Shi Yun opened his eyes and saw the dark stone walls around him, he couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

Sure enough, he was still in this cell.

Since King Huaiyang invaded Hengchuan, they, the aides of the Southwest King, have been imprisoned on the charge of traitors and party members, and it has been seven days.

The prison is hot and humid, there is no light, and there are mosquitoes and rats everywhere. How can Shi Yun endure this suffering, so he goes online for a while every day to see if he has been carried out because he was unconscious, and nothing has changed. Just go offline and continue to sleep.

But today he felt that he couldn't do it. He was locked in the prison all the time. He couldn't complete the mission and play the game. If he starved to death in vain, he would lose his experience level again.

He felt he had to pull himself together and find a way out.

As the first step to cheer up, he secretly exchanged his points for a piece of bread to supplement his hunger.

Shi Yun leaned against the corner, and while eating bread, he muttered weakly: "Fortunately, I am not a real ancient, otherwise I would be locked up in this kind of place, and sooner or later I would die of depression.

"By the way, King Huaiyang is quite speechless. Just arresting me and not interrogating me. If he interrogates me, he will find that I'm just a white whore who eats and drinks. It's useless to arrest me..."

What's more, he has never served the Southwest King at all, he is a spy!

Of course, Shi Yun didn't dare to say the latter sentence, if someone heard it, it would be more than just being locked up.

Just as he was talking to himself, there was a knocking sound of "Knock Knock" in his ear.

Shi Yun straightened up abruptly, turned his head to look at the wall behind him, hesitated for a moment, and tentatively patted the wall twice.

After a while, there were a few knocking sounds from the next door, as if responding to his movements.

"Damn..." Shi Yun exclaimed softly, staring at the wall in front of him with wide eyes, wondering if he accidentally triggered some special plot, right?

Could it be that the person locked in the cell next door is the former martial arts master, and before he died, he was going to teach him the secrets of martial arts that he had never learned throughout his life?

He couldn't help getting a little excited, and was about to knock on the wall again, when a weak voice came from across the wall: "But Brother Shi?"

Shi Yun was taken aback, and replied, "It's me, who are you?"

"Ji Lun, Ji Bird."

"Oh... so it's Brother Bird." The martial arts dream was shattered, and Shi Yun leaned back against the wall in a dull manner.

He has some impression of Ji Lun, he is also one of the Southwest King's disciples, but this person is very popular with the Southwest King, and he is completely different from a fake counselor like him who cheats food and drink, so they have hardly communicated in the past, I don't know How did the other party recognize his voice.

Probably because of being too lonely in the prison, people who used to disdain to be with poor people now take the initiative to speak up.

"Persist for a few more days, and we will be able to leave this place." Ji Lun said with some emotion, not knowing whether he was comforting Shi Yun or himself.

"How do you know, do you have any information?" Shi Yun continued to eat bread and asked.

Ji Lun was silent for a while, and then said: "Yesterday, the people of King Huaiyang came to interrogate me. They seem to be looking for Lu Canjun."

"Lu Qing? Why, wasn't he imprisoned?" Shi Yun was puzzled. Among the staff of the Southwest King, Lu Qing could be said to be the one who received the most attention. Bad idea, he came up with it.

"Lu Canjun will naturally not be taken into custody. It is the message he secretly conveyed to General Wang." Ji Lun said in a low voice.

Shi Yun was surprised: "I'll go, is he also a spy?"

"Also?" Ji Lun caught the negligence of his words, "Who else is?"

"Oh, no, I mean, I always thought that someone else revealed our plan, but I didn't expect it to be Lu Junjun!"

Ji Lun didn't seem to take his small mistake very seriously, let alone doubt Shi Yun's identity, and expressed his opinion on his own: "Lu Maolan should not be the secret work of King Huaiyang, and King Huaiyang is also looking for this person."

"Then what's going on with this man? His Highness trusts him so much, yet he actually betrayed us?"

Ji Lun pondered for a moment, then said: "Perhaps, it is the long-disappeared vertical and horizontal school."

"Huh? The legendary strategist?" Shi Yun continued to inquire, but Ji Lun didn't respond to him.

After thinking about it for a while, Shi Yun clicked to receive the task of "transmitting information", and sent the information about Lu Qing that he had just learned through the task box.

Since joining Crouching Dragon Pavilion, a special communication channel with the Pavilion Master has been added on his game panel, which is specially used to transmit information.

The daily task of Wolong Pavilion is to obtain information. Just send the information you think is useful to the leader Jiang Shu to the pavilion owner. The system will determine the confidentiality factor of the information. Usually, the more important and difficult to obtain information, the more experience and point rewards will be given. the higher.

Because Shi Yun is the only spy lurking on the Southwest King's side, the information he obtains is usually relatively confidential and critical, so the rewards he gets are also very generous.

I thought that the information of an unknown little character like Lu Qing should not be that important, but I didn't expect that after sending it, he would also get a good reward.

"Could it be because this is the information I obtained in exchange for seven days in prison, so the degree of difficulty is relatively high?" Shi Yun thought.

If this is the case, then if he finds out some other inside information from Ji Lun, will he be able to get another reward?

Thinking about it, he ate the rest of the bread in one gulp, and was about to find a topic to continue chatting with Ji Lun next door. At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps and crisp keys colliding in the corridor outside. The jailer came to check.

Shi Yun was silent for a moment, and looked towards the aisle without moving.

