The news of the death of Gu Baoshen, the "master of cross talk" of a generation, quickly spread across the country through social media.

It can be said that the four generations of 90s all grew up listening to his cross talk.That familiar voice and iconic laughter once appeared in every household's radio, color TV, MP3 and radio.

Has anyone ever laughed around a small radio in the era of barren entertainment? Who has seen this little old man who is not very tall appear on TV in the heat of the family reunion cooking dumplings? Who has been unable to sleep in a foreign land? Listen to a familiar cross talk at night to accompany you to sleep.

Gu Baoshen doesn't have any other talents, but he has devoted all his enthusiasm and effort to the cross talk industry in his life.

In this era of advanced audio-visual images, high-tech can retain anyone's smiles, but they can only be preserved as a permanent memory.

For a moment, people all over the Internet were looking at Gu Baoshen's cross talk out of nostalgia.As long as you turn on your phone, all the hot spots in the media must have the words "Gu Baoshen".

On the basis of these news, it is the Gu family's old house surrounded by the media, and Gu Heliang who stood up to deal with the media on behalf of Xi Yuanshe.

"Mr. Gu, regarding Mr. Gu Baoshen's death, what impact do you think will have on the future development of cross talk?"

"Mr. Gu, how is the current situation of the Xiyuan Club? Will there be any changes in the composition of the students in the future?"

"Mr. Gu, may I ask..."

Questions from the media came in endlessly and variedly, some were gentle and subtle, some were tit-for-tat, and some even Gu Heliang couldn't understand what they wanted to ask.

If it wasn't too strange to hold a press conference, Gu Heliang really thought about holding a Q&A meeting.

In addition to dealing with these people outside, he also had to face relatives at home who came to express their condolences.

The four apprentices of Mr. Gu, that is, the four uncles of Gu Heliang, all returned to the old house of the Gu family.

Fortunately, the Gu family's old house had a lot of vacant rooms, and during this period, all the performances of Xi Yuan Club were suspended, and most of the actors went home on vacation, so if they are willing to live in the old house, these people can live there.

Leaving aside the small conflicts, there is no major friction between the old man's apprentices, and they are familiar with the affairs of the Gu family, so they can help Gu Heliang with the old man's funeral, so that Gu Heliang's pressure will not be so great.

What troubled Gu Heliang the most was that the three sons under his grandfather's knees also rushed back from all over the world.

Gu Heliang's father is the third child of the Gu family, and his mother is an intellectual.They had a child after they graduated with a master's degree, and they stayed with Mr. Gu to raise them. The two went to Oxford to study for a doctorate, and then settled abroad, rarely coming back.

The second child of the Gu family relied on Gu Baoshen's connections to enter the entertainment circle early on and became an actor.Although the acting skills are not up to the level of the actor, it is also known as a box office guarantee.But there were scandals all over the place, one after another, even if Gu Baoshen pointed his nose at him and scolded him, he didn't hold back at all.

Even though Gu Ming is an excellent surgeon, his father, as the boss, once became rich when he was young, fell into a slump after investment failures in middle age, drank and fought, and was sent to the detention center many times. It was Mr. Gu who was released on bail. became the laughing stock of the Gu family.

To what extent can these three brothers who have taken very different paths be at odds?Even if he comes back to see his own father during the Chinese New Year, he has to come at a different time, and he will never meet if he can.

But this time, it's impossible to come at the wrong time. After all, we have to sit together and listen to the lawyer read Mr. Gu's will.When Mr. Gu was old, he had already thought about these funeral matters.

However, at this time, the three of them have to show the appearance of brothers and sisters to the public.

Gu Baoshen's will was very simple. All the belongings of Gu's old house and Xiyuan Society were left to Gu Heliang, and the remaining deposits were divided into eight shares. Including the deceased apprentices, they were divided equally among all apprentices and children.

There is nothing to argue about, even if someone complains in the mainland, it will not help. After all, only Gu Heliang has truly inherited the mantle of the old man.

Mr. Gu also said in his will that everything should be frugal. His body cannot be donated at such an old age. After it is burned, it will be brought back to his hometown of Jiaxing, and it can be sprinkled in the weeds in any field or mountain.

In order to get everything in order, Gu Heliang hardly closed his eyes, and lost ten catties in the past half month.

This day was really unbearable, Gu Heliang entrusted all the distribution of the family property to the lawyer and Gu Ming, and went back to the bedroom to catch up on sleep.

Li Yu was by Gu Heliang's side, massaged his head with some distress, so that he could fall asleep more at ease.Although he is Gu Heliang's boyfriend, he can only help out with some chores as a friend in public, and he has no status to show up for many things.

"I thought that after Grandpa left, these things would need to be resolved one by one, but it was more complicated than I expected."

Gu Heliang closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around Li Yu's waist, and sighed tiredly.

"After all, you are the mainstay here." Li Yu's technique is skillful and gentle, which he often performs for his grandma to relieve migraines.

