Downstairs there were children crying, screaming loudly, "I don't want to study..."

This cry was so familiar, Xueli struggled to get up in her sleep, and only one thought came to her mind, that Chunxin must have been beaten again.

This family really saw a ghost, the child is so old and still needs to be beaten.

She didn't see her, but her mind was full of her appearance, either she bit her lips and looked resentful and humiliated, or grinned and cried loudly, or curled up her hands and feet and buried her head in silent sobs.

The cry like a curse echoed in the depths of her mind. This cry had accompanied her throughout her childhood. Xueli was full of anxiety, but she seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, and she couldn't wake up no matter what.

She couldn't help shouting loudly: "You run!"

"I want to sue you..." Beating a child violated the law. Lawyer Xue searched all over the world for papers, "I want to write a complaint, I want to call the police, I want to sue you..."

The warm and soft touch covered the forehead, and the woman's long and ethereal voice rang in the ears.

"Dongdong, who are you going to sue, who bullied you?"

As if falling rapidly from a height of thousands of miles, the body suddenly felt weightless, and woke up in the snow, with blood red eyes.

"Dongdong, are you having a nightmare? Get up soon, you have to go to school today."

Difficult to open the heavy eyelids, eyes covered with a layer of dazzling gold, Xue Li blinked, the vision gradually cleared, the light faded away, the young and gentle face of the woman was reflected in her dark and bright pupils.


The familiar eyebrows and eyes are her mother, but she doesn't look like her.


It's mom, mom got so young, it's the mom in the picture.

Xueli was pulled up and put on her clothes, and her mother quickly combed her into a pair of ponytails, one on the left and one on the right, and then put on a pink flower hairband, she was led into the bathroom in a daze, A water glass and a toothbrush were stuffed into his hands.

"Hurry up, or you'll be late for school, and you're already a big kid."

My mind was still muddled, and my movements were out of control. I started to brush my teeth, wash my face, rub my incense, put on my small schoolbag, and put on a red scarf. My mother led me downstairs.

On the concrete floor at the entrance of the first floor, the little girl was crying heartbreakingly, and was dragged and dragged forward by the tall and thin old man with a small bamboo stick.

She walked all the way, cried all the way, her mouth mumbled "I don't want to study, I don't want to study..."

The old man who chased the child smiled helplessly at the woman who was holding the child.

"Xiaowa is very disobedient."

"Tell her well, the child is still young, it was broken."

The old man raised his voice suddenly, and kicked the child over, "I won't listen to you, she's very stubborn, just like her father."

The child fell down on her face, got up quickly and wanted to run back, but was dragged back by the old man, who slapped her on the face until she sat down on the ground.

Another grandma caught up behind her, pulled the child up, covered her face with a hot towel, pressed the back of her head and rubbed two handkerchiefs firmly, and pushed her shoulders to Grandpa's side.

"Go, go read."

The little girl gave two "woo hoo", raised her head, grinned, and looked over with foggy eyes.

Xueli's pupils trembled.

—— Chunxin!Yin Chunxin!

She wanted to reach out, but her arms were heavy. Her mother held her wrist tightly, almost dragging her forward.

The shock in her heart was incomparable, she kept turning her head, looked at the little Chun Xin, and finally disappeared around the corner.

It took two or three minutes to walk to the school. After entering the big iron gate, there were children all around, howling ghosts and wolves everywhere. The loudspeaker of the radio station played "March of Athletes", and all kinds of sounds poured into the eardrums, and it was too late to digest the ecstasy and shock in my heart.

Xueli turned her head and saw that Chunxin was also driven into the big iron gate by the bamboo strips.

She stood at the door and looked in curiously. Her snot bubbles became bigger and smaller, her eyes were fixed on the snack stand at the door of the small shop, and she did not move.

Xueli wanted to call her, but couldn't open her mouth. She was taken by one pair of hands after another, and arranged to stand at the end of the freshmen's queue for the first grade of elementary school.

The girl from the north came to the south and became a rapeseed flower planted in the radish field. From a long distance, I saw that kitten with a fried hair and a colorful face was also brought over, wiped its nose, and stood in her line. the third.

For many years, Xueli longed to dream of Chunxin countless times, but could only wander in front of one door after another, looking for her.

Often she was either looking for the door or the key, and when she finally opened it, there was a black tombstone inside the door. She was startled awake, unable to stop crying under the blanket.

The white dew in September, the privet bears fruit, Chunxin is within reach at this time, but Xueli dare not act rashly.

The adult's soul was trapped in the child's body, and she found that she could not approach her no matter what, and could not call out her name.

Maybe it's just a dream.

Small furry heads dangled restlessly in front of his eyes, and one of them was very big, with short, fluffy curly hair bluffing, and even the strands of hair showed a sense of disobedience.

After being led into the classroom by the teacher, Xueli was still sitting in the last row. Xiaochunxin stood on the podium, grabbed two pieces of chalk and put them in his pocket, walked around the classroom with a small schoolbag on his back, stopped in front of her, and wrote There was a hiccup.

Xueli moved her buttocks in, and Chunxin sat down next to her.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

The hair is messy, the mouth is small, the lips are naturally upturned, and the voice is hoarse from crying, rustling, grandma's.

so cute.

Xueli spoke uncontrollably.

"You live downstairs in my house, I saw you before."

Xiaochunxin shook his legs twice, scratched his face with his paws, "Oh."

