Summer in Beijing is coming very quickly. It seems that the early cherry blossoms in Yuyuantan are in full bloom one second, and the next second dragonflies have begun to fly on the lotus flowers in the Summer Palace.

The sticky sultry heat suddenly swept over, followed by intensive rainstorm warnings.

The biggest disadvantage of courtyard houses is that it is difficult to deal with accumulated water during heavy rains.Even though Mr. Gu had repaired the drainage system many times when he moved in earlier, there were still puddles in the low places in the yard.

Therefore, everyone in Xiyuanshe has a pair of simple rain boots.When you have to go out, you still have to wear the old equipment to avoid the damage to your shoes.

The past two days have been another torrential rain, and the sky has finally cleared up, which can evaporate the stagnant water in the old house.

The water vapor is abundant and the sun is shining. This is the time when the moss grows wildly. The brick road is always slippery, and it is easy to slip if you don't pay attention.It's fine for young people, but it's inconvenient for older people to travel.

That's why Gu Heliang always insisted repeatedly to Mr. Gu that before they cleaned up the moss, try not to go out of the house. Someone will deliver it during mealtimes, and someone will pick up any books you want to read. An Sheng just stay for half a day.

However, even with all precautions, something happened.

At that time, Gu Heliang was on a business trip for a meeting.The seminar was neither big nor small, and it only took three days to discuss an association plan.

However, during the meeting process of the past few days, Gu Heliang always felt restless and unable to concentrate on participating in the discussion.Just in case, he would send a message to Li Yu from time to time, and the other party replied quickly, as if nothing happened.

On the day when the meeting was about to end, Li Yu made a phone call.

"He Liang, you, hurry up and come back." Li Yu's voice was choked with sobs, and the background was very noisy, as if he was in a hospital.

Gu Heliang left in the middle of the meeting, walked outside the meeting room, his throat tightened, "What's wrong?"

"Grandpa Gu is currently in the hospital, and his condition is very bad. My cousin said..."

"Cousin." Gu Ming took the phone, with a tired and heavy tone, "The old man fell at home, broke his hip, and his internal organs are bleeding, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Gu Heliang only felt a "buzz" in the depths of his head, and the blood all over his body went up uncontrollably. The originally straight corridor in his sight was spinning, and he barely stood still by supporting the wall.

Suppressing the dryness in his throat, he said to Gu Ming, "I'll go back right away."

After saying hello and leaving the venue early, Gu Heliang bought a high-speed rail ticket, rushed back to Beijing, and went straight to the hospital.

During the return journey of more than an hour, Gu Heliang had gradually calmed down and prepared for the worst.

The bone calcium loss of the elderly is serious, so the bones are very brittle. Once they fall, the unseen complications are easy to fall out.Fracture is considered a mild disease, and if it is afraid of hurting the inside, and the hematopoietic function is poor, it often enters the gate of hell.

So the old man's fall like this is probably more ominous than good.

As the old saying goes, people have birth, old age, sickness and death.Mr. Gu can eat and sleep on weekdays, he can give lectures and open his voice. A while ago, he was able to shake his grandson with a rattan cane. Everyone gradually forgot that he is now eighty-eight years old.

For this age, someone will come to your door with a book of life and death one day if you don't have it all. One more day of life is a blessing.

Although Gu Heliang had already taken over all the work of Gu's class, he had done well in the past few years, and the reputation of the boss of the young class was also well established.But even so, if Mr. Gu is really gone, Gu Heliang will still be terrified.

As long as Gu Baoshen sits in the Gu family's old house, he will have the confidence to do things by himself. No matter how innovative he is, no matter how weird he thinks, someone will give him the information.

Xiaomu never cared about it when he was blessed by the rain and dew of the ancient tree. One day when it collapsed, he realized that the sun was so scorching.

Gu Heliang leaned on the back of the chair, looking out the window at the rapidly receding trees and houses, his eye sockets became more and more sore.

After leaving Beijing South Railway Station, he took a taxi to the Beijing Hospital. According to what Li Yu said, he quickly arrived outside the intensive care unit.

Most of the members of Xi Yuan Club who had a deep relationship with the old man were waiting at the door, with different postures and expressions.The only thing in common is that when they saw Gu Heliang arriving, they almost all showed the same hopeful eyes

——The young leader is here, the young leader is so powerful, he will definitely be able to take Mr. Gu out of the hospital in good health.

But Gu Heliang knew that he had no choice but to put on airs to appease these people.

"You don't want so many people staying here. Gu Ming will do the first aid. I will save the money and run away." Gu Heliang tried to make his voice sound calmer, "The old man is getting old and not in good health. Well, it's normal. You don't want to stay here at a young age, go back to the show that should be performed tomorrow."

After listening to what he said, everyone looked at each other without moving.

Gu Heliang glanced around and called out, "Boss Zhou."

Zhou Heyun walked up to him in response, "Hey, here it is."

"Where's Li Yu?"

"Ms. Li seems to have gone to the bathroom."

