In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 34 Phoenix Fruit Rick!what do you...

Who would have thought that there was a beautiful stone hut inside the dark cave.

Delicate silver fur is spread on the ground, a layer of barrier keeps the lake water out, and the inside is dry and warm, piled with many fruits.Rick glanced and only recognized the sand fruit that was pressed underneath.

"These fruits!" The squirrel following behind exclaimed and pounced on it. "These are all legendary fruits! The kind you can't find in the forest!"

Rick grabbed his tail, pulled him back, and said seriously: "This is not our thing, you can't take it casually."

It's too much to trick the simple mushrooms at the door to open the door without invitation like them. If you still take out the owner's treasures here to enjoy yourself, what is the difference with the hyenas that are hated by forest animals?

"Okay," the squirrel drooped its ears and pursed its lips depressedly, "then what are we going to do?"

"Let's go see what's on the other side first?" Rick suggested. "We're going to find a way out, but this looks like a place to sleep and rest."

One fox and one mouse crawled back to the entrance of the cave, turned around and went into another cave.

This cave is the one where Rick saw the red light inside. Because he felt that it was not safe, he went into another cave before. So nervous, the fox's paw stroked in the water and quickly swam to the destination.

A fiery red flower grows at the bottom of the cave. The petals stretch out like flames, but they bloom charmingly in the water. When the petals open and close, countless lake waters flow in and out, forming unique and magnificent waves.

"So this is the reason why the lake water has ripples!" Ali exclaimed, "So the lake water we drink tastes sweet because it is contaminated with nectar from a little flower?"

Rick took it very seriously, and carefully raised his paw to approach.He asked in a low voice, "Do you know what kind of flower this is?"

Ali shook her head cluelessly.

The fox claw stretched out, and the nail on the tip of the claw was carefully retracted by Rick, leaving only the soft and pink claw pad, gently touching the flowers in the water.

With a bang.

Starting from where the fox's paw touched, the petals withered at a speed that was almost impossible to detect with the naked eye.

Rick was shocked.

He looked at his non-aggressive claws, and at the beautiful flowers that could cause the water of the entire lake to fluctuate even with their breath, and even his ears were wronged like airplane ears.

He couldn't help complaining: "This flower touches porcelain!"

The squirrel was also confused. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and rubbed his eyes again, pointing at the petals with his claws: "Look! It seems to be fruiting!"

The petals fell into the water, and were gradually swallowed by the lake water like a flame, and withered into a small group of red light spots, which soon disappeared.On the flower stems, blue fruits gradually grow, and then turn red and become larger, so that the stems and leaves are a little bent.

This fruit is shaped like a citrus, and the bright red skin is particularly dazzling. It dances like a flame in the clear lake water.

Oddly enough, Rick stretched out his paw again, and before the squirrel could stop him, he touched the outer skin of the fruit.

The touch is even a little Q-bomb.

This was Rick's first reaction.The next moment, the fruit fell down suddenly, and landed on the fox's paw, rolling along the paw, and suddenly jumped, hitting the fox's forehead, making the fox yelp in pain, and stretched out its claws to grab the fruit , the fruit shrank a few more times, and rushed in along his wide open mouth.

Rick subconsciously closed his mouth and swallowed the fruit with a gudong.

"Rick!" The squirrel jumped up and scratched his mouth in horror, "Why do you eat everything!"

"I didn't eat it," Rick was wronged, he looked at his undulating stomach with a little worry, and touched his throat again, feeling that there was no change in himself, but he became more worried, "It's really that it keeps touching the porcelain. !"

Rick can assure you that the fruit has definitely matured!

"You mean, the fruit has become a spirit, and I want you to eat him?" Ali scratched his ears, feeling that the words were ridiculous, but he believed that Rick would not lie, so he felt even more terrifying, " Could it be a curse or something?"

Rick didn't know either.He shook his head, checked his whole body, and found nothing unusual, but felt a little dizzy.

"This is so strange," the squirrel jumped up and down, inspecting the cave, "there is nothing else in the cave - the animals next door guard the cave to sleep, and there are so many fruits with countless magical effects in it, but the cave here is There is only one flower that turns into fruit when you touch it?"

"There is no other passage here." Rick covered his head, reluctantly checking the cave with the squirrel.

Ali was keenly aware of something wrong in Rick's words.

He turned his head in surprise, his dark pupils shrank in an instant, and his voice trembled: "Rick, your head is breathing fire!"

"What?" Rick was dizzy, stretched out his claws to touch the top of his head, and only touched the big fluffy ears, "What breathes fire?"

Ali's eyes stared like copper bells.He watched helplessly as the fox in front of him sprayed flames from the top of his head, gradually turning into flames all over his body, and finally, balls of flames jumped off his body one by one, chirping along the water, jumping to the surface of the water one by one .

"I'm really on fire." Rick looked at his body in disbelief, squeezed his claws, grabbed a flame ball, subconsciously took a sip, and swallowed the chicken-flavored jelly into his stomach.

