"What did you say, the father has lost?" Murong Feng stood up abruptly, with a look of astonishment on his face.

The scouts lowered their heads in response, and said weakly, "Wei Jun used an extremely terrifying weapon, like thunder falling from the sky, shooting sparks, and burning the defense on the city wall to ashes."

In view of the fact that he had personally experienced the attack of smoke bombs before, Murong Feng did not doubt the authenticity of the weapons he said, and he couldn't help being shocked, when did so many strange weapons appear in Wei State.

Immediately, he frowned and asked, "What about the father, can you evacuate safely?"

"My subordinates came back from Donghe County by crossing the river. I only heard that Wei Jun blocked the pass from Miankou to Dingshan County first. Da Shanyu should have been forced to retreat to Yu County."

"This surname Bu is really treacherous!" Murong Feng cursed, then almost without thinking, he picked up his weapon and strode out of the door, and said to the soldiers outside: "Order the battalion, immediately gather three thousand light cavalry, Follow me to clear the pass and rescue the Great Chanyu."


Murong Feng's action could not be described as unpleasant. He received the news that morning, and in the afternoon he led the army out of the city and rode his horse towards the east.

He fully thought that as long as he could disperse the Wei army blocking the pass, he would be able to rescue Murong Liao, but he was confronted with a masked army not long after leaving the city.

This army was menacing, and before he could find out his identity, he couldn't help but kill them.

At that time, the sun had already set in the west, the sky was dim, and the shadows of the trees were blurred, leaving only the steaming heat cruising in the wilderness.

Under the setting sun swallowed by Xishan, the two armies fought together like a group of black beasts fighting for territory.

Although the face was covered, the enemy's hair was too conspicuous. As soon as the battle started, Murong Feng recognized that it was the Yuwen Department's army.

Thinking of the relationship between the crown prince and the Yuwen Department, Murong Feng's eyes burned with burning anger, and he cursed through gritted teeth: "Murong Ming, you are so vicious..."

At this time, troops were sent to assassinate him, and it was not just his younger brother who got rid of him. Obviously, that hypocrite could no longer restrain his ambition to sit on the throne.

The Yuwen Department came prepared, the purpose was to kill Murong Feng, so they didn't care how many enemies were killed, and specially sent a large force to stop the Xianbei cavalry, while the main force all moved in the direction of Murong Feng to besiege.

Even though Murong Feng was surrounded by personal soldiers, under such a targeted attack, he gradually became exhausted and found it difficult to resist.

After almost being shot in the face by an arrow, Murong Feng finally made a decision.

He cannot die here. If it is hopeless to save his father, then at least he will win the throne, and he must avenge today's revenge.

So he resolutely gave up fighting, and under the protection of several personal soldiers, he highlighted the encirclement, whipped his horse and fled.

The general of the Yuwen Department who led the troops to assassinate immediately ordered to pursue him, but his army was blocked by the remaining Murong Department troops, and only a small number of people chased after him.

As the dusk closed, the field of vision became blurred, and the horses of Murong Feng and his soldiers finally disappeared into the vast night.


"Murong Feng escaped?" Murong An felt panicked, if he couldn't kill him with one blow, the matter might not be able to end when Murong Liao came back.

His face was slightly pale, and he quickly asked: "Do you know where he fled?"

"It was fleeing to the north. General Zuo has sent troops to pursue it." The messenger replied respectfully.

Murong Qing swallowed nervously, and said: "Tell Uncle, let him send more people to search, and once he is found, no one will be left alive."

"No." The messenger responded and quietly exited the hall.

After discussing the assassination matter, Murong Liao hadn't calmed down yet. At this time, another subordinate of Murong Liao came to report the news in a hurry.

"Zhongdun City was destroyed, and Da Shanyu was trapped in Miankou. Your Highness, please send someone to rescue him quickly."

"Father is trapped?" Murong Huang was surprised at first, but after realizing it immediately, he realized that this is an excellent opportunity.

