Cucumber H1 separation technology, global seaweed growth, outdoor oxygen generation technology...

In the next three days, the farm will focus on the wishing pool rewards.The rewards for the Wishing Pool are limited to farms. After continuous screening, on August [-]th, the farm will determine the reward: Marine Biology Research Office.

At present, the Arctic Biological Station has discovered frozen narwhals. Due to the limited existing technology, the research progress of narwhals has encountered a bottleneck. The Ocean Research Laboratory is mainly used for auxiliary research on narwhals.

After Qin Yun finished reading, enter the wishing pool reward.

"Wishing Pool Reward: Marine Biology Laboratory, are you sure?"


"Congratulations to the host for choosing the wishing pool reward, the system is being updated..."

After half a minute, the update is complete.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current mission: Sell 5 million tons of farm grain.

Task Reward: Marine Biology Research Room.


Not only Qin Yun, but also the other staff were taken aback when they saw the mission requirements.

Selling grain is the basic task of the farm. Starting from 3029, most of the farm tasks are 'planting in different places' and 'global soil', so that everyone is stunned when they see 5 million tons of grain.

Half a minute later, Song Yueshan was the first to respond, "It's gone?"

Liu Wensheng read it carefully three times: "It's gone."

In 3030, the total grain output of Longxia will be 12.7 billion tons, and the global grain output will be 32.2 billion tons.Selling 5 million tons of grain is no easy task, but that's compared to conventionally grown...

"How much is the daily output now?" Liu Wensheng looked at Qin Yun and asked.

"[-] tons of wheat, [-] tons of corn, [-] tons of sweet potatoes..." Qin Yun reported earnestly.

The current farm has [-] mu of farmland. Since the farm was upgraded, the farm has been in a state of 'variety'.After five years of planting,

Now the cycle output of the farm is 50 tons, and the grain depot is 1.2 million tons.

Liu Wensheng confirmed that there were no additional tasks on the farm, so he made a decision directly: "Plant!"

The task of selling is not difficult, but what is difficult now is how to plant [-] million tons.

After discussion, the farm decided to plant all one billion acres of land into potatoes.Common potatoes yield [-] catties per mu, and high-grade potatoes yield [-] catties per mu.

While confirming all the potatoes, Qin Yun directly purchased: [Farmland Growth Spring] X1000W copies.

[Farmland Growth Spring] is an updated system item of the farm, which can randomly shorten the maturity period of crops by 30%~50%.After the effect of [Farmland Growth Spring], the maximum monthly output of farm crops can reach 2000 million tons.There is still a shortage of 2000 million tons of food, calculated at [-] million per month, it will take at least two years...

"It's time-consuming now." Liu Wensheng sighed with emotion. 2000 million is equivalent to the annual output of a county, but compared with the farm tasks, it is completely a drop in the bucket.

The farm has determined its planting strategy and started to negotiate with other countries on grain export plans.

The current global planting environment has improved, but affected by the tsunami and high temperature weather, food is still the global hard currency.After half a month of see-saw negotiations, on August 27, Longxia signed a potato strategic cooperation plan with various countries. This time, there are 32 countries in cooperation, and Longxia has become the world's largest grain exporter in one fell swoop.

On August 29, Fengshan potatoes began to be shipped to various countries.


"A piece of sliced ​​bread, two chocolate tarts, and a cheesecake."

"There are mellow mashed potatoes in the store, do you want to buy extra?"

"how much is it?"

"Two Natals."

"Three copies."


At nine o'clock in the evening on September [-]th, after delivering the last customer, James leisurely organized the shelves.At this time, James was wearing a cucumber mask, a constant temperature isolation suit, and an oxygen tank hanging around his waist. He looked like a group performer in a disaster movie.

At nine thirty, a skinny young man entered the store.The young man is 32 years old and also wearing a cucumber three-piece suit.

"Three egg tarts and one mashed potato." The young man said.

"Only coconut flavored."


After paying the bill, the young man sat on the dining table and ate egg tarts.

