Jun heart my heart

Chapter 19 Boundaries

Zhou Nan didn't know what happened inside, and hesitated whether to go in. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if nothing happened.

"What's the matter?" Situ Che hadn't completely lost consciousness, suppressing the pain in his body, and answered her as calmly as possible, not wanting Zhou Nan to see her like this,

"Nothing", Zhou Nan heard her vibrato very clearly,

The two stopped talking through the door.

Under the stimulation of sleeping pills and tranquilizers, Situ Che's consciousness gradually became blurred, and he fell to the ground along the wall and passed out.

Zhou Nan kept staring at the clock in the living room, and after another quarter of an hour, she raised her hand and knocked on the door again.

A minute later she pushed open the door.

As expected, she saw a curled up figure in the corner, turned on the light, and Zhou Nan supported her head with her hands. Her face was pale and her body was cold, but her breathing and heartbeat were still there. I tried my best to hug her, but found that her weight was much lighter than expected. I carried her to the bed without any effort. Seeing that her nightgown was wet, I thought of the glass I took from her just now. It was sprinkled on while drinking water, and I was so entangled in whether to change her clothes.

Although they are all women, Zhou Nan has never seen other people's bodies. She is not used to getting too close to boys and girls. Even her best girlfriend, Ji Yao, has never been so close to her. What's more, she Between Situ Che and Situ Che, there was an inexplicable thing, and not deliberately thinking about it didn't mean it didn't exist.

If she doesn't change it, she will definitely catch a cold.

Zhou Nan opened her closet door, and the clothes were neatly folded like the first time she saw them, the boundaries of colors were clearly distinguished, and there was no intersection at all. She is the kind who writes "t" and remembers to draw horizontal lines , Writing "i" must not forget the person who hit the dot.Zhou Nan couldn't help laughing when she remembered that every time she finished washing the dishes, the patterns on the plates would line up in a single row, and the chopsticks must be the same length and facing the same direction. She must have suffered a long time wearing her own shoes that day, right?

He took out a T-shirt and trousers and walked to the side of the bed, collected himself, reached out and tore off the long belt around her waist.

Although she was mentally prepared and knew that Situ Che was in good shape, the scene in front of her made her heart stop for a second and she forgot to breathe. She didn't grab the quilt next to her in a panic until she felt the burning heat on her face. Situ Che was still holding the T-shirt and pajama pants that she hadn't changed into.

On Situ Che's body that has been exercising regularly for a long time, every muscle that should be there is just right, and the skin is also smooth and firm. The whole body is like a carefully carved work, which caused an uproar in Zhou Nan's heart. Feeling dry mouth for a while, throat wriggling up and down unconsciously, looking at the unconscious person on the bed, not knowing how to continue.

This is the first time she has seen someone else's body. Yes, it must be because she saw it for the first time, so she is embarrassed. Are all women's bodies so beautiful?She blushed and denied this idea, her own body was also very beautiful, but Situ Che's body seemed to be more than just beautiful...

After hesitating for a while, I can't just let her look like this, and... I have seen it all, what else can I do?

Zhou Nan stretched out his hand slowly to pull the quilt away, and looked at it a few more times in a strange way. Anyway, she probably wouldn't know it when she fell asleep. It really looks good...

Bury her face in her hands, what is she thinking, change clothes quickly!

Situ Che was still wearing a nightgown. Zhou Nan took her hands out of the nightgown and found a few bruises. Then he remembered that she was still injured. There was a faint pain in her heart, and the coldness from her fingertips brought Zhou Nan back to her senses, she was so cold.

When dressing her, the two of them got very close, almost hugging. Zhou Nan's long hair brushed her clean collarbone, causing the sleeping person to frown slightly. Touching randomly, Situ Che fell into her arms naked, and Zhou Nan's fingertips touched her white and smooth back. The delicate touch made her caress lightly. The rabbit was jumping up and down, and the challenge was harder than ever for her.

After changing Situ Che's pants, she was sweating from the heat.

After tidying up the mess all over the floor, carefully observing the few scattered pills, and comparing them with the medicines in the bottles in her hand, she looked deeply at the person on the bed.

I suspect she has depression.

She took a set of clean clothes and went into the bathroom. It didn't feel good to take a shower in the middle of the night, but she had to wash it again. Besides the sweat on her body, there were other reasons, Damnit!

When she was studying abroad, she followed Zhou Jing's advice and minored in psychology. Zhou Jing even found a friend to guide her. I don't know why her father wanted her to study psychology so much, but it seems to be very useful now, Situ The medicine Che carried with her was commonly used in psychiatry. She never thought that such a sunny and cheerful person would suffer from depression. She hid it so deeply.

After taking a bath, the blood vessels dilated, and Zhou Nan didn't feel sleepy at all. She was sitting on the bed reading a book, and when she let her hair down, she remembered that it swept across Situ Che's chest not long ago, and her whole body began to heat up again. Concentrating, the words on the book also became blurred at this moment, and the picture in my head couldn't be shaken off, and my fingertips connected to my chest were slightly hot.

After several times of agitation, she had to admit the fact that she had a reaction to Situ Che. She was already 24 years old, and this reaction was considered normal. Who would not react when seeing her... that way?A question mark popped up involuntarily in his head, wondering if Situ Che had ever...if she...what would it be like?

The more she thought about it, the more irritable she became. In order not to let herself take a second bath, Zhou Nan turned off the light decisively, pulled the quilt over her head, and tossed and turned on the bed for an unknown amount of time. in the dream.

