In the days of surviving in the fairy forest

Chapter 111 Strictly speaking, the chapter of grass and wood wheels...

"Are you okay!" Rick turned pale in shock, hurriedly stopped spraying flames, and rushed towards the direction of Xiaocao, "How do I get rid of this flame, Ah Li, come and help!"

Ali hurriedly released the healing power, and the light green fluorescence floated towards Xiaocao, but he controlled the flame to block it.

"Only the flames of the Xuanhuox can hurt Xuanhuocao. You really are a cub of the Xuanhuohu," Xiaocao smiled relievedly, "If the leader knows how powerful you are, he will definitely be so excited that he can't sleep at night and run out Got into a fight with another animal."

Starting from the top of the blade, he gradually turned into fly ash, and the little remaining energy was used to block the little fox's power of thought and Ali's healing ability, until finally Rick lowered his paws dejectedly, and shook his last breath in the flames. A few blades of grass, with anticipation and joy in their tone, said goodbye with a light smile.

There was nothing on the cliff, and he murmured and complained faintly from somewhere.

"My mission is complete, and I can finally meet the leader. That day the inspectors surrounded Xuanhuohu in the valley. I could have helped fight, but the leader protected me with flames and diverted the inspectors' attention. They thought I was just an ordinary weed...Really, since the cubs of Xuanhuox have not moved, there is no need for my efforts, so why should I stay?"

The little fox raised his head and looked around in a daze. The sadness that came from nowhere lingered in his heart. He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Fatty silently patted the little fox's fluffy head, comforting him silently.

"Wait," the squirrel's tail drooped just now and suddenly turned up again. He has the power of healing, and he is very sensitive to the breath of life. "It seems that a new life suddenly appeared here."

Quickly jumping to the mountain wall, Ali grabbed the rock, stretched his head to look into the crevice of the rock, stretched his claws in to pick the rope, and after a while, he pulled out a small green seed.

"Is this the seed of the black fire grass?" Rick was pleasantly surprised.

The squirrel scratched his head, and he didn't know what was going on.According to common sense, even if a plant becomes refined, its seeds or spores cannot be sheltered to become refined. It also needs the right time and place, a large amount of treasure nourishment and animal flesh and blood.

Pangpang took the green seed, observed it carefully for a moment, and handed it to Rick: "Try it with a flame."

"Why do you want to burn it with flames again?" Rick stared wide-eyed, shocked by what happened to Xiaocao just now, and shook his head in great resistance, "Didn't it mean that the Blackfire Grass couldn't bear the flames of the Blackfire Fox, and his seeds could bear even more?" no more?"

Fatty rolled his eyes helplessly: "This should not be the seed of the Black Fire Grass. I suspect it has something to do with your magic core blessing. Don't worry about breathing fire. If this kind of seed is really unbearable, I will save him."

The little fox looked at him hesitantly, and then at Ali.The squirrel leaped to his side knowingly, its claws were wrapped in green fluorescent light, and it was ready to treat him immediately if something bad happened.

A faint blue flame spewed out.This time it was just a small flame the size of a fingernail. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't even notice its existence.

The flame fell on the green seed and disappeared suddenly.

"Huh?" Rick's eyes widened in surprise.

"I said it's all right," Fatty shook his ears triumphantly, his paws behind his back secretly put away the worm screen that had been prepared to block the flames, and snorted proudly, "You still don't believe me !"

The little fox smiled with his eyes bent, pretending he didn't see Pang Pang's sneaky movements, he touched the green seed carefully: "It seems to be absorbing flames?"

"Your magic core blessing will benefit the partners around you, just like my evolution," Fatty looked at the seeds, "Although the black fire grass has not been in contact with you for a long time, he is the guardian plant of the black fire fox family after all. , I left in your flame again, and I have a very close connection with you, perhaps this is how I got the approval of the magic core blessing."

"So what exactly is this?" Ali didn't understand, and asked curiously, "Will Xiaocao be resurrected?"

Fatty shook his head helplessly.

Rick also sighed, and his eyes drifted away a little: "It should be just a new life formed by the remaining racial energy of Xiaocao. Strictly speaking, it should be equivalent to reincarnation?"

Ah Li blinked, but still didn't understand what the little fox meant, but this didn't stop him from cheering happily: "Great! Then we can plant the seeds at the door of the stone house, so that we will have guardian plants in the future! We can also let him be responsible for guarding the gate." , All animals that want to enter the stone house must pass nine nine 81 tests, how cool is that!"

Diluted by the squirrel's unconstrained imagination, Rick was a little dumbfounded: "The 81 trials? I'm afraid there will be no animals willing to come to us to play."

As he spoke, he found a round and beautiful black stone with his mind, carefully cut the stone into a semicircle with a feather knife, engraved the word "Xuanhuocao" in the middle, and placed it properly on the stone wall In the center, where the Xuanhuo Prairie originally grew.

