The battle between the Wei army and the Xianbei army lasted for three full hours. With the strength and strength of both sides being equal, until the end of the battle, it was all about physical fitness and willpower.

Because Wei Jun is accompanied by a medical team, he can give energy supplies to soldiers who are injured or exhausted at any time. Therefore, after a long battle, the balance of victory finally tilted towards Bu Jingyun.

Seeing Xianbei Erlang less and less on the battlefield, Murong Liao gradually had the idea of ​​retreating.

What made him finally decide to withdraw his troops was the news from the rear.

First, Liehuguan was attacked, the camp was burned, and then Shengying City fell, and thousands of Wei soldiers invaded the city... The bad news continued, and the arrival of the prince became the last straw that overwhelmed him.

Murong Qing's coming here means that the situation in the rear has been completely out of control. If the fight continues, the Wei army may be attacked from inside and outside, causing the entire army to be wiped out!

The land of Donghe County was won without any effort, and if it was lost, it would be lost, but Murong Xianbei must not end here.

Murong Liao made a decisive decision, gathered the soldiers, commanded the cavalry to open the way, and escorted the prince and Murong Feng out of the encirclement.

Seeing that Xianbei was about to flee, Wei Jun tried his best to attack and stop him, so Murong Liao had to leave 300 men behind.

Seeing the Xianbei troops rushing out of the battlefield, Chen Zhi jumped on his horse, and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but was stopped by Bu Jingyun: "Don't chase after the poor!"

Bu Jingyun's original plan was to drive the Xianbei army out of Donghe County. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to waste any more troops. The most important thing now is to occupy and block the Hunting Fox Pass as soon as possible, so that it is difficult for Xianbei to invade from now on.

He turned his head to look at the battlefield. Although today's battle was won, his side suffered heavy losses.

Even though many bloody scenes were blocked by the mosaic of the game, he could still see red-clothed soldiers lying on the ground everywhere, many of which he personally brought out in Miryang, and the blood-stained faces were familiar and familiar. Slightly strange.

Relying on the player's advantage, Bu Jingyun discovered that some seemingly dead soldiers were actually just in a coma and could be treated, but the number of doctors in the battalion was too small to rescue these seriously injured soldiers.

Withdrawing his gaze, he immediately arranged: "Chen Zhi, you lead the Qingzhou soldiers to help the medical battalion carry and treat the wounded. Yi Hu and Liu Xun, you lead the uninjured soldiers to clean the battlefield and guard the prisoners. All the sergeants of the second battalion, Get on your horse immediately and follow me to conquer Fox Hunting Pass!"

"As ordered!"


"Reporting to the Great Chanyu, there is no pursuer behind!"

After running for more than ten miles in a row, the soldiers who had only experienced a big battle were exhausted. After hearing the scouts' report that no pursuers came, Murong Liao was slightly relieved and ordered to find a hiding place to rest for a while.

After tying the horses to a tree, Murong Liao counted the escaped soldiers, and learned that there were only [-] soldiers left in the [-]-strong army, and he felt infinitely sad.

Two days ago, he never thought that he would lose to Wei Jun.

Bu Jingyun...

Thinking of this name, Murong Liao felt lingering fear, the choking smoke that disturbed his sight, the crossbow and ballista that could fire twenty arrows in a row, the black-robed army who feared life and death, the resolute soldier, and this man's cunning and cunning All of his tactics were beyond his expectations.

If Donghe County is occupied by Bu Jingyun, it may be difficult for them to move southward in the future.

"Brother Wang, you guard Shengying City, can you tell me why such a strong and huge city fell in just half a day?"

Murong Feng was injured by an arrow on the battlefield, and the wound he was injured yesterday was also ruptured by the violent horseback riding action just now. Right now, he sat down to re-bandage the wound, and asked Murong Qing who was beside him.

When Murong Qing heard his words, he felt that he was asking himself to be held accountable, and couldn't help feeling resentful and dissatisfied.

But in front of Murong Liao, he still put on a gentle and decent look and said slowly: "I have strengthened the deployment at the gate of the city according to my father's order, and I have not let a single Wei person in, but today the west gate was attacked by thousands of people." In the siege and attack, there are no less than three thousand soldiers ambushing outside the city, I am afraid that those people have already hidden inside and outside the city."

Murong Feng frowned when he heard the words, and cursed in a low voice: "Bu Jingyun, how did he bypass our investigation?"

Murong Qing glanced at Murong Liao's face, seeing that he seemed to have no intention of pursuing his fault, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Father, where are we going next?"

"Go back to Dingshan to rest and settle down. The losses in this battle are heavy. We need to plan well in the future."

"Father Wang Mingjian."

After resting for a while, when his physical strength recovered a little, Murong Liao led the team to set off again, preparing to rush to Dingshan County overnight.

At this time, the sky has dimmed, the sun has set to the west mountain, and the evening is dim, and it seems that it will soon be night.

After walking for a few more miles, the scouts in front came back and reported: "Da Shanyu, two miles ahead is the Wei army's camp."

Murong Liao stopped his horse and asked, "Are there any guards?"

"The camp is empty, with only a few people guarding it."

"Father, we need food and grass for our journey." Murong Feng said.

Murong Liao nodded slowly, he thought the same way.

This place is still two days away from Dingshan. Horses can eat grass on the spot, but people can't live without food for a day.

So when passing through the Wei army camp, Murong Liao sent Murong Feng to lead a team in to get two days of rations.

Murong Feng led a [-]-man team into the Wei army camp, and hastily looted several bags of grain and rice. When he left, he looked at the camp guards fleeing in all directions, and remembered his own camp that had been attacked, and suddenly he felt angry. He rushed to the accompanying soldiers and said, "Burn the middle tent and the supply camp."