James poured him a cup of coffee and asked, "How's work going?" The young man's name was Jack, and he was a regular customer of the Knight's Egg Tart Shop.

"At least you don't have to lose your job." Jack sighed.

He is 32 years old and previously worked in a nearby software company.He was forced to resign due to the economic crisis the year before last.After going around for a year, I am now working in a real estate company.

The two chatted for a few words, and Jack looked at the mashed potatoes in his hand unexpectedly: "The taste is very good."

"This is a new product in the store." James was very proud.

Mashed potatoes are made of Fengshan potatoes. In 3029, since Fengshan flour became popular all over the world, he is a loyal fan of Fengshan brand.It's just that Fengshan's products are only sold domestically, and he spent two years squatting until Fengshan's potatoes were exported again.

While chatting, the door of the store opened again.This is the customer who just bought an egg tart. The customer went straight to the point: "I want five servings of mashed potatoes."

"Hold on."

James skillfully packs the bags.While James was packing, the customer said in a happy mood: "The taste of the mashed potatoes is very good, like a piece of marshmallow slowly melting in your mouth..." He bought the mashed potatoes, but the taste is better than expected, It seems to be able to cure all the unhappiness of today.

"It's really good."

James helped him pack it.During this time, selling mashed potatoes to customers who came into the store was his favorite thing to do.More than half of the customers who sell the products will repurchase on the same day, which is the charm of Fengshan Potatoes.

After half a minute, the customer leaves.Jack ate all the mashed potatoes: "Take two more."

James put up the sign of the suspension of business: "It's all sold out."

"All sold out?"


Jack was obviously disappointed, and then looked at James eagerly.

"There are no more potatoes in the store... reserve up to three servings."

After bargaining between the two parties, James helped him reserve three copies.

At ten o'clock sharp, James and Jack closed the store and went out. As soon as they got outside, they saw pedestrians walking in a hurry.

The two looked up, and there were snowflakes the size of dandelions falling from the sky.

James blinked and asked, "What's the date today?"

"September [-]th..."


Now the global temperature is not normal, this year's heavy snow began in September.

"On September [-], a super-strong cold air mass appeared in the southwest of Natal, and this cold air mass is expected to go south in mid-October."

"Longxia Meteorological Bureau reminds: This winter will be earlier than last year, and residents need to be prepared to keep warm and cold."


At the same time as the knight egg tart was snowing, reports of global air-conditioning masses were also broadcast in China.

"Is it snowing again?"

"It feels like this year hasn't passed yet, why is it winter again..."

"Let's go, let's go, let's start this year's Snowman Contest."


Netizens snapped their fingers, feeling that the time was so fast that there was no reaction time.

"Ten catties of scallions are needed, all tied up."

"Is there any milk with a longer shelf life? I want the kind of brick box..."

"Buy fifty self-heating hot pots, can it be cheaper?"


This time without Long Xia's reminder, residents across the country have spontaneously started hoarding vegetables.Now the average temperature in Longxia is 37 degrees, and it is the first time for everyone to stock up on winter vegetables in summer.


"Your celery is all wilted, can a ten-dollar purse be enough?"

"Minimum thirteen."

At five o'clock in the afternoon on October 62th, Zhao Dafu, wearing a constant temperature and a mask, strolled casually in the Shunnan vegetable market.Zhao Dafu is [-] this year, retired at home, and is the main source of material procurement for the family.

Half an hour later, Zhao Dafu walked to the tricycle with celery and eggs, very satisfied.He had just put the celery in the car, when a short and fat man passed by and said, "Have you bought vegetables?"

Zhao Dafu pointed to the tricycle: "I bought some."

"Did you buy meat at home? There is an event at Xingwang Supermarket. Buy five catties of pork and get half a catty of eggs..."

The chunky man was a former colleague, and the two stood chattering at the entrance of the market.Chattering, Zhao Dafu felt uncomfortable in his chest, he covered it first, then took out the oxygen tank from his pocket, and took two breaths skillfully.