Gu Heliang nodded and said, "Take everyone else back. What are so many people doing here in the hospital? Those who didn't know thought we were going to fight with the doctors inside."

Zhou Heyun patted Gu Heliang's shoulder helplessly.He knew that Gu Heliang must be the one who felt the most uncomfortable in his heart, but now he was still happily turning over a burden, which really made him dumbfounded.

"Okay, then let's go back first. If there is something to do, you must inform me in time. After a few hours, I will come and change shifts with you, and you can go back to rest."

Gu Heliang silently shook Zhou Heyun's arm to express his gratitude for his understanding.

Under Zhou Heyun's urging, a large group of people left, leaving Gu Heliang to sit alone on the green plastic chair next to the intensive care unit.

As soon as the human breath dissipated, the smell of hospital disinfectant filled the air, wrapping Gu Heliang in place.He buried his head deeply in his arms.Boss Gu, who presides over the overall situation in front of everyone, is just a young man who can hardly face the death of his relatives.

In the silence, the rustling sound of the corners of clothes rubbing against him gradually stopped around him.

A pair of warm arms wrapped around Gu Heliang's back.

"He Liang."

Gu Heliang didn't look up, but his hand moved slightly.He could feel Li Yu resting his head on his body.

"I will always be with you."

Although the voice was very soft and low, it was very close to the heart, as if the voice did not pass through his ears, but went straight to his heart.

The voice was like a ray of light seeping through the mist, allowing him to see a guiding direction even from the overgrown grass.

Gu Heliang finally sat up and looked at Li Yu.

Both of them wore blue medical surgical masks, with only a pair of eyes exposed.But through the eyes, they can read each other's state of mind.

"My cousin said that Grandpa Gu has a strong desire to survive, and all the organs of his body are actively cooperating with the treatment. This is a very positive state." Li Yu took Gu Heliang's hand, "So you don't have to worry too much. "

Gu Heliang stroked the back of Li Yu's hand, without forcing his voice, "What else did he say?"

Li Yu chuckled, "He also said that the old man will raise his bones after he gets well, and let me, the granddaughter-in-law, take care of it."

"He will arrange errands for people." Gu Heliang said, "He is not afraid that the old man will not be healthy, so he will learn how to spin around with one hand from you."

"Huh? Grandpa Gu also learns this?"

Gu Heliang smiled and said: "The old man is used to learning from others, and he is itching to see if he doesn't learn."

"Then I have to stay far away, so as not to fight for the championship with me in the end." Li Yu suddenly thought of something, and said, "You are in a hurry and haven't eaten yet, have you? My cousin gave me his employee card, you go Have a meal?"

Gu Heliang shook his head, "I'm not very hungry, just wait a while. And I just want to sit here with you for a while now. When it's visiting time, I'll go in and have a look."

Li Yu pursed his lips, stopped talking, and just sat quietly side by side with Gu Heliang.

Gu Heliang didn't sleep much in the past two days, and now that he relaxes beside Li Yu, he feels sleepy.He originally lowered his head and closed his eyes to rest, but Li Yu asked him to put him on his shoulders, so he did so without any resistance.

It was sunset time.The setting sun slanted, casting a warm glow from the cold window of the hospital, dragging the shadow of the two snuggling together for a long time.

There are people coming and going in the hospital, and the sound is noisy, but in this corner, time seems to be frozen at this moment.

If it is really fixed at this moment, it will be fine.

"Doctor, the old man in the intensive care unit is in shock!"

"Quick, get ready to tremble!"

"Are the patient's family members here? Please sign the critical illness notice here. We will try our best to rescue him, but please prepare for the worst."

The sun is gradually setting, and even the last touch of the setting sun is swallowed by the dark night.


No matter how advanced the equipment and technology, no matter how experienced the medical team is, no matter how timely the treatment is, it will be difficult to snatch people back from the hands of death.

Sometimes, the cycle of life in the world is so ruthless.

A hospital bed covered with a white cloth was eventually pushed out of the intensive care unit.

Coming out from behind the bed was Gu Ming in a white coat.

He took off his gold-rimmed eyes, took off his white gloves, rubbed his red eyes, and walked to Gu Heliang.

"I'm sorry, cousin, I, I still can't..."

"Needless to say." Gu Heliang stood quietly in front of the hospital bed, "There is no way."

There is a saying in Buddhism that people suffer from the eight sufferings: birth, old age, sickness, and death, meeting with hatred and hatred, parting from love, flaming five skandhas, and not being able to get what they want.The suffering of death is the most painful link. After this link, just like Gu Baoshen is now, with a white cloth covered, success and fame will be achieved, and all sufferings will end together.

Gu Heliang bent down slightly, and lifted a corner of the white cloth.

Mr. Gu's eyebrows are very good-looking. When he was young, some people thought that he should become a singer.Now that I am old, when I am not angry, I am happy and kind-hearted. The children in the alley like to play with this grandpa.

He was lying here quietly and kindly, as if he was asleep.

Sleep for a long time, sleep until you never wake up again.

The author has something to say:

I'm clearly a sweet writer?



Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of NakaharaChuya;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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