Age of Global Lords

Chapter 74 Dungeon Invasion

With enough survival points, Luo Ling can flex his muscles and start working hard for the population growth of the territory.

"Have all the benefits and wages been determined?"

He opened his mouth and asked, once the implementation is started, there is no turning back, and the preliminary preparations should be done as much as possible.

The farmers who cultivate the land and the residents who work in workshops or other places must be taken care of, so that these residents can live a better life with their own labor.

The strength of the Oak Territory is quite large, and it is time to get things done for people's livelihood.

As a lord, Luoling has the ownership and jurisdiction of the entire territory. What the farmers get is only the right to use it, which can be inherited by their children, but they cannot be sold to others.

He didn't want to see the landlord appearing in the territory, the only landlord was himself.

Winnie said with a wry smile: "It's hard for me to give a definite answer now. Various problems and contradictions will definitely appear during the change process. But these problems will not hinder the development of the territory, but will solve the problems one by one. "

"Have gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins been minted yet? There are also food and daily necessities. Only when these things are in place."

It just so happened that the territory had been established for so long, and he planned to pay all the residents a salary, so that everyone would have money to maintain their lives and start a small family.

If they don't even solve the problem of eating, they will starve to death if they end up eating big pots of rice.

Here, Luo Ling uses models to mint coins by himself, instead of using Jinnar and Silvernar, which are commonly used in the Vana continent.

Almost all the empires, kingdoms, and duchies on the continent are in this way. Each country or territory has a local currency, and Jinnar is only used for transactions when cross-regional payments are required.

If you don't make your own coins, Luo Ling really can't pay wages and benefits to the employees.He has never been the leader of so many people before, and reforms are all about crossing the river by feeling the stones and taking one step at a time.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes, just be afraid of making mistakes and not correcting!

Luo Ling and Winnie discussed for a long time before they came up with the final plan, and it was already time for lunch.

"Let's go, let me announce this to everyone, they should be very excited."

"The territory will definitely get better and better." Winnie said encouragingly. With such an enlightened and considerate lord, Oak Territory has a bright future!

Luo Ling basically didn't do anything this morning, and didn't go out to explore. Now I just hope that this reform can get the support and approval of the residents.

At this time, the residents of the territory who had just finished working in the morning returned to the rest area one after another, and they gathered together in twos and threes to exchange their experiences.

"Today we collected more than 30 baskets of mulberries, another day of harvest."

"I really envy you, the weeds in the farmland are growing very well, and we have to work hard to weed them every day. But the wheat is also growing very well, maybe we will have delicious bread to eat in a few days."

"I'm a little tired. I cut more than 20 trees. Fortunately, there are unicorns who can help transport the wood to the lumberyard, which saves a lot of energy. How is the weaving workshop today? Are you tired?"

"It's actually okay. If you have time later, come and help us build a silkworm breeding house. The previous one is not enough."

"The silk spun by silkworms is very easy to weave. We are studying how to dye, print and embroider those..."

These residents gathered together and chatted, they are all living people with flesh and blood, not NPCs composed of cold data as imagined.

When Luo Ling came over, these residents got up one after another, bowed to him and said hello.

"Good afternoon, my lord."

"I have seen the Lord."

"Dear Lord Luo Ling, good afternoon."

There is a big difference between the respect of the powerful and the respect from the heart. Luo Ling can see the loyalty of every resident, and these people have directly reached the full point.

He smiled and said, "Everyone sit down first, I have something to announce."

Now it's time for dinner, except for the soldiers who stand guard on the observation tower on the back mountain, the rest of the people have returned to the cafeteria.

Whether it's the elves temporarily living in the territory, or the pale magician, or blacksmith, weaver girl, farmer, lumberjack, etc., they all realized the seriousness of the matter, and sat up straight, with their waists straight, Both anticipation and a trace of fear and hesitation.

Dozens of pairs of eyes were on Luo Ling, and he said slowly: "The development and growth of the Oak Territory is inseparable from everyone's support. At present, we have achieved certain results in the construction of the territory, and we have temporarily gained a firm foothold in this dangerous world." feet, so I decided to make it possible for everyone to have their own home."

Tieniu and the others all stared wide-eyed. A few days ago, Winnie asked them one by one about their wishes and needs. At that time, everyone thought it was impossible.

Now the lord actually opened his mouth to confirm it!

"Next, Winnie will pay everyone salaries based on the time they arrived at the territory and the results of their work. You can spend this part of the money freely. We will pay wages every week in the future. I hope you will handle the money in your hands properly. The grocery store in the territory is In the most conspicuous place in Nancheng District, the tavern will also open today."

