"Nan Nan is a filial girl. She contradicts her parents for you. She can't stay with you like this forever. She will return to her uncle and aunt."

"She was supposed to be the one to be protected, but because of your incompetence, she had to stand up to protect you. This is how you like her, who is spurned and disgusted by everyone, Dr. Situ?"

Situ Che pursed his lips and remained silent, flashing in his head the appearance of the professor with red eyes and slightly drunk, feeling so painful in his heart, he stood there quietly, not even knowing when Song Haoxuan left.

Sitting at the desk, Zhou Nan took a deep breath. The title of the Word document on the computer was impressively listed with four large characters "Application for Resignation", and there was a blue watermark of the University of H badge in the upper left corner.

sorry?The answer is yes. When choosing a major, she fought hard with her parents and overcame all difficulties to resolutely go to the stage of her dream. She has never forgotten the responsibility she should have as a teacher, and she has always maintained enthusiasm and awe for this job. She likes to stand On the podium, it made her feel like she was radiating light and strength. She never thought that one day, there would be something more important than dreams and freedom.

I haven't been with Situ Che for a long time, and the two of them don't even have much communication and contact, but the sense of belonging when I'm with her is the feeling I've been looking for all along.

In fact, I was not so decisive, and I hesitated for a long time. I always thought that I still have six years to change things slowly. Love is important, but dreams are not light. Until today, she has to make a dilemma. It was only then that she realized how difficult this multiple-choice question was, and it was the difficulty of this multiple-choice question that made her realize that she liked Situ Che to such an extent. In front of Zhou Jing, she made the choice completely subconsciously. It was impossible for her to let Situ Che come out of the nightmare alone and fall into a deeper swamp.

But since it was his own decision, there was no turning back. His slender fingers tapped lightly on the keyboard, which was extraordinarily crisp in the quiet room.

Situ Che didn't go upstairs, but walked along the street, from the residential area lined with trees to the bustling commercial area, looking blankly at the noisy neon night market around her, her existence was obviously incompatible with this world, without a warm parent Motherly love, no close friends who confide in her heart, and her only love now makes her feel scared. Will she really make the professor a target of public criticism?

People on the road looked back at her frequently, but she turned a blind eye. She probably knew how dull her eyes were, how embarrassed her figure was, and the road in front of her became blurred. Do it, she told herself softly, she can't drag Nannan into the water like this again, restraining her urge and instinct to reach out and touch the light.

When the resignation report was sent out from the printer, Zhou Nan held the warm paper and lost his mind for a moment. In fact, he really liked her calling himself "Professor". From her mouth, it didn't conform to socialism at all. The core values, on the contrary, have a cute and dependent feeling, which has also become a reason why I am reluctant to resign.

I put a few pages of paper on the desktop to make them more tidy, and fixed them in the upper left corner with a stapler. I turned to the last page, unscrewed the cap of the pen, and solemnly signed my name in the lower right corner with the pen. The writing is clear, and the wet ink emits a unique carbon fragrance.

While waiting for it to dry up, I raised my hand and glanced at the time, nine twenty, very late.

Situ Che was standing in an abandoned telephone booth when he heard the ringtone.

"Archer, are you off work?"

When he heard her voice, Situ Che felt that all the hints he had made in his heart for so long were in vain, so he really wanted to throw himself into her arms for comfort, but she couldn't, she had already lost control once, and the price was that the professor was no longer a professor. Shen's price, what about next time?Tears slipped out of her eyes again, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her voice was very warm. For the first time, she realized that she could lie so well. She dared not talk about working overtime, for fear that the professor would come to the hospital again.

"Not yet, today is very busy, it may take another hour or two, if you are sleepy, go to bed first",

"It's so quiet over there",

"Well, I'm out in the hallway",

"Come back early, I'll wait for you",

"it is good".

After hanging up the phone, Situ Che crouched on the ground uncontrollably and sobbed softly, and finally burst into tears.

After crying enough, I started thinking about a breakup plan. I suddenly proposed that breaking up would not work, and the professor would definitely not agree. She didn't want the professor to suffer the same pain as herself. The way to break up and make up her mind is to make her hate herself. Let her be completely disappointed in herself. I didn't expect that it would become true if I didn't talk to her, but the time limit ranged from 5 minutes to indefinitely.

Standing outside the door until twelve o'clock, Situ Che opened the door lightly. Zhan Zhan was sound asleep, but his ears moved, and he probably knew who it was before he let down his vigilance.

In addition to the light at the entrance, there was also a faint warm light in the professor's room. After Situ Che took a quick shower, his own eyes in the mirror were swollen to disgrace. The professor would definitely not be able to notice her appearance. She walked gently to At the door of Zhou Nan's room, she seemed to have fallen asleep, and the desk lamp next to her was still on. Situ Che turned off the light and was about to turn back to his room.

"I'm back", the voice was a little hoarse and fuzzy,

"Well, I woke you up." Situ Che's feet seemed to be filled with lead, and his heart beat faster. Fortunately, the lights were turned off, and no one could notice her abnormality in the dark.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Zhou Nan asked strangely when he heard no other movement.

"Here we come", Situ Che was deeply afraid that she would wake up, and it was obviously not the right choice to go back to the room now.

When she lifted the quilt and lay down, Zhou Nan habitually leaned towards her. Situ Che was lying flat with a stiff body. She was clearly the lover she had been intimate with last night, but she tried every means to push it away with her own hands. Her heart ached to the point of suffocation. ,

"Hold me", the professor's voice was soft, Situ Che felt the heartbeat trembling, he turned around slowly and put his hands on her waist,

As soon as her hand touched her, Zhou Nan rolled over and slipped into her arms. The warmth wrapped Situ Che's chilly body. She felt her reason and emotion began to struggle again.

Nan Nan wants to go back and inherit the company because of you, even giving up her favorite professor.

She was supposed to be the one to be protected, but she had to stand up to protect you because of your incompetence.

Situ Che remained motionless like this, clenched his teeth and tried his best to swallow, because this could suppress the tear glands,

"Angry?" Zhou Nan murmured softly on her chest, and stretched out his hands to put her arms around her neck, "I was wrong last night, I went too far",

Situ Che couldn't control himself anymore, his body trembled slightly, and he buried his tears in the pillow with his face turned sideways. This was really a good excuse,

"Don't cry", Zhou Nan felt distressed for a while, and could only hug her tightly to comfort her, "It won't happen next time",

"Yeah," Situ Che admitted as she wanted, and let himself cry one more time, so he must be stronger in the future.

The author has something to say:

The doctor is about to start acting~

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