Because the Flying Eagles rushed to attack desperately, the Xianbei army fell into chaos at the beginning, and after Murong Liao finally commanded the soldiers to wipe out these rampant black-robed troops, and before they had time to gather the troops, they saw the enemy's Wei army. A dozen large machines were launched before the formation.

"Calbow cart? Isn't this a defensive device?" Murong Liao vaguely judged the function of those devices.

The ballista had a low rate of fire and was not easy to aim. It is reasonable to say that it would not be of much use in the battlefield, but after experiencing the unexpected continuous crossbow attack just now, Murong Liao no longer dared to judge this Wei army lightly.

Since Bu Jingyun took a lot of trouble to push it onto the battlefield, he must have a lot of power.

After thinking for a moment, Murong Liao rationally chose to avoid the ballista's attack range, and sent two teams of light cavalry to attack the enemy's formation in separate lanes.

The offensive flag was raised, and the Xianbei cavalry, suffocated by the unreasonable surprise attack of the Flying Eagles, immediately rode out. As soon as they approached the enemy's formation, they drew their bows and shot arrows, wanting to recover their brothers who died under the crossbow arrows. life.

For a while, the dense feather arrows flew towards the Wei army formation, and the infantry in the front row immediately raised their shields to resist, but a few soldiers were still injured by the arrows.

The Xianbei cavalry fired two rounds of bows and arrows, and they were about to rush into the formation. At this moment, the ballista in front suddenly changed direction, changing the formation into two rows, and the soldiers controlling the ballista began to aim and shoot.

"Oops!" Murong Liao frowned suddenly.

This is a large repeater specially designed to deal with cavalry!

Only after he saw through this point did he see several crossbow arrows as thick as spears shot out suddenly, making a "swoosh" sound.

The sharp blade slid across the infantry's head, and the sharp arrow directly penetrated the armor chest of the Xianbei cavalry, dragged the man under the horse, nailed him to the ground, and killed him with one blow.

And those who aimed well, even pierced through two or three people with one arrow, like candied haws on a string, and they all fell off the horses. The lethality is so powerful and the scene is so bloody, it is frightening!

What's even more frightening is that this ballista can fire continuously, the rate of fire is not lower than that of a small continuous crossbow, and it doesn't give the Xianbei cavalry time to retreat.

Seeing hundreds of his own warriors being killed by the crossbow arrows, Murong Liao almost burst into anger and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Knowing that the enemy should never be given time to use the repeating crossbow, he immediately ordered to lead the whole army to attack.

After the first two rounds of shooting, the enemy's strength has been greatly weakened. At this time, seeing the Xianbei army rushing towards them like a wave of bees, Bu Jingyun finally drew out his long knife, raised his whip and rode his horse, and led the army to confront them.

In an instant, the dust filled the air, the sound of horseshoes roared, and the rapid drumbeat seemed to hit the eardrums of people, causing the heart to beat violently.

When the two main generals met their swords, the two armies finally met, and the sound of fighting filled the wilderness.


At the same time, the defenders at the west gate of Shengying City were being besieged by thousands of people.

Said to be the people, these civilians have cruel smiles, are not afraid of pain, and each has a sharp weapon, including many lethal crossbows, bayonets and so on.

Even though Murong Qing had strengthened the defense at the city gate according to his father's order, the attack this time was too sudden, and the organizers still selected the city guards to make a surprise attack when the city was empty. Under the violent attack of thousands of people, the west gate quickly fall.

The four test players screamed excitedly, opened the city gate, and let the thousand members of the Flying Eagles who were ambushing outside the city enter the city.

When the members of the Flying Eagles rushed into the city, the Xianbei army who came to stop them arrived just in time, and the two sides quickly fought together.


"Your Highness, the situation in the city is out of control, please leave this place quickly!"

Facing the subordinate's request, Murong Guang looked stunned: "What do you mean by being uncontrollable? How long has it been since the fall of the west city gate? Can the [-] guards in the city be unable to control even a group of refugees with knives?"

"Your Highness, those refugees come from nowhere, they are endless, and they can't be killed. Now, there are even more people in the city participating in the riots. It is difficult to stop them with only the manpower in the city." The guard said.

Murong Qing frowned, feeling panic and hesitation in his heart.