"Take it with you now?" The colleague asked very curiously.

"I'm getting old, there's nothing I can do." Zhao Dafu was very helpless.He still wanted to be as active as a young man, but with little oxygen and high pressure, he relied on oxygen tanks to relieve his discomfort during this period.

"I'm wearing it too." The colleague opened his zipper bag.Inside is an oxygen tank of the same style, with my name and phone number written on the tank.

The colleague took two puffs, then pointed to the street: "We didn't have this kind of trouble when we were the most polluted."

Both of them are retired employees of the steel factory. The steel factory has a lot of dust and pollution. At the worst time, they walked around the workshop and were all natives.The two were used to the high pollution environment, but no matter how polluted it was, the steel factory had never been equipped with an oxygen mask.And now... masks and oxygen masks are standard equipment.

Zhao Dafu looked towards the street.

There are people coming and going on the street, and everyone is wearing a three-piece set of masks, oxygen masks, and thermostat jackets.Because it is a mass-produced constant temperature jacket, from a distance, everyone looks like a workshop employee, and it is neater than the employee work uniform during the meeting.

He moved the corner of his clothes, intending to go back and add some money to buy some other styles from Long Bao...

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Dafu came home, his son and daughter-in-law were still off work, and his wife was watching TV with his grandson in his arms.

"Grandpa." The little grandson saw Zhao Dafu and rushed over.

"I bought it for you." Zhao Dafu took out the lollipop from his pocket.

The little grandson went to eat excitedly.

Zhao Dafu changed his clothes and went to the balcony.There were some onions, ginger and garlic planted on the balcony. He checked it and asked, "Is the garlic watered?"

My wife shouted in the living room: "It's poured."

Now the little garlic has just grown seedlings, Zhao Dafu thought, when the little garlic grows again, he will fry some garlic sprouts to eat.

At [-]:[-], my son and daughter-in-law came back.While taking off the virus suit, the son said: "Old Zhao from our unit was hospitalized due to lack of oxygen. You must bring oxygen tanks when you go out."

"I take it with me when I go out." After Zhao Dafu finished speaking, he asked curiously, "The pressure is already high at 1000 meters above sea level. Why don't your colleagues bring oxygen tanks?" Their family lives in Chuanfeng City, Gansu Province, where the altitude of 1000 meters is very high. The air is polluted to the fifth level, and now the three major components of masks and oxygen are the basic common sense of residents.

The son said: "The last time he left his hometown, he felt that he was in good health. He hadn't taken oxygen for a month and a half."

Zhao Dafu understood that this was due to his good health.

"No big problem?" Zhao Dafu asked.

"He has been rescued and will be discharged from the hospital next month."

Fengshan oxygen is not pure oxygen in the absolute sense, but synthetic oxygen that conforms to the functions of the human body.It belongs to critical moments to breathe to save lives, and it is not harmful to breathe when there is nothing to do.Now there are three types of oxygen tanks on the market, large, medium and small. The smallest tank is only the size of a cola, and most men and women will carry it with them when they go out.

The two chatted for a while, and the family of five began to eat.

Everyone turn on the TV news.Cucumber H1 casualties, algae degraded area, global hypoxia...

Current news on TV.After the initial panic, the residents have gradually accepted the global status quo, which is a disaster worse than war.

At [-]:[-], Zhao Dafu was washing the dishes in the kitchen. Just halfway through, there was a crackling sound outside the window.

He opened the window.

There was hail outside, with snowflakes inside.

On October [-]th, snowfall began across the country.Affected by global warming, this year's snowfall is not as severe as usual, but it is like a water pipe that has not been tightened, and it has been falling non-stop.

This year, the heavy snow fell from October to January in 3032, and the residents have gradually accepted it from impatient. Occasionally, there are days when there is no snow, and everyone will be surprised to check in and take pictures.

These are all dirty wet snow, except for a few areas, everyone has no interest in playing with snow.

With the snowfall one after another, the Spring Festival in 3032 also passed in this snowfall.

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