Ali went crazy: "You still eat!"

Reluctantly loosening his claws and letting go of the second flame ball, Rick tried to shake his head to stay awake: "I'm a little dizzy..."

More and more fire chickens jumped out of the flames, and the chickens huddled together, cooing happily, surrounded the fox in the middle, and jumped towards the lake.

Looking anxiously at the drowsy Rick, Ali hugged a flame ball, tried to get closer to the center, and jumped onto the lake with the ball.

After finally running back to Rick, standing about tens of meters above the lake, falling with the flames, Ali took the time to look at the scenery outside, and the whole squirrel froze instantly:

"Ah oh."

It used to be a pleasant spring willow and green grass, but now it is engulfed by a sea of ​​flames.Billowing thick smoke came out from above the flames, and Rick, who had almost lost his self-awareness, took a deep breath and sighed, "It smells so good~"

How can the smell of black smoke be fragrant?The squirrel shrugged its nose in surprise.

... really fragrant.

Ali scratched his head, didn't understand the reason, so he stopped thinking about it, and shook the fox's head vigorously: "Rick! Wake up! You burned someone else's house——"

Before he finished speaking, the flame ball fell into the lake again. Ah Li choked on a big mouthful of water and coughed again and again. After finally recovering, he looked left and right, and the fox disappeared again.

"Rick!" he yelled, exhausted, "Rick, where are you?!"

Sky.Above the clouds of billowing black smoke.

Under the wrapping of the flame ball, Rick fell asleep peacefully. Countless black smoke passed through his body, and then fell back to the ground, turning into pure black crystals.

The raging fire burned for nearly half an hour.It wasn't until the ground was completely covered with pure black crystals, turning into smooth black rocks, and the thick smoke in the air dissipated, that Rick fell down, cushioned by the flame balls, and lightly landed on the ground.

He shook his head, woke up in a trance, looked up and saw the smooth and hard black stone slabs on the ground, and the flames crowded around him, thinking that he had changed the map inexplicably: "Volcanic forest?"

"You finally woke up!" Thanks to the ability of flame immunity, the squirrel was not affected by the fire, but the squirrel who was looking for the fox to find it, jumped excitedly on the flame ball, "Are you all right?"

"What happened?" Rick nodded to indicate that he was fine, but he was a little confused by the current situation, "Why are we in the volcanic forest?"

"This is Phoenix Mountain!" The squirrel patted his head sympathetically, "You burned someone else's house."

"Huh?" Rick's eyes widened.

He looked around in disbelief, until he saw the familiar lake, then collapsed and covered his face with his paws. After a while, he sighed: "Forget it, I'll put the turkey away first."

Opening the fox's claws to the fire chicken in front of him, the moment he felt blessed, countless fire chickens rushed towards the direction of the fox, their bodies shattered into little sparks, and disappeared into the air.

There were hundreds of flame balls, and it took Rick a lot of effort to get them all back.He put down his paws, and was so tired that he collapsed into a loveless fox cake.

"You have become stronger," the squirrel said abruptly, patting the fox on the head, "and you have become bald."

"What?" Rick raised his head vigilantly, stretched out his paw, and immediately saw a few strands of red hair falling from the paw.With a scream, he threw himself to the shore of the lake and looked at his reflection.

The originally thick and fluffy fox fur had lost more than half of it, and the pink skin underneath could be vaguely seen. Following the fox's movements, a lot of fur fell from his body.

"How could this happen!" Rick cried sincerely, "I don't want to become a bald fox!"

"It should be moulting, it will be fine in a few days," the squirrel patted the fox's paw, comforting it calmly, "Let's go, I just found a way to leave."

They plunged again to the bottom of the lake and into the first cave.

Whether it was the fur or the fruit inside, they had been completely burned by the strange fire, and there was a narrow passageway exposed under the clean stone.

The entrance of the channel was shining with a faint purple, and there seemed to be light swirling in it, which made Rick involuntarily think of words such as black hole and shuttle.He moved his ears, and his sad mood finally got better: "It seems that this is here!"

The squirrel nodded, impatiently preparing to jump in, but was stopped by Rick.

He casually summoned a ball of flames and wrote and drew on the stone floor.

Since there are no words in the forest, he can only convey the meaning by painting, and the black marks made by the flames are difficult to control, so it is extremely difficult for him to write.

Downward arrows, houses, bowing figures, flames, gathering moves, piles of fruit, yeti monsters wearing crowns.

Rick translates:

Here, master, I'm sorry, I burned your house, and when I have enough food, I will definitely make compensation, the king of snow monsters.

The squirrel leaned over to have a look, and immediately understood what he meant: "Are you planning to pay compensation in the future?"

"One day I will be able to afford it," Rick nodded solemnly, and then looked at him happily, "You can understand! I'm still a little worried that the meaning is too vague."

"Don't worry, don't worry!" The squirrel waved its paw, "The master here will definitely not fail to guess such a simple meaning!"

They looked at each other and smiled, moved to the side of the passage, and got in one after the other.

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