
After the boss let him go, Ye Luo fled there quickly.

He can treat the world and even himself indifferently, but even in the craziest years in his heart, he can't be malicious to the well-meaning gardeners.

He couldn't understand the intentions of these people. If it is said that the dedicated butler servants stick to their duties for the commission, then the gardeners' care beyond their duties is definitely not within the scope of Xiao Yeluo's cognition. Of course, Daye Luo may not understand until now.

When his mother had an accident, Ye Luo had just entered primary school. Because of his happy family and cute appearance, he was always popular. Until after that incident, his father changed beyond his comprehension. When he was away from home, his father looked the same as before. There is no difference, whether it is relatives or friends, they will never talk about their mother in front of them. This also led to the fact that the people around him realized that after Ye's father had an accident, it turned out that the man had died after his wife's accident. Not normal anymore.

After the murder, Ye Luo had a high fever for three days and three nights. When he woke up, he was a little dazed. The father who didn't know if it was normal just thought he didn't see the scene, and kept comforting him, saying that his mother Just went out and will be back soon.

At first it might just be a white lie about the child, but as time passed, Father Ye seemed to believe in this setting. Not long after Ye Luo was discharged from the hospital, he discovered that his father would often hold the phone and chat with people. They chatted for several hours, and the occasional whispers in their mouths were clearly the mother's pet name.

This made Ye Luo doubt his own cognition for the first time. He began to believe that it was just a nightmare. Maybe that man was still a little rational at that time. Whenever Xiao Ye Luo said that he also wanted to talk to his mother, he would still He would refuse for various reasons, and then lock himself in the study, balcony, and master bedroom while holding the phone, leaving Xiao Yeluo outside without knowing what he did wrong.

When did things start to get out of hand?

It seems that one time, my father's mobile phone broke down, and the assistant hadn't delivered a new one yet. The man who couldn't leave his lover for a while, used his landline at home to chat with his "lover" and talk about their love for each other. .

The landline at home naturally has an extension line. My father was talking on the phone in the study and waiting for the assistant to come to deliver the phone. Xiaoyeluo sneaked into the master bedroom at home, quietly picked up the extension, and said, Mom, I miss you. When will you come back? I waited for a while, but there was no response.Ye Luo wondered why his father didn't hear his mother's voice.

The man paused for a moment, his eyeballs were flying back and forth in his eyes, and he said after a while, didn't mom answer you?She will be back tomorrow, and the phone in the master bedroom must be broken, children should not eavesdrop on their parents' speech.

Then the next day, Xiao Yeluo, who was picked up from school by the driver, entered the door and greeted her father cheerfully, asking, when will mother come back?

The man frowned, pointed to the empty sofa and said, Mom has been waiting for you for a long time, why don't you come over and let her hug you?

After a while, Ye Luo's memory was confused, his father seemed to always point to the blank space, asking him why he became rude, why didn't he say hello to his mother?Obviously his mother loves him so much.Or carry the food packed from the outside, put them on the dining table one by one, go to wash your hands, and then ask him, why don’t you take the initiative to come over to eat with your mother who works so hard to cook for you every day? Mom said thank you?

His father's attitude towards Xiao Yeluo gradually changed from frowning and dissatisfaction to questioning, indifference, disgust, and from cold violence to real domestic violence.

Xiao Yeluo, who was getting more and more confused and doubted his cognition, instinctively started to save himself.

He called his grandmother who had never seen him since his mother went away, but the one who answered the phone was his aunt, who didn't like him very much. As always, the aunt said softly what he didn't understand.

He asked the driver who took him to and from school every day, can you see his mother?The driver didn't answer directly, but changed the subject and said, the boss and the boss's wife are both busy people, otherwise why would they ask me to pick you up after school?It may be more busy recently, it will be fine when you grow up.

He asked the aunt who came to the house regularly to clean up, if he could see his mother, the aunt paused, but coaxed him and said, isn't mother going out?Should be back soon.

Xiao Yeluo lowered her head and locked herself in the room.

Sure enough, it's his problem. In the morning, Dad went out and hugged "Mom" at the door, but he couldn't see Mom, and he didn't even know when Mom went out. Sure enough, he is an abnormal and bad child. So it was normal for him to be beaten and scolded every day by his father who loved him since he was a child.

If the teacher at the school hadn't discovered his anomaly, a child less than ten years old might not realize what happened until many years later.

It was the teacher who noticed that he was in a trance and looked around sensitively. It was the teacher who discovered that the clothes in his school uniform had not been changed for a long time. It was the teacher who discovered the scars on his body. In the end it was the teacher who called his parents and came to the school. That man seemed so normal, but the teacher still insisted on a home visit, and then witnessed the "supernatural event" unilaterally created by that man with Xiao Yeluo.

In order for Xiao Yeluo to grow up healthily, he didn't know how much the teacher worked hard. Later, his grandparents and uncle hired domestic servants to take care of him and his father, but they didn't think that man was crazy. He looked so normal. Maybe it's just that he loves his wife too much, so he received some blows, which should be harmless, after all, things in the company have never been wrong, right?

And that man, even when there are more than one servants in the house, can still stick to his logic. When all the people around him euphemistically raise unreasonable things, he can always be logical and self-consistent, and understand what the people around him think of him. Doubts, blamed all on Xiao Yeluo, and then abused him more covertly and cruelly.

It was only later that Ye Luo realized that that man was no different from his parents. After that man jumped off a tall building for a dress worn by Ye Luo's mother, his parents also blamed everything on little Ye Luo.

After all, if Xiao Yeluo hadn't accidentally smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows of the home, if he hadn't accidentally hung one of his mother's favorite skirts out of the window, if he hadn't accidentally broken a glass of water in front of the window, father It probably won't fall.

In fact, those people were not wrong, although they didn't see the scene and didn't know that Xiao Yeluo did it carelessly, they just simply disliked him.

Speaking of which, Ye Luo's luck wasn't too bad. After he went to his grandparents' villa, he was hired a private tutor there. The teachers who could come to this kind of tutoring were not low-quality, and Ye Luo was very smart since he was a child. It's easy to understand, maybe it's because he can't get used to him in his grandparents' house, like a poor little boy who is being cold and violent, or maybe he's really happy for Ye Luo's intelligence, a female teacher quietly talked to him Said, you have to study hard, get admitted to the best school, and when you become an adult, you will be independent and have a good life.

So he forced himself to abandon distracting thoughts and concentrate on his studies. Sure enough, after being admitted to the TOP1 university in China, the two old people actually softened their expressions towards him, but Ye Luo just didn't care, especially his university tutor. , after hearing about Ye Luo's unilateral description of the family situation, he was heartbroken and recommended many part-time jobs to him.After all, it is not difficult for those who study computers to make money online as long as they have connections.

Because of this, it was really hard for Ye Luo to resist the unselfish teaching of the academic tycoon he met in the game.


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Transition chapter~

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