The effect of sleeping pills is only four to five hours. Before dawn, Situ Che suddenly opened his eyes, feeling dizzy and nauseated. This is the aftereffect of taking oxazepam.

What did she do wrong?

Curled up sideways, with one hand on her chest, is she going to live a life where she can't fall asleep without sleeping pills again?

Hesitatingly looking down at the T-shirt on her body, the memory of last night slowly emerged, she jumped up from the bed, her eyes fell on the packed medicine box, her eyes were full of confusion and horror, and she found out ?

Collapsing on the bed, depression has always been known only to her, and even her parents have kept it a secret. She is afraid that one day she will not be able to survive, and she can choose to leave this world quietly. She does not want to be regarded as a She's not a normal person, and she doesn't want to accept any help from others. Now the only thought in her head is to run.

Where are you going?

She rushed into the bathroom and plunged her face into the cold pool. After a long time, she raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror, looking at herself in a daze. Not necessarily, she might not know what those medicines were for. Situ Che suppressed her panic, she wanted What I did was to think of a reasonable explanation. Zhou Nan wasn't around when she got sick, so she couldn't mess things up.

When she calmed down, it was her turn to change her clothes. Compared with being found depressed, she frowned. As a doctor, she may have seen a body worse than a person wearing clothes. Many, she wouldn't be so shy to blush and her heartbeat would beat about this kind of thing, she couldn't see the tips of her ears stained with a little blush.

These two incidents sounded alarm bells in her heart. Did she and Zhou Nan get too close?

Because of a peaceful and warm life, do you overstep the boundaries you set?She looked at Zhan Zhan, who was sleeping soundly on the balcony, her eyes flickered.

When Zhou Nan came out of the room, Situ Che made breakfast in the kitchen as usual,

"Good morning",


"yesterday I--"

Situ Che took off his apron, carefully looked at Zhou Nan, and observed her reaction.

"I couldn't sleep last night, I was disturbing you",

"Well", Zhou Nan looked calmly, is there an explanation?

"I often suffer from insomnia, you can...don't worry about me in the future",

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Zhou Nan, Situ Che breathed a sigh of relief, but still wanted to distance the two of them.

"it is good",

Zhou Nan's eyes darkened when she turned around. She had thought about the various reactions that Situ Che would have, and this kind of reaction was also expected, but why would there be a sense of loss in her heart?

Situ Che watched her from behind. The professor is so smart, he will definitely understand.

I met Xiao Wang downstairs in the hospital. He pushed his wife outside to bask in the sun. When he saw Situ Che, he waved to her excitedly.

"Doctor Situ, good morning!"

"Good morning, you have been hurt for a hundred days, you should pay attention to it",

"Thank you for your concern, I will be able to dismantle it soon!" Xiao Wang grinned,

"How about you?" Situ Che asked the woman in the wheelchair,

"It's good to be alive," the woman smiled lightly,

Situ Che looked at the rising sun in the distance, nodded and smiled, "It's good to be alive".

When Xiao Wang heard this sentence, he shook his head and sighed, "Why can't Xiao An think about it?"

"It's not that I can't think about it." The woman glanced at her husband, raised her hand and pulled the corner of his clothes, "Let's go."

It's not that he can't think about it, Situ Che read her words, a flash of light flashed in his head,

That's right, it's not that Xiao An can't think about it. How could she not know that Liu Wei wanted to divorce her when the Liu family treated her like that? Didn't she just follow his wishes when she jumped off the building?

Thinking of this, Situ Che raised his legs and ran to the ward where Xiaoan was. If she had thought about committing suicide early in the morning, she would definitely leave something behind. Maybe she chose to be in the hospital to cause a stir?

The room had already been cleaned, and there was only an empty bed frame left. Situ Che stood at the door thinking, and after Xiaoan left, she was the first to enter the ward. At that time, she was emotionally unstable and didn't pay attention to other things. It was Li Wanqing who came in!

Situ Che took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a few minutes, and dialed the number.



"Is the sun coming out from the west?" Li Wanqing's voice was lazy, with a smile in her tone.

"Did you...did you find anything she left behind in Xiaoan's ward last time?"

"Yes", in a casual tone,

"What is it!" Situ Che's eyes lit up.

"You called early in the morning to ask me about other people?"

"...what she left behind is important",

"So what? None of my business",

"What do you want to give me something",

"Are you begging me? This is not the attitude of begging for help." Li Wanqing whispered softly on the other end,

"I can give you something, but—"

"But what",

"You take off your clothes, I'll give it to you",

Situ Che hung up the phone immediately. He saw her car in the parking lot just now, and was about to go straight up to find someone.

"Wan Qing", Situ Che pushed open the door of the duty room, she was the only one inside, no wonder she dared to talk nonsense directly on the phone,

"Here you come? Take it off", Li Wanqing leaned in front of her, "Would you like me to help you?"

"Stop it",

"I am serious",

Situ Che was about to close the door and turn around when she grabbed her,

"Let me see your wounds",

"I'm fine," Situ Che lowered his eyes, thinking of Zhou Nan,

"Forget it, I don't care about Shitou, I have already given the things to the hospital, it is her suicide note... Evidence of derailment with that person",

"Evidence of cheating? What Xiao An left behind?" Situ Che looked at her suspiciously,

"Would you change your mind if I said no?"


The author has something to say:

Situ Che: You have to be responsible for me, I was wronged and helpless when I was young.jpg

Zhou Nan: Well, let me have a look.

Situ Che: Beast!

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