In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 35 Meeting Shi Mengxiong Again This is Mengxiong Sen...

The boundless darkness, as if even existence itself has been turned into nothingness.

There was not even an obvious sense of falling. Rick felt like he was floating in the chaotic night without moon and stars, his claws dangling, and he couldn't touch any entity.

The ethereal voice rang in his ears, like a lullaby sung by his mother when he was young:

"Hey fox, where are you going?"

Looking around in a daze, unable to find the source of the sound, Rick replied loudly: "I want to go home!"

When he thought of the word home, his first reaction was no longer a modern luxury and comfortable house, but the simple but cozy tree-hole den for him and the squirrel.


The darkness suddenly became sticky, like soaked chewing gum. Before Rick could even struggle, he was bounced up with a "boom", fell back into the soft darkness, and bounced into the air again.

This time he saw the twilight of the sun for the first time in a long time.Like the white fur on the tip of a squirrel's tail.

"Ah Li!" Rick exclaimed, bounced up from the ground, looked around vigilantly, and found himself in a small nest full of various weeds and moss,

where is this?

He tilted his head in doubt, looked around, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the sleeping baby bear not far away.

"You're finally awake," Shi Mengxiong's low voice sounded behind Rick. Rick was so startled that he did a backflip in the air, landed firmly on the ground, raised his head, and saw a very familiar Shi Mengxiong rushing towards him. Come over, "You have been sleeping for several days. I almost thought foxes hibernate too."

Rick scratched his ears embarrassingly, but he didn't use much force, but he scratched off a large piece of hair.

"You're molting," Mother Stone Bear looked at the bald fox, and couldn't help laughing. "This is the first time I've seen an animal that moults in winter. Maybe it's because you've eaten too much lately?"

Trying to find out the part of his mind that was broken after eating the phoenix fruit, Rick let out a groan of collapse, covered his face with his paws, and never wanted to go out again.

"Don't worry, I've already collected all your furs!" Squirrel Ali jumped over happily, "Also, I found Snow Fox! He said he came here through the door frame of the mushroom."

The snow fox was found, which is good news.Rick forced his head off the ground and looked at the squirrel: "Did you just wake up too?"

"I came here after passing through the tunnel, and I'm not unconscious at all," the squirrel replied, patting his chest in fear, "You have scared me for the past two days, if you weren't still breathing, and even talking in your sleep, I would have thought You have eaten poisonous fruit!"

He spoke cryptically in front of Shi Mengxiong, but Rick understood that he was secretly asking himself if the phoenix fruit had any additional curse effects, so he raised his paw and made a vigorous posture, full of vitality. Mandi: "I feel good now."

Another three strands of red hair fell down.


Shi Mengxiong said at the right time: "There is still a long time to go in winter, it is not safe to go back now, you should stay here for a few days, and then leave in spring."

The noisy noise here also woke Baby Shi Mengxiong, he ran over rubbing his eyes, rubbed his mother's fur, and said in a soft voice, "Yes, the fox can sleep with me."

Rick's eyes moved slightly, and he finally remembered who the stone bear in front of him was.

It was the mother Shi Mengxiong who fought against the silver-ringed viper, was rescued by Rick and Ali with green worm silk, and showed them the way.

Rick scratched his head: "So this is... Bear Forest?"

Why is the mysterious tunnel in Phoenix Mountain sent to the Bear Forest?

"Yeah, this is the colony of Stone Bear and Earthbreaker!" Baby Stone Bear waved its paw happily, "I like you so much! You're the good fox who told the story of the bear!"

Before the words were finished, seven or eight stone bears and ground crackers blocked the entrance of the cave, and countless noisy discussions came.

"I heard that the fox who can only tell stories has woken up?"

"I have taken several stalks of sweet corn and am going to give them to the fox!"

"I want to ask, why are Xiong Da and Xiong Er both stone fierce bears, and where did our Earth Splitter go?"

Rick's eyes widened. Before he could find a place to hide, the big bears outside rushed in. One of them ran the fastest, easily picked up the fox, hugged him, and patted him affectionately. back--

Rick rolled his eyes with such force that he almost fainted again.

Mother Shi Mengxiong ran away from him, rescued the poor fox, and trimmed his messy fur.

The fox fur was not combed evenly, but several were pulled out instead. Shi Mengxiong's mother spread out her bear paws, her hands were covered with red hairs, so she had to hide her paws in her belly in embarrassment, pretending nothing happened.

"The story of the bears you told is often told at the rest point, and almost all the birds have heard it. Now many animals in the forest think that the stone bear is a friendly and intelligent animal," has been continuously bombed by the bears Ali, the squirrel who has been living for several days, told Rick in a low voice, "Except for a few ground splitters who want you to tell their stories again, they are still very friendly."

Rick nodded knowingly.

