When it comes to the regular customers of Xiyuan Club, Xiao Yun's great-aunt is the first one.

The old man has lived in this neighborhood for many years, and he has been a neighbor of Xiyuan Society since he was a child.The old man saw that the ticket price of Xiyuan Club has risen from a few cents to one or two hundred today, but as long as there is nothing important, he will come to listen to it once a week. The actor's comments are true cross talk enthusiasts.

Xiao Yun didn't like to listen to these old things, but one day he fell into Gu Heliang's trap because of his appearance, and since then he has been out of control, not only always accompanied his aunt to listen to cross talk, but also joined Gu Heliang's fan club The head group is responsible for financial matters.

As a member of the support club, she knew that Gu Heliang would come to hang the pestle yesterday.But she didn't have time yesterday, she regretted it for a long time, and today she insisted on bringing her aunt to listen to the cross talk, to make up for herself.

There are really all kinds of people listening to cross talk now.When she sat down, she also saw a young man with two clusters of pink hair dyed. He was dressed fashionably and had a delicate appearance. His small eyebrows were drawn even more beautifully than hers.

Today's opening is still Meng Chunyang and his partner, Xiao Yun likes this pair very much.Because the two actors are young, they worked very hard and interacted with the audience dexterously. They performed "Three Festivals Worshiping Flowers Alley" and won applause from the audience.

At the end of their show, Meng Chunyang also meaningfully teased and said that there will be a mysterious guest tonight, but Xiao Yun just took it as a burden and didn't pay much attention.

It wasn't until the announcer announced "The next show, <Xingxing Travel>, performers, Zhou Heyun, Gu Heliang!" before the host came on stage, that Xiao Yun realized who the mysterious guest was, and his eyes widened in shock.Seeing Gu Heliang alive, she screamed with excitement in the chat.The news spread immediately, but the evening show was coming to an end, and the others could only stare blankly.

The uproar in the auditorium made Li Yu a little confused.He didn't read the program list in advance, and he was wondering why Boss Gu's fans didn't come today, but looking at it this way, it turned out that everyone didn't know that Gu Heliang would be playing today.

Does Gu Heliang reveal the internal secrets to himself?Li Yu thought to himself, it's a good thing he didn't show off in advance, otherwise Gu Heliang would be surrounded by a group of fans again.

The first step in holding a horn is to learn to hold it secretly.

Gu Heliang saw Li Yu sitting there behind the scenes, and he seemed to lack interest in seeing him.Even Gu Heliang was amused by the burdens in front of the scene, but Li Yu's reaction was just to purse the corners of his lips slightly.

Gu Heliang squeezed the cuffs of his lab coat, and said to Zhou Heyun, "Why don't we change jobs."

Seeing that they were going to play soon, Zhou Heyun couldn't laugh or cry, "Boss Gu, what is your song?"

"I'm worried this isn't funny, Lu Qi."

Zhou Heyun said to the point, "You are not worried that the work is not funny, but you are worried that someone under the stage will not find it funny?"

Gu Heliang said in a low voice: "This is the first time I have talked about cross talk in front of him."

"That scene yesterday?"

"That doesn't count, this time he came here specifically for me, so..."

"So no matter what, you have to make people laugh, don't you? Boss Gu, you can rest assured. How is the response of this job? Don't you and I know? Come on, it's our time."

Zhou Heyun patted him lightly with a smile, and the two went on stage smoothly.

When Li Yu saw Gu Heliang playing, he immediately sat up straight and took out a small notebook to take notes.

The second step of holding the role is to help the role record the performance status at any time.

"Xingxing Travel" is the last part of the "Xingxing" tetralogy written by Gu Heliang.

It is easy to tell jokes, but difficult to write jokes, let alone write cross talk jokes that make everyone listen to it and still have endless charm when recalled after the music is over.For a cross talk actor like Gu Heliang who leans against a big tree to enjoy the shade, just talking about Gu Baoshen's cross talk is enough for a lifetime.

However, the advent of the "Xingxing" tetralogy made Gu Heliang completely come out from the shadow of Gu Baoshen, which is enough to show his skills.

The previous "Xingxing Shopping", "Xingxing Eating Out" and "Xingxing Housing" respectively talked about the style of clothing, food and housing of contemporary people through artistic processing, and received unanimous praise.This "New Travel" refers to the current way of travel. It mainly tells a funny story about a middle-aged man who has never traveled far and brags about his travels.

After going back and forth for a while, we got to the point.At this time, Li Yu had long forgotten that he had to take notes, and leaned on his chin to listen with gusto.Why does it feel more interesting than funny when something comes out of Gu Heliang's mouth?

At this moment on the stage, Zhou Heyun was boasting that he had been on a plane before, and he was gesticulating the wings of the plane, "Airplane! You must have never been on a plane before, those big wings just flapped twice, and they took off!"

Gu Heliang shook his head and said, "I've never sat on it before. I usually see a group of chattering flying from the window, crashing, hey, they all fell on the tree."

"What the hell is chattering?"

"Aren't you a sparrow?"

"Didn't it fly like this? Then hey~~~" Zhou Heyun stretched out his arms, dragged his voice, bent over and made a big roundabout.

Gu Heliang quickly took half a step back behind him, and suddenly yelled, "Boom!"

"Oh my god!" Zhou Heyun was taken aback, "What are you doing!"

