"Graduation exam paper?" Xie Jiao raised his eyebrows, "What does this have to do with the official selection exam?"

The blue-clothed youth is the player Zhang San, who pretended to be contemptuously clicked his tongue, and said, "You are just foreigners who don't understand current affairs. We Shu brothers can write a few poems and write a few articles to select officials. Advance, you must have logical thinking, management ability and the ability to deal with problems according to circumstances, otherwise you will be unqualified!"

It was the first time that someone ridiculed him face to face, Xie Jiao listened with a smile on his face, and asked after a while: "Then who are you, and who handed out the five-year official examination?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, anyway, I didn't compile this information book," Zhang San waved his hand, leaning on the bookshelf leisurely and said, "Let me tell you, you are lucky to meet me, and I will only do "May Three" I bought three sets, which are a collection of all the graduation examination papers of the previous county schools that I have collected through a lot of hard work, with reference answers, as long as you understand the above questions thoroughly, this exam will be done!"

"Can you take a look?" Xie Xue asked.

"Yo, you still don't trust me." Zhang San curled his lips, pretending to be impatient, took out a test paper from his arms, opened a page at random, and said viciously: "Just take a look, don't buy it, don't waste my precious time."

Seeing the content on the page, both cousins ​​were a little surprised.

It's not that the test questions on the roll surprised the two of them, but that although the text on the roll can be seen to be written in ink, the handwriting is extremely small, obviously the other party didn't use a brush.

"What did you use to write this?"

"Dipping pens, the stationery store at the door, [-] cents each, I don't think it's very easy to use, but my calligraphy is too ugly, and I don't have any other pens now, so I can barely use it." Zhang San said while cooperating Picking up the paper and putting it back in his arms, he frowned and urged, "Hey, let me tell you, do you want to buy it?"

Xie Jiao and Xie Xue looked at each other, and finally, out of curiosity about the words on the volume, Xie Jiao was moved and asked, "What is the price?"

Zhang Sanyi said calmly: "Seeing that you two have delicate features, you seem to be eager to learn, so I will charge you three hundred copies."

Xie Jiao raised his eyebrows: "Three hundred dollars?"

"Three hundred dollars is not expensive. This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors and the concentration of experience, and it is all hand-copied. It is hard work. I will have to copy this book for at least three months!"

Xie Jiao knew that he was probably exaggerating, and from the glance he had just glanced at, there were at least three handwritings on that page, obviously made by many people.

But he was too lazy to spend too much time with others, so he just paid for a copy.

"Thank you for your patronage!" After receiving the money, Zhang San smiled brightly. Before leaving, he did not forget to take out a small card and stuff it in, and said in an ambiguous tone: "Ten-day crash course for officials, I am interested to know more about it. In the face of old customers Come on, get [-]% off!"

Xie Jiao politely declined, and Zhang San wanted to persuade him a few more words, when suddenly footsteps came from his ears.

He looked back vigilantly, and saw a counter staff in black overalls walking towards him, so he ran away without looking back.

The person who came was the guy who went upstairs to report.

Seeing Xie Jiao holding the "Five-Year Official Examination, Three-Year Simulation" in his hand, the clerk couldn't help frowning, hesitant to speak.

Xie Xue noticed the change in his expression and asked, "What's wrong with this book?"

The clerk paused before saying: "Mr. Lang was deceived by the book seller. Our county school exams have only been held four times. How come the five-year official exam? There are actually only four sets of graduation exam papers here.

"And the reference answers he mentioned are not all correct answers, but the answers at the top of the list.

"To be honest, the first volume of the graduation exams from previous years was posted on the bulletin board at the gate of the county school, covered with glass. If you are interested in this test question, you can just go to the gate of the county school to have a look."

Brother Xie: "..."

Losing big!

I thought at most that the content of the book I bought was missing something, but I didn’t expect that I was completely cheated. In the end, the only thing worth money was the handwritten words...

Xie Jiao smiled awkwardly, unwilling to admit that he had done something stupid, so he said, "Forget it, it's a collection anyway, let's buy it as a collection."

Xie Xue shook her head with a broken smile and didn't say much.

