With a "creak", the narrow and old courtyard door was closed, and a white-faced young man wrapped in yellow linen looked around for a while, and then walked into the courtyard quickly after confirming that there was no danger.

Pushing open the door, looking to the right, I saw more than a dozen people huddled on a mat, turning their heads to look at him in unison, from the octogenarians to the young children, all of them were vigilant and worried.

It wasn't until they saw who was coming that the tension on everyone's faces receded a bit.

The old man sitting in the middle of the mat stretched out his hand and asked slowly and in a low voice: "Yue Xue, how is the situation outside?"

"Grandfather." After closing the door, the room immediately became much darker.

The white-faced young man took out steamed cakes wrapped in yellow paper from his sleeves and distributed them to everyone, and at the same time replied: "This place is safe for the time being, and no officers and soldiers have been searching, but I have heard that the army of the Southwest King has appeared in Li County, maybe in two weeks I will come to Huanghu County in the next day."

"He is trying to drive us all to extinction!" Behind the crowd, a middle-aged man with a beard shook his head and said indignantly, "What did I, Kong, do to deserve such insults? What does it have to do with us and other side branches, why does it come to this, why does it come to this!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people couldn't help but bow their heads and shed tears. Ever since the Queen Mother Kong was deposed and Kong Cheng was killed in Hengchuan, in one night, their Kong family in Shannan changed from a respected and aristocratic family to a rebellious minister and thief. People get it and kill them.

The family declined and the people betrayed their relatives. I thought this was the greatest punishment, but I didn't expect that they had all left their ancestral home in Shannan County and decided to hide their names and become ordinary people. However, the King of Southwest refused to let them go. They searched and posted reward orders everywhere, ordering that the remnants of the Kong family should be wiped out.

Remnants!What a shameful word!

"Grandfather..." Seeing the old man with bad teeth who could only chew steamed cakes in small mouthfuls, Kong Fei sniffed, his gaze swept over the crowd who were lowering their heads and wiping their tears, and finally landed on the middle-aged man behind him, taking a deep breath He took a deep breath and said, "Uncle, there is no place for us to live in the Wei Kingdom. Instead of being buried here without knowing it, why not defect to another clan..."

Before finishing his sentence, the old man slapped him on the neck, stared at him and said, "How could you have such thoughts!"

"Grandfather!" The young man knelt on the mat, looking at him with red eyes, "Grandfather doesn't know, we didn't have to end up like this, because King Huaiyang refused to retreat on the excuse that the hidden danger had not been eliminated. With this policy! The lives of the entire Kong family have become pawns in the game between the two of them. Everyone knows that the Kong family is innocent, but who cares?

"Xun Cishi used to entertain his grandfather with a banquet, but now he refuses to accept the letter forwarded by his grandfather. Other gentry, who used to flatter us in the past, will not give a bowl of porridge. In exchange for the blue eyes of the Southwest King, this is our current situation, grandfather, don’t you understand?”

"Even so, defecting to the bandits will be infamous forever..." the old man shook his head and said.

"Everyone in the world is unrighteous, as long as it can save my relatives to live, so what if I bear the eternal infamy?" Behind him, the middle-aged man suddenly spoke.

As soon as this remark came out, even the youth showed consternation.

The middle-aged man got up silently, walked in front of the old man, held the old man's hand and knelt down: "Father, I know that you are virtuous and you don't want to commit treason. If you don't want to, then let me do it, son." I just ask you not to listen, not to ask, and not to obstruct, only in this way can the lives of Ah Rong and Ah Rui be saved, and the last lifeline of our clan be saved!"

When mentioning the names of the two young great-grandchildren, the old man's eyes glistened with tears. After looking at his children and grandchildren for a long time, he turned his head silently.


In the early morning, when Jiang Shu woke up, he received a message from Bu Jingyun relaying Yin Yunying.

"Hu Yanyou actually sent Lan Gujian to Shannan County, leaving only [-] Xiongnu troops and Yongzhou troops in Yijun. Does he want to give up attacking Yijun completely?"

Thinking about this in his heart, after Zhitao finished combing his hair, Jiang Shu sat down at the desk, opened the game map and analyzed the battle situation in Yongzhou.

The Xiongnu’s decision-making actually reduced the pressure on their Xunzhou. As long as Yijun is not broken, Yanqiao County will always be stable. It’s just that the Huns gathered a large army to attack Shannan County where Xun Cishi is located. It must be a big deal for Xun Ling. threaten.

But there is no need to worry, Xun Zhou is a veteran of the Wei Kingdom, and he has won several beautiful victories when he was young. He is experienced in using troops and has a calm mind. He is still one of the best generals in the current state of Wei.

With such veterans in charge, it stands to reason that attacking Shannan County would be more difficult than attacking Yi County. It seems that Hu Yanyou can't wait to make such a decision.

Could it be that the poison pill has taken effect, and Hu Yanyou has realized that he is "old and useless"?

Jiang Shu had a guess in his heart, but it was a pity that Yin Yunying followed Huyan Manman to Shannan County not long ago, and he couldn't find out the real situation of Hu Yanyou for a while.

One person couldn't analyze more results, and when Zhitao brought Chaoshi to the table, Jiang Shu exited the map and clicked on Sha Wujing's meal posts in the forum's collection, and ate while browsing the posts.

After living alone on the island for seven months, now Sha Wujing has broadcast the original wilderness survival post into a farming and gourmet post, and built his own shelter from the wind and rain on the uninhabited island by relying on the props exchanged for the points I even built a small boat and went out to sea to catch some seafood from time to time. Apart from having no one to communicate with, I lived a very comfortable life.

Jiang Shu is disturbed by heavy work every day, so she admires his carefree life, and checks his posts every few days to see what this fairy player is doing recently.

Refresh to the latest news, Sha Wujing is tired of eating seafood, and is about to go up the mountain to get some game. The picture is a dark red stone in his hand. He said that he accidentally picked up a beautiful stone and planned to take it back. Put it on your doorstep for decoration.

Jiang Shu clicked on the picture and took a look. There were some red and white intertwined plush-like crystals on the surface of the stone. It was really pretty, but it was limited to this.

He didn't know the stone and didn't know its function, so he closed the post after reading it.

At the same time, Zhu Ming was sitting in a newly built factory in a deserted wilderness somewhere in Xunyang, eating a simple breakfast while browsing Sha Wujing's posts.

Both Zhang Zifang and Jiang Shu felt that he didn’t know how to use forums. In fact, this was a misunderstanding of him. Zhu Ming really didn’t know how to post forums, but when he was bored, he would open this small online social platform full of new events from all over the world. .

He had stumbled upon Sha Wujing's post by accident before, and out of curiosity about the world, he had saved the other party's post, and would open it occasionally when he thought of it.

So he also got the picture that Jiang Shu brushed up not long after. Unlike Jiang Shu's reaction, Zhu Ming's eyes lit up when he saw the stone in the picture.

"Catholic copper mine?" He clicked on the picture and zoomed in. He even carefully examined and analyzed the spot of land under Sha Wujing's feet that Sha Wujing accidentally photographed, and then sighed: "There are copper deposits in this place!"

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