
A group of people remained on the island. These people will explore the ruins on the island. Ye Luo led the leader and several players who were obviously craftsmen to climb down from the mouth of the well.

After going down the well, it was on the water surface. The other party came clearly prepared. As they moved forward, they laid the pontoon bridge. While laying the bridge, the leader explained: "Everything here, including the sand and gravel below, has It has a very high exploration value, and we should try to avoid causing damage to the things below while walking back and forth.”

The pontoon bridge is connected by ropes, and some luminous spars will be placed every other section of the road as guiding lights.

This underground cave is relatively regular, some of which look like wine bottles. The place where they came down was in the belly of the bottle. After walking for a while, they came to the narrow neck of the bottle. It is narrow and slender and can only accommodate a single person. pass.

One of the players came out and tied the rope extending from the pontoon bridge to a protruding stone near the bottleneck with skillful techniques, then continued to lead the rope forward and crossed the narrow bottleneck. Build a pontoon.

Looking at the proficient skills, I am afraid that they cannot be practiced in a short period of time in the game. Maybe they will be engaged in archaeology or exploration before the end of the day.

There are only two bottlenecks in this road. The group arrived at the target cave smoothly. At this time, they have been divided into several teams and started to build some auxiliary facilities. The people who walked along with Ye Luo split up. , joined each team very consciously, and made construction together with his companions.

Ye Luo was a little surprised. He originally thought that the infrastructure construction mentioned by the boss yesterday meant building a ladder or something. As a result, he directly built a plank-style floating bridge in the air. There is a plank at every other height. The ground was rotated all the way to the top. I don't know how these plank roads are fixed. The patterns on the cave walls have not been damaged in any way.

Before the doomsday, Huaguo was a world-recognized infrastructure power. Professionals can build a bridge and a hospital in a very short period of time. This speed shocked the whole world, but the speed of construction in the game is even more amazing. , I don't know if it used the technology tree in the game.

The construction progress of the aerial plank road has increased visible to the naked eye, and it will be completed within a day or two. The boss has not been idle during this time. Except for the murals, there are many things in the cave that Ye Luo cannot understand. value.

Ye Luo went up to say hello to the boss, then squatted aside obediently, watching the boss discuss with several players who were obviously of the same level. You said that this thing was a sacrificial item, but he said that the traces in that corner were scratched out. of.

I don't know what can be analyzed from these things that are obviously disrupted by the game.

In fact, professionals are just different.

Ye Luo, who had nothing to do, spent the whole spring with these big bosses, and the amount of information he got was simply beyond the standard.

On the cave murals, in addition to the patterns with pigments, there are also some written records. Based on some of the previously deduced texts, the experts even guessed and reasoned, and roughly released a story that should be fairly accurate.

Judging from the information on the murals, the apes believed that this archipelago was the closest place to the "god" they believed in, but it is incredible that this archipelago was actually built artificially!

We must know that land reclamation is difficult even at the level of science and technology before the doomsday. Of course, the main reason is not technical reasons, but some chain reactions that can be triggered by this.

And these ape-men who don't know how many years ago have already completed such a move. It is not reclamation along the mainland, nor is it a small island piled up in the sea, but an archipelago.

The reason why it was chosen here is because of the things below this sea area.

Among the murals is a huge octopus pattern with the same shape as the top view of the archipelago. The center of the pattern is a hexagonal base, and an inverted pointed building extends from the base to an unknown place underground. At first glance, it looks a bit like a pyramid .

Tentacles radiate outward around the pyramid, and each of these tentacles has an eye.

Regarding this part on the mural, the professional players found the prototype.From the bottom of a small island on the outermost side of the archipelago, a player found a seabed crack, dived in from here, and reached the place depicted on the mural.

On the sea floor directly below the central island, there is indeed a huge hexagonal square. The square is inlaid with gemstones of various colors, and a curved stone road extends around it. The road is inlaid with the same gemstones as on the square. The shape of these gemstones constitutes A strange eye.

The existence of these things is probably much earlier than the history of ape-man.

When Ye Luo left this space, the experts had not discussed whether to excavate the hexagonal square. According to the description on the mural, this hexagonal square should be the base of the pyramid.

What is inside the pyramid is still unknown, but the things behind the murals also satisfied Ye Luo's curiosity.