Gu Heliang spread his hands solemnly, "Don't jump up, you monkey, can't you blow it up?"

In the midst of laughter, Li Yu was so shaken that he burst into tears from the burden of the monkey.

Gu Heliang on the stage had been paying attention to Li Yu's reaction, seeing him smiling happily, he was slightly relieved.Moreover, when Li Yu smiled, there were actually two shallow dimples, which he had never noticed before.

A little too sweet.

Towards the end, Zhou Heyun has already talked about the plot of the plane crashing, losing control above Beijing and crashing.

Zhou Heyun spoke quickly, sounding terrified, "The plane was upside down, emitting black smoke, and it just went towards the tall buildings! It was full of people and cars below, you said, it would be a hit if you hit it!" What a loss!"

"That's not it, why didn't anyone come to clear it up?"

"Don't tell me, there is a person! With her own strength, we didn't hit each other, and we were saved!"

"Who is so capable?"

"Auntie of the neighborhood committee, just open your mouth," Zhou Heyun squeezed his throat and said, "Please show the results of the nucleic acid test report within seven days, otherwise the plane will not crash in Beijing! So the plane turned around and ran away!"

Gu Heliang smiled and said, "Fuck you!"

As soon as the exclusive ending words of this fan were spoken, Zhou Heyun threw the folding fan on the table, and the two bowed to thank them, expressing that the work was over.After that, Zhou Heyun and Gu Heliang returned twice to the applause of the audience.

After listening to Gu Heliang's program, Xiao Yun laughed until his stomach ached.She has also followed Gu Heliang's several special performances, and she has made up countless video materials, and she is very familiar with his fan-favorite style.But today she vaguely felt that Gu Heliang's condition seemed to be particularly good, with a few burdens that could be called classic level.It's just that his eyes are always wandering to the left of the auditorium. Could it be that there are seniors here to observe?

But Xiao Yun looked at it, and the only thing worth noting was that the young man with the ear dye left his seat, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't match up with his seniors.

After the whole scene was over, Gu Heliang didn't even take off his coat, he lifted the curtain and saw the back of Li Yu getting up and leaving, he lifted his foot and was about to go out.

"Senior Brother He Liang, there are so many people at this time, don't go out." Meng Chunyang reminded.

"It's okay, I'll go and listen to the opinions of the audience."

Since there were few fans and not many people, everyone let him go.

But although there are not many people, there are quite a few people who make comments and jokes.As soon as Gu Heliang stepped out of the backstage, he was greeted by an elderly man and a young girl.

"Boss Gu, this is my great-aunt. He wants to discuss today's work with you." Xiao Yun briefly introduced.

"Uncle Xiao, are you in good health recently?" Gu Heliang greeted the old man accurately, "I haven't seen you for some time."

"I didn't expect Boss Gu to become a character, and he still remembers my old bones!" Old man Xiao patted the back of his hand, "That job was done well, but I personally think that there is a small problem with the old man. "

Gu Heliang raised his eyes and glanced, seeing that Li Yu had already stepped out of the threshold of Xiyuan Society, his heart sank.He withdrew his gaze, bent slightly, and looked at the old man Xiao, "Please criticize."

This chat lasted for another twenty or ten minutes, and it wasn't until the theater was almost cleaned that Gu Heliang sent the regular customer away.

Although the regular customer did have insight and a few words were quite enlightening, it's just... Gu Heliang now wants to hear affirmation from Li Yu even more, even if he only looks at him with those eyes and smiles.

At this moment, the junior who was cleaning the theater came over and handed him a palm-sized blessing bag, "Senior Brother He Liang, just now a young man with two pinches of pink hair asked me to bring this to the senior."

Gu Heliang took the light lucky bag, reached out his hand to feel inside, and took out a note.

"By the way, the young man also said that he has no money to play the role now, so he owes it first, and when he is prosperous, ask the senior brother to exchange the note with him." The junior brother scratched his head, "That's really crazy, why not It's about installments."

Gu Heliang unfolded the note and saw that it said "Patek Philippe piece", and left a signature of "Li Yu" on the back.

The younger brother also glanced over his head, "He doesn't seem to know, we only accept poetry collections, drama books, plaques or banners as a rule. Well, but it's true, the oral check is a bit bigger, after all, there is no telling when it will be exchanged." Woolen cloth."

Gu Heliang put the note back into the lucky bag, put it close to his body, and half-jokingly said: "If you can't exchange it, let him sell himself to pay it back."

The younger brother pretended to be frightened, "Is our business so wide now?"

Now that I have received a gift, I must write back a letter.As soon as Gu Heliang returned to the backstage, he picked up his phone and sent Li Yu a WeChat message.

[I received the note, Teacher Li paid for it. 】

Gu Heliang considered it for a moment, and added another sentence: [Last time, Teacher Li said that he invited me to dinner, but he didn't honor it. 】

Ten minutes passed, and the other party still didn't reply to the message. Even if the words were inappropriate, it was too late to withdraw them.

"Senior Brother He Liang, let's go eat late at night!" Meng Chunyang had already changed his clothes, and the playful kid was pulling people around to form a game.


Gu Heliang took off his coat with one hand, and exited the dialog box that had not received a reply for a long time.

The author has something to say:

Encore: Refers to the fact that after an actor leaves the stage, he performs again at the request of the audience because of his good performance in the official program.


Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Jiang Cheng, SH1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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