Right now Murong Feng is nowhere to be found, if he sends his troops to rescue Da Shanyu, it will be a great achievement, if he cannot be rescued...

——It’s not a bad thing if you can’t save it.

Thinking of this, Murong Qing's heart beat faster suddenly, he clenched his fists and said: "Order General Guangwu to lead [-] soldiers to rescue Da Shanyu immediately."

"Is three thousand soldiers enough?"

Murong Qing paused for a while, then sighed softly, and said in a helpless tone: "I have no other choice, if I send out all the defenders of the capital, in case the enemy sneaks into the city, there will be no one to defend."

The subordinates knew that what he said was not unreasonable, although they were worried, they could only nod in agreement.


Xunzhou, Miyang City.

Standing in front of the government office, Jiang Shu watched Steward Sun circle the luggage cart, counting his luggage for the last time.

Soon it will be Jiang Xian's auspicious wedding day, and he is going to Hongcheng to attend his second brother's wedding this time.

Jiang Ke and Liu Shi had set off with Jiang Ze a few days earlier, and most of the luggage was delivered to Jiang Shu who left behind.

It's not easy for the two elders to come and go when they are young, so this time they went to Duanmen to carry a lot of luggage. They planned to live in Jiang Xian's house temporarily after the wedding. There may also be a caregiver.

After a while, the luggage was counted, and the officers and soldiers who escorted the itinerary were all in place, and they lined up neatly to guard around the carriage.

Jiang Shu explained a few words to the officials who came out to see him off, and then walked down the steps, ready to board the carriage.

At this moment, he received a secret letter from Crouching Dragon Pavilion.

The messenger was a young girl, Jiang Shu remembered her name was Qiuxi, she seemed to be Yin Yunying's confidant.

The other party pretended to be a peddler selling flax cakes, and sold a flax cake wrapped in jute paper to the guard next to Jiang Shu, and then the guard handed the flax cake to Jiang Shu's hands. The whole process seemed natural, after careful consideration But there is a trace of weirdness.

A peddler was not afraid of the officers and soldiers, but ran to the governor's carriage to sell flax cakes. This seemed a bit weird to outsiders.

Probably, the other party didn't expect to bump into the governor when he was traveling before delivering the letter. Thinking about it this way, it's understandable.

It seems that the camouflage technology of Crouching Dragon Pavilion needs to be improved!

Jiang Shu sighed in his heart. After getting into the carriage, he unwrapped the jute paper, broke open the pancake, and took out a secret letter from it.

Opening the secret letter that smelled of flax cakes, Jiang Shu pulled out the letter paper, and the first thing he saw was the news that Murong Feng was ambushed by Yuwen Xianbei and disappeared after fleeing.

Immediately after, there was another piece of information that Murong Qing sent [-] soldiers to rescue Murong Liao.

"We only sent 3000 people. You don't want his father to come back alive!" He sighed softly.

Regarding the changes and progress of the situation in Qingzhou, Jiang Shu can roughly guess, and after a glance, he continued to look down.

"The King of Southwest planned to get rid of the King of Huaiyang. Wang Yi, the chariot general, learned of his plan in advance. The Son of Heaven withdrew from Hengchuan, and has now fled to Xichu County, Yizhou."

After reading the secret letter, Jiang Shu was speechless for a moment.

The King of Southwest took the Son of Heaven to leave Hengchuan, even though he did something rebellious, but there was a little emperor by his side, who had the support of the royal family, no matter where he went, no one dared to stop him, but King Huaiyang did his best. The capital, which has been settled in every possible way, has now become an imperial court with nothing but decorations.

Sure enough, in troubled times, things are most impermanent.

Next, should the group of scholar-bureaucrats in Hengchuan follow the edict of the Southwest King, or should they guard the empty throne and continue the politics of their powerful relatives?

Jiang Shu suddenly found it ridiculous, shook his head and said: "This is really a mess."

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