Cen Jin and Siting's love affair spread much faster than they imagined.

That night, Zhou Jiayang told a buddy in the science class, and the buddy immediately announced the explosive news in the class group. Qi Meijia knew about it through the group news.

She sent the screenshot to Siting, but Siting’s house doesn’t have a computer, and a small Nokia phone can only make calls, and it can only be used when going to Cen Jin’s house or an Internet cafe. It happened that she went to grandma’s house to help with the New Year’s shopping, and she never got online. , don't know about it yet.

Years ago, every house was cleaned up, and Liu Qin had more work. She took on several jobs a day, cleaning windows and cleaning houses.

Siting's junior high school head teacher has asked Liu Qin to clean up for several years. She does her job well and needs to be taken care of at home. The teacher is sympathetic to Siting, and relatives and friends recommend Liu Qin to work.

On the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, Liu Qin went to work at the home of a junior high school teacher, and several graduated students rushed to see the teacher a year ago, including Qi Meijia.

It seemed impolite for Siting not to visit the teacher with his classmates, Liu Qin explained, "Aunt Siting is ill, Siting goes to take care of grandma every day, and said two days ago to visit Teacher Ding, the old man has been unable to leave .”

Teacher Ding said with a smile, "You can always come across a place as big as Qishi, so you don't need to come and see it." Then he said to a few students, "How did you do in the final exam?"

Several students reported their grades, and Meijia said, "Siting did well in this exam, top five in the grade!"

Liu Qin smiled and said, "Teacher Ding has a good foundation."

A classmate said, "Same table with Xueba is really awesome!"

"Who is she at the same table?" Teacher Ding asked.

"Cen Jin, you are number one in liberal arts!" said the classmate.

"Oh, the first child in the high school entrance examination. Sister Liu, Siting is lucky. Let her learn more from Cen Jin, and I guess the tuition fee will be saved!" Teacher Ding laughed.

Liu Qin said, "That's right, the child is a good person, we will be taken care of wherever we go."

Teacher Ding said, "Keep up your learning spirit. As long as girls don't fall in love early and boys don't play games, if you stick to it for the remaining year and a half, the mission of this life will be completed!"

This time, all the girls came. When the teacher said "puppy love", they gossiped about gossip about their former classmates.After all, Teacher Ding is not the current head teacher, and the students are no longer taboo about speaking. When mentioning that several boys in the class liked Siting, Teacher Ding shouted, "I heard that there is no sister Liu, so I have to look after your daughter!"

"Hey!" Liu Qin was cleaning the glass in the back room, and agreed, "Siting is okay, I don't have that muscle."

Several classmates laughed softly, Meijia always felt that they knew something, and Liu Qin must know nothing about Siting.

When the students said goodbye, Liu Qin's work was almost finished, and Meijia was going to a cram school in the afternoon, so she went to a farther station to wait for the bus by herself. Before the bus arrived, Liu Qin came and said hello to Meijia.

Meijia went to Siting's house to play before, and Liu Qin recognized her.Now the two were waiting for the bus together, Liu Qin asked, "Son, tell auntie, are there any boys at school hooking up with Siding?"

Meijia thought for a while, then shook her head.

There are no boys, but there is a girl... More than hooking up.

"Don't be afraid, you tell auntie, if auntie doesn't say it was you who said it." Liu Qin said.

Meijia smiled, then shook her head and said, "We are divided into classes. I don't know the situation of the liberal arts class."

Liu Qin nodded, "Look at Siting more, that child is innocent, I'm afraid she's not sure. No matter how good her grades are, early love is all for nothing. Didn't your teacher Ding say that too?"

Meijia said nothing.Soon the bus arrived, and there was only one seat left in the back row. Liu Qin pressed Meijia there desperately, "Sit quickly, I'll be there in a while. You said it's already 27, and you still have to make up lessons. In fact, students are the hardest. After she finished speaking, she sighed, "Come on, let's get through this year, and it will be what it should be."

Meijia looked at Liu Qin wearing an old-fashioned down jacket, the scarf had been washed and faded, and people in their early forties already had obvious gray hair.

Liu Qin's hand was leaning on the railing, her skin was cracked, and her fingers were as thick as a man's.Such a mother pinned all her hopes on Si Ting, right?The laughter of a few classmates just now is also because Liu Qin was kept in the dark, right?Meijia suddenly felt a little guilty for not telling her.

After another two stops, Liu Qin got off the bus, and Mei Jia followed and shouted, "Auntie!"

Siting's love affair was thus exposed.