She turned her head away, looked at this and then at that, frowning from time to time, as if she was not very satisfied with these children.Turning her head around after a while, she took out a piece of chalk and slapped it on her desk, "Here you are."

After speaking, he pinched the remaining one and started to scribble on the table.

The chalk was slapped into three pieces and rolled down the table. Xueli stretched out her hand to hold it, and put it into the pencil case.

Xiao Chunxin followed her eyes, poked her finger on her pencil case, and asked, "What is this?"

"Sailor Moon." Yuri replied reservedly.

"What is Sailor Moon?"

"...It's just a cartoon."

"Cartoon?! Show me?" She was still poking with one finger, and looked at her with big and bright eyes, and there was a mosquito bite on her face that was bleeding from scratching.

"Look." Xueli pushed the pencil case towards her.

Xueli remembers that she was nine years old when she was in the first grade in Rongxian County. In fact, she had already attended a year at her grandfather’s house in the north, so she didn’t understand why she had to read it twice.

Now that I think about it, it's pretty good, otherwise I wouldn't have met Chun Xin.

She has been obedient since she was a child, and she is good at studying. Anyway, she can do whatever the adults tell her to do.

Chun Xin came in the opposite direction, she insisted on doing what the adults didn't let her do.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. Children's own personality is one aspect, and the environmental influence accounts for a greater proportion.

It cannot be said that someone is born obedient or disobedient. There are many things that children cannot decide. They have no way to make themselves look like or not look like.

Grandma Chunxin said that she had two spins on the top of her head, one was like a ghost and the other was very naughty.Xueli saw it later, and there were two of them.

She is indeed naughty, and she has never been wronged in this regard. During the 10-minute break before class, the desktop is covered with children's stick figures Sailor Moon.

She also has her own style of painting. Sailor Moon sits in a large basin with a rectangle drawn beside it and waves underneath. It can be seen that it is a curtain with a human head on it.

Xueli couldn't remember these details for a long time, it was really too young at that time.Fortunately, the young Xueli was also quite curious and asked her, "What is this?"

She straightened out her small breasts, and said as a matter of course: "The pervert peeks at the beautiful girl taking a shower."

Xueli:? ? ?

- so that's why.

Xiao Chunxin looked at her expression and sniffed, "Haven't you watched TV?"

——It’s hard to think of it together, but she has always been like this, her nerves are jumping, her emotions are easily affected, and she loves to cry and laugh.

There is no class in the morning, just let the children go up one by one to introduce themselves.At first, Chun Xin stared intently. There were more than 60 people in this class, and then she gradually became numb. After Xueli went up to introduce her, she was no longer interested in meeting others. She lowered her head and painted all the table holes in white with chalk.

Xiaoxueli looked down on the first-grade pupils (even though she is now one of them), and she was completely focused on Chunxin. Before she knew it, the whole morning passed, and after school at noon, her mother came to pick her up for dinner.

Grandma Chunxin also came to pick him up. The old man stood at the gate of the school with his hands behind his back. His hair was still not very white. He was combed back with a wavy black iron headband and cut neatly to the neck.

Many old people here have this hairstyle, especially Grandma Chunxin, who hasn't changed it for decades, and even the length is almost the same.

Chun Xin also had short hair when she was a child. According to her grandmother, it saves shampoo and money.

The old lady was not tall, she was thin, she looked very energetic, she stretched her neck and asked, "Did you see our family's mangy?"

Lai Lai is Chun Xin's nickname. She was thrown into grandma's house by her mother, and she was forced to come here.

Grandma Chunxin called her mother Mangy Gou, and Chunxin Little Mangy.

Chun Xin also has a twin sister named Chun Lai. When the couple divorced, Chun Xin followed her mother. Later, for some reason, her mother didn't want her anymore and she was thrown at her grandma's house.

At that time, Chunlai had disappeared, and so did his father. Chunxin lived with his grandparents since he was four years old.

Grandma Chunxin looked for Chunxin, and Xueli's mother asked Xueli, "Did you see it?"

That guy disappeared as soon as the get out of class bell rang, and Xueli instinctively looked towards the school flower bed, where Chunxin squatted to watch the senior students play table tennis.

Her grandma killed her, "Little Toile, you haven't come home yet!"

Xueli was taken home by her mother, and after lunch, she soon heard the child beating downstairs.

There were two crimes. He didn’t come home from school and squatted by the flower bed to watch others play table tennis. His schoolbag was covered with white chalk dust.

The soul of 28-year-old Xueli is trapped in the body of a nine-year-old child. She is just a bystander, and she is helpless.

After half an hour, the sound of singing "Yi Yi Ya Ya" sounded downstairs, and Xueli ran to the window to step on her feet and look down.

At that time, the asbestos tile shed had not been set up in the backyard of Chun Xin’s house. The layout of the yard was a T-shaped walkway with a drainage ditch beside the ridge, and the rest of the place was a flower bed made of bricks. She sat in the middle of the yard with her little feet raised. Eat noodles in a big bowl.

There was a large bowl of noodles, red peppers all over her face, tears were still on her face, she stuffed a large chopsticks of noodles into her mouth and chewed, shaking her head with joy, and humming in the mood.

Xiao Xueli clasped her hands on the window frame, quietly watching her eat noodles.

Inadvertently raising her head, she let out a "huh" and tilted her head, "Why do you keep looking at me?"


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