On the plane from Yancheng to Jincheng, Li Ling was reading a book.

"It's "The Thorn Bird" again." Gu Huaijin knew what Li Ling was looking at just by glancing at the first two lines of the page. She lowered her voice, "It seems that you said in the interview that you like this book the most, and it is true."

Gu Huaijin booked the first-class cabin, even though there were a lot fewer people, he still had to avoid being caught by others.

Li Ling curled her lips: "This is love."

"Masochist." Gu Huaijin muttered in a low voice, glanced at Li Ling, and suddenly asked, "Where are the earrings I gave you?"

Li Ling was slightly stunned, put her hand on her earlobe, thought of something, and let out a chuckle in her nasal cavity.She turned over a page of the book, poked a small piece of apple from the fruit plate at hand, and put it into her mouth: "The little bird took it away and can't come back."

Gu Huaijin: "...Huh?"

She wanted to ask something more, but was interrupted by a loud "Brother Shi Wang, come on Yancheng tour!"

A little girl sitting in the same row as the two of them seemed to be watching a live broadcast of fans cheering for a concert, and accidentally let it out.The noisy background sound instantly echoed in the first class cabin.The girl's mother hurriedly muted her phone and apologized to the passengers around her.

The conversation was interrupted, Gu Huaijin couldn't say anything more, and finally took a last look at Li Ling who was reading a book quietly wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and thought that this person was really not in a hurry, sighed secretly, put on the blindfold and lay down. down.

On the other side, the backstage of Shi Wang's concert was far from having such a peaceful atmosphere.

The not-so-big backstage dressing room was packed with costumes and makeup artists.

Ye Yunchu was sitting in the corner, doing her hair.Standing beside her was a woman in a dark green suit. The woman's eyebrows were frowned, with hot coffee in one hand and a bag of whole wheat bread in the other.

"Ye Yunchu, don't let me run around anymore! Do you know how long we've been looking for you?"

Ye Yunchu held half a piece of bread in his hand, tore off a small piece and put it in his mouth, and smiled obediently: "I know I was wrong, Miss Wen. I will be obedient."

Even though Wen Wen had thousands of words to scold, she was blocked by her cotton candy-like soft attitude.

Wen Wen frowned: "You seem to be in a good mood."

She didn't expect Ye Yunchu to respond to her, and continued in a low voice: "Before the show starts later, I added a new gesture of you and Shi Wang hugging. Just hug it gently."

"Now the topic of your assistant Shi Wang's concert is ranked fourth in the hottest searches. When the concert starts, the topic will definitely continue to rise."

"Don't forget that we signed a contract with them. For the popularity of "Gentle Beginning", speculation in CP is a win-win situation."

"Last time in a variety show, you could still explain why you let go of Shi Wang's hand, but this time you can't make mistakes again."

Wen Wen took out another lipstick from her small bag and handed it to Ye Yunchu: "The brand that Shi Wang endorses, you put it on, and when you take a selfie and post it on Weibo, remember to put this lipstick in."

Ye Yunchu's thin lips moved, but in the end he couldn't speak, and turned into a smile with no clear meaning.She took the lipstick and lightly applied it to her thin lips with sharp lines.

The pink lips were dyed bright red, and in the mirror, the gentle smile in Ye Yunchu's eyes disappeared without a trace.

In this not-so-quiet atmosphere, suddenly there was a bigger commotion outside the dressing room. Fans' screams and cheers poured in like waves. Within a few seconds, several people hurried in outside the door.

The person walking in front was tall and wearing LV, he threw himself into the chair in front of the dressing table when he entered the door, he took off his peaked cap, and said with a tired face, "Make up."

This person is Shi Wang, her "cooperation" partner.

Shi Wang didn't notice that she was there, and she was happy to be at leisure. The two of them didn't know each other well, and they only got married after filming a scene. There was nothing to talk about, and they weren't even friends.

Ye Yunchu thought so.

She closed her eyes and rested her mind, letting the stylist spray her with hairspray. Unexpectedly, there were loud "clicks" coming from her side, which was the sound of the camera taking pictures.

Ye Yunchu opened his eyes and saw Shi Wang looking at her.

Finally drawing her attention, Shi Wang raised a smile at the corner of his lips: "Brother, why do you always disagree with my application for the game? Didn't I tell you that if I pick up a third-level set, I will give it to you first?"


During the filming of "A Gentle Starting Point", she took Shi Wang to play a game of Peace Elite by chance. In that game, she played normally and showed her strong game skills.Shi Wang has been relying on her since he was lying down, first he lured her, and he said that he would give her all the good equipment he picked up, and sent her WeChat every day.

Ye Yunchu felt annoyed, so he had already set his message not to be reminded.

What did he send her later?

Ye Yunchu had nothing to worry about, so he took the mobile phone on the dressing table calmly, before he had time to enter the password, a sentence came from behind:

"Yo, you like Li Ling?" Shi Wang's voice said.

He stood behind her, half-bent, squinting his eyes at Ye Yunchu's phone: "Your lock screen is Li Ling's new movie, right?"

The picture on the lock screen shows the back of a woman in a police uniform. The camera is so far away that it captures the entire cemetery. The woman is saluting in the heavy rain with a tall and straight figure.

This is one of the promotional photos for Li Ling's new movie "Survival".Because Li Ling's face cannot be seen in this picture, Ye Yunchu boldly used it as a lock screen.

