Debut after unspoken rules

Chapter 22 Coming Out

The plane landed at Jinling Airport, and Xiao Xuan's red luxury car was parked in the airport parking lot, covered with a thick layer of dust.

In the small house where I lived alone, I had been shameless for three days. In the hot summer, I didn't really want to go out.

Xu Zaisi briefly felt the beauty of being a housewife serving her sweetheart for a few days, especially when watching Xiao Xuan eat a big meal, the sense of accomplishment was no different from writing a new song.

Xiao Xuan wants to travel with her, take her to the northern city, and play as if clocking in.

Before I knew it, I passed through nearly fifty northern cities, some of which were prosperous and some of which were quiet.

He eats and wanders around during the day, and is shameless in the hotel at night. Sometimes he stays in a hotel with a kitchen and uses local specialties to cook for Xiao Xuan.

Sometimes I will be bored in the hotel, chatting with each other about writing songs, and singing to each other.

The unrestrained, comfortable and happy little days have passed for more than three months without knowing it.

Xiao Xuan didn't bring her work mobile phone, but only the mobile phone used to contact Xu Zaisi. She didn't want to have a good vacation and be disturbed by any situation.

Before the winter, the pace of honeymoon travel was over and I returned to the town.

Xu Zaisi made two simple dishes to serve Xiao Xuan's three meals a day.

She really doesn't know how to cook, and occasionally asking her to add salt to the soup can ruin her pot of soup.

"Set a time to go to my house and meet the parents."

Xu Zaisi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately hesitated a bit, she shook her head:

"It's kind of... I wasn't mentally prepared."

Xiao Xuan smiled calmly:

"Don't be nervous, my parents know you, they like you very much, I have three older brothers, they also like you, and I have come out a long time ago, they are very accepting."

Xu Zaisi didn't know what to say for a while:

"How did your parents know me?"

"My mother is Qiyi's teacher. She was your class teacher when you were in the second year of high school."


Is the town really that small?Why are there acquaintances everywhere?

Xu thought about the class teacher back then, and remembered that her name was Li Xiuxia.

The class teacher is very kind to her, always praises her for her musical talent and natural sense of pitch, and encourages her in various ways.

Those words of encouragement have served me well to this day.

The amount of information is a bit large, but the point is!

"You already know me."

Xiao Xuan squinted her eyes and continued to plan rice calmly:

"That's not true. I only found out later, and not long after I found out, I went to work and have no chance to see you again."

Xu Zaisi sighed, maybe, this is fate?

It seems that the fate is quite deep. After so many years, they have passed by each other constantly, and the fate has not been broken by the torrent of time.

It's nice to be as strong as steel.

"But, seeing the parents..."

The headache is how to see my parents.

With a heavy heart, Xu Zaisi decided:

"Go see my parents first, even if... don't care."

Xiao Xuan smiled and pondered for a moment, then nodded and continued to plan the rice.

She has already eaten a whole dish, and Xiao Xuan always applauds her cooking skills with a big appetite.


In a villa in Meilin Lake, Xu Dongliang got off work early, bought a lot of vegetables to take home, and then helped in the kitchen.

Xu Zaihui returned home exhausted, Xu Dongliang poked his head out and laughed:

"Zai Si said, Xiao Xuan will come over to eat later, wash your hands quickly, and come to help."

Upon hearing this, Xu Zaihui was stunned for a moment, and soon, she realized something.

She hurriedly put on her shoes again, turned around and ran away.

Xu Dongliang looked puzzled and dissatisfied:

"I want you to do me a favor, look at you, you can run faster than a rabbit."

After cursing twice, Xu Dongliang continued to work in a good mood.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Xuan drove Xu Zaisi to Meilin Lake.

Xu Dongliang is very ceremonial, not only specially set up a table of delicious dishes, but also hung up banners and decorative balloons at home——

[Congratulations to the original singer Xu Zaisi for becoming popular! 】

Xu Zaisi was about to die of embarrassment from the old-fashioned atmosphere, Xiao Xuan laughed like he was in a good mood.

"Come and drink two cups! Xiao Xuan, thanks to you leading the way, thinking about it makes me what I am today!"

"Headmaster toasts you!"

Xu Dongliang smothered the red wine while talking.

"You misunderstood, it's the result of her own hard work." Xiao Xuan said honestly, but seemed to be modest.

"Oh, don't be polite to the principal, I know, I know."

Xu Zaisi watched them chat silently, struggling between timidity and courage.

Today is the weekend, and my brother and sister didn't come.

Fortunately, Xiao Xuan is very good at dealing with people, always talking and laughing, and the atmosphere is very relaxed.

If only I were here...

While struggling, there was a "click" sound from the door.

Xu Zaisi turned around and saw his sister Xu Zaihui back.

Just as she was about to say hello, another person appeared behind her?

Isn't this... Wen Zizhen?

Xu Zaihui looked at Xu Zaisi for a while. Xu Dongliang had a smile on her face and before she could speak, she said:

"Dad, Mom, don't urge marriage in the future, I've been with her for almost ten years."

After leaving the words, Xu Zaihui pulled the timid Wen Zizhen, turned around and left.

Xu Zaisi's whole body was shattered by thunder.

"Ahem!" Xiao Xuan was choked suddenly and kept coughing.

Xu Dongliang seemed to be frozen, motionless, unable to react to what he heard just now.

He was cut off, not by his brother, but by his sister?

My God, my heart.

"What did she just say?" My mother said belatedly, wanting to make sure that her ears were not damaged.

Xiao Xuan and Xu Zaisi looked at each other, communicating with their eyes.

【what happened? 】

[I also just found out. 】


Xiao Xuan calmly sipped the red wine in the glass, the dead silence at the dinner table made Xu Zaisi feel uncomfortable.

After pondering for a while, just as Xiao Xuan was about to speak, there was another sound of opening the door.

When Xu Zaiming came back, it felt like his sister told him to come back.

The thin, tall, fair-faced Chen Zhihe stood behind him.

"Dad, Mom, I won't get married unless with him."

After speaking, the two turned around and left.

Xu Zaisi tightly closed his eyes, his heart was about to burst.

The reflex arc of the second elder seemed to be dead, and he remained motionless and silent for a long time.

Xu Zaisi pondered, let's go first, and meet the parents next time.

She stood up and pulled Xiao Xuan to say goodbye, but Xiao Xuan stood still and held her.

"Principal, I have been with Zaisi for a year, and I like her very much."


Xu Zaisi couldn't bear to turn his head away, he didn't dare to look at his parents.

At this moment, what she loves most is not her brother or sister, but her parents.

She wanted to run away, but Xiao Xuan still held her firmly, as if she would not run away without waiting for a response.

Xu Dongliang raised his head blankly, glanced at Xiao Xuan, then at Xu Zaisi.

Xu Zaisi turned his head away, not daring to look at his father at all.

"You guys, let's go first, your mother and I need to calm down."

Xu Dongliang's voice was inexplicably old, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.


Xu Zaisi didn't know how he got out of the house, he only knew that Xiao Xuan was holding hands.

Not long after the car drove, she saw her brother and sister, squatting on the side of the road, and Xiao Xuan stopped the car slowly.

When I got closer, I saw that my brother and sister were squatting on the side of the road crying, and the other two were silently accompanying me.

We all know that doing so will hurt the hearts of parents.

But they have been suppressed for more than ten years, and they are also very hurt.

Xu Zaiming turned his head, his eyes were red, and he smiled wryly at Xu Zaisi:

"Think again, in school, I arranged for the vice-principal to work for me. I'm about to resign. Do you still want the band?"

"I dare not go home now."

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