In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 112 The Sanctuary of the Broad-Eared Fox, Fatty...

This underground stone passage was unexpectedly long, with seven or eight intersections, countless turns and passages, which quickly made the little fox lose his sense of direction.After reaching a dead end again, he stopped and looked around blankly, not even sure where he was for a while.

Pangpang had already sprinkled worm silk along the road, but he was still calm at this moment: "Go back first, let's try the next fork in the road."

He walked back to the fork with his tail drooping. Amidst the heated discussions between Ali and Pangpang, the little fox chose a random path and continued walking.

After going back and forth several times, turning in circles and dead ends, they finally found the correct passage, passing through several narrow holes, dirt roads and underground rivers, the little fox came out of the cave and came to the place Xiaocao once described. in the closed valley.

Then my heart sank.

There is no green grass and thousands of flowers blooming as imagined, no broad-eared foxes enjoying the sun leisurely, only scorched earth, scratches on the stone walls and cracks between the cliffs.The familiar traces of battle are the same as the traces in the valley where the Xuanhuox clan lived.

"Why are you running so fast? My fur isn't dry yet—" Pang Pang came out following the little fox, still muttering and complaining, looking up at the scene in front of him, he was speechless for a moment.

"...The inspectors have already arrived." Rick's voice was calm.

The blue ice flames ignited from between the fox's claws, and went out in an instant. The little fox had restrained his anger, lowered the ears of the plane, and walked back silently.

"So that's why Yemibadger became an inspector, helping to find and eliminate the broad-eared fox family," he whispered, with some disappointment in his tone, "The inspectors are very powerful, and the entrance of the tunnel is located in the Yemibadir clan. At the front of the tunnel entrance, Fei Fei must know about it. No wonder he was so nervous when he saw me."

In the final analysis, this matter was indeed done by the Yemi Badger Clan, but it had nothing to do with Waste, who was at the very edge of the Yemi Badger Clan.If Fei Fei told the truth, Rick would probably not take his indifference to heart, but concealing it like this is still knowing how important the information held by the fennec fox is to Rick...

"Don't think about it," Fatty patted the fox's ears and rubbed his soft fur vigorously, regretting that this little cub faced such a huge and heavy malice. "How about we go home and eat something? Aren't you Do you want to eat blueberry cheese cake, go back and bake the cake, I will bake it!"

"Are you here to bake a cake?" The little fox laughed through his tears, "Then I can only eat charcoal residues."

Pang Pang pretended to be angry and put his hips on his hips: "How can I! I'm not that bad at cooking!"

They were talking, and the stagnant and sad atmosphere gradually eased. Rick was about to go back, but subconsciously touched his head, but found nothing, and turned his head in doubt: "Ah Li? What are you doing?"

The squirrel was cocking its tail, lying in the middle of the cracked scorched earth, its eyes slightly closed, sniffing something carefully.Hearing Rick's question, he raised his head with a serious expression: "There is a fresh breath of life here."

"Since when do you still have this function?" Fatty was surprised, "A fresh breath of life? Can you smell it?"

Jumping up from the ground, he patted the soil stained with the tips of his claws. Ah Li stuck out his tongue slightly at Fatty and made several grimaces before explaining under Rick's silent urging: "There are usually many animals in the forest. They are full of life breath, of course I can't smell it. But there is not even a bird here, and it is easy to find if there is life breath left."

Rick and Fatty looked at each other.

"So there are other animals?" Fatty asked hesitantly, "Could it be a bird passing by by chance?"

Ali shook his head, obviously not sure, he yawned, and crawled back to the little fox's head on both hands and feet: "At least it's a clue, let's go look for it in the cave."

"Anyway, there's no other way," Rick pulled himself together, shook his hair, turned around and went back to the stone path, and said as he walked, "It just occurred to me that if the broad-eared foxes plan to take refuge here, they should There will be a place dedicated to storing food."

"But we have checked all the stone roads, and there is nothing," Ali didn't understand what he meant. "Maybe the inspectors emptied the food reserves of the broad-eared fox clan, so they didn't leave it?"

Fatty stroked his tail: "It seems that we have never been to a place like a storage room? The broad-eared fox and the others can't pile up food in the passage, it's too ugly."

"So, this storage room must be very hidden," Rick said as he walked faster, "even so hidden that the broad-eared fox can hide from the inspectors. In this case, the breath of life Ali feels makes sense .”

He slammed on the brakes and stopped at the underground river in the middle of the stone road.

This underground river is very narrow, less than half a meter in length, even Ali can easily jump over it.There is not a ray of light in the river, only the sound of flowing water in the depths, showing the vastness and unfathomable depth of the underground river.

"Wait, don't you want to jump down?" Pangpang was so startled that the hairs all over his body exploded, "No, it's too dangerous, who knows what's down there—this river might just be a broad-eared fox How could they store food in a place like this for water?"

Rick's tone was firm: "So, this is the only possibility for the broad-eared fox to avoid the inspectors who have entered the cave. Because they will never venture into unknown underground rivers."