I didn't expect Shi Wang to recognize it at a glance.

Ye Yunchu hummed, and turned off the screen: "You like her too?"

Shi Wang couldn't detect the seeming hostility in Ye Yunchu's words, straightened up and easily denied it: "No, my cousin likes her, and dragged me to watch this movie more than a dozen times, it made me want to throw up I can recite the lines, what is that, what am I standing in the sin and staring at?"


It is [I stand in the abyss, staring at the evil, I will hold your dagger tightly and run unswervingly towards justice. 】

【You are an unchanging long-cherished wish. 】

Ye Yunchu didn't correct him, and the original hostility in his words faded: "Your sister has a good eye."

"Her? She's just a brainless fan, crying and clamoring to enter the entertainment industry, just to meet Li Ling, and let me give her a chance." Shi Wang shrugged, "But Li Yinghou is really dedicated, I heard their crew An acquaintance said that the filming of this scene was in winter, and she got caught in the rain and caught a cold at night."

Ye Yunchu didn't answer, just lowered his eyes, digesting his sudden worry.

Shi Wang: "What's wrong? Why are you in a daze?"

After a while, she looked back at Shi, and said in a calm voice, "Your sister is not stupid, she deserves it."

Ye Yunchu still canceled Do Not Disturb Shi Wang's message.

After Shi Wang returned to his seat to put on makeup, he sent her a WeChat message within a few minutes, which was a picture.

In the picture, Li Ling is holding her passport in one hand, leaving the other hand free to wave hello to fans who recognize her.

Shi Wang: [My sister just posted on Moments, your idol has gone to Jincheng. 】

Shi Wang: 【Hey, what a coincidence that your clothes are for couples! 】


This night's hot search really exploded.

It's a pity that it wasn't the #史望叶云初Concert# that exploded.

That one is almost meaningless, so it can only be ranked second, and the first is #江平叶姓少流#.

[Director Jiang Ping V: I received a thank-you letter from Xiao Jiang@jianglaiV last night. I was very touched after watching it. When I worked with Xiao Jiang on the TV series "Flying Birds", I could really see the essence of our showbiz in her. future.Xiao Jiang is polite and well-mannered, but her popularity is not as high as that of Ye, who is known for her drama-making in the industry, it really hurts my heart. 】

Rolling movies, shooting many movies at the same time.

After Ye Yunchu became popular, Wen Wen took four plays for her within three months. Fortunately, they were all filmed in Yancheng. She slept a few hours less every day. Here we come.

Fortunately, these few dramas are very up-to-date and have lived up to her hard work. Among them, the youth idol drama "Gentle Beginning" filmed with Shi Wang was broadcast on the stars, and it became a hit as soon as it aired, and it was on the hot search list almost every day See the audience's discussion of the plot online.

Indeed, the popularity overwhelmed "Asuka".

Jiang Ping's weibo is too directional, and people who read it don't need to think about it to guess that it is Ye Yunchu.

Although Jiang Ping likes to make troubles, he can always be a celebrity in the inner circle, and netizens are not surprised by his actions.But no matter what, Jiang Ping is a great director, and his words carry weight, which can more or less affect Ye Yunchu's play appointment.

In addition to the comment area, except for Jiang Lai's fans' accusations...

[Ye surnamed Liu, is it not good to directly say Ye Yunchu? / eat melon]

[Passers-by, let me tell you something. In terms of acting skills alone, Jiang Lai, who was born in a major, is better. 】

[Jiang Ping is quite right this time, what we want to see are characters created by actors, not traffic stars without acting skills. 】

【I think it's okay...Ye Yunchu's acting skills are quite natural...】

There are too few voices supporting Ye Yunchu.Among them, most of the passers-by who judged the acting skills were still in the dark, so that Ye Yunchu's word of mouth declined rapidly, and he firmly established the labels of "moving traffic" and "no acting skills".

That night, Jiasheng Entertainment Company held a small meeting, because several production crews who originally intended to cooperate with Ye Yunchu all expressed their desire to discuss it again.

The meaning of "discuss again" is obvious, and it is basically yellow.

Jiasheng Entertainment is a small company and has no money to support artists. Ye Yunchu's popularity depends on fate.

Even though Wen Wen always felt that Ye Yunchu's popularity was due to the low-budget web drama she negotiated a few months ago, she had to admit that she didn't think that web drama would be a big hit at first.

Maybe it's because of getting used to it, Jiasheng is so stingy that at this juncture, he doesn't want to spend money to buy a marketing account and navy for Ye Yunchu.

"What should I do?" Nie Rong, the boss of Jiasheng, knocked on the table with his knuckles. The huge profits Ye Yunchu made for him in the past few months made him fatter a few times without restraint. And sarcastically, "Why did the director say that about our Ye Yunchu?"

A staff member explained in a low voice: "Because he touched Xiaoyun before, Xiaoyun didn't let..."

"Why not?" Nie Rong seemed to have found a solution, he patted the table, "Now let Ye Yunchu dress better and apologize to Jiang Ping!"

The worker didn't know whether he was frightened by Nie Rong's words or the sound of slapping the table, and he lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Mr. Nie, how can it be so simple?" Wen Wen sat on Nie Rong's right hand, pursed her lips and smiled, "This red is heat, black is also heat, we might as well take advantage of this white traffic."

"How to say?"

"I'm going to let her parachute into "Actors in Progress"."

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