Zhao Erxing is a dude. A villager thinks that he can't support the wall with mud, and he also thinks that he is a dude who can't support the wall with mud.It's just that Erliuzi also has a weakness, and his weakness is his mother Zhou Cai'e.Zhou Cai'e was married to Osmanthus Village at seventeen. In Zhao Erxing's memory, her mother was abused by her father since she was a child.He was beaten when the cooking was cold, he was beaten for snoring while sleeping, and he was beaten for being slow in sweeping the floor... Zhao Erxing's memory from birth to 16 years old is not good.

At the age of 16, he stole the family piglet and sold it.His father got the news, stripped him naked and tied him under the lemon tree.It was freezing cold at that time, and his body was getting colder and colder. Zhou Cai'e rushed out of the house in a hazy state of consciousness.

Zhou Cai'e wrestled with her father. She had been cowardly all her life, and that was the first time she resisted in her life.

The result of the resistance was punching and kicking, but even so, Zhou Cai'e was still in a stalemate with her father.At two o'clock in the morning, my father went back to the house cursing.At that time, the moonlight was bright and clear, and Zhao Erxing had only one idea: to let Zhou Cai'e live a good life.

The 16-year-old boy is full of confidence, but his character is lazy, and he has been muddled for 37 years.

Now that the domestic meat market is tight, he came into contact with the wild business by chance and earned [-] yuan in two months.He likes money, but with Long Xia's strict attack, he has been terrified for half a month.

The afternoon before yesterday, when he was making a delivery, Liu Xia asked, "The processing workshop won't be open next month. Are you sure you don't want to try some dead meat?"

Now the whole country is cracking down, and the upstream is preparing to finish the last batch of closing hands.Because it was the last batch, the price of dead meat rose from ten to twenty.

Zhao Erxing couldn't resist the temptation, and went to the mountain to pick up seventy catties. He kept comforting himself that he didn't eat the meat, and he didn't know how to eat it...

Zhao Erxing hid the dead meat and went home. At dinner time, Zhou Cai'e was making braised pork in the kitchen.

The braised pork was delicious and oily. He took a bite and asked, "Where did you buy it?"

"There are tricycles at the entrance of the village, and they are quite cheap." Now the pork on the market is 82 a catty, and the tricycle at the entrance of the village is 47 a catty. These meats are packed in advance, and a car is sold in one afternoon.

"The pork business is so good now, I almost can't get it..." What Zhou Cai'e said was homely, and the more Zhao Erxing heard it, the more something went wrong. He knew the pork market, and 47 was not enough to buy the price.

Zhao Erxing asked seriously: "What kind of tricycle?"

"It's just an ordinary little blue car. The owner is nice, with a bald head and a scar on his face."

Zhao Erxing vomited directly.He remembered that Dao Scar had a bald head, selling meat by himself last week, and Dao Scar was bargaining with Liu Xia... Rabbits don't eat grass by the side of the nest, they sold the meat to Osmanthus Village!

Zhao Erxing hurried to the kitchen.There is still half of the pork in the bag. The pork is bright red and looks fresh and regular.It's just that he picked up the dead meat all afternoon, and immediately recognized it as a wild dead pig.

Zhao Erxing walked out of the kitchen numbly, and Zhou Cai'e was eating braised pork in a bowl.

"Don't eat it!" Zhao Erxing threw the meat bowl to the yard.He looks disgusting now!

"What's wrong?" Zhou Cai'e was startled for a moment.

Zhao Erxing opened his mouth, feeling unable to explain.

How did he say?

These dead meats were picked up by your son from the Osmanthus Mountain, are they all the acid rain sick meat buried in the soil?

Zhao Erxing felt that he couldn't say the word 'meat' anymore.

When he opened his mouth, he always felt that all the dead meat in the mountains had entered his mouth, which was an unprecedented nausea.

