As early winter approached, the long-prepared official selection examination finally started.

A total of 260 people signed up for this assessment, including 650 candidates from Miryang and 610 candidates from Xunyang.

In order to provide candidates with a comfortable and quiet environment in the examination room, the two campuses of Miryang County School vacated classrooms a week in advance to clean up and arrange the examination room, while Xunyang directly borrowed the former Taixue as the examination venue.

On the day of the exam, the morning sun was warm and warm.

Feeling somewhat nervous, Yu Zhen entered the Shiguan through the inspection at the door.

Just as he was looking at the fork in front of him in a daze, a young man in a red vest came over and asked, "What's the exam room number, Mr. Lang?"

Yu Zhen glanced at his admission certificate, and replied, "Examination Room No. [-]."

The boy pointed to the road on the left: "You go straight along this corridor, the No. [-] examination room is on the first floor of the building on the right side of the third intersection, if you can't tell the way, you can ask volunteers dressed like me. "

The boy said, and tapped the word "volunteer" embroidered on the chest of his vest.

Yu Zhen politely said "Thank you".

Following the guidance of the volunteers, he quickly found the classroom where he took the exam, and found his seat according to the seat list posted on the wall.

Sitting on the chair, Yu Zhen looked around.

Because there are clear glass windows on both sides, the light in the room is transparent and bright.

Exam time and precautions are written on the blackboard in front, and there is a clock next to the podium.

Living in Miryang for half a month, Yu Zhen has learned to tell the time with a mechanical clock.

Not to mention other places, there is a large mechanical pendulum clock in the reading area of ​​the library. Many people who can't afford or can't get a mechanical clock and are curious about it will go to the library to look at it.

Yu Zhen stared at the clock for a while, and recognized that it was [-]:[-].

According to the test time indicated on the blackboard, the test will officially begin in another 25 minutes.

Participating in such a large-scale test for the first time, Yu Zhenxin couldn't help feeling anxious.

Although he was born in a family, he was not a direct branch of a big family, but a descendant of a side branch, and his family was not that wealthy.

This time, in order to support him to participate in this exam, his mother sold a lot of gold and silver jewelry, which was enough to pay for the travel expenses from Yizhou to Miryang. his expectations.

Therefore, after coming to Miryang, Yu Zhen can be regarded as earnest and hardworking.

When other scholars from other places were bewitched by the prosperity of Miryang, he was either reading books in the library, or listening to lectures in remedial classes to absorb knowledge. Apart from eating and sleeping, he spent the rest of his time studying.

Speaking of this remedial class, he was lucky to meet him.

King Wei's selection criteria for officials was peculiar, and Yu Zhen had heard about it for a long time. He had no idea, so he followed the advice of his fellow countrymen and went to the entrance of the county school to study the papers of the previous county school graduation exams. Counseling flyer.

According to the students, their cram school is taught by a teacher from Zheng'er Bajing County, which is completely different from the short-term training classes that claim to be "crash in a few days".

The tutoring classes outside are so ambitious, they will only waste money, and they can't teach any useful knowledge at all. The tutoring classes taught by their county school teach the basics, which are cheap and effective.

At that time, Yu Zhen had just read the previous county school graduation examination papers, and found that there were indeed many things that he did not understand. He also heard that the official examination papers were jointly produced by county scholars and teachers, so he took the mentality of trying his luck, After receiving the flyer, I signed up for the tutoring.

It is also thanks to Wei Wang who arranged accommodation for every candidate who came from other places, so he was able to save the accommodation money to sign up for this remedial class.

Later, I heard that the government arrested a group of irregular "remedial teachers". Many scholars from other places fell into their tricks. Not only were they cheated of money, but they also wasted a lot of time on useless courses. I can't help but be thankful that I met the right one, otherwise I would have failed the exam.

Thinking about this nonsensically, after another 10 minutes, the classroom was basically full.