"Don't think about anything else, take a good rest."

"Hmm..." Gu Heliang was so sleepy that he didn't have the energy to talk any more, and soon fell asleep.

Just when Gu Heliang was fully asleep, Li Yu quietly left his embrace, got out of bed, left the bedroom and closed the door, and said to the person who had been waiting for him outside the door for a long time, "He is asleep, let's go."

"Boss Gu has really worked hard these days."

"Yeah, I'm face-blind with so many people, but he can call everyone accurately." Li Yu touched his ears, "It's so scary. Boss Zhou, do all of you comedians have such a good memory?"

It was Zhou Heyun who came.

Zhou Heyun smiled, "No, only Boss Gu is a monster."

Li Yu and Zhou Heyun went to the small garden and sat down together.

"Why did you ask me out?" Li Yu asked.

Half an hour ago, Zhou Heyun suddenly sent him a WeChat message, saying that he wanted to talk to him about something, and also mentioned not to tell Gu Heliang, which made Li Yu suspicious.

"It's like this." Zhou Heyun looked at the koi fish wagging their tails in the pool, with a lonely smile that often hung on the corner of his mouth, "I'm planning to go back to my hometown."

"Huh?" Li Yu didn't understand for a moment.

"I haven't talked to you about my affairs yet, have I?" Zhou Heyun said, "My original name is Zhou Tang, but Zhou Heyun is just a stage name. Because it happens to be from the word 'He', Mr. Gu thinks that 'Tang' means upright and bright, They gave me the name 'Zhou Heyun'."

This Li Yu has heard of it. The old man gave these students stage names based on their seniority in the family tree, and the combination is "Congratulations on the New Year" - Li Yu once thought that this was just a random word that the old man found.

"I'm from Chengdu. I didn't study after graduating from high school. In the early years, I worked as an emotional mediator for seven or eight years. Later, someone said that my speech was very interesting and suitable for cross talk. At that time, Xiyuan Club was still recruiting students, so I rushed to Beijing. The city is coming."

Zhou Heyun continued with some emotion, "At that time, I was almost 30 years old. I was married a long time ago and had old people and children. I left my family and business here, and I didn't care about anything. Thinking about it now, if it wasn't for Mr. Gu who always guided me to encourage me Me, and Boss Gu has always been my partner to support me, and I may return to my hometown in a few years."

Li Yu listened quietly to Zhou Heyun's foreshadowing.

"My wife has always been at home to take care of the elderly and children. I earn money here and send it to them. When I was studying art here, I needed family subsidies to live in front of me. Now I have more money and have saved a sum of money. .”

"Long-term separation between the two places is not a solution after all, especially this time the old man left suddenly..." Zhou Heyun's voice was suppressed from crying, and he was choked up for a while and couldn't continue.

Li Yu sighed inaudibly, and handed Zhou Heyun a tissue.

"Thank you." Zhou Heyun took the tissue, calmed down for a while, and said, "My parents are also at the same age. So I think I should spend a few more years with my parents while they are still around."

Li Yu was taken aback, "But..."

"Yes, I know. So I didn't think about it. Maybe I shouldn't leave. After all, He Liang is the only one in Xiyuan Club now, and after going through a change of partner, this is for Xi Yuanshe or him..."

"Mr. Gu has always taught us to learn to make choices, but when it comes to our own head, no one can figure it out."

Zhou Heyun raised his head and looked at the square blue sky above the courtyard.

There was a little sparrow flying by chirping, happy and relaxed, completely ignorant of the joys and sorrows of human beings.

"So you told me not to tell He Liang? Because if he knew you had this idea, he would definitely agree to let you go."

"Yes, Teacher Li." Zhou Heyun said with a smile, "You and Boss Gu have only known each other for half a year, and you already know him as well as I have known him as my partner for several years."

"I also heard that you and Gu Heliang were invited by the Spring Festival Gala, and you might have been on that stage. Why did you bring it up now? After attending the Spring Festival Gala, your reputation will skyrocket."

"Mr. Li, since you asked such a question, you should know the answer to the question."

Zhou Heyun always seems to be able to see into other people's minds.

Li Yu did guess the reason.If Zhou Heyun mentioned leaving after the Spring Festival Gala, it would not be as simple as it is now.It is very likely to be labeled as various fame and fortune disputes.

"I came to you because I know that you will consider Boss Gu. We are standing on an equal footing."

Li Yu was silent for a while, then looked up at Zhou Heyun, "Why do you have to make a choice?"

"Huh?" Zhou Heyun was stopped by the question, and he replied hesitantly, "Because I can't have both..."

"You can have both." Li Yu clenched his fist and said, "There are always more ways than problems. Let me help you find a way."

The koi in the pond vomited a perfect bubble, reflecting rainbow-like splendor under the sunlight.

The author has something to say:

I won't abuse it anymore, I'll post four (hands up



Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Jun 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 459263452;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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