Age of Global Lords

Chapter 75 Dungeon Invasion

War is a catastrophe for every ordinary person. There are only a few young and middle-aged refugees among this group of refugees, and those who are not in good health have long been left behind in the process of fleeing.

These homeless refugees looked at the neat city wall and the tall towers on the city wall with envy and awe.

Who would have thought that there would be such a majestic building and city in the depths of the forest, they even thought they were dreaming.

"Grandpa, the wall is so high!" A skinny little girl lay on the back of the old man. Her hair was like dry grass, and her body was so thin that her head looked huge.

The little boy standing on the ground looked about seven or eight years old, with his chest stuck to his back.His short brown hair seemed to be chewed by a dog, and his big blue eyes stared at the magnificent city wall in a daze. From time to time, he licked his dry lips with his tongue: "Is this a city built by elves? There must be a lot of food in it!"

The old man with the little girl on his back had gray hair. He put the little girl on the ground and patted the heads of the two children to signal them to stay where they were. He came to the front of the line and said to Luo Ling and the others on the city wall. : "Dear sir, we are all honest people fleeing the war, and we ask for some water and food in exchange for our labor."

Trekking such a long distance, not to mention children, even adults can't bear it.

The old man did not ask for food directly, but intended to use physical labor in exchange for food.

It is also a human race, Luo Ling has no reason to reject them, especially these people who seem to have encountered hardships in life.He replied: "This is the territory of the god of games. You can get food, water and even shelter here, but you must take an oath to join the territory, and then you have to work hard to become an official member."

"God of games? I don't think I've heard of it before?" Buck, a man with scars on his chest and abdomen, murmured in a low voice. He was afraid that he would encounter the illusion that wandering poets talked about. It appeared to be a city, but it was actually a huge monster with its mouth open to eat. Get rid of your own group.

Buck has heard the names of various gods, but the God of Games is really unheard of.

The old man over there sighed: "We have no other choice, everyone can't hold on anymore. No matter what is going on in this territory, we can only join. What's more, they can survive in the forest of elves. permission."

"Uncle Sally..." Buck turned his head to look at his wife and the rest of his companions. They all pleaded. They finally saw a human territory in the forest, and they had no energy left to move on.

Luo Ling had no intention of urging the group of people. He and Winnie had discussed how to treat the refugees before.The refugees definitely don't have much sense of belonging to the territory. The initial stage is to let these people see the happy life of the residents of Oak Territory, so that they have an urge to stay.

As for the guise of the god of games, it has been used once anyway, so continue to raise the banner now, so as not to scare them when the territory expands in the future.

Grandpa Sally said loudly: "We are honored to be a part of the territory, and I hope the lord can accept us."

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and knelt down on one knee, and the group of refugees behind him followed suit, even children who didn't understand luggage.

If this is a trap or an illusion, they will recognize it!

Luo Ling didn't expect that this group of people would suddenly salute, he said quickly: "Get up quickly, I'll let someone take you to eat and wash first."

After finishing speaking, he also performed a group healing technique on these refugees.

Sally, Buck and others suddenly felt a lot of strength in their bodies, and their original injuries and illnesses were greatly relieved.

"Brother Buck, the injury on my arm has suddenly healed!"

"Thank God little Ryan's fever is gone."

"The sores on my body are gone, what's going on?"

"It's true, my rheumatism is much better, and now I can walk without pain at all."

"Is it really a miracle of the God of Games?"

More than 20 men, women and children instantly boiled up. They had never encountered anything like this before. The old illnesses on their bodies were cured without any medicine at this time!

Old man Sally also felt much more comfortable in his lungs. The wise old man turned his head to look at Buck, who was also shocked. Both of them realized that their choice was not wrong.

Boom and boom, the closed gates gradually opened.

Luo Ling came out side by side with Winnie and the others who had just arrived on horseback, "Welcome to join the Oak Territory, and then you can go to take a shower and change clothes, and then go to the cafeteria to eat. How to arrange it, we will talk about it later when we are full."

The children were all overjoyed, they were not as reserved as the adults, and they were too hungry for a long time, so they couldn't take care of other things.

"It's time to eat!"

"That's great, can I have enough?"

"I want to eat meat."

It's okay not to talk about it, but just talking about eating makes these refugees salivate, and their stomachs can't help but growl.Mass healing can heal injuries on the body, but it can't stop hunger.

Mr. Sally has never seen such a strong and majestic city wall, which is more magnificent than many big cities in their kingdom.

The sword grass on both sides of the city gate grew tall and straight, and they could feel the danger in it when they passed by.

The soldiers were heavily armored and looked absolutely intimidating.

