[April [-] at [-] o'clock in the morning, the seventh case of food infection occurred in Sichuan Province, which is the second case of food infection in the country...]

At [-] a.m. on April [-], the seventh case of infection in Sichuan Province hit the front page of the news.

"If you don't eat wild game, you will die."

At the same time when #川省第七实# was posted on the front page, Wang Feipeng wanted to scratch the table angrily at the Lantian BBQ restaurant in Kunming.

Wang Feipeng is the owner of Lantian BBQ. Before the heavy rain in Longnan, the daily turnover of the restaurant was 3000-5000 yuan, and it would double during the Chinese New Year.He has worked in catering for 20 years, and found that the national catering industry is struggling, and the biggest problem is the shortage of materials.

Since July last year, the price of Lantian BBQ has tripled. Now the catering industry is not profitable, and customers cannot afford restaurants.

Just when he was hesitating whether to change his career or not, Long Xia announced three big news starting from March [-]th: rice seeds, vegetable seeds, and pasture seeds.The moment he saw the new seeds, he was out of breath from crying.Now materials are in short supply. Seeds mean vegetables, and grass means meat and poultry feed... This is the happiest moment of the year for him.

Under the overall arrangement of the Longxia government, the whole country is now planting new seeds in a hurry.They are located on a barbecue street. The management of the commercial street discussed with nearby shops and decided to implement health-preserving barbecue activities. The price of barbecue is close to the cost price.

Long Xia's research and development is like a booster, and the store's business is getting better and better during this period.Just when everyone was preparing to endure another six months, on April [-]rd, the first case of food infection occurred in the whole country.According to the interviewee’s recollection, he had eaten the special wild rabbit in a certain barbecue restaurant, and developed a fever and diarrhea that night. After three hours of rescue, the food in the interviewee’s stomach was not fully digested, and the food residue contained a large number of parasites.

Some meat-loving customers were shocked when news of diarrhea was reported.On April [-]th, the second case of food infection appeared in the whole country, followed by the third case, and the fourth case...these cases all had remarkable characteristics: they had eaten a lot of wild meat before first aid.

The Longxia Epidemic Prevention Department attached great importance to it. After national testing, the production qualification of these meats did not meet the standards. Some of them were diseased meat picked up in the wild. Coupled with the continuous high temperature in April, this large-scale food infection was caused.

Long Xia set up a special investigation team, in addition to banning the consumption of unknown wild meat across the country, it also cracked down on various illegal outlets.From April 11rd to NO.73, Longxia has cracked down on seven large sales outlets and closed down [-] illegal catering stores.

With the swift and resolute investigation of Long Xia, the national catering industry was hit hard again.

In the blue sky barbecue, Wang Feipeng looked at the door depressed.Now at [-]:[-], at this time in the past, customers would come to the store to eat two plates of special stir-fried dishes, but today I stayed up for two hours, and there was no one there...

He went around to other restaurants, and now except for one cold noodle shop, other restaurants are in the same situation as his.

"Oh." Wang Feipeng sighed.This year's catering industry is too difficult...

There were two waiters in the store, and both of them were staring at the door with wide eyes.

Wang Feipeng waved his hand: "Don't be tense, everyone, let's take a break."

The two waiters took out their mobile phones to check the news.Hot search on the whole network: [The source of the seventh case of food infection in Sichuan Province: Xiangqiaoyuan Dumpling Restaurant. 】

Below the hot search is a 23-second short video, which is the explanation of Xiangqiao Garden.According to the family members of the seventh patient, the patient’s ancestral home is from Qin Province. This time he came to Sichuan Province on a business trip. When he passed by the Xiangqiaoyuan dumpling shop, he ordered mushroom and pork dumplings for 88 yuan.The dumpling skin is thin and the meat is thick, the patient ate it very enjoyable, and even took pictures and sent them to Moments.This was an ordinary dinner, but that night, it was sent directly to the Sichuan Provincial Hospital for emergency treatment...

"I heard it was wild boar from an irregular place."

"The wild boar has been dead for half a month, it's so disgusting..."


The two waiters looked at the picture accompanying the news and felt their stomachs were turning upside down.