At this time, a bell suddenly sounded outside, and the majestic and solemn bell rang one after another, which made the candidates flustered and asked what happened around them.

Fortunately, not long after, two men with blue invigilator armbands came in holding the papers, and explained to everyone that the bell was a reminder fifteen minutes before the exam, reminding candidates to enter the classroom as soon as possible.

After the invigilator finished speaking, he immediately opened the sealed bag of the test paper and began to distribute the test paper.

After everyone got the test papers, another invigilator read out the rules of the test room and the test instructions.

Seeing the multiple-choice questions on the first page of the paper, Yu Zhenxin was quietly relieved.

Fortunately, he went to the remedial class, otherwise he would probably be fooled by now.

Although the exam questions on this paper are different from those of the county school's graduation exam papers, the types of questions are similar.

During this period of time, Yu Zhen did a lot of after-school homework assigned by the teacher in the remedial class. Even if he couldn't think of the answers to some test questions for a while, he was not too confused, and he could still answer a little bit.

Compared with those who have not attended the remedial class, he has surpassed them by a large margin.

With this kind of mentality, Yu Zhen finally calmed down after being anxious for a long time. While grinding his ink, he silently read the first few questions and thought about which answer to choose.

Not long after, the bell rang for the official start of the exam. He picked up a brush and dipped it in ink, and wrote down the answers smoothly.


The most benefited from this official selection examination is the group of players who have studied in the county school but have not been admitted as officials.

In order to take care of those scholars who came from other places, the test questions of this exam are much simpler than the graduation exam papers, which is equivalent to lowering the difficulty of entering the official profession for players.

As a modern person, as long as his calligraphy is decent and he can recognize and write traditional characters, this paper can be filled no matter what.

The only difficulty is the questions related to the poems and scriptures, but the proportion of marks for these questions is limited. Generally speaking, it is much easier to take the comprehensive examination for selecting officials than the graduation examination for the county school.

After the exam on that day, the test papers were sealed and collected to Miryang County School for unified marking.

In mid-November, the rankings of the test results were announced in two places.

In this official selection assessment, a total of 260 candidates successfully completed the answers and submitted the test papers, and only 120 passed the test, and the pass rate was less than [-]%.

But that's not the end of it.

Seven days later, all 120 qualified candidates gathered in Miryang for the second round of interviews with chief examiners.

The interview questions are determined by the four main examiners. The main examinations are political theory and literary talent. The examiners will determine the final ranking according to the candidates' on-the-spot ability.

In fact, as long as these candidates who pass the exam do not have any major defects, they can be employed in the government. This interview hosted by the chief examiner is just to select the top [-] and focus on training.

The entire exam lasted for one and a half months from the start of the written exam to the results of the interview.

It was already mid-December when the 120 candidates learned their final rankings.

On the day when the general list was posted, Jiang Shu and the chief examiners met with the top [-] scholars.

I have to say that the examiners are quite discerning in their selection.

After two rounds of examinations, the remaining people all looked a bit like future high-ranking officials at first glance, with a dignified posture, steady and dignified, standing in the hall without the slightest stage fright.

According to Jiang Shu's knowledge, among the 20 people, 11 were officials from the former dynasty, seven were celebrities and talents from other places, and two were players.

The fact that these two players were able to make it this far must be true.

Judging from their calm and calm performance in the face of the "camp leader", Jiang Shu estimated that these two people also have a certain status in reality.

The Ministry of Officials has arranged positions for these twenty scholars. After Jiang Shu gave encouragement and encouragement to these future subordinates, the officials of the Ministry of Officials announced their official positions. Among them, the top ten stayed in secret. Yang works, and the rest will not be too far even if they are sent abroad, they are all within the three nearby counties.

After the scholars left, Jiang Shu turned his gaze to the examiners and said, "Thank you, gentlemen."

Cui Lan stroked his beard and sighed: "This time I went to Miryang to preside over the official examination, and I have opened my eyes and learned a lot... But such a complicated examination is okay, but it cannot be used as a measure of a sage guidelines."