The moment they stepped into the territory one after another, Luo Ling was immediately reminded by the game system.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the allegiance of 25 residents! 】

He randomly clicked on a refugee's information, and immediately checked the relevant information.

[Sally: Male, 55 years old, lv.18 farmer.Hunger: 44; Loyalty: 50. 】

[Buck: Male, 26 years old, lv.13 hunter.Hunger: 43; Loyalty: 50. 】

[Emma: Female, 24 years old, lv.7 peasant woman.Hunger: 41; Loyalty: 50. 】

The starting point of the loyalty of the recruited farmers is very high, but the loyalty of this group of refugees is only 50 points, and they may rebel at any time.

In addition, there are a large number of them, and it is very likely that they will gather a crowd to make trouble. Several soldiers with complete weapons and equipment are not only leading the way, but also guarding and deterring.

This group of refugees, old and young, was immediately attracted by this land after they entered the territory!

The road is neat and tidy, paved with stone slabs straight and clean, without any dirt or weeds.A large area of ​​the fields on both sides is wasteland, and the further you go in, the more you can see the reclaimed land, where sweet potatoes and heavy wheat are planted.

A gust of wind blew, and the wheat fields that were about to be harvested suddenly turned up waves of wheat, which looked very gratifying.

"Why don't you dig out such a good land to grow crops?" Mr. Sally squatted down, picked up a handful of fertile soil from the wilderness nearby, and said sadly, "How much grain will be harvested if so much land is reclaimed?" !"

At this time, Winnie said appropriately: "Because our territory is short of manpower. After you stay in the territory, you can choose to work or reclaim the land. The lord encourages farmers to reclaim the land. Each person can reclaim up to ten acres."

"Do children also have land?" Emma asked with concern while holding the baby in her arms.

"Yes. But you can't reclaim blindly. You must reclaim within the range you can take care of. If you can't take care of it after reclaiming and cause soil loss, you will lose some contribution points."

Just like Emma, ​​if you have children with you, if you insist on reclaiming 20 acres of land, it will be difficult for you to take care of it yourself, so it is best to plan it slowly and reclaim some land every year.

Winnie added: "Your performance at work will be recorded as contribution points. These contribution points are the key to whether you can become a regular. After becoming a regular, each person will be allocated 10 acres of reclaimed farmland and a farmhouse."


"The treatment is so good?"

"The condition of the territory is so good, why is there no one there?"

"It must be too remote."

"They are so kind to us, don't they plan to raise us and eat us secretly?"

It's no wonder that this group of people are thinking wildly, it's because the benefits of Oak Territory are too good.

You can already enjoy so many benefits before becoming an official resident. Who would have thought that children would be forced to go to school and be free to choose a workshop as an apprentice after school?


Luo Ling did not follow the group of people back to the rest area, he believed that these people in the territory could do it easily.

If you can't even deal with these 20 or so refugees, it's really a shame.

The resettlement of refugees needs to be done by the lord himself. What's the use of asking the chief of housekeeping and the rest of his subordinates, it's better to let them all farm the land.

The development of the territory is inseparable from attracting newcomers. Luo Ling patted Bao Baolong's head and said, "Let's go, let's go to Mount Yada to see if we can pick up the treasure we didn't pick up last night."

The baby dragon excitedly turned into a prototype, and then flew towards the east at a high speed with its master on its back. It couldn't wait to see those treasures, and even wanted to go to the passage of the dungeon to see the treasures of the black dragon.

Now Luo Ling used to not only collect items, but more importantly, revenge.

The matter of being shot in the abdomen by the dark elf is not over yet!

Before, the storm dragon showed great power and dealt with many small soldiers and miscellaneous fish. Those dark elves hidden in the shadows did not suffer particularly serious injuries.

It is not a gentleman not to take revenge. Luo Ling was anxious to return to the territory for defense before, but now he has enough time to take revenge.

The baby dragon spread its wings, and a white cloud gathered under its body to cover its whereabouts.

In this way, the creatures in the forest will be surprised at most why a cloud floats so fast, instead of saying that there is a giant dragon.

Soon they arrived tens of kilometers away from Yada Mountain. At this time, Yada Mountain looked quiet, without any trace of biological activities in the underground city, and it was even a little too dead.

After Luo Ling and the baby dragon landed in a low-key manner, he immediately activated his spiritual perception skills to check the surrounding traces.

"Everything is safe."

He is now fully armed, holding an eternal wooden cane in his hand, wearing legendary storm light armor, and the crown of thorns on his head keeps him calm and composed at all times. On his neck, the blessing necklace of the wood elves and the tear brooch of the goddess of life Add various attributes.

In terms of luxurious equipment, Luo Ling thinks that it is by no means inferior.