"The price of things is rising now, don't waste it." Zhou Cai'e was very distressed.She wanted to pick up the braised pork and eat it, but Zhao Erxing kicked it away.Not only did he kick it away, but he threw the rest of the meat outside.

"How can it be wasted..." Zhou Cai'e was very hurt.

Zhao Erxing locked himself in the room.He doesn't consider himself a good person, nor does he bother to be a good person.But thinking about the braised pork just now, he thought for the first time whether he made it right.

Early the next morning, Zhao Erxing came to the kitchen. At this time, there was an extra bag at the bottom of the kitchen, and the bag contained braised pork that had been thrown out.

Zhao Erxing kicked open Zhou Cai'e's door: "What's wrong with you!"

"It's a pity to throw it away..." Zhou Cai'e was holding the soles of her shoes, trembling with fear.

Zhou Cai'e's eyes were full of ingratiating care, as the sun shone outside, he suddenly remembered the night when he was tied to a lemon tree.

Zhao Erxing smoked three cigarettes at the door, and finally came to Wang Dashun's house with the dead meat.

"It's not like fresh pork." Wang Dashun has raised pigs for 20 years, and he can tell the pork is wrong at a glance.Not only does this not taste like fresh pork, it also doesn't taste like frozen pork...

"It's wild dead meat."

Zhao Erxing told the story of picking up corpses and selling meat.

Wang Dashun directly took out his mobile phone: "I called the police." Zhao Erxing used to sneak around, but at least he didn't make any mistakes, but now, this is an absolute crime!

"I called." Zhao Erxing was very depressed.He had surrendered himself on the way here, and as a second-timer, he felt that he was great.

There is a certain distance from the township police station to the wild den. In order to cooperate with the police more completely, the two talked for a while and decided to go to the hut to observe the action.Immediately afterwards, there was the present scene...

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Erxing saw Wang Dashun hang up the phone and asked, "Where is the police?"

"Osmanthus River." The Osmanthus River is two kilometers away from here. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, the police acted in plainclothes.

While waiting patiently, there was a sound of an engine in the distance. It was a big red truck.The truck driver got out of the car, and the tattooed man came out of the house. The two had a brief chat. Then, three short-sleeved youths carried plastic bags outside.

Wang Dashun and Zhao Erxing looked at each other, and it was obvious that this was the trading link of the wild den.

Wang Dashun quickly reported the situation to the police.

Ten minutes later, seven police cars came, and before the den responded, the entire den was handcuffed into the police cars.

"It's finally over." Zhao Erxing slumped on the ground.

At [-]:[-], after all the suspects were taken away, a middle-aged police officer came over: "Are you calling the police?"

"Yes." The two came out of the grass.

In order to avoid retaliation afterwards, they were careful and careful throughout the whole process.

The two finished their notes and were taken into a police car.

The wild interrogation lasted a day and a night, Wang Dashun was able to leave, and Zhao Erxing was handcuffed into the prison.

"Comrade policeman, is his sentence serious?" Wang Dashun asked worriedly.

"It should be less than five years."

According to Zhao Erxing's confession, he did not sell dead meat and Long Xia protected animals. If the situation is true, he should be sentenced according to the lightest circumstances.

Wang Dashun shouted, and glanced at Zhao Erxing before leaving.

At this moment, Zhao Erxing's expression was exhausted, he looked at Wang Dashun and said, "Help me take care of my mother."

His father died when he was 23, he was a little messed up, but he was very concerned about Zhou Caixia's health.

Wang Dashun nodded: "Is there anything else to convey?"

After Zhao Erxing hesitated, he said, "Let her go to the regular channel to buy meat."

Last night, when he entered the police station, he regretted calling the police, but seeing the dead meat in the plastic bag, all his regrets disappeared.He is the sludge in the stinking ditch, but as a piece of sludge, he thought, he still has a little conscience...

In the next two days, Liu Xia and others couldn't bear the pressure, and finally confessed the crime and the upstream location.