When Jiang Shu heard this, she raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Mr. Cui personally presided over the entire examination. You should know that this scientific examination system is not only not cumbersome, but it is far more straightforward and simple than the election system."

"Scientific examinations can only be carried out in a small area. It is a waste of people's strength to send scholars from all over the world to go to one place to take the examination and mobilize the teachers."

"What's so difficult about this? You just need to produce papers and start the exam in various places. First select talented people from counties and counties, and then collect talented people to enter the capital for the exam. Isn't it simple and clear?"

Cui Lan thought for a while, then shook her head slightly: "The standards of candidates vary from place to place, so how can we be called Zhongzheng?"

"Then run a school." Jiang Shu smiled lightly, and said in a calm tone, "Schools are opened in various places, the teaching materials are imported from Miryang County, and the teachers are sent by the central government. If the teaching is the same thing, even if the level of the teachers is different , as long as the disparity is not too great, the students taught will not be too far apart, and overall it is still fair."

As he calmly stated his thoughts sentence by sentence, Cui Lan, Yin Shen and Xie Jiao who were beside him all showed serious expressions.

With just a few short words from the other party, several people felt a sense of horror suddenly fill their hearts.

The young man in front of him has been planning this for a long time. What he wants to reform is not only the official selection system, but the class rules of the entire country!

In fact, Jiang Shu still has many plans hidden in his heart.

He plans to set up state schools in each state first, and then run county schools, county schools, and even rural schools. One day, new teaching content and ideas will accompany the establishment of schools all over the country.

He even wants to establish schools in various places to train specialist elites, such as medical schools, engineering schools, agricultural schools, business schools, etc. After all, technology can only continue to develop if professionals keep up with it.

Of course, at present, this ideal is still far away, but he believes that as long as he persists in doing it, he will be able to achieve his goal one day.

"Yan Qiao and Duanmen County Sheriff are already preparing for the opening of the new county school. Whether this new system can be implemented will be seen in at least two years."

At this point, Jiang Shu's tone suddenly became more solemn, "These are all pillars. If the imperial examination system is desirable, then I will invite a few to take on important responsibilities."

Cui Lan clenched her fingers tightly, her mood fluctuating.

There is not a single word that the young people say without meaning.

He mentioned that Yanqiao County is planning to open a new county school because Cui Ming, the governor of Yanqiao County, is his own grandson. The other party's words can be said to be an obvious hint.

This is a kind of wooing, and it is also a clear promise. As long as he leads the Cui family to stand by him, in the future, when King Wei proclaims himself emperor, the Cui family will be reused.

Yin Shen also had the same idea as him.

It was a coincidence that in addition to being King Wei's brother, the governor of Duanmen County was also his eldest son-in-law, and Cui Ming, the governor of Yanqiao County, was his second son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Yin Shen couldn't help but look up at Jiang Shu, wondering if the other party invited him to be the chief examiner of this assessment because of this level of in-law relationship. After all, it was really a coincidence.

For a while, the room was silent.

Both of them, including the silent Xie Jiao, were from noble families, and they all knew in their hearts that the imperial examination system that King Wei wanted to implement was really not good for the gentry class.

It is true that most of the people who can afford to read books are the gentry, and there may not be any difference in a short time, but what about in the future?

As more and more schools are opened, generations of poor families enter the officialdom, and one day, the invisible and hard glass separating the scholars and commoners will be broken. At that time, will the honor of the aristocratic family survive?

Thinking of this, several people were paralyzed and deeply disturbed.

Even knowing this, they can't change anything.

Today, the situation is clear and King Wei's power dominates the Northland. They rejected King Wei's invitation. Many people want to come over. What benefits can they get?

Nothing can be obtained, and the family status will decline without even waiting for the prosperity of the next generation.

Since the interests of the gentry cannot be protected, they only want to protect their own wealth.