Wang Feipeng was watching TV, and was taken aback when he heard it: "What dumpling restaurant?"

The two waiters quickly explained: "Xiangqiaoyuan, the dumpling restaurant where the seventh patient had an accident..."

Wang Feipeng opened the Long Xia hot spot.

Hot No. [-]: [Xiangqiaoyuan Dumpling Restaurant and the industrial chain behind it...]

Now that meat prices are rising across the country, some unscrupulous traders have set their sights on the game market.

Since the beginning of the heavy rain in the central and southern regions, game meat has been increasing all over the country.Many customers use wild game instead of pork, mutton and poultry, but with the crackdown on Long Xia quality and the popularization of food safety, some residents are reluctant to give up eating wild game.

In order to seek greater benefits, unscrupulous traders set their sights on ordinary restaurants and street stalls.They make minced meat from sick and dead meat, and then sell it to target stores at extremely low prices.The target shop turns these minced meat into ordinary food, and a complete industrial chain is formed...

In the past six months, Long Xia has been cracking down on such black industries, but for the sake of profit, these industries have been hit once and for all.

"I just saw the back kitchen of Xiangqiao Garden, and I threw up!"

"I bought two catties of steamed stuffed buns the day before yesterday, I don't know if it's okay..."

"I ate pork tenderloin in the morning and wanted to go to the hospital for gastric lavage. The parasites are terrible."


Food is the most important thing for the people. Although there have been reports of infected people in the past week, these infected people voluntarily ate wild animals.This is the first case of being passive like this. They are very worried about their own food safety.

According to the video released by Long Xia’s investigation team, these game dens are dirty and messy, and the plastic bags can smell rotten through the screen.If these meats are made into steamed stuffed buns, dumplings, and sesame seed fillings...they feel the malice of the world.

"Please crack down on illegal dens!"

"I really vomited. It's more disgusting than the movie "Human Flesh Bun House"."

""Human Flesh Baozi Restaurant" has a terrifying atmosphere, and this is the real horror."


According to the follow-up of Xiangqiao Garden released by Long Xia, these game processing sites are dark and damp. When the local police broke into the door, there were half-meter-long mice crawling on the plastic bags.The police opened the plastic bag, and inside was rotten meat full of worms. Some meat products were thrown into the same plastic bag, and the blood on the bag dried up.

These foods are procured from upstream.After chemical processing, it will be made into various foods such as bun stuffing, dumpling stuffing, cooking packs, etc., and finally sold to the end party.

The police looked at the plastic bags all over the floor and asked very sternly, "Are these for people to eat?"

The lead suspect did not speak.

The police asked again: "I made buns for you, do you want to eat them?"

The lead suspect smiled: "How can these things be eaten?"

Resisting the urge to hit people, the police twisted the group of suspects into the police car.There are seven suspects in the lower reaches of Xiangqiao Garden. Some of these seven people look indifferent, and some of them look regretful and ask for leniency...

The Xiangqiao Garden video was just the tip of the iceberg, and netizens were shocked to see it.

The appearance of Xiangqiao Garden is a mid-range dumpling restaurant, which belongs to the dumpling restaurant that would never believe that it is dirty on the side of the road.At this time, netizens watched the video of Xiangqiao Garden, and they only had one thought: How many Xiangqiao Gardens are there in the whole country?

"My son is a nutritious lunch ordered by the school. I don't know if there is any problem."

"My daughter is the Little Moon Dining Table..."


Netizens are very worried about the safety of their own food.The food infection this time was caused by the rising temperature in April. Food infection is not contagious, but they can't guarantee which meal or which ton of meat has dead meat bacteria in it.

"I want to cry, I dare not eat the frozen meat in the refrigerator."

"Now that pasture has been researched, and meat can be eaten in half a year, why are you so wicked!"

"I just want to live, why does it feel so difficult to live?"


Many soft-hearted netizens burst into tears.Since March last year, Long Xia has been in a very severe environment.

Heavy rain in Longnan, Central and South, food crisis, snowstorm in Longbei... They feel like a warrior, fighting with their backs straight.