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Cen Jin sent a message to Siting to deliver some snacks to her, "I even bought a pair of gloves for my auntie."

But Siting didn't reply to the message, nor did he answer the phone - because the phone was confiscated by Liu Qin.Liu Qin read all the messages of Si Ting and Cen Jin, and some of the messages Si Ting deleted at will, because the memory of the phone was not enough, but she was reluctant to delete some sweet words, enough for an exhibition.

All this shattered Liu Qin's worldview. She couldn't understand what was going on, so she went to discuss it with Aunt Siting.

My aunt is someone who has seen a little bit of the world, so she called Siting over and asked, "Are you guys just kidding, or is it real?"

Siting blinked her eyes and was about to cry. Auntie looked at the neat new clothes on her bed and a piece of underwear that obviously didn't match her age and consumption level, so she didn't need to answer.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, Cen Jin went to Siting's house and knocked on the door, but no one answered. She knew that she would spend the New Year at her grandma's house every year, but she didn't know where Siting's grandma's house was, so she had a vague premonition.

Siting spent this year like serving a prison sentence.Liu Qin was washing the dishes in the kitchen, and suddenly cried, like a daughter suffering from some intractable disease, which she neither understood nor accepted.

The aunt made a decision, strictly forbidding Siting to contact Cen Jin, unplugging her mobile phone card, confiscating her keys, Siting can only stay at home, and must be accompanied by her mother when going out.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Qin started to go to work, and her aunt went to the hospital to prescribe medicine. Siting told her grandma to go downstairs to buy something, and then went to a nearby Internet cafe. Come screenshot.

It turned out that their story had already spread.

Cen Jin came back almost immediately, "Where are you? I'll look for you."

After thinking about it for a while, he replied, "No, see you at the beginning of school."

She ran back to her grandma's house before her aunt came home, until the seventh day cram school started, Liu Qin was talking about Siting, and when she saw Cen Jin waiting downstairs, she said dumbly, "I'll send Siting off."

Cen Jin didn't say a word, and followed behind pushing the car, Liu Qin and Si Ting got on the bus, Cen Jin rode to the cram school, sat next to Si Ting as soon as he entered, and held her hand tightly.

Cen Jin wrote on the paper: "Did you hit you?"

Siting shook his head and wrote, "I said we were just kidding."

Cen Jin wrote: "Does she believe it?"

Si stopped to think about it, and wrote: "Let's separate for a while, and we'll talk about it after school starts."

"It's not really separated." Cen Jin wrote.

Si stopped and nodded.

"We're not kidding around." Cen Jin stared at her steadily after finishing writing.

Siting didn't answer.

Liu Qin stayed outside the cram school and took Siting away after class.Counting nine cold days, she "escorted" Siting against the wind and snow, and Cen Jin felt very sorry.She no longer goes to cram school and waits wholeheartedly for the start of school.

After the Lantern Festival, school finally started. Cen Jin never liked going to school so much. Even if he couldn't kiss and hug him, at least he was at the same table with Siting, and he could get tired of being together all day long.

During the first evening self-study class, the homeroom teacher, Lao Ye, entered the classroom and said nonchalantly, "Ge Hui and Lu Si stop and change seats, and do it before school ends."

Cen Jin didn't hear clearly at first, and after a glance with Siting, he realized that she was about to be replaced.

"Why?" Cen Jin asked Lao Ye.

Lao Ye looked at her, didn't answer, and asked the boy to arrange Qingxue's affairs, and he walked out of the classroom as soon as the class bell rang.

Siting lowered her head to pack her things, Cen Jin pressed her hand, "Don't go, I'll ask."

As soon as she stood up, Siting held her and said in a low voice, "My aunt looked for Lao Ye."

Cen Jin was stunned for a while, "So you knew you were going to change seats?"

Si stopped talking.Cen Jin thought blankly for a long time, and said, "Then don't go, wait for me."

Cen Jin came to Lao Ye's office and said, "Teacher, I want to talk to you."

Lao Ye stood up nervously and looked around. There was also a young teacher in the room, and he said, "Xiao Zhang, you can go to the classroom for a while, and I will talk to the students about something."

Cen Jin just wanted to laugh, because he wanted to talk about something shameful, and he wanted to clear the scene?

Lao Ye sat down and said, "Student Cen Jin, tell me."

It's been a semester in Wen Zhong's class, and he is still called "Cen Jin's classmate", and Cen Jin feels happy when he hears it.Lao Ye is a nice guy, but his thinking is old-fashioned, old-fashioned, and his temper is slow. Wearing a pair of thick beer bottle bottoms, you can hardly see his thoughts clearly from his eyes.