Seeing that the two guests didn't blame him for not reminding him in time, the waiter was also relieved, and said instead: "The deputy curator is waiting for you to go up, please follow me."

Thinking of seeing his brother-in-law soon, Xie Jiao quietly rolled up the book and put it in his sleeve, lest the other party read the book and laugh at him.

Afterwards, the two followed the buddy up the stairs to the second floor.

After passing through a quiet corridor and passing a few studios, the two came to an office full of books, where Zhou Mo sat and worked hard.

As soon as he saw the two of them, Zhou Mo immediately got up to greet them.

After a few simple greetings, Zhou Mo pulled Xie Xue enthusiastically and said, "Come on, Feiyu, Qiuyue, I'll take you to see something good."

After all, he led the two of them towards the opposite side, opened the door, and there was an extremely spacious room inside.

There are many large-scale equipment and equipment in the house, and many people are busy working, making the space very crowded.

There are many long ropes tied near the window, and pages of paper printed with ink are drying on them. There is a strong smell of metal mixed with ink in the air, which is not very pleasant, but Zhou Mo enjoys it very much. Said it was the fragrance of books.

Xie Xue looked around, and based on his previous experience in printing newspapers, he judged that this was a printing room, but there were many large-scale equipment inside that he had never seen before.

"Look here." Zhou Mo took them to a piece of equipment in the corner, raised his head and motioned to the two workers, and the two began to operate the machine.

The worker on the left first wipes the ink on the movable type template that has been arranged, picks up a piece of paper to cover it, and covers the wooden board, then the worker on the right pushes the rotating shaft to press down, then lifts the wooden board, and the worker on the left lifts it A page of fine and neat text has already been printed on the paper.

Just like the books they read downstairs, the words on the pages are clear and clear, and the typesetting is exquisite, giving people a comfortable and refreshing feeling.

Xie Xue opened her eyes wide, looked at the paper, then looked at the movable type on the template beside her, frowned slightly and said, "This is not wooden movable type, this is..."

"Movable lead type." Zhou Mo said, holding up a type block to show him, "Movable lead type is cast in copper molds, as long as the master plate of copper letters is made, the same type can be cast many times without having to work hard to carve wood. .”

Xie Xue nodded suddenly, and then pointed to the big guy in front of him: "Then this is?"

"This is a movable type printing machine. Don't underestimate this thing. This machine alone can print [-] pages a day."

Xie Xue took a deep breath, and then looked at the multiple printing machines operating at the same time around her, and only then did she understand why there were so many printed books on the bookshelves downstairs.

During the exchange of just a few sentences, the two workers printed another four pages with skillful movements, and he couldn't help sighing: "It's really a miracle."

Zhou Mo heard him praise the machine, as if he himself had been praised, and said happily: "When I first saw this printing machine, I was more shocked than you. The person who invented this thing is really a genius!"

Xie Xue nodded in agreement, watching the workers keep printing new pages, she also became interested, and went to the field to operate.

Xie Jiao just looked at it with a smile on his side, and didn't intend to make a move.

Although he was equally curious about this object, he was not as enthusiastic as the two of them. After looking at it for a while, he looked away absent-mindedly.

Suddenly, he noticed that there was a locked and closed door on the right side of the room. There was a secret room in the room, which was not unusual, but what was strange was that there were many burly guards standing in front of that door.

Xie Jiao was curious, and asked Zhou Mo, "Brother-in-law, why are there so many guards in this room?"

"Those are officers and soldiers." Zhou Mo replied, "The test papers for the selection test are being printed in the back room to prevent the test questions from being leaked. King Wei sent heavy troops to guard them in rotation. Without his permission, no one is allowed to approach."

Xie Jiao raised his eyebrows: "I, the deputy chief examiner, can't come close?"

Zhou Mo turned his head, looked at him and said solemnly: "Before the exam, the only ones who know the test questions are the question maker and the printing craftsman."

Hearing the other party's serious words, Xie Jiao's nerves subtly moved.

Looking at the officers and soldiers who gave people a great sense of oppression, he felt for no reason that this official selection test was not just an ordinary selection test.

The king of Wei is planning a big event.

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