This is a complete large-scale sales network. The outlet processing factory is located in the deep mountains and old forests in southern Sichuan. There are 310 downstream outlets, and [-] and [-] people are involved in the case.

An investigation team was set up in the province, and on April [-], the entire wild den was wiped out.

The 4.18 wild sales case in southern Sichuan caused a national sensation.


"110? We have a sausage shop downstairs, and there's something wrong with their pork."

"I'm Wang Jie from Wangjiazhuang. I'm reporting with my real name that Wang Luhai from the same village has a wild meat processing spot in his home."

"Comrade Police..."


While the southern Sichuan case was being investigated seriously, a large number of reports from the common people were received across the country.In the past two weeks, 55 provinces across the country have conducted large-scale investigations.Wild processing sites are like cancerous tumors, difficult to detect and treat.

The Longxia police are seriously making breakthroughs, and the people across the country are not feeling well.

Poultry, eggs and meat have become the most common food in people's lives.Now with the emergence of food infection cases, everyone dare not go to fast food restaurants, dumpling restaurants, and even the fresh food section of the supermarket has to be inspected and re-inspected... It’s okay for everyone to persist for a day or two, but it will take so long. I can't stand it at all.

Wild processing took advantage of the global crisis. Although Long Xia cracked down hard, some processing sites moved secretly, making it very difficult to investigate.

Long Xia's efforts are obvious to all, and wild processing is indeed a cancer.

Under the low pressure of the whole people, some netizens complained on the Internet, suggesting that the whole people should use the function of the common people as a detective to assist the police in dealing with wild processing sites.

Netizens just complained casually, but the residents seemed to open the door to a new world.

The main problems faced by the Longxia police are: 1. The industrial chain of the dens is complete. 2. The dens are highly mobile.

The den personnel are fighting guerrilla warfare with the police, but the den staff cannot do without social life. As long as they survive in the society, they must be exposed to terminal sales and the purchase of daily necessities in supermarkets.In this way, the farmer's market strengthened the investigation of frozen meat in the store, the community security guarded the suspected residents, and the cleaning lady also paid attention to the suspected vehicles in other provinces...

The nationwide self-investigation of residents began.Today you report the meat sausage shop in the community, tomorrow I will report the illegal den, and the day after tomorrow I will report the escape route of the den... The national independent investigation is getting more and more complicated. In order not to waste the necessary police force, the residents are [-]% sure before reporting. .

With the cooperation of the police and the public, from April 25th to 130th, Long Xia arrested a total of [-] wild dens.In addition to the wild dens, seventeen community pyramid schemes were also smashed incidentally.

At present, it has become the consensus of residents not to eat unknown food, and restaurants will also conduct regular quality inspections.

"It is recommended to increase food safety regulations. Whoever dares to sell these dead meat must sit tight!"

"Everyone must insist on reporting, this is as hateful as human traffickers!"

"Ahhh, I want to eat meat so much, I want to eat meat in a safe way."


Many netizens made suggestions.Since the heavy rain in Longnan, we have not been knocked down by the food crisis, nor by the vegetable crisis, nor will we be allowed to be knocked down by man-made cancer!

At this moment, everyone urgently needs a safe food environment.

In the appeal of all staff, on April 27, the Longxia Ministry of Health issued a news——

1. Increase market food safety and quarantine supervision, and market food needs to be supervised by quality inspection departments and the public.

2. Acid rain food that has not been quarantined is included in the first-level banned food list, and illegal processing and sales are the most punishable by death.

3. Encourage the public to report, and there will be honors and cash rewards for reporting meritorious service.



The Longxia Ministry of Health issued 32 regulations in response to this incident, with only one core idea: to severely crack down on food crimes and ensure the food safety of residents.

The Longxia Ministry of Health is not only a verbal regulation, but with the release of 32 items, a nationwide food safety investigation of all attributes has begun.

Residents need a safe food environment, and Longxia also needs a safe food environment. This time, the cooperation between the two parties is unprecedented.

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