There is no point in sending money if there is no place for it to be spent.

Fortunately, Luoling has two major platforms, players and local chambers of commerce, and easily collects a lot of daily necessities, which can basically meet the daily needs of residents.

If they need some relatively rare items, they can be listed on the out-of-stock registration form, and Shen An will make unified purchases.

At present, the total number of residents in the Oak Territory is less than 100, and the goods in the grocery store do not need too many.

"In order to thank everyone for their support for the territory in the past, each of you will get the right to use 5 acres of land. If you don't have time or don't know how to farm, you can consider renting it to others or paying to hire others. Farmers will get an additional 10 acres The right to use the land, and you can reclaim the land yourself, the ownership of the reclaimed land belongs to me, and the right to use it belongs to you, and a single person can reclaim up to an additional 10 acres of land.”

The Oak Territory is currently very large, and there is actually a lot of vacant land.

A total of 4 incomplete territory cores were fused together before and after, each time adding an additional 10% radius, and now the total area of ​​the territory is more than 4000 mu.

There are currently 81 soldiers and civilians in the territory. Even if each person is allocated 5 mu of land, it will only be 405 mu. In addition, the additional land allocated by farmers will only use a total of 600 mu of land.

According to Luo Ling's transformation into a dragon bird, there are at least [-] acres of vacant land in the territory that can be developed into farmland and vegetable fields, and it is purely idle now.

The rest of the land is either occupied by forests, or it is planned to be used as municipal or military land such as urban areas.

What's more, now that Tornado and Black Wind are two fierce feathered eagles that are gradually becoming adults, they can already search for new broken territories with Bernie in the wild.It's still a bit early for riding, but it's more than enough for scouting alone.

As soon as Luo Ling's words fell, all the residents suddenly boiled!

"Everyone has land?" Gary almost jumped up from the stool, "I have land too?"

"My God! The lord actually allocated land to so many of us? It's too kind and generous!"

Zhao Long was a little too excited, his body shook slightly, and he turned his head to look at his brothers like a babble: "Did I hear it wrong, the lord said that each of us will be allocated land."

"Brother, you heard me right! We're going to have land!" Zhao An clenched his fists, he never dreamed that such a day would come.

Whether it is a nomad or an agricultural nation, who would not want to own a piece of land in troubled times?Moreover, it is such a fertile and rich plain land in the Oak Territory, everyone knows how well the crops grow there.

Andre, Jimmy, Clay and other craftsmen are also very happy. Although they don't know how to farm, it is of course very good to get 5 acres of land for free!

"All land will not be taxed for three years. Everyone can decide what to plant in the farmland. Seeds and agricultural tools can be bought in the territory."

At this time, the cafeteria has become a sea of ​​joy, and almost everyone is jumping, laughing and cheering.

"Everyone be quiet, I haven't finished yet." Luo Ling took out the eternal wooden cane, stomped heavily and made a dull sound, and cast a group healing technique on these excited residents who were about to faint.

With the help of the healing technique, everyone successfully regained their sanity. Although they still couldn't suppress their excitement, they could at least sit still obediently.

"The Lord's Mansion encourages everyone to marry freely and create a small family. If the two parties get married if they like each other, they can choose one of the following two rewards. Both husband and wife will receive an extra month's salary reward, or I will come forward to upgrade the farmhouse to a residential house."

Only after getting married and having children can one truly take root in the territory and have a foothold in the true sense, no longer a duckweed in troubled times, drifting with the waves.

The condition of the current farmhouse is very simple, there are only two single beds, and nothing else.

It takes 100 stone and 100 survival points to upgrade the dwelling, and then there will be a separate bedroom, kitchen, living room, toilet, etc.

"It doesn't matter if you don't get married. The canteen in the territory is still open to you, but you need to charge a fee. In addition, single players can also spend contribution points to upgrade residential buildings. The contribution points are based on your usual labor results."

Now there are only dozens of people in the territory, and the commercial handicraft service industry for ordinary consumers cannot be developed at all. Luo Ling still said: "When the population is slightly larger, we will open the lease of shops in the commercial district of Nancheng. You can take advantage of this time Think about what you want to do."

"In addition, I would like to remind everyone that there will be more jobs in the territory. Residents who are able or want to change jobs can sign up for interviews."

"There are still some specific and trivial matters that Winnie will answer for you."

Luo Ling spoke dryly. He turned his head to look at the Chief of Internal Affairs who was surrounded by residents, and happily said to Brook: "Everyone seems to be much more alive and energetic now."

It is no longer for the public to survive, but to work hard for oneself, so the natural motivation is abundant.