This year's economic crisis, but the country adjusted its domestic and foreign policies, and announced three more seeds last month.They have basic food, vegetables, and in the future there will be abundant meat and poultry.

Just when everyone was looking forward to the future, they didn't expect to be backstabbed by food infection.

Although this infection was related to high-temperature dead meat, the root cause was the insanity in front of the interests.

"On April [-], the third case of food infection occurred in Gancheng, Jiangsu Province. This is the third case of food infection in the country..."

"April [-]th..."


For the next two days, the media was full of food-related reports.

This food infection is mainly concentrated in the south-central region of Longnan, and the source of infection is mainly two parts: active consumption and passive infection.Now 'food infection' is the national key news, and various platforms of Longxia are broadcasting the hazards of unquarantined food.

Taking the initiative to eat belongs to oneself, and netizens respect and wish.They set their sights on passive infection...

Passive infection mainly occurs in unscrupulous restaurants and street food.Due to the hidden location of these restaurants and the high mobility, although Long Xia stepped up the police force, some fish slipped through the net.

The police across the country are investigating over and over again, and they are bound to not let go of an illegal den.

While the country is vigorously investigating, netizens across the country are not idle.Now it has become a consensus not to eat outside meat. Although this accidentally injured some legitimate restaurants, it was a last resort during the investigation period.In addition to eating at home, some mothers and fathers began to pick up and drop off their babies and refused to eat at school.They believe in campus health regulations, but the current period is too special, and they just want to use their own methods to protect the safety of their loved ones.

In early April, the national food crisis appeared suddenly and extremely quickly.


"It's so irritating!" Inside Fengshan Farm, Liu Wensheng read the latest report and was very annoyed by the food crisis.

Heavy rain in Longxia, food crisis, snow disaster in Longbei... In the past year, the whole country has faced various disasters.If there are force majeure factors such as rainstorms and snow disasters, he has the confidence and courage to solve them, but this time it is purely caused by idlers.

"It's only been a few days." Liu Wensheng slammed the table angrily.

Qin Yun took the document.

Since the first infection, he has been paying attention to the food infection situation.The root cause of this infection: dead animals-poor soil decomposing ability-high temperature causes pathogens in dead bodies-unscrupulous traders sell dead bodies.Unhandled animal carcasses can cause bacterial and viral infections.

Since March last year, Longxia has issued documents to the provincial epidemic prevention stations. The epidemic prevention stations will carry out regular disinfection of cities and suburbs, and the county health centers will also remind them of safe disinfection.

With the cooperation of the epidemic prevention station and residents' awareness, animal germs did not affect humans.Just when the epidemic prevention station thought it was a qualified epidemic prevention and control, it did not expect food infection to appear in this way...

Qin Yun thought he had a good temper, but he still felt genuinely angry when he saw the den in Xiangqiao Garden.

After reading it carefully, Qin Yun asked, "How is the progress now?"

Liu Wensheng said a little tiredly: "Twelve dens were smashed this week, and the people involved in the case were arrested 310..."


Now the processing in urban areas is easy to grasp, but the difficulty lies in some mountainous dens.Relying on the advantages of terrain and ventilation, these people have always been the troublesome targets of the Longxia police force.

"We can control this, just afraid that they will smuggle things out." Liu Wensheng was a little worried.

Longshar borders many countries.With the strong publicity of the Longxia government and various media, domestic food infections can be controlled, and he is now worried that illegal traders will ship these things abroad.In fact, since May last year, acid rain dead meat has been traded in countries rich in tropical rainforests such as Solamorta. These trades are explicitly prohibited by various countries.

Long Xia has been increasing the supervision on the import of sick meat and dead meat. These meats have not been imported into the country. Unexpectedly, they were learned by illegal domestic traders...

The two chatted for a while, and Liu Wensheng said decisively: "Not one of these tumors can be left behind!"

In the current global crisis, the people of the country must be able to eat comfortably.

Half an hour later, Liu Wensheng reported to his superiors, and Qin Yun left the office.

Affected by the farm's BUFF, the farm has been maintained at a suitable temperature of 15°. He came to the farm from the earthen building. The road is full of agricultural researchers coming and going. Maybe affected by the latest news, many researchers are discussing the latest food infection. .