After staring silently for a moment, the little fox lowered his eyes, put the seeds into his backpack, and said in a low voice, "We should go, we have to go to the ant forest."

Fatty nodded, dragged the squirrel back to the ground, followed Rick, and walked slowly out of the valley.

"Tell me, why does the orange eagle know the location of the black fire grass?"

"Maybe other birds told him, or maybe they just noticed something wrong with Xiaocao. I would rather know why he helped us."

"Who knows. It can't be because I'm too cute that he can't bear to do it?"

"Hahahaha what a mess."

"That's right! If you want to say cute, I, Ari, are obviously the cutest!"


The Ant Forest is not too far from the Xuanhuhu colony.

Even in order to conceal his entry into the Blackfire Fox Clan, Rick went around a few times in a low-key manner before rushing towards the Ant Forest, but it only took half a day to reach the vicinity of the Ant Forest.

Looking up at the bright full moon in the sky, Rick scratched his ears and thought for a moment before walking into the ant forest.

"It's too late today, let's find a place to sleep first," he suggested, "Replenish your energy, and find the tunnel tomorrow."

First it was the Azure Forest, and then it was the settlement of Black Foxes. After running around for a whole day and experiencing several emotional ups and downs, Pang Pang also yawned from sleepiness, leaning on his fluffy squirrel tail, rubbing his eyes and nodding: "Go to the leaf honey badger!" Sleeping in the clan’s tunnel for one night? Although it collapsed a lot in the earthquake, it should be easy to dig out.”

Thinking of the Yemi Badger Tunnel filled with the unpleasant smell of happy leaves, Rick smacked his lips in disgust, but he was too tired to dig a new hole, so he walked to the entrance of the Yemi Badger Tunnel.

There used to be lush trees and bushes growing there, but they were all crushed when Pang Pang evolved. Now the sparse weeds growing on the bare ground can't block that particularly conspicuous black hole at all.

The inside of the cave has completely collapsed. Rick used his thoughts to move the soft soil, cleared a path enough for himself to pass, and compacted the aisles on both sides by the way. Looking around, he felt that there was no problem. He was about to make do with it and sleep for the night. Then I heard the vigilant voice of the squirrel: "Rick, what do you see over there?"

Rick looked in the direction his paws were pointing at, and only saw a dirt wall and one or two small stones mixed in between. He couldn't help but tilt his head in doubt: "Where?"

Jumping down from the top of the fox's head to the side of the soil wall, the squirrel pressed its ears to the soil, listened for a moment, and said firmly, "There is a passage here, and I can hear the sound of the wind blowing in."

"Here?" Rick was taken aback, recalling the structure of the Yemi Badger Clan tunnel when they first came to the Ant Forest, his eyes gradually became serious, "None of the four entrances inside the Yemi Badger Tunnel includes this."

"So the Yemi Badgers didn't find this passage at all!" Ali gestured excitedly, "Could this be the tunnel used by the fennec foxes to take refuge?"

The little fox wagged its tail, didn't speak, and burst out its thoughts, smashing through the dirt wall, revealing a small and narrow tunnel behind it.

"There are no stones in the soil blocking here, and the sound of the wind is so obvious, even if my evolution destroyed the surface structure that day, it doesn't make sense," Fatty flew over, picked up a small piece of soil, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, With a serious expression, "How could Yemibadger not discover this tunnel?"

Rick understood Fatty's vague hint, subconsciously rubbed his claws on the ground vigorously, hesitated for a moment, picked up the squirrel, and cautiously entered the tunnel: "It may not be the tunnel where the fennec fox takes refuge, let's go in and have a look first. "

The tunnel was dark and narrow, and Rick had to curl up his body hard to get out of this passage, and landed on a large stone with a bang.Quickly picked up the squirrel that also fell down, and caught the fat squirrel that was floating down with the tip of its tail. The little fox looked around cautiously.

"Sturdy and smooth stone passages," Pangpang commented, "A miracle that only hamsters can create—I always feel that they are too inferior to be thieves instead of decoration workers."

"We can hire a few gophers to try when we go back to the grape grove," Rick replied absently, his eyes flicked around, and he landed on a small pool of dried and oxidized happy leaf residue at the junction of the tunnel and the stone road, and he couldn't help but frowned. He raised his eyebrows, "The wind is blowing from above, maybe we should go over and have a look."

Pang Pang and Ali naturally have no objection.One of them was flying around on the stone wall, and the other was sitting on top of the fox, trying to find possible clues.

"When did Badger Yemi join the inspector?" the little fox asked suddenly.

His voice echoed among the empty stone walls, causing a burst of echoes.

"I don't know," Fatty was taken aback, thinking carefully, "Looks like it was last year? The time when the Xuanhuhu clan was exterminated."

Rick pursed his lips and said nothing, but the ominous premonition in his heart became clearer, which made him involuntarily quicken his pace, almost running to the end of the stone path.

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