What's more, in recent days, the buds on the Eternal Wooden Cane have become more and more green, and their vitality has become more and more obvious. It seems that they are going to change from a piece of weaponry to a tree again!

He knew that this situation should be a good thing, losing a weapon, but it is possible to get eternal wood seedlings.

"Spiritual perception is really not good, let's call a hellhound."

Luo Ling was talking to himself, then cast a spell and summoned two hellhounds.

Two double-headed hellhounds the size of calves appeared next to them with their tongues out. The more heads the hellhounds had, the stronger they were.

In myths and legends, they are the watchdogs of the underworld, responsible for isolating the world from hell. They are cruel and powerful.

His pupils were fiery red, his mouth drooled along with his tongue, and his body exuded a faint sulfur breath.

As a monster of fire attribute, the Cerberus had frequently attacked the Oak territory before, but it happened to be restrained by the Ice Tower and the Water Elemental Summoning Tower, so it didn't play any role at all.

If it is a three-headed hellhound, it is estimated that these magic attribute defense towers will not be able to cause enough damage to them.

Because they have a high resistance to magic, they will awaken the innate skill of devouring magic after reaching the three-headed stage, which can swallow the magic cast by the opponent, thereby recovering their own magic power and life value.

Coupled with his strong physical body and sharp minions, under the bite, he is completely the nemesis of mages!

When the current two-headed hellhound saw the baby dragon, it whimpered, and at the same time arched its back and bared its teeth in a defensive posture.

"Don't bark!" Luo Ling quickly stopped and said.

Baobaolong's Long Wei tried his best to restrain himself, but he was still noticed by the two-headed hellhounds next to him. Fortunately, their bloodlines were not too bad, otherwise they would have been so frightened that they would have been so frightened that they would not have been able to show a stressful reaction at this moment.

He came here this time for a sneak attack. If Baby Dragon clashed with Cerberus, wouldn't it be easy to expose his position.

"Hmph..." Bao Baolong held his paws in front of his chest, exhaled a puff of water vapor from his nasal cavity, and made a disdainful mocking sound.

The two-headed Cerberus walked around Luo Ling from left to right. They looked up from time to time to smell the smell in the air, and from time to time they lowered their heads and pawed at the ground, with their ears attached to the ground to feel the surrounding Tokyo.

"Check to see if there are traces of dark elves or other monsters nearby, and remind me if there are any. If not, take charge of vigilance."

Luo Ling didn't waste time, the Cerberus can only exist for an hour, and he must go to Mount Yada quickly.His abacus is very clever, even if he encounters monsters in the dungeon, he can still let these two double-headed hellhounds mix in.

After receiving the mission guidance, the two two-headed hellhounds began to work seriously, with four heads raised one after another, sniffing the air with the wind.

"Wang Wang Wang."

"Wang Wang."

Luo Ling was extremely calm about being able to understand animal languages. This was not the translation function of the game system, but the professional characteristics of druids.

He can't speak dog language, but he can feel the meaning they express.

"There are no dark elves nearby, but there is an aura of elves not long ago?" Luo Ling was surprised by the news, but at the same time expressed his understanding.

Last night, the phantom of the giant storm dragon showed its power here, coupled with the roar of the black dragon in the dungeon, the elves must come to see the situation.

Luo Ling didn't want to bump into the elf, just when he was about to change direction, he suddenly heard the low growl of the hellhound.

The two-headed hellhounds stared fixedly at the bushes in front of them, bared their teeth and let out a dull roar to remind their masters.

There is a threat ahead!

Without thinking about it, Luo Ling directly used the vine winding skill to condense into a vine shield in front of him, and at the same time, another vine flew forward quickly like a poisonous snake hunting.

His spiritual perception skills did not find any creatures, perhaps the other party was far away from him.

Suddenly, an arrow flew out of the bushes and directly stuck in the trunk next to Luo Ling, and then a group of elves came out.

"Hey, it's us!"

Only then did they enter the range of spiritual perception, and this skill was really useless.

The group of elves in front of them were really old acquaintances of Luo Ling.

Wearing light armor and leather boots, and holding a bow and arrow in his hand, Enoch came to Luo Ling lightly and silently.He looked curiously at the two two-headed hellhounds and the four-legged snake with wings, "Lord Luoling, we meet again."

Luo Ling breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he was being attacked by a dark elf and was about to launch a strong counterattack.

"Good afternoon, Captain." Luo Ling smiled, "I didn't expect to see you here."

The female elf Heidi also laughed, and she greeted: "Lord Luoling, it's a pleasure to meet you. I don't know how Vera and the others are doing now, are they living okay?"

