"This...that variety show has already recruited contestants. Didn't our company stuff Cheng Lu in?" Nie Rong pinched his greasy double chin with his fingertips, "Besides, isn't it a competition of acting skills? ? Ye Yunchu, she..."

Ye Yunchu has no acting skills.

It's no secret.

Wen Wen: "So, there must be some enthusiasm. There must be many viewers waiting to see her embarrassing. This is the selling point."

Wen Wen: "The appearance fee will not be low."

"Then she really won't be able to get a good show in the future." Nie Rong was a little worried, "There is no one in our company who will succeed her."

Ye Yunchu is a cash cow, it cannot fall, and if it falls, there will be no money to make.

Nie Rong was worried about this.

"I asked her to take Cheng Lu with me." Wen Wen's voice was cold, "The contract with Ye Yunchu will expire in three months, and she has no plan to renew the contract. During these three months, we must make reasonable use of all the remaining resources she has left." value."

The other staff on the side shivered.

Who doesn't know how powerful the keyboard warriors are on the Internet now?Now that the situation is on the cusp, Ye Yunchu is pushed to participate in a variety show where acting is competing.

This food is human blood steamed buns.

Nie Rong was still hesitating: "Do you want to stop persuading her? Let her renew the contract. There's no need to do it."

Wen Wen sneered: "Mr. Nie, it's really not that I want to kill. This child's wings are stiff, and she wants to fly. It's useless to move her parents out."

"Just let her see how high it is today."


Li Ling successfully signed the contract, and from now until the end of the program recording, she will be one of the mentors of "Actors in Progress".

Gu Huaijin was very satisfied with the result, Li Ling never mentioned it, and she didn't care about one-night stands any more, and greeted the dinner at night.

When it comes to dinner, there are only three people and one tortoise.

At Li Ling's house in Shencheng.

If Gu Huaijin was the only one sitting opposite Lin Qian at this moment, then she would definitely not be nervous.She ate obediently, occasionally raised her eyes quickly to look at Li Ling, and then quickly lowered her head again.

It was the first time for her to see Li Ling with her own eyes.

The temperament of that person's whole body is cold, exuding from the inside out the aura that strangers should not get close to. Just looking at the facial features, they look a little better than those on the movie screen.

Pretty, but not easy to get close to.

Once again receiving Lin Qian's probing gaze, Li Ling put down her knife and fork: "What? Am I scary?"

Lin Qian trembled in fright, the knife and fork slipped from her hand, she picked it up quickly, thought about Li Ling's tone, and said cautiously, "It's not scary."

"Your expression doesn't mean that." Li Ling's tone was a little loose, so loose that Lin Qian couldn't find warmth in it.

Gu Huaijin complained: "Why are you bullying the child? Can you have a little conscience? During the few days we went to Yancheng, Qianqian helped you change the water for that stinky turtle."

"Child? How old is she?" Li Ling missed the point.

Gu Huaijin: "He is post-zero, just turned [-]. You will be [-] in a few days, and he is ten years younger than you. Can you be a little child-friendly?"

"Post-zero?" Li Ling's words were tinged with absurdity, as if she was a little frightened by the word, she paused for a while, and asked with a smile, "What do you all think about post-zero?" of?"

She thought of someone.

that girl.

While untying her belt, she said that she was not young.

20 years old, also in [-].

She didn't even know the girl's name.

Li Ling stared at Lin Qian for a few seconds, seeing her struggling with how to answer her own question, she added casually: "At your age, you should already have a clear understanding of feelings, don't be too casual. "

She repeated the words to herself in her mind.


It takes no effort to get it.

Wen Wen looked at the trending searches, quickly edited WeChat and sent it out.

Within two seconds, the other party replied "OK".

At this time, Ye Yunchu was also brought to her office by the staff.

Wen Wen: "Have you read the hot search?"

"The one about Jiang Ping?" Ye Yunchu sat down opposite her, touched the leather sofa that Wen Wen had just bought in the office, thoughtfully, "Am I running out of scenes to shoot?"

Her tone was very gentle, without anger or injustice, she just accepted the matter frankly.

It's as if the outcome was anticipated from the start.

Wen Wen didn't like her attitude at all, it was like this in the past, and she couldn't let herself enjoy the sense of control at all.

Wen Wen sneered: "Yeah, there is no filming."

Ye Yunchu didn't speak anymore, she felt that Wen Wen's looking for her should be more than this matter, after all, it has been many days.

But thinking about it, Wen Wen called her here just to scold her, it seems not impossible.

She sighed in her heart, and decided to strike first before Wen Wen's temper exploded: "I actually have an immature idea..."

Not confident enough, she was almost sure that after she said this idea, Wen Wen would feel that she had masochistic tendencies.

But Wen Wen didn't let her say it: "Since you also think it's an immature idea, then there's no need to say it."

"Have you watched the hot search?" Wen Wen repeated, "The original contestant of "When the Actors Are in Progress" has a domestic violence that has been exposed, and it has been decided to withdraw from the competition."