The residents had never been lazy before, but their mental state was far from being as excited and full as they are now.

Brook smiled and said, "Then I can get several salaries, right?"

"Of course, I will never treat you heroes badly." Luo Ling said boldly, "The farmhouse you live in now will be directly transformed into a residential house, and you can also go to the blacksmith to order a piece of equipment."

Everyone's contribution to the territory is different, and the rewards they get are naturally different.

Brook has multiple roles, not only responsible for combat adventures, but also responsible for training recruits, going to school at night to give lessons to residents, and even being a training partner for Baby Dragon.

The female elf Vera on the side asked curiously: "Do I, Violet and Bernie also have wages and houses?"

Unlike the others, the three elves are just passers-by in the oak tree territory, not long-term residents, and will eventually return to the elf society.

Luo Ling nodded: "Of course, you are part of the territory. No matter where you go in the future, our territory will have a place for you."

The current Vera, Violet, and Bernie are all homeless, and the elf village was abandoned after being slaughtered and destroyed by trolls.

If you can't go back to the village, the rest of the villages or towns are meaningless. It's better to stay in the Oak Territory. The atmosphere here is more grand.

"Thank you, Lord Lord." Vera looked calm on the surface, but she was very happy in her heart. She was already thinking about how to transform her residential house to make it look more elf-like.

Luo Ling's task today was not heavy. After he left the cafeteria, he went to the living area in the north to upgrade the houses of Brook and others. At the same time, he also built ten spare farmhouses and a residential house as a sample house.

He is now squandering all his strength because he has enough survival points. Anyway, after improving the strength of the territory, he can get survival point rewards later.

"Why do we have to have more than 100 people in our territory, otherwise we can't even count as a village. If there are many villages, there can be tens of thousands of people!"

Luo Ling said to himself that the territory is in urgent need of manpower, but it cannot be increased all at once, otherwise the supporting facilities and food in all aspects will not be able to keep up, and it will easily affect normal production and life.

He planned to wait for the successful reform of private ownership of the land before recruiting a new batch of farmers so that he could learn from the previous ones.

After upgrading and building the residence, Luo Ling came to Nancheng District again.

As a planned commercial and trade zone, only the trading firm is occupied at this time, and the location of the grocery store is only with signs and goods, and the salesperson has not yet appeared.

The smell of wine finally wafted from the tavern not far away. Shen An now has several jobs. He came to deliver the fine wine he received from the other lords in the trading market after lunch, and the treasurer Yun from the elves, The fine wines traded by the dwarves and human chambers of commerce are on display.

"There are too few service staff, this is not possible!"

As a winemaker, Vincent is only in charge of the winemaking workshop, and now he is completely busy making wine with the harvested Wolong mulberries, and he doesn't care about the life and death of the tavern at all.

Chef Lucius is probably the busiest person in the territory. He is responsible for preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for dozens of people in the territory in the cafeteria.Even if there are several cooks, they are still inseparable.

These personnel vacancies cannot be solved casually. The residents of the territory are now a carrot and a hole. If this person is taken away, another job will be short of manpower.

Luo Ling knew that many residents had reached the limit of holding multiple jobs, and it would be oppressive to let them hold multiple jobs. Landlords and Lao Cai are not exploited in this way.

He planned to wait for Winnie to count the residents who were willing to change jobs before recruiting, because the jobs of the previous residents were directly assigned by him, and he did not ask the residents whether they liked it or were willing.

For example, people who cut down trees are actually more willing to farm.Another example is the residents who pick mulberries and want to learn weaving.

Try to meet the requirements of these old residents first, and then recruit corresponding newcomers to fill the remaining positions.

Luo Ling knows very well that it is impossible for every resident in the territory to do the job they like. There will always be people who want to do things they don't like, but this is survival.

The Oak Territory is far from reaching the stage of lying down and enjoying it, and the monsters in the dungeon and more threats in the future are still lurking outside!

He was going to enter the game panel to improve his two newly learned skills, one was summoning a hellhound, and the other was a devastating blow.


Being rich and powerful, he directly chose to be promoted!

Level is not an absolute factor to measure a player's combat effectiveness. Dimensions such as equipment, skill quantity, skill level, and pets need to be considered comprehensively.

Now what restricts his skill improvement is not the lack of survival points, but the level is not high enough. He must be upgraded to level 30 before he can upgrade skills such as transformation and vine entanglement to lv.5

[Summon Cerberus: lv.4, summon two double-headed Cerberus to participate in the battle, the Cerberus lasts for 1 hour, and disappears in advance after being killed.Skill performance time: 1 hour. 】

【Destroy Strike: lv.4, the strongest attack that destroys the weapon when used, the extra damage is increased by 40%, and one weapon needs to be destroyed each time it is used. 】

From now on, Luo Ling intends to hoard more unnecessary weapons in the game package, so that he can make a comeback.This skill is prepared for the real local tyrants, it's like spending a lot of money!