Cen Jin asked, "I just want to ask, why did you suddenly change my deskmate?"

Lao Ye said, "Seats should be rotated regularly to promote exchanges and learning among students."

"But why only change it for me? We have only sat for one semester." Cen Jin said.

Lao Ye pushed his glasses, "Others will have to change one after another."

Cen Jin took a breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Has someone looked for you?" Cen Jin asked.

Lao Ye pushed his glasses again, thinking about how to speak, Cen Jin said, "If we don't change seats, Lu Siding and I promise to improve our grades. If we do, at least I won't be guaranteed here."

"But... this..." Lao Ye was still at a loss for words, and Cen Jin said again, "Give me a week, and I will take care of the person who is looking for you, so I won't cause you any trouble."

Lao Ye suddenly stared at her from above the lens with a surprised and earnest look, "Student Cen Jin, is what they said true? That can't be done!"

Cen Jin smiled, "Why not?"

Lao Ye opened his mouth, not knowing whether he wanted to talk about puppy love or homosexuality. A male teacher seemed to have no interest in mentioning any of them to female students, and finally only said: "This will affect your life!"

Cen Jin smiled.

"Ms. Ye, I don't need you to worry about my life. You can't control how many people like who in this class. I just promise to do a good job in my studies. Give me a week, thank you."

Cen Jin was still angry when she left the office, and Lao Ye's faltering and awkward attitude made her even more angry than being explicit.

Back in the classroom, Ge Hui was already sitting in Siting's seat, and Siting was transferred to the seat two rows behind, sharing the same table with Wei Xiaobing.

Cen Jin stood and looked at her. She lowered her head to do the questions, never raising her eyes.

Cen Jin was a little dizzy.Ge Hui was next to her, and a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy with greasy hair and pimples was sitting next to her. She couldn't sit still, and couldn't even get close.

She picked up her schoolbag and left.She hasn't figured out what to do tomorrow, but right now she just wants to get some fresh air outside.

Siting's mobile phone was confiscated, and they couldn't send messages, and they couldn't talk because they sat so far away, not to mention that Siting didn't seem to want to talk to her.

Her heart shrank suddenly, and for the first time, she felt a feeling of being abandoned, and she suddenly wanted to cry.

Cen Jin walked around the playground twice and walked to the school gate. There were still four or ten minutes before school was over, but Liu Qin was already dangling at the gate.This is surveillance, for fear that she would abduct Siting again and fail to learn well, Cen Jin stood in the dark and waited for a while, then abducted back to the playground.

Carrying her schoolbag, she walked around alone, feeling someone holding her hand, she immediately clenched that hand, turned around and held her in her arms.

Si stopped in her arms for a while, pushed her away, and pulled her to the small flower bed in front of the library.

School has not officially started yet, the library is closed, and there is no light at all.

Beside the silent flower bed, Siting said softly, "My aunt talked to me last night, she said..."

Siting choked up, Cen Jin tightened his heart and asked, "What did she say?"

"She said that this kind of thing is not good even if it is a joke, it will not only affect the study, but also affect..."

Cen Jin waited quietly for her to continue, Si Ting bit his lower lip, and said, "It affects finding a partner in the future."

Cen Jin closed his eyes.

That was the first time she clearly felt that Siting was looking for a partner in the future, and she was not even considered a partner.

Cen Jin was quiet for a while, then smiled and said, "It won't affect that far, besides, you will definitely leave Qishi, who will know what's going on between us..."

She didn't know that she was crying when she spoke, and she didn't realize until she couldn't speak anymore.

"I just don't understand why..." Cen Jin turned his face away, and said in a trembling voice, "Why don't you insist every time, in fact, you don't need to change seats, we will have a solution, at least try, but you let me I feel like I'm all alone…”

Cen Jin turned his face away, Si Ting buried his head in her hat, choked up and said, "My aunt said, we can't have a man for three generations in our family, I have to find one... and she said that the longer it drags on, the deeper the relationship will be. , I won’t be able to come back later.”

Cen Jin suddenly wanted to laugh, and rushed to her instinctive rejection of Ge Hui just now, she seemed unable to break it back.

"Your aunt understands quite well." Cen Jin wiped away tears and said with a smile.

"Because she has experienced it," Siting said, and Cen Jin was startled.

"This is the real reason why she never got married, even my grandma didn't know about it," Siting smiled a little sadly, "but that woman is married and has children."

Cen Jin was stunned for a long time, then murmured, "Damn, it's inherited from your family."

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