The rest of the Xianbei soldiers were also holding back their anger, and no one refuted the proposal.

Now that I have come here, I must leave something for Wei Jun.

So under Murong Feng's instructions, the Xianbei soldiers first set fire to the food, grass and supplies, and then took the torches to the outside of the largest white camp in the center.

Before setting fire to it, Murong Feng keenly sensed that there seemed to be noises inside, and opened the curtain to see that there were indeed people inside.

I thought it was the defenders who were hiding, but when I went in to take a look, I found a handsome young gentleman sitting inside, and a tall maidservant with pink face and red lips was standing beside him.

It seemed that the two were left behind by the fleeing defenders.

Seeing a living person, the Xianbei soldiers rushed into the tent immediately, and raised their knives at the two of them.

"Wait, don't kill him." Murong Feng raised his hand to stop him, then took a few steps forward, put his foot on the desk, leaned over to Xie Min, fixed his eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

Xie Yin looked away, his expression was calm and calm, with an arrogant look of disdain to talk to him.

"Don't tell me?" Murong Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly drew out his long knife and pointed it at the maid beside him, "If you don't answer me, I will kill her!"

Father Ling, who was pointed at by the weapon, was speechless for a moment. If Xie Min hadn't given instructions earlier, he would have beaten this pervert who dared to covet Brother Shu's wife's beauty to the ground and beat him hard.

At this moment, Murong Liao, who was attracted by the fire, quickly walked into the tent, saw the scene in front of him, and frowned: "What are you doing?"

"Father," Murong Feng quickly put away the knife, stood up straight and said, "This person is in the commander's tent, or he is an adviser under Bu Jingyun's tent, I think I can take him away and ask him about the ambush in Shengying City. "

Murong Liao looked at Xie Min in a blink of an eye, his eyes gradually darkened.

Because he had lived in the former capital of Wei State for more than [-] years, the moment he saw this person, the extravagance and prosperity of Xunyang in the past unconsciously appeared in front of his eyes.

"Is this the Xianbei Great Chanyu?" Xie Min met his gaze and spoke first.

"Exactly." Murong Liao replied.

"My father once said that Da Shanyu has few strange festivals, and he can be the hero of life. Looking at it today, I really live up to my words."

Murong Liao raised his eyebrows, his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Are you Xie Xian's son?"

Xie Yin nodded, generously admitting.

"No wonder..." Murong Liao whispered two words.

After a while, he suddenly took out the smoke bomb fragments he picked up yesterday from his bag, and asked, "Do you recognize this?"

Xie Yin glanced at it and said, "Yes."

"Can you do it?"

Xie Min lowered his gaze and did not respond.

Murong Liao asked again: "As for the continuous crossbow, do you know the key?"

Xie Yin remained silent, showing an indifferent attitude.

Upon seeing this, Murong Liao put away his things, turned around and said to the soldiers beside him before leaving, "Take him away."


When Bu Jingyun led his troops back to the camp, dusk had completely fallen.

An hour ago, he led his troops to Liehuguan, and saw the scorching fire everywhere, only then did he know that the pass had been captured by Nie Feng and others, and the Xianbei camp had been set on fire by them.

Later, he received a letter from Ling's father, saying that Murong Xianbei attacked the camp and took Xie Min away. He hurried back, but what he saw before him was the burned Qingzhou military camp.

Seeing the return of the Lord General, the camp defenders, handymen, cooks, etc. who escaped when Xianbei attacked the camp came over to plead guilty, and also showed that they did not leave Xie Engeng on purpose to escape, but Xie Engeng made such an arrangement on purpose.

With a frustrated face, Xu Hai handed out a volume of documents and two letters to Bu Jingyun and said, "Your Majesty ordered me to deliver these to you. The document is a good news to the imperial court. Your Majesty specifically asked to send it out immediately. There are two more letters, one is for you and the other is for Mr. Jiang."

In fact, they don't need to say much, Bu Jingyun already knew that Xie Yin deliberately put himself into such a captive situation.

In the message sent to him, Papa Ling had already explained everything that happened today, and said that Murong Xianbei was very polite to Xie Yin, a prisoner. He was clearly riding hard on his own horses, and when he heard that Xie Yin was in poor health, he let He got into the carriage, and even treated him as a "handmaid" in a friendly manner, without any rude behavior.

Because of Ling's father's protection, Bu Jingyun didn't catch up with him as soon as he heard the news, but he disagreed with Xie Yin's act of putting himself in danger without saying hello.

Even if he could guess that the other party wanted to infiltrate the enemy camp and cooperate with him inside and outside to take back the Qingzhou territory, such an action would be too dangerous.

This matter was passed on to Jiang Shu, who didn't know how worried he should be.

Bu Jingyun sighed slightly, opened his letter and read it.

Xie Yin's letter to him was very short, briefly explaining his plan.

It would be fine if Xianbei didn't come to attack the battalion. If they came, he was ready to take the opportunity to break into the enemy's interior.

Murong Liao is generous and loves talents, and has always been fond of recruiting wise men. He is confident that he will not encounter danger. If Murong Liao can be reused, he can start with his son, disintegrate the Xianbei regime from within, and eradicate the eastern part of Xunzhou for the lord hidden danger.

In the end, Xie Yin did not forget to maintain the friendship with Bu Jingyun as a colleague, and wrote: "I believe that the governor can take back Qingzhou and even the lost land in Dongzhou on his own, but there are few soldiers in Xizhou, and it may cost money to attack the city according to the rules. More than three years, I can't wait."

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