He upgraded his two skills but failed to improve his ranking in the personal strength ranking. He still ranked 22nd, but the gap with the previous ones must have narrowed.

"If you want to enter the top ten in terms of personal strength, the best way is to learn the job transfer scroll of the sky knight. Now you can go to inquire about the news and see if the corpse of the monster killed by the storm dragon is still there."

Luo Ling is very strange, sometimes timid, and sometimes too bold.

Knowing that there are dark elves and giant dragons over there, they still decided to go and find out.

This time he didn't intend to be so ostentatious, and let the baby dragon lead him to advance from the ground in a low-key manner, and it would be best to seek revenge from the dark elves!

The friends are all busy with their own affairs, Baobaolong is very bored and is playing with those silly dragon fish beside the cold spring.When it received the notification from its master about the expedition, it immediately regained its spirit and quickly spread its wings and flew towards the master.

In knightly adventure novels, dragons are basically villains and background characters.

But this young dragon likes to listen to other people's stories about the protagonist's treasure after slaying a dragon, and he is very happy every time he hears it. Now that he has the opportunity to dig out the black dragon's lair in the dungeon, he becomes so excited. The golden lightning flashed directly in the low sky of the Oak Territory!

"Calm down, calm down, our strategy today is to keep a low profile and move forward slowly with safety first." Luo Ling touched the little guy's dragon horns, and said: "Don't get too excited later, we have to face It's the dark elves, not the low-level monsters like the snake demon kobolds."

Those who can fight so many high elves without being exterminated are basically ruthless people, such as dark elves and trolls.

What Luo Ling is worried about now is that these two races should not join forces!

If the elves are in civil unrest, these player territories in the Twilight Forest will not be comfortable.

Bao Baolong nodded obediently. He remembered it now, but whether he could remember it later would be a problem.

Luo Ling is planning to tell Brook his plan and let the other party guard the territory.As a result, I received a message on the communication crystal board at this time: "My lord, a group of human beings appeared three kilometers south of the territory. We cannot confirm their purpose and identity for the time being."

There is a tall watchtower on the cliff behind the territory, which is the highest place nearby, with an extremely wide view.Because of this, Luo Ling deliberately placed a communication crystal board on it for the soldiers on duty to contact him.

"You continue to pay attention, I will go and have a look."

After replying, he patted Baobaolong and said, "There is a situation in the south of the territory, let's go and have a look."

The baby dragon immediately enlarged its body, allowing Luo Ling to sit on its back, and the dragon's body flew towards the southern sky with a light flap of its wings, flying far away.

Luo Ling, who was sitting on the dragon's back, really saw the group of ragged human beings with their families from a distance.

"Where do humans come from?"

This is the hinterland of the Twilight Forest. It stands to reason that humans might stray into the edge of the forest, but the group of people avoided many dangers, escaped the elf patrol, and came to the side of the oak tree territory. It looked abnormal no matter what.

Luo Ling chose to land on the south city gate, and a few minutes later, the faces of this group of human beings, old and young, appeared outside the city wall.

There were 25 people in this line, 4 old people, 9 children, and 12 adult men and women.Everyone looked dusty, their clothes were dirty and torn, their faces were yellow and thin, as if they couldn't stand without the sticks in their hands.

"Stop coming." Murphy, who was patrolling the city wall, shouted, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The leading middle-aged man stood up, his hair was almost clotted, and there were several fatal claw marks in front of his body, and he shouted towards the city gate: "Dear sir, we are from the Kingdom of Poipet, and we fled here to escape the war. Please take us in!"

"Kingdom of Poipet?" Luo Ling sounded familiar. He asked, "This is inside the Twilight Forest, thousands of miles away from the Kingdom of Poipet. How did you come here? Didn't you meet any other territories or elves, Beast?"

The map given by the elves earlier shows that the Kingdom of Poipet is next to the Twilight Forest. Many human teams who captured elf girls entered the forest through this kingdom.

"We don't know what happened. We accidentally stepped into a blue circle while avoiding an attack from a black bear, and then we came directly to the vicinity."

Upon hearing this, Luo Ling understood a little bit, it sounded like the game system was sending residents to himself.

But these refugees are not as obedient as the recruited residents. They are more troublesome to manage, and it is easy to spoil the simple residents.

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