"Brother Xie, great news, the Battle of Fuchi has been won!"

As soon as he received the good news from Bu Jingyun, Jiang Shu came to the side hall next door to share the good news with Xie Yin.

In fact, he had learned about the capture of Fuchi County on the forum seven days ago, but he didn't know the specific battle process until today when Bu Jingyun's letter was delivered, and he only knew about the city after reading it. How difficult it is to get it, not only the whole army was wiped out twice, but even Bu Jingyun himself changed his body in this battle.

Seeing this news suddenly, Jiang Shu still felt a little melancholy.

After all, Bu Jingyun was the first to follow him from Xunyang, and was promoted from a commoner to a fifth-rank general. During this long process, his face has long been familiar to countless NPCs, so he will be familiar with it except occasionally when he goes out to fight. He wears the same uniform as the Flying Eagles. At other times, whether he is training soldiers in the military camp or discussing political affairs in the government, he will not wear a mask.

But from now on, he has to wear a mask.

Jiang Shu felt that it was a pity, but Bu Jingyun himself did not have much emotional ups and downs. He wrote in the letter solemnly: "Just treat my face as disfigured. In the future, I will grow a beard and wear half a mask to cover up my appearance. My lord doesn't have to Worry about me, I've thought about this happening a long time ago, so I've prepared for it long ago, I just need to trouble my lord to cover me in front of others."

His letter revealed too many secrets that cannot be known by others. Jiang Shu burned it immediately after reading it, and only took the victory report document to the side hall, and told Xie Yin about the capture of Fuchi County.

"It took a lot of effort to capture Fuchi. The Flying Eagle Army surrounded the city for a whole month, playing tricks with the Xiongnu defenders. The infantry general was disfigured in the process. Fortunately, he killed the enemy. After the main general, he took down the city without a single soldier, and this time is not in vain." Jiang Shu sighed with half-truth.

"The tactics used by the infantry general are the rumors about the ghost soldiers that my lord borrowed from the newspapers?" Xie Yin asked focusing on the point.

Jiang Shu nodded: "Not bad."

"Can you tell me how he implemented this plan?"

Jiang Shu had already prepared for this. He didn't make up all the lies, but whitewashed and adapted some unreasonable parts in the process of seizing the city to make them as reasonable as possible.

So in his mouth, the Huns attacked the enemy camp twice, and the dummy puppets prepared by the Flying Eagles were burned twice. In the last battle, Bu Jingyun did not die, but was fighting with the enemy general They were injured and disfigured during the fight, and after the death of the general, the Xiongnu defenders lost their minds. Soon, some timid people could not bear the fear in their hearts and surrendered under the threat of the Flying Eagles outside the city.

Xie Yin smiled and nodded after listening, and immediately said in his usual flat tone: "This rhetoric is enough to deal with the court."

Jiang Shu froze for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and asked, "Brother Xie, don't you believe me?"

"After thinking about it carefully, there is indeed a loophole. The burning of a puppet is completely different from the burning of a corpse. It is absolutely impossible for the Huns to fail to judge. As for the disfigurement of the infantry general, unless it was burned by a big fire and burned beyond recognition, it would not be taken out by you like this. Repeatedly."

At this point, Xie Min's tone paused, his dark and bright eyes looked directly at him and said: "My lord, you know that every time you lie, you don't dare to look into my eyes."

Jiang Shu couldn't help trembling in his heart, and an embarrassing blush appeared in his ears. After a moment of silence, he sighed softly: "I can't hide it from Brother Xie..."

"I know that there are often strange things around you. If you feel that you shouldn't tell me, then you don't have to. I won't force you." His tone was clear, and there was no trace of displeasure.

Jiang Shu defaulted to lowering her eyes, her thoughts wandering around.

He has hidden a big secret, and he always has to hide the truth of many things from the people around him. If Xie Min is upset because of this, it's fine, but the other party is always so understanding, which makes him feel guilty instead, and I don't know what to do. What to say.

When the atmosphere was quiet for a while, perhaps seeing his embarrassment and shame, Xie Min suddenly changed the subject: "How is your father?"

Jiang Shu didn't know why he brought this up, and replied in a daze: "It's not bad, but as I get older, I sometimes have minor illnesses and pains."

Xie Yin nodded in response, then picked up the document he brought and said, "The recovery of Fuchi County means that the return of Laitu County is not far away. Has my lord sent these victorious reports to your father?"

Jiang Shu shook his head first, and then added: "However, every time I go back after finishing the book, I will describe the battle situation in Xunzhou in detail in the letter."

"Since that's the case, the victory report from Fuchi County will be placed here first. I will add some details of the battle for the lord, and then send it to Jiang Lingyin together."

When Jiang Shu heard this, he thought he was trying to make Jiang Ke, who was far away in Xunyang, happy.

After all, Laitu County is the northernmost county in Xunzhou, and it was also the first county to be invaded by the Huns. Its first return will definitely make the old people feel at ease.

Thinking of this, he agreed without hesitation, and said briskly: "Brother Xie is more considerate, then I will have brother Xie to share my worries."


Jiang Shu looked at his desk immediately, and couldn't find anything else to discuss with him for the time being, so he said, "If Brother Xie is fine, I'll go back first."

Xie Yin nodded slightly, watched the young man get up and leave the room, his eyes shifted from the open door to the letter of success on the case, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Jiang Shu didn't ask him why he did this, which is a good thing.