All the people present were officials of the former court, and they have seen too many ups and downs, honors and disgraces. Didn't the Kong family, who once dominated the court and the opposition, become prisoners overnight?

When the country was broken, how many princes and senior officials lost their official status?

No matter how to continue the family prosperity, the most important thing is speculation.

A political family must accept the protection of the political power. As long as they can seize the opportunity and follow the correct person in power, why not be afraid that the family will not be able to prosper?

Having figured this out, the three of them invariably hid the prudent look in their eyes, and their expressions became gentle and calm.

Cui Lan touched his long beard and replied: "If the imperial examination system is desirable, we will support Wei Wang with all our strength."


Watching the few people leave, the smile on Jiang Shu's face slowly receded.

Maybe it was because of the cold weather, he looked at the empty hall in front of him and felt a little deserted and lonely.

After a long time, he sighed and pinched the space between his brows wearily.

At this time, Ziming opened the door and came in with a heater.

The moment the door opened, a gust of cold wind rushed in. Jiang Shu raised his head and saw the whiteness outside, and asked in doubt: "Is it snowing?"

"Yes, just now, it suddenly snowed." Zi Ming closed the door and brushed off the snow flakes on his body.

Jiang Shu got up and walked to the window, pushed open the window, only to see that there was heavy snow falling outside.

Snowflakes swirled one after another, covering the house.

He looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but recall the scene when he first saw the snow scene here.

I vaguely remember that it was on the way back home after seeing my elder brother, riding an ox cart, and it was snowing outside.

That night, he and Xie Min ate mutton scorpion hot pot, drank wine, and enjoyed the snow scene.

Recalling these, Jiang Shu couldn't help raising the corners of her lips slightly, then turned her head and asked, "Is Aze off from school?"

Ziming glanced at the clock and said, "It's almost time."

"Then prepare a car for me." Jiang Shu was going to pick up his nephew from school at the Shiguan, which was rare today.


In the evening, the sky showed a quiet gray-blue color in the fine snow.

The young man was full of surprises when he got into the carriage, and looked at the young man opposite him with wide eyes: "Why did uncle come here in person today?"

"I saw that the snow was falling heavily, and I was worried that you would freeze." Jiang Shu said, took out a hand warmer from under his sleeve and handed it to him, and then passed a wool blanket over.

"Thank you uncle, my nephew isn't cold, so I'd better use the hand stove." Jiang Ze said obediently, and only took the woolen blanket to cover his knees.

"Is it really not cold?"

The boy shook his head: "It's not cold."

"Okay." Jiang Shu took the hand warmer back again, thinking that it seems that young people are indeed more resistant to cold.

Although the age of his body is only in his early twenties now.

"How are you at school these days?"

"Well, the classmates are harmonious, and the homework is going well." Jiang Ze answered first, then paused and then blushed: "Two days ago, I took the mock exam at the end of the semester, and I got the result today. I am the first."

"Oh?" Jiang Shu raised his eyebrows, and seeing his nephew looking ashamed and wanting to praise, he smiled and said, "You did well in the exam, and you can get No.1. Aze must have put a lot of effort into his studies. Work hard, is there any reward you want?"

Jiang Ze pursed his lips and thought about it for a while, then said: "There is a Xiyu restaurant in Xishi. It is said that the dishes are very special, but I have never tried it."

Hearing the words "Western Region restaurant", Jiang Shu immediately realized that he was referring to the western restaurant that he had agreed with Xie Yin to eat together.

"Aze wants to eat that Western Region cuisine?"

"Yeah." The boy nodded vigorously.

Watched by his nephew expectantly, Jiang Shu had no choice but to agree.

Although I feel a little sorry for Brother Xie, it is not easy for my nephew to take the first place in the exam. Just such a wish must be fulfilled.

Today, let's go ahead and help Brother Xie taste the taste.

"A Peng, go to West Market."


The cold wind swept through the sky, and the carriage slowly set off.

The rumble of cars gradually disappeared in the fluttering white snow.

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