Ideal place

Chapter 27

Holding a cup of hot water, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office area on the fifteenth floor of Dingfeng Building, Wen Ran overlooked the endlessly flowing Financial Street Boulevard below her feet, her expression froze, and her cold palms could not warm her.

Regarding Tong Zhiyou's request that night, Wen Ran failed to give him an accurate answer.Later, Tong Zhiyou was forced to lose his mind by his silence, and ran amok on him like crazy, but he still couldn't pry Wen Ran's mouth open and get the answer he wanted.

Biting Wen Ran's Adam's apple, scratching his waist was bruised, Tong Zhiyou asked in a trembling voice: "Xiao Ran, why do you insist on being so cruel to me."

Dark clouds piled up in the sky, and the sunlight was blocked above the clouds. Wen Ran didn't intend to make Tong Zhiyou angry, but that he didn't dare to make any promises.

Along the way, the people he met, the things he experienced, and many tragedies were caused by Wen Ran himself. He found that he was always making wrong choices, and those who were hurt by him, and their resentment, were all retribution on himself.

Boring days, life without expectations, eyes often out of focus, body heavy and weak, Wen Ran returned to the office without interest, clicked on the document, and continued to write the new advertising plan. Print out a complete line of text.

It was like a stone was pressing on his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe. Wen Ran felt that he might be broken, and he couldn't even complete the most basic daily work smoothly.

His back pressed against the chair, and he lay on his back in the seat. His colleagues had gone to lunch, and he had no appetite, and even felt nauseous for no reason.How to adjust the state, who can relieve the pain for him, Wen Ran slightly closed his eyes, he felt as if he was floating in the boundless deep sea at this moment, and there was no driftwood around him, he was about to sink to the bottom of the sea.

The sense of suffocation invaded Wen Ran layer by layer. Suddenly, he had a very bad idea - he wanted to cut off the source of all tragedies in an extreme way, so that Pei Nanqiu could be completely relieved, and give Tong Zhiyou freedom again.

After all, human beings are cowardly. They know the solution to pain, but they lack the courage to execute it.Xiao Xue is right, he is really not worthy of sympathy, he can make everyone happy, but he is still desperately trying to survive, Wen Ran doesn't understand what he is expecting.

Hanging down his arms to let go of his brain, at this moment, the landline rang, and Wen Ran picked it up slowly, murmuring the word "Hello" from between his teeth. It was the receptionist on the first floor, with a clean and sweet female voice saying: "Assistant Wen, what's the matter?" Mr. Wei is looking for you, please go downstairs."

Tong Zhiyou's name came to mind almost immediately, and Wen Ran suddenly became irritable.After hanging up the phone, he realized that he began to loathe the existence of this person.

Including Pei Nanqiu.When stepping into the elevator, Wen Ran was the only person left in the enclosed space, and the closed elevator door cut off his contact with the outside world.Pei Nanqiu was like a vampire, eating his flesh and blood endlessly. Wen Ran suddenly wanted to strip him from his own life, and didn't want to face someone he didn't love anymore.

When the elevator arrived at the first floor, real human voices came to my ears, and the negative emotions disappeared like an ebb. Wen Ran realized in horror that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to control his thoughts.There was no trace of blood on the pale face, Wen Ran tried her best to adjust her state, and walked slowly towards the front desk.

When they arrived, Tong Zhiyou was nowhere to be seen. Wen Ran looked around, and asked the receptionist softly, "Hi, I'm Wen Ran, where is the person looking for me?"

The receptionist sent a message: "The gentleman said that he is waiting for you in the flower bed outside."

There are people coming and going in front of Dingfeng Building. There is a circular flower bed on the right side of the parking lot. In the early winter season, only a few bouquets of jasmine are struggling to bloom, and the withered petals are showing signs of withering.

Wen Ran walked towards the flower bed. With a distance of ten meters, the surrounding scene gradually became unreal, and he stopped suddenly.The blood in his body was completely cold, and his heart was in unbearable pain in an instant. Wen Ran stared forward in disbelief while trembling and breathing, and his pale pupils gathered light little by little.

The clouds spread, burying all the light of the sky.Eye sockets turned red in an instant, and his chest heaved violently. The person he had been thinking about for six years...Wen Ran opened his mouth, and pronounced his name almost inaudibly——

"Jane Xize."

The author has something to say:

The next volume will open tomorrow night.

Thanks for reading.

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