Since this matter does not involve the safety of relatives, it is easier for him to make this decision.


Huaizhou, Hengchuan, the residence of the Southwest Prince.

In the afternoon, a reception banquet was held in the pavilion surrounded by precious flowers and trees.

The daytime sun was unbearable, but the small pavilion in the courtyard was surrounded by a cool breeze. More than a dozen maidservants took turns fanning their fans, and the fruity breeze blew through the pavilion, blowing away the hot air on the faces of the officials.

Lu Qing's flimsy white clothes were blown up by the wind and his back swelled up, but he took care of it flawlessly, and said, "King Huaiyang has said that unless the remnants of Kong's crimes are wiped out, he will not worry about His Majesty's safety. You have to go to Beijing to see it."

Pei Xin put down his wine glass, with a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and snorted coldly: "Gu Zao knows that his ambition is not small, so he will definitely not retreat obediently."

"It seems that King Huaiyang is determined to compete with His Highness."

The new counselor Shi Yun took a slight look at them, rolled his black eyes, and suggested: "Your Highness, the king of Huaiyang has already taken the lead as soon as he entered the city. Why don't we take the lead in capturing Huaizhou with the help of Empress Dowager Li?" Control?"

"How long has it been since Kong Cheng died, if you want to seize power alone, who in the court will admit it?"

Pei Xin looked at him with slightly contemptuous eyes, and his tone was gloomy and unhappy, "Those stale and stubborn old things are all closely watching Gu's every move, especially Shangshu Zuopushe, that old slave of the Yin family, Today at the court, he warned Gu Anxin to help the young master in a roundabout way, not to follow Kong Cheng's footsteps. Heh! What is Yin Chongxing, Taifu Xie and Zhou Situ didn't say anything, but he put on airs for Gu An."

Shi Yun knew that his bad luck had touched his bad luck, his heart trembled, and he didn't dare to say any more.

Lu Qing said slowly: "In my opinion, this matter is easy to deal with. Since the King of Huaiyang used Kong as an excuse to ask to go to Beijing to face the saint, His Highness only needs to order to eliminate the remnants of the Kong as soon as possible. If he refuses to retreat, he must be harboring evil intentions, and His Highness has a reason to send troops to force him to retreat, and when King Huaiyang withdraws his troops, King Pingjiang will not be a threat, so His Highness can naturally make arrangements in the court."

Pei Xin turned his head to look at Lu Qing, stared at him for a while, then smiled and applauded: "Wen Sheng's strategy is very good, I will do as you say!"


"Wait, stop!"

A stern voice came from down the corridor, stopping the girl's progress.

Yin Shiwei turned around, met his elderly father's solemn gaze, pursed his lips and smiled, bowed his head obediently and saluted: "Father."

"Where did you go?" Yin Shen strode up to her, frowning as he glanced at the colorful mother-of-pearl lacquer box in her hand, "I told you before that Hengchuan is not at peace now, why can't we be with you?" Sister, learn to learn, stay at home more peacefully?"

"Father, I didn't go out."

"Then what are you holding in your hand?"

"It was sent from my aunt. I just went to the door to pick it up. There is still a sister's share in it." Yin Shiwei slightly raised his almond eyes, peeking at his old father's face and retorted in a low voice.


"The cosmetics in Qiyan Pavilion, I heard that the two ladies of the Xie family use this one, and so does the young lady of the Wang family. Two days ago, I saw that her skin was much fairer and more beautiful, so I asked my aunt to buy some for me. set."

Hearing that what he bought was cosmetics, Yin Shen's anger subsided a little. He was never stingy when it came to his daughter's food and clothing, but he was dissatisfied and said: "You can't tell me what you want, why bother you from Aunt?"

"I told you, you can't buy it, it's very popular in Hengchuan!"

When the words fell, seeing her father's disdainful face, she didn't seem to believe it, so the girl opened the lid of the box, took out the eyebrow pencil, powder and lipstick inside, and put them in front of him one by one, "Look, the cosmetics of Qiyan Pavilion Is it different from others? There is also this tube-shaped lipstick. Open the lid and turn it gently, and the lipstick inside can be pushed out. You can’t buy this kind of lipstick in Southland, only in Northland. If it’s not for my uncle in Northland If there is a caravan, I may not be able to buy it if I wait another month or two."

Yin Shen saw that the thing in her hands was indeed novel, so he believed her words, stopped pursuing the matter, and instead asked, "Where did this come from in the North?"

"I heard it came from Miryang." Yin Shiwei replied, his bright eyes flickered, and he glanced at his father and asked, "Father wants to buy a set for each of Auntie and Auntie?"

Yin Shen glanced at her unsmilingly, did not answer, but sighed softly: "It's Miryang again, Jiang's momentum has been strong this year..."

The girl couldn't help feeling bored, put the things back into the box, said something to her father, then turned and walked towards her courtyard.

Yin Shen stood where he was, looking at the back of his second daughter leaving, lost in thought.

As the girl's figure became blurred, the immature and bright face of the other party gradually became clear in his mind.

The eldest daughter is not yet married, and the second daughter has grown up. Even if you feel reluctant, you must consider their marriage.

The south is not stable, but the north is growing stronger and more peaceful... Could it be that they are going to marry them to the distant Xunzhou?

"Hey, let's take a look again!"

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