Qin Yun turned around and came to the slope on the south side of the farmland.

The grass on the farm has grown from the previous burrs to [-] centimeters. When he sat down, there were three white sheep grazing.The farm has a heart of peace BUFF. Since the grass matures, herbivores often come to eat and drink.It's just that animals return to rubbing, and usually leave after rubbing.

Qin Yun observed the goat grazing, and opened the system interface after it left.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current tasks: None.

System credit: 8000W.


Qin Yun looked at it for a while, then opened the mall.

AI Coolies, Automatic Harvesters, Sweet Potato Dryers... There are various system malls, most of which are plant seeds and agricultural equipment that have appeared on the farm. In the past six months, most of the points accumulated on the farm have been used for plant seeds and equipment research.

Qin Yun searched around, but he didn't find such black-tech props as 'dens tracker' and 'food source tracer'. He looked at it three times, but had no choice but to close it.

In fact, in the past year, he will often suffer from anxiety.

There are agricultural staff in the agricultural group, biological staff in the biological team, and scientific staff in the science and technology team... These are Longxia's top scientific researchers.The more contact with these people, the more Qin Yun felt the lack of study and hard work.

He has a very clear positioning of himself: a farm tool man, wherever he needs to move.Only by performing their duties can the system farm play its greatest role.

Qin Yun is very clear about his position, but he has been working as a tool man for a long time, and he also wants to do more.For example, this time, he wanted to help solve the problem of food infection, but found that he was still incapable.

"Too stupid." Qin Yun looked at the farm in a daze.As an outstanding student who graduated from Jinghe, he is naturally not stupid, but he feels a little uncomfortable when he encounters problems that he cannot solve.

Qin Yun stayed on the hillside for three hours, and he stood up when Bamu asked him to eat.

Now at five o'clock in the afternoon, the farm is still full of researchers rubbing shoulders, and the sun is setting. This is a very positive scene.

Qin Yun adjusted his state.

After staying on the farm for a long time, although he will be anxious, what he has learned the most is to face failure and face failure squarely.Longfeng 01 was successfully researched after [-] times. He is a bit stupid, but he will always improve.

Half a minute later, while Qin Yun adjusted his mentality, the system was updated——

"Ding, congratulations to the host for his personal achievement: unyielding determination. The system task is being updated..."

Unyielding Determination: Possess a tenacious determination. (Personal achievements)

Unyielding Resolve is short and to the point, without any stat bonuses.

Qin Yun looked at it for a while, then opened the task interface.

[System update, the task has not been unlocked yet. 】

The system is currently being updated.

Qin Yun didn't think much about it, he just took two steps and suddenly slowed down.In order to pay attention to the status of the farm, he regularly interacts with the scientific researchers on the analysis system interface every night. Now there are more than 300 resident researchers in the scientific research institute, and the daily analysis is a collective discussion.

He is used to this state, but today...

Unyielding determination.

Gritty determination.

Personal achievements.

As a tool person, I want to share my experience of unyielding determination and tenacious determination in front of 300 people...

Qin Yun:! ! !


"This place?"


While Qin Yun was struggling with how to share, Wang Dashun and Zhao Erxing were seriously lying in the grass on a small soil slope ten miles south of Guihua Township, Dening County.This place belongs to the back mountain of Osmanthus fragrans village, with a remote location, opposite to it is a one-story bungalow.

The lights of the bungalow flickered, and there were two red clothes hanging outside, and a small blue van.

Wang Dashun turned the phone to silent, and then secretly turned on the phone camera.

Zhao Erxing then lay on the side, held back and asked: "Brother Wang, if I am arrested, you must help me explain to the police that I am a tainted witness..."

Wang Dashun stared at the front seriously: "I will try my best."

While talking, Wang Dashun secretly dialed 110 with his spare mobile phone.

Seeing Wang Dashun's serious expression, Zhao Erxing could only look at the room in front of him complicatedly.

He is still Zhao Erxing ten days ago, but these ten days have experienced complete ups and downs.

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