When he was young, two NPCs with the green name of "Jailor" appeared at the door of his cell, opened the cell door and said to him, "Come out."

Shi Yun was stunned, stood up and asked, "Is it my turn to interrogate me?"

The jailer ignored them, urging him to move faster in a grumpy tone. Shi Yun could only suppress his curiosity and obediently followed them out of the prison.

The sky outside was gloomy, and it was raining heavily, and the rain soaked the yellow mud road until it was extremely muddy.

Shi Yun thought he would be taken somewhere for interrogation, but there was no result. The jailer only told him not to work for the Southwest King, and let him go.

At first, Shi Yun couldn't believe that his seven-day tour of the prison cell ended so hastily, until he ran all the way in the rain, stepped on the wet road and ran to the street, turned around, and still didn't see anyone following him, then he was finally sure I regained my freedom.

"You didn't interrogate me. Is it because of my humble background? Or am I too insignificant among the counselors of the Southwest King?" He stood on the side of the road and muttered, "If it's because of my appearance, it's a bit discriminatory, right? "

But no matter what, it is always a good thing to get out of prison safely.

Where to go next?

Shi Yun ran under the eaves of a mansion to hide from the rain while thinking. Considering the difficulty of changing targets in the spy profession, he finally decided to continue to follow the Southwest King to cheat food and drink.

"Tell me not to join the Southwest King? I still want to go again, telling you to discriminate against me."

He cocked his mouth and hummed softly, then chatted privately with Yin Yunying and asked about the current address of the Southwest King. After he got the answer, he opened the map and searched for carriages, and planned to rent a carriage to take him there.

Here, Shi Yun braved the rain and left. Not long after, a man in a coir raincoat came out of the mansion.

The man stood outside the door, his dark eyes under the bamboo hat swept across the surrounding streets that had become particularly desolate due to wars and coups, and sighed softly: "The imperial court is rotten and useless. Lord's hour."

"Where is the Crouching Dragon?" Lu Qing looked up at the old tiles that were dripping with rain, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth: "The Crouching Dragon is in Beichen."


An ox cart walked slowly through the narrow and long alleyway, its wheels pressed over the uneven stone road, splashed slightly, and soon stopped in front of a high gate.

Zhou Mo got out of the car with the scroll in his arms, and the boy servant waiting by the door hurried forward to cover the rain with an umbrella for his master.

Zhou Mo used his sleeve to block the rain that soaked into the umbrella, and quickly walked in along the road embedded with square stone slabs, passed through the courtyard wall, and entered a verdant and dense courtyard after passing through several corridors.

Walking into the study in the courtyard, Zhou Mo raised his eyes and saw his wife Xie Wei sitting by the desk and flipping through something.

Seeing him come back, Xie Nan put down the reading material in his hands, and said softly: "The current situation is chaotic, and the officials are no longer in the palace, why do you need to go to the Secretary's Office?"

"How chaotic the current situation is, what does it have to do with my management of classics." Zhou Mo said bluntly, took a seat beside the book case, and put the Huai Chinese volume on the case table.

Xie Wei knew that her husband loved books like his life, and if he didn't touch the collection of books for a day, he would lose his soul like fasting, so he didn't persuade him any more, and lowered his head and continued to read the newspaper.

Zhou Mo was not surprised to see her reading the literary newspaper from Xunzhou.

When "Miyang Monthly" first spread to Hengchuan, Xie Yan pointed to the author column of "Xiu Xian Qi Tan" and said that the editor "Chu Xian" was most likely her seventh younger brother. By the way, he guessed that the author "" "She Yu" should be the Jiang family's Saburo Jiang Shu, because Qilang will not modify articles for others at will.

Zhou Mo knew that she probably recognized Xie Qixian's style from the words and sentences in the article, and he never doubted what she said. He always felt that his wife was as intelligent and knowledgeable as himself.

And out of concern for his younger brother, Xie Yan became very interested in the newspapers from Miryang. Every time a new newspaper arrives, he must read it as soon as possible. collect it.

Recently, Miryang published a new type of "Literary Newspaper". Xie Yan is very fond of this new newspaper, and has read it no less than ten times since it was picked up.

Both husband and wife are good writers, and Zhou Mo also understands her behavior of not putting down the scroll. He was about to open the scroll and read it with his wife, but when he looked up, he saw Xie Yan put the newspaper aside, picked up a pen and began to write on the paper.

At this time, Zhou Mo discovered that there was still a thing that looked like a poem draft under the newspaper, and a lot of content had been written on it.

He asked curiously, "Madam, what is this writing?"

"Poems and essays to be sent to Xunzhou Submission Newspaper." Xie Yan answered briefly.

"Contributing to the newspaper?" Zhou Mo blinked, "Is it feasible?"

Xie Xie picked up the newspaper, turned to the last page, pointed to the words "Scholars are welcome to submit papers" at the end, and said, "My family has a caravan that often goes back and forth between Miryang and Hengchuan. What's the effort?"

Zhou Mo heard the words, his eyes lit up suddenly, and said: "Madam, please ask your caravan to wait for a few days. There is an argument about the theory of kindness written by Mr. Linchuan in the literary newspaper. I like it very much, and I also suspect it." I have a little superficial opinion, after I have completed it in the past two days, I can submit it together with your poems and essays for submission."

Xie Nan was speechless for a moment, then nodded silently.

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