My father already loved the second child, and he always brought that concubine with him when he went out to fight. This time, I finally got my father's approval to come here with the army. If I can't even handle the trivial matter of defending the city, what will my father think of it in the future? he?

"No, I can't leave, my father is back, how should I explain to him..." He clenched his sleeves tightly, muttering something.

Seeing that he was hesitant, the head of the guards couldn't help but anxiously said: "Your Highness, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"

The counselor at the side knew what he was thinking, and upon seeing this, he persuaded him: "Your Highness, our army is stationed at the Liehu Pass. There should not be Wei people attacking the city. Today, there are continuous attacks on the city. I am afraid that the situation on the front line is not good."

Murong Qing suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes wide: "You mean, father and the others... lost?"

The counselor bowed his head and acquiesced.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Despite the assertion in his mouth, the emotion in Murong Qing's eyes became more and more panicked.

After pondering for a while, the fear of his own life finally prevailed, he got up and ordered: "Retreat first, and go to meet the father!"

However, he made this decision a little too late, Murong Qing came out from the back door, mounted his horse and turned onto the road to the north city gate, and then some players recognized his identity and came after him.

Nie Feng was leading a team of players to clean up the Governor's Mansion. Unexpectedly, before reaching the main entrance, he ran into the escaped Prince Xianbei at the corner of the street.

"Damn it, stop him quickly, that's the big boss!"

"My God, luck is invincible, I just ran into a boss when I was playing soldiers!"

"Come on, brothers, outflank him!"

After all, a group of players chased after them like bandits carrying knives.

It's a pity that there are only a few players in the four tests who can ride horses. In the end, only Nie Feng, Long Te'ao, Zhang Fei and other Flying Eagles players who ran into him on the way managed to catch up on horseback.

Realizing that there were enemy soldiers chasing after him, Murong Qing was startled and frightened, he nearly fell off his horse several times, but was rescued by the surrounding guards.

After finally running out of the city, the pursuers behind him followed closely all the way. The leader of the bodyguard repeatedly ordered people to shoot arrows backwards, Fang slowed down the pace of the pursuers, and gradually shook off their tails.

"Damn, these Xianbei are too good at running!" Long Te'ao sighed regretfully as the red name slowly disappeared from his field of vision.

"Hu people are famous for riding and shooting." He Honglian said.

Since they couldn't catch up, the players slowed down their horseback riding. At this moment, the Flying Eagles players realized that there was a four-test player in their chasing team.

"Nie Feng, you are the leader of the four test players appointed by the boss, right?" Someone among the players asked, "What is your relationship with the boss? With such a basic name, you must be very familiar in reality, right?"

"Ji?" Nie Feng's game character is a dark and strong young man with a high bridge of nose and wide nose wings, which makes him look very simple and honest. He replied blankly, "Bu Jingyun and I are comrades-in-arms. .”

"Oh, it really belongs to the national team."

"Did you draw the quota yourself, or was it recommended by the state?"

"Boss Nie, can I call it that? Can you tell me what level the boss is in reality?"

"Brother Bu is so awesome, is he a special soldier?"

Probably because Nie Feng's current image is too confusing, everyone couldn't help asking him about Bu Jingyun's real identity.

Nie Feng naturally wouldn't relax his vigilance just because he was in the game, he shook his head and said, "You can't say these things."

"It can't be said that the boss's level is very high?"

Now Nie Feng just shut up and never replied.

Seeing his deafness, everyone knew that there must be nothing interesting to ask, so they had no choice but to change their minds and change the topic.

"Where are we going now, return to the city or continue to chase?" asked the player named Ren Chong.

"I'm sure I won't be able to catch up. If I go back, the red names in the city will probably be cut off."

Long Te'ao swiped the map twice, and suddenly found that they were not far from the place where the two armies fought, so he suggested: "Why don't we just go to the battlefield and see if we run fast, maybe we can catch up with them?" Come back and forth with the boss."

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, and immediately, the player team composed of more than a dozen people followed the map navigation and set off on horseback again.

However, the plan was perfect, but the facts were unexpected. Before everyone arrived at the battlefield, they were stopped by the Xianbei army guarding the pass at the Hunting Fox Pass.

Fortunately, there are not many soldiers staying here, and all of them are veterans with rich combat experience. Anyway, the red names are the same wherever they are killed. With the cooperation of more than a dozen people in groups, using guerrilla tactics and carrying crossbows, they unexpectedly killed The two hundred defenders of the pass camp were all settled.