"No, no, this is a life-threatening joke," Fatty still disagreed, shaking his head like a rattle, "Underground rivers are very dangerous, unlike ordinary lakes, in case there is an undercurrent or poisonous Creatures, or that kind of weird racial skills, you are dead!"

He glared at Rick angrily, Rick looked back calmly, stalemate for a second, Fatty stretched out his claws and rubbed his face in compromise, and muttered, "If I really lose hair, it must be because of you." Angry."

The little fox bent his eyes and smiled slyly: "Use caterpillar silk to make a vest, you can just hold me on the shore, don't worry, I will be very careful."

Fatty clicked helplessly.

The caterpillar silk sprayed out, and weaved it into a beautiful vest in mid-air, and put it on the little fox. The squirrel who also raised its paw to follow also got his safety vest. jumped into the underground river.

Fatty turned around anxiously, grabbed the worm silk thread connected to the two vests, and fixed his eyes on the water surface, for fear of missing any call for help from Rick and Ali.


The underground river is not as dark as Rick imagined.

After diving for less than one meter, I saw two transparent and fluorescent jellyfish floating leisurely in the water.Borrowing the light from the jellyfish, the little fox carefully looked around.

Stretching out its claws to tug at the fox's fur, the squirrel grunted softly: "Look there."

Rick looked along where his finger was, and vaguely saw a large deep hole in the stone wall above.

"Caves in underground rivers are much more dangerous than you think—there may be water snakes entrenched inside, fish swarms, or undercurrents with strong suction—no matter which one is, I suggest you stay away from it. Stay away, don't rush in rashly."

Startled, Rick looked up quickly, and saw Pangpang swimming slowly above their heads, his beautiful light green tail swaying in the water.

"You came down anyway," he was surprised. "Then how do we keep our safety vests?"

"If I don't come down, you two weaklings, what if you are plotted by a stupid animal like the diamond fish again?" Chubby snorted arrogantly, waving his paws exaggeratedly, trying to show himself "Anyway, move to the side, and leave things like exploring unknown caves to a powerful professional animal like me."

"But you were obviously plotted by the diamond fish, right?" Rick complained about him.

Fatty paused for a moment, then turned around angrily in the next moment: "Don't talk! Didn't you see that I was concentrating on preparing for the battle? Quiet, quiet, don't disturb me! Hmph!"

"..." Rick spread his paws and closed his mouth obediently.

Although the flame is useless in the water, his mind power skills have been fully activated, and even Pang Pang is covered with a layer of mind power protection, so that even if he encounters danger, he can have enough time to deal with or escape.

Pangpang naturally noticed Rick's thought power protection, which made his actions a lot bolder. The sharp worm silk loomed at the tip of his claws, and rushed into the cave in the water, passed through the narrow stone cave entrance, and jumped out vigorously. Instantly gushes out——

"Ahhhhhhh!" A childish scream sounded, followed by whimpering and crying exclusively for the little boy, "Woooooooo help, mother save me, woooooooo, I'm so scared!"

Fatty: "?"

He subconsciously retracted the worm silk and looked around.

This damp, gloomy and dark cave is about the size of a small cave, and it exudes a rancid smell everywhere. Two or three clean bones are scattered on the ground, and some flesh that has rotted into black and green is not far away. scum.

In the center of the bald fur, a fox cub with big fluffy ears and milky white fur was whimpering and crying, looking at him with fear in his eyes.

First of all, he was startled by the appearance of this fox cub who was almost out of shape, and then his brain was buzzing because of the crying in his ears, Fatty shook his ears helplessly, racking his brains to think of words: "Uh, little Kid? Don't be afraid, we're here to save you!"

The broad-eared fox cub heard his words with tears in his eyes, looked up at him timidly, and cried even more fiercely: "Help, the inspectors are coming to kill me! Mom, where are you, Mommy!"

Fatty stretched out his paws with a headache, racked his brains to explain for a long time but failed to stop the cub from crying, and finally gave up in a collapse, turned around and turned back, looking at Rick and Nie who were nervous and nervous outside the cave. Ali: "...I really can't figure out something."

Seeing Fatty's serious expression with joy, Rick's eyes lighted up, and he hurriedly picked up the squirrel and followed him. After passing through the stone path, he shook the water droplets on his body, and saw the poor little trembling in the cave. cub.

His eyes softened in an instant, and he ran over in three steps at a time, wrapped the broad-eared fox cub into his tail, gently licked the fur on the top of his head, looked at his bony appearance, and rubbed against him in distress.

The crying of the little broad-eared fox gradually stopped, and it moved into Rick's embrace, and finally clung to the warm fur of the little fox, sobbing twice in peace.

"It's unscientific," Fatty floating at the entrance of the cave couldn't believe it, "you didn't say anything! Why did you calm him down so easily? Is it because you are both foxes?"

Perhaps it was because of Fatty's voice that the cub of the broad-eared fox trembled again, trying to hug Rick with his body, crying weakly: "Mom, hug."

Rick: "..."

Not to mention that he is still just a fox cub in terms of age, so he should be a father no matter what?

He paused subtly, looked at Pangpang and Ali who were gloating at the entrance of the cave, rolled his eyes, and tightly protected the little broad-eared fox in his arms.

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