"I discussed with Mr. Nie and decided to send you to fill this vacancy, just to sharpen your acting skills. You know that the tutors of that show are all actor and actress queens, right? Learning more things will be good for you in the future. You can also take advantage of this It’s an opportunity to change the audience’s perception of you.”

"This is Li Ling's first time participating in a variety show, and there are plenty of gimmicks. I won't suffer."

Ye Yunchu pursed his lips hard.

"Why, you don't want to?" Wen Wen folded her arms, "Then you should talk about your immature thoughts."

Ye Yunchu looked at Wen Wen and tried his best to hold back his joy, but the corners of his lips still couldn't control the upward bend: "Yes."

In order to appear reasonable, she added: "If you have immature thoughts, don't talk about them."

She is not a fool, knowing that Wen Wen sold her with a beautiful excuse.

But how nice it is.

It was rare for her and Wen Wen to think of going together.

It would be even better if she could be sold directly to Li Ling.

Although she lost her drama appointment, her popularity continued to rise, and her workload only increased.These days I have been busy running promotions, and I have to go to various cities to participate in live broadcasts of endorsed products. I am too busy just reciting lines, and it is almost difficult to get distracted and think about other things.

In addition to the bank card with the high "hush fee" and the earrings, there are also two notes that she wears next to her body, so that when she is extremely tired, she can touch it and laugh.

Her acting is really bad.

Can't hide the expectation at all.


When you get busy, time goes by faster.

In a blink of an eye, June is coming to an end, and the press conference of "Actors in Progress" has begun in full swing.

As Wen Wen said at the beginning, the program team maintained a sense of mystery. Since the domestic violence contestant retired, no news about who the new contestant is.

As a result of deliberately concealing it, Ye Yunchu appeared at the press conference as a veritable airborne soldier.

As expected by the program team, she became a thunderbolt for all netizens and became the number one in the hot search list.

Ye Yunchu, as a veritable traffic star, was originally very controversial and had a lot of black fans. Coupled with Jiang Ping's evaluation of her before, in the blink of an eye, the black fans and the fans of the opponent worked together to change the direction of the wind, and the topic changed from #叶云初Participating in "Actors in Progress" # becomes #流得是有Qualified to Compete Acting Skills#.

The black fan worked very hard to become an archaeologist, listing the awards and academic qualifications of other contestants, and emphasizing that Ye Yunchu is not a major and a university graduate. This kind of traffic is likely to crowd out the position of the real acting school by virtue of its popularity.

Soon, most of the passers-by were incited by the comments of black fans and chose the option of "traffic is not qualified to compete for acting skills".

Ye Yunchu's fans have also experienced strong winds and waves. Seeing that the situation is not good, the fans immediately held an emergency meeting and issued a long post in response.The language of the long text is loud and clear, which means that traffic can also work hard to have acting skills, and it cannot be generalized.

However, the situation did not improve. Soon, someone with a heart took a screenshot of the words in the long post sent by Ye Yunchu's fans and sent it to Li Ling's super chat——

"For example, my mentor, Li Ling, was also popular when she first debuted, but now she is the three golden queens, a veritable strength faction. Every little leaf of us firmly believes that Ye Yunchu can reproduce the trajectory of the queen Li with his own efforts. Ye Yunchu The future is bright."

Li Ling's fan: "Pengci? You deserve it too?"

In the next second, Li Ling's fans showed no secrets and joined the scolding battle with their fans.Ye Yunchu's fans went crazy, they never refused to come, and started to attack indiscriminately.

At this moment, at the press conference of "Actors in Progress", the eyes of the two core characters of "Calling War" collided.

It was the time for the instructor to speak, and another instructor was talking eloquently, while Li Ling was sitting in the instructor's seat with his arms folded, and his eyes turned to Ye Yunchu in the student's seat involuntarily.

I don't know what the program group considers, and the identity of the airborne contestants has not been disclosed to the instructor.

Li Ling narrowed her eyes slightly.

Noisy scene, dazzling spotlights, crowded crowd.

Ye Yunchu was wearing a light gray student uniform of the same style as other students, and sat upright on the student seat opposite the instructor's seat.Li Ling raised her eyes and noticed that her makeup today was the same as that night.

The same is the end of the eyes with a little ambiguous powder, the same purity, the same charm, the same contradiction that is so elusive.

Those eyes also brought her the same heartbeat.

A stupid kung fu.

The sound of the camera "clicking", the voice of the instructor speaking, and the voice of the host asking questions, all disappeared in the sound of boiling blood.

The next moment, Ye Yunchu moved his lips.

That mouth shape is clearly:

"Teacher Li."

"Do you miss me?"

Her lips are thin, slightly curved, delicate and beautiful.

Little smiles began to appear in Li Ling's eyes.

The air conditioner on the scene was very cool, but the atmosphere was very hot.

The host who was speaking was very good at adjusting the atmosphere, and almost everyone's eyes were on him.

She bent her eyes and raised her eyebrows slightly, but the eyes hidden in the depths of those twinkling peach blossom eyes were cold and indifferent.

"Little fox," she said.


The author has something to say:

The ones that have been repaired have been put up, and it will return in mid-August, my little cuties.

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