Of course, they also suffered heavy losses, and in the end only three of them survived with half their lives.

These three people are Nie Feng, Long Te'ao and Zhang Fei.

After checking the camp for the last time and making sure that there were no red names left, Zhang Fei asked out of breath while bandaging himself, "What are you talking about, both of you, shall we continue to move forward?"

Nie Feng said: "Does anyone need to stay at the gate?"

Zhang Fei: "Just the three of us can't keep it!"

Nie Feng paused and said, "During the battle just now, I saw a small team running out. It should be to report to the front line."

"That's bad. It's okay if the boss wins this battle. In case of a tie, the Xianbei army may return." Long Te'ao touched his chin and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and said: "Everyone is here , or, let’s burn their lair down?”

When Zhang Fei heard that he was going to set fire to the camp, his eyes lit up immediately: "Okay, the Huns burned our camp back then, and now they can finally burn someone else's!"

Nie Feng hesitated for a few seconds and reminded: "Before burning, clear the fire belt around the camp and pay attention to fire hazards."

Long Te'ao found it troublesome, but he didn't dare not listen to the national team's suggestion, so he nodded and said, "Okay, no problem!"


In the Wei army camp, there was originally a large camp of doctors, but now there is only one solitary tent standing in the field, surrounded by old tents of Qingzhou soldiers.

After the army went out to battle today, Father Ling looked suspiciously at those Xie tribes who hid their military tents, supplies, food, etc. in the mountains and forests, and then took out a doctor's tent and stationed it in the undismantled camp of Qingzhou soldiers. , and then moved over with Xie Min.

As an agent sent by Bu Jingyun alone to carry out the mission, he really wanted to report these abnormal phenomena to the boss, but he was worried that his message would affect Bu Jingyun's judgment of the battlefield situation, so he endured it all the time.

At this time, the work of moving out of the camp was finally over, and he could finally ask his task object for an explanation.

So he opened the curtain of the white tent and walked in, and asked Xie Yin who was sitting in front of the desk and writing something: "Why did you do all this?"

Xie Min stopped writing, raised his eyes to signal the servant girl beside him to go out, then looked at the human in front of him and said, "Can you take off the mask?"

"Ah? Why?" Papa Ling met his quiet gaze, and suddenly blushed, wondering if Beauty Xie felt that her voice was deep and pleasant, and became curious about his appearance?

"That's not good. Our ghost army has regulations. You can't take off your mask in front of outsiders. Even if you look good, you can't break the rules..." He rubbed his neck and hesitated.

"Don't worry, Governor Bu has told me your secret." Xie Min looked at him calmly and said, "Rebirth after death, right?"

"So you know!" Papa Ling breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, high-level NPCs like you must know a little more, then everyone is their own, since you want to see, I'll take off the mask and show you a look gone."

As he spoke, he took off the hood on his head and the black mask on his face, not forgetting to straighten his hair, and gave Xie Min a shy and slightly smug smile.

At present, he thinks he likes the face of this character, but he doesn't know if Meiren Xie likes it.

However, Xie Yin just looked at him coldly, and then asked: "Can you pretend to be a woman?"

"Ah?" Papa Ling was stunned for a moment, blinked and said, "Even if I want to obey your order, isn't this order too much?"

"If you don't want to, you can leave now."

"No, why do you want me to dress up as a woman? What do you want to do?"

Xie Yin didn't say anything, as if he was too lazy to explain, he picked up a pen and wrote again.

It was the first time Papa Ling met such an NPC, and he gave some excessive tasks out of nowhere, telling you to do it if you can do it, and leave if you can't.

After struggling for a while, Father Ling couldn't resist his inner curiosity. He wanted to know what Xie Meiren wanted to do, so he gritted his teeth and agreed, "Well, for the sake of you being Brother Shu's wife, I will bear it. Mission, I'll take it!"

Xie Yin raised his eyes suddenly: "Daughter-in-law?"

"It's the object, the other half means, you and Brother Shu are a couple, right?" He didn't forget to take the opportunity to ask gossip.

Xie Yin nodded slightly, acquiescing to his title.

Immediately, the servant girl came in and brought clothes and makeup powder to change clothes and make-up for Papa Ling.

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