He is still in the state of hair loss, and he has not tried the flame skills he learned in the Flame Mountain. If he encounters a dangerous situation, it is indeed difficult to escape.Although the enthusiastic attitude of the stone bears made Rick a little overwhelmed, he was very lucky to have such a shelter.

The bears brought honey and a few pieces of frozen meat, put them in the cave, and ate them happily.

After drinking a sip of honey and biting a piece of frozen meat, Rick felt a toothache just looking at it.

"If it's possible," he interrupted one of the ground crack bears' essay about 'the ground crack bear is so powerful and smart, it should also be written as the protagonist in the story', and raised his paw to propose, "I'll roast a bunch of meat for you guys How about a taste?"

The bears, who were used to eating frozen meat, were very puzzled by Rick's proposal, but they still generously took out a large piece of frozen meat and handed it to Rick.

Rick found a flat stone slab, and Ali scrubbed it clean with the newly fallen snow, then propped it up with a few stones, sprayed flames from his mouth, and burned a raging fire under the stone slab.

He first put a small piece of fat white meat on the slate, and broke off two wooden sticks as chopsticks, until the sizzling oil covered the whole slate, and the white meat became crispy and crispy.

Chopsticks are too unfriendly to fox paws, and Rick has to use two paws to pull hard to barely complete the chef's work.In the end, he really couldn't afford to hold the slippery piece of roasted white meat, so he simply pulled the meat into the leaf held by the squirrel, and handed it to the salivating Shi Mengxiong baby.

Countless sighs of envy sounded at the same time.

Rick was stunned, and looked up, and saw the first bear in the cave staring at him with burning eyes, its nose kept moving to capture the smell of meat in the air, and it raised its paw to wipe away the saliva from the corner of its mouth from time to time.

Seeing Rick looking over, they hurriedly said, "Go on, go on! After baking that piece, I still have it here!"

"I have it here too! Bake mine first!"

For the next piece of frozen meat to be grilled first, the bears fell into the next round of verbal battles, but they were very measured, they didn't fight with each other, and looked at Rick's grilling action expectantly.

Spread a large piece of frozen meat on a stone slab, and wait until one side is roasted until it is burnt and buttery, then turn it over to the other side with chopsticks, pick up the honeycomb, pour some honey on the piece of meat, and spread it evenly with leaves.

The rich aroma of barbecue mixed with the sweet taste of honey made the raging bears salivate, and they couldn't wait to move closer to Rick.Rick laughed, and pulled the barbecue from the slate to the huge banana leaf, and the squirrel carried it in front of the bears.

Mother Shi Mengxiong took it without hesitation, tore a piece, chewed it vigorously, swallowed it, and let out a satisfied sigh.

The other bears dared to stare at her angrily.

"Don't worry, every bear will have it," Rick laughed and picked up the second piece of frozen meat. "The method of grilling meat on a stone plate is very simple, and you can also learn to bake it yourself."

The bears looked at each other and wanted to try, but they were afraid that their treacherous companions would eat meat from Rick in advance, so they didn’t move in the end, but looked at the fox with bright eyes, and brought their own frozen meat to wait for the fox to roast. .

During the barbecue, Rick looked up by chance and saw this scene. Suddenly, Rick had the illusion that he had raised a group of bear cubs.

He put aside his messy thoughts, and became more and more proficient at the barbecue. After a while, he fed all the bears in the cave until their bellies were round, and they all collapsed in the cave without moving.

"I've never eaten something so delicious," one of the bears sighed. "Before, I thought honey and frozen meat were delicious! It's not even as good as a fox's fur on a slate honey barbecue!"

"That's right!" The bears echoed, "Not even a single fox fur!"

Rick: "..."

Looking at his shedding paws, he fell into autism again.

Ali was playing happily with the snow fox outside, and seeing Rick nestled in the stone cave without any movement, he ran back: "Hey, Rick, did you know that the snowstorm in the forest didn't stop until the day before yesterday! "

Calculating the time in his mind, and adding the days when he was in a coma, Rick was surprised: "So there was no snowstorm on Phoenix Mountain at that time? Then how did we get swept by the hurricane?"

If they were just thrown far away by the hurricane to Phoenix Mountain, it doesn't make sense that they would be unscathed.

"Who knows," Ali spread his claws, looking at the darkening sky, a little sadly, "Are we really going to wait for winter to pass before going back to the tree hole? I kind of miss the fat caterpillar."

And gourd baboons, and tree houses, and their delicious, warm clay pot soup.

"Wait a few more days," Rick was also hesitating. From the previous experience of catching fish but being swept away by a hurricane, it can be seen that going out in winter is really too dangerous, even if they are safe this time , who can guarantee that there will be no problem next time, "Test my newly learned skills first, and by the way, how about we help Shi Mengxiong build an awesome Bear Paradise?"

"Huh?" The squirrel was full of question marks, "What garden?"

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