"Vera is now in charge of managing the library, Bernie likes to explore in the wilderness, and Violet is the leader of the city guard in our Oak Territory. They all like their lives, Ms. Heidi, you can come over anytime, you are welcome to visit. "

Luo Ling opened his mouth to praise the three elves in his territory, and they were the real pillars.

Unlike the two people who greeted each other with good intentions, another elf, Edgar, had a much worse attitude. He stared at the hellhound over there, and said in an interrogative tone, "Why are you here? These hellhounds are like What is your relationship? Do you have collusion with the underground forces?"

Among the elves, there are moderates and radicals.It just so happened that Edgar was one of them, and he wished to expel all the human lords in the Twilight Forest, so of course he took the opportunity to attack at this moment.

Luo Ling looked at the proud elf, and said without any haste: "You go and see how many monsters in the dungeon we killed in the Oak Territory last night before you say this. For the time being, it's not the defensive towers in the territory, just me, the German Rui should have killed many, many more monsters than you."

If you really want to collude with the dungeon forces, do you still need to be surrounded by them?

"Maybe you guys pretended to deceive us on purpose." Edgar said in a bad tone, aiming the bow and arrow in his hand at the head of the hellhound, "otherwise how do you explain these two damned hellhounds?"

He held the bow and pulled the string, as if he would shoot the Cerberus if he disagreed with him.

And the two-headed hellhounds are not good at it either. Flames erupted from the mouths of each of their heads, condensing lava fireballs, ready to attack the elves on the opposite side.

"Why do I have to explain it to you? You haven't explained why you are here." Luo Ling has always been a good-tempered person, but if the other party is playing tricks, he will not be obedient.

"You humans occupy our territory, and you still use this attitude..." Edgar's eyes were about to burst into flames.

It's just that the captain Enoch stopped him before he finished speaking, "Okay, both of you stop!"

Luo Ling casually chuckled, "Captain Enoch, have you found any traces of the monster?"

"Not yet, we're just here to investigate the dragon information. Some people say that there are giant dragons here. Are you here?" Enoch said, staring at the baby dragon on Luo Ling's shoulder.

This monster looks like a dragon. It has wings like a dragon, but its body is completely different from that of a dragon. It is unknown what race the dragon is born from.

He didn't treat the baby dragon as a giant dragon at all, but just wanted to find out why Luo Ling came. After all, the Oak Territory was thousands of miles away from Yada Mountain.

Even if Luo Ling can transform into a Dragon Sparrow, it will take a long time to fly to arrive. The target is so clear that he must have the relevant information.

"Last night, before the monsters in the dungeon besieged the territory, I followed their path all the way back to here." Luo Ling pointed to the mountain not far away, "Then I was attacked by the dark elves here, and the passage inside There are still giant dragons in the middle, so we have to retreat, come here now to confirm the situation."

After hearing the dark elves and the giant dragon, the ten elves in this group all became serious.

"Lord Luoling, are you sure it's a dark elf?" Heidi asked, "Could it be other monsters?"

"It must be them."

Luo Ling said with certainty that the panel of the game system will not lie, it has the battle record of being attacked, "Except for the dark elves, I don't think other races are capable of injuring my transformed Dragon Sparrow. In the sky hundreds of meters above the ground."

The rest of the elves didn't know much about the form of the dragonfinch's transformation. Enoch had seen Luo Ling transform into a dragonfinch and kill two leader-level monsters in a row, and he knew the horror of this creature.

"They can still hurt you at such a long distance. It seems that they are really them." Enoch looked at the hellhound here, and had a vague guess in his heart: "Can you help us find the dark elves? I hope they Stay around here and not go to the rest of Duskwood."

Probably the race that knows the Dark Elves best, besides themselves, are the High Elves.

Enoch quickly took out the communication crystal ball and sent the news of the dark elves back to the royal city to let the Council of Elders and the king know, thus reminding the rest of the villages to be vigilant.

The blood feud between the dark elves and the high elves for generations is no lower than that of trolls.If the dark elves are allowed to wreak havoc in the Twilight Forest, those villages and towns may be attacked!

"Of course, but we have to hurry up. There are only 40 minutes left to summon these two hellhounds. I hope we can find them before they disappear."

Luo Ling also wanted to seek revenge from the dark elves, and the two had a common goal, so they hit it off!

"Then let's be careful and set off towards Mount Yada."

The two-headed hellhound led the way, followed by the elves, and Luo Ling's footsteps were no slower than them. The group walked silently and arrived at the foot of the mountain in less than half an hour.

At this time, the two-headed hellhound suddenly stopped and whined twice at Luo Ling, not daring to be too loud.

"What do you mean?" Heidi lowered her voice and asked.

Luo Ling squeezed the eternal wooden cane in his hand, ready to fight: "They smell the breath of the dark elves!"

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