According to the description on the mural, after discovering this place, the apes began to dream. In the dream, they seemed to see something. The octopus caught in the sea, but everyone knows that it is definitely different from what is usually used for food.

The ape-man explorers who came here experienced different changes one after another. Some became lunatics, while others seemed to have their brains developed and produced countless auras.

Later, the apes regarded this place as a holy place and worshiped the creatures in their dreams as gods.Right above the Holy Land, this artificial archipelago was built with a technology that players could not yet decipher. These archipelagos are not in direct contact with the bottom of the sea. They can be said to float on the sea surface, but they will not move with the movement of the sea water.

In the beginning, only ape-men of the leader level could come here, and then the old people, pregnant women and children born outside came here.

When the old people perceive that their lives are about to end, they will enter the underground cave along the wellhead corresponding to the eyes constructed with the gemstones on the seabed. If they can pass the test of the messenger of God and walk all the way to the most central cave, they can Come back to God.

The latter two are naturally for the purpose of screening newborns. They will live in different houses on the island, sensing the instructions of the gods. At this point in the explanation, the boss added: "This so-called oracle is actually mental pollution. The more complicated the mind, the easier it is to be polluted, and thus go crazy and become a monster. Babies and those so-called guardian beasts can avoid this kind of influence to the greatest extent because of their simple thinking, and are recognized by people as approved by gods. Existence, that is, believers and messengers of God."

The rest is simple. After screening, they return to their birth island. With the development of time, the technological level of the ape people is getting higher and higher, and they have traveled farther and farther, and traveled all over the planet.

Some of the apes seem to have some crazy ideas. They want to exterminate other races that have also evolved into intelligent creatures, so as to ensure the absolute superiority of the apes. The ape man went mad and turned into a monster.

"This kind of spiritual pollution should always be hidden deep in their spirits. Pollution should be a very negative thing in essence. When apes have strong malice in their hearts, these negative pollutions will explode. However, apes think that This is God's punishment." The boss explained.

All in all, the apes did not unify the world by virtue of their technological advantages, but reached friendly agreements with various races, thus opening the era of commerce.

I don't know how many years later, the ape people found that the selection of gods became more and more strict, and very few children could pass. Even if they passed occasionally, they would mutate within a few years after returning to the island of birth. It led to their newborns even having a generational gap.

"It should be that the pollution has spread. I don't know if this spread happened naturally over time, or if they did something to cause it. If the initial pollution seems to be a slight stimulus, then the later development is obviously beyond the ape people. It can be inferred from the murals and some previously discovered materials that the ape people gradually realized that this so-called god did not seem to be a good thing, so they began to try to stay away from the sea.

"However, the thoughts within the ape-men do not seem to be unified. Of course, this is also a normal phenomenon. Isn't it the same for us humans? After some friendly communication, the ape-people were divided into the migratory faction and the left-behind faction. They used some kind of technology to They kept in touch, and shortly after the apes dispersed, those who stayed at sea discovered that the sea was rising. After discovering all this, the apes who stayed at sea were divided into two factions again, and some of them stayed , continue to monitor the sea surface, and notify the migrating kind at any time, and the rest of the people came to this holy island.

"When the sea rose to the point that it was about to submerge the archipelago, these ape-men threw themselves into the arms of their gods from the wells under their houses."

Afterwards, based on some relics discovered before, it can be inferred that among the ape-men who migrated around, one branch believed that the sun could restrain the existence of the seabed, so they created various sacrificial activities about the sun.

They succeeded.

The existence from a distant unknown place may have glanced at the planet out of curiosity after receiving some kind of signal, and may even have a friendly meeting with the existence under the sea. From the traces on the empty island, it can be seen that the pollution from the universe has always been controlled within a certain range, and it should be the pollution from the mainland that ultimately destroys the ape-man.

The rising sea water began to recede, and the land reappeared, but the consequences of that glance continued, the worms in the ground, the successive changes of the survivors, and the local pollution that "chased" to the floating island in the end.

After the explanation, the boss asked: "From this story, what did you experience?"

Ye Luo was sweating profusely, scratching his head and scratching his cheeks: "Um... the development of human beings depends on ourselves! Anything outside is unreliable!"

Boss: "...You go back and think about it."


The author has something to say:

The next chapter is mainly about Ye Luo's experience before the end of the day, basically it doesn't affect the main story, so you can skip it if you are not interested~

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