"The indoor oxygen generator mainly adopts the air pre-cooling separation system, and each set can store [-] cubic meters of oxygen."

In the science and technology laboratory, Sun Yiping explained carefully.The front of the farm oxygen generator is an oxygen chamber, and the rear is an oxygen generator, which looks like an enlarged version of the air conditioner.

After reading it, Liu Wensheng picked up the small can next to it. It was a 300ML black coke can with a breathing mask in front of the can.

Liu Wensheng pressed a few times and asked, "Is this a portable oxygen tank?"

"Yes." Sun Yiping began to demonstrate.

The principle of farm oxygen tanks is the same as that of ordinary oxygen tanks. Residents can go to the oxygen station to receive oxygen after use. A tank of oxygen is between 3-10 yuan, and the longest use is 72H.

The oxygen is not completely pure oxygen, but synthetic oxygen in line with the human body. When the oxygen intake exceeds the human body standard, the oxygen tank will automatically detect and stop the intake, and the overall compliance with the human body standard.

On the evening of April [-]th, Longxia released news: "Longxia Academy of Sciences has developed a portable compressed oxygen machine. The portable oxygen machine has many characteristics such as portability and stability...【Video】"

In the video, the appearance of the oxygen machine is an enlarged version of the community water dispenser. The operator puts the oxygen tank into the oxygen machine, and the oxygen tank is automatically filled. Due to the special treatment, the oxygen machine and the oxygen tank are absolutely safe.

Will it be the same as a gas station in the future, people only need oxygen to move..."

Netizens breathed reflexively after watching the news.Now that the algae are seriously degraded, everyone has accepted that the air is thin, but if there is really no oxygen...it is completely unimaginable.

"On April 22, Canberson activated the artificial oxygen emergency plan."

"Cyberra, Mali and other 23 countries have reached an oxygen strategic cooperation with Longxia, and plan to build 230 oxygen pilots in each country."

"Natal plans to buy Longxia's new oxygen machine..."


For the next two days, the global situation is all about oxygen.Netizens belatedly realized that global oxygen is more serious than imagined.


"The child's life is not in danger, go back and breathe more fresh air."

While the world was worried about the oxygen problem, on the afternoon of April 25, Xu Yingsi was discharged from the hospital holding her son.The son, named Su Keke, is four years old and fainted in the kindergarten last week.After the hospital examination, the son suffered from hypoxic complications caused by acid rain, and he just went out today.

Xu Yingsi stood at the door for a while, and after 3 minutes, a taxi stopped.

Xu Yingsi got into the car with the child in her arms.

"How's the inspection going?" Su Xingkai asked.Su Xingkai is 32 this year and has been married to Xu Yingsi for seven years. During this time, Xu Yingsi stayed in bed in the hospital, and he would go to the hospital to accompany him after night shift.

"Turn on some breathing spray to let you breathe more fresh air."

"Oh." Su Xingkai sighed.

They are natives of Jin City. Since March last year, Jin City has been above level [-] pollution for a long time.The Tianjin Municipal Government tried to change the energy structure and adjust the industrial layout, but this time the air pollution was caused by many factors such as acid rain, high temperature, and dust.Not to mention Jin City now, Longnan Zhongnan is also a third-level pollution.

Now global disasters are like stacking BUFFs, and everyone can't help even if they want to breathe.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the family of three returned home.They live in an old building of seventy square meters. Now the room has been cleaned, and the house is full of green radishes and succulents.There are some watercress greens in hanging baskets on the balcony, and the home is greener than the botanical garden.

Su Xingkai carried his son back to the house, and then came out and said, "These are bought from the flower market, if there is not enough, I will buy some more."

Xu Yingsi looked around: "Enough."

These flower pots add up to at least fifty pots.The two chatted for a few words, and Xu Yingsi asked worriedly, "Does this work?"

"Try it first." Su Xingkai sighed.When he went to the flower market to buy green plants the day before yesterday, the market was full of aunts and uncles. The whole country has less oxygen, and green plants are in short supply. He went to seven flower markets to get these things.

The son was fine during the day, but coughed suddenly at night. Xu Yingsi moved the bed next to her son after returning home.In the next two days, Su Xingkai worked overtime and Xu Yingsi focused on his son.

On May [-]rd, the community property issued a notice——

[Xinlin Property: Xinlin community purchased 3 large oxygen machines, which were provided by Fengshan Farm Technology and produced by Dongshan Technology.Residents who need oxygen can go to the property to rent oxygen tanks.The specific fees are as follows...]

Oxygen tanks are divided into three types, large, medium and small. The deposit is between 300-500 yuan, and the charge for a single full charge is 3-10 yuan.

"Is this the Fengshan oxygen tank?" Xu Yingsi was taken aback.

"Our Jin City is a pilot city." Sun Xingkai said just after get off work.

A week ago, Longxia issued an announcement on the oxygen machine pilot, and ten heavily polluted cities, including Jinghe, Luohai, and Jinshi, were selected as oxygen machine pilot cities.As soon as it was released, residents across the country paid attention to the progress of the oxygen machine.They originally thought that the oxygen machine would be launched next month, but they didn't expect the speed to be so fast.

Xu Yingsi looked at the owner group.

"Do you need an ID card?"

"I rented an oxygen tank, how can I pay for it if it breaks later?"

"There are too many people in the property, so hurry up. 【Picture】"


The owner group is full of news about oxygen tanks, and there are already many residents queuing downstairs.

"Shall we buy it?" Su Xingkai asked.

"Buy!" Xu Yingsi changed shoes directly.

My son suffers from acute hypoxia caused by acid rain disease, and the oxygen tank is a commodity that is just needed.

Xu Yingsi took the real estate certificate and account book and went downstairs to line up. The line was more exaggerated than in the picture.She waited for three hours and finally got three oxygen tanks.

The oxygen tube is the size of a Coke can, with the logo of 'Fengshan Research—Made in Dongshan' printed on it. These are empty cans. She queues up in front of the oxygen machine, and when she returns home, Su Xingkai has already made lunch.

"The deposit is [-], and the oxygen card is refilled with [-]." Xu Yingsi put down the oxygen tank.Oxygen tanks can be rented or purchased, [-] for rent and [-] for purchase.

"Mom." At this moment, his son Su Keke came out of the room.

"Mom bought you an oxygen toy." Xu Yingsi took out the oxygen tank.

There is an automatic sensing system on the oxygen tank, and the system can automatically detect the user's oxygen demand.Blue is mildly aerobic, red is heavily aerobic.

Xu Yingsi used it according to the above instructions.

A stream of pure air was inhaled into her lungs, and she felt her chest expand a bit, and the top of the tank turned blue.

"It's kind of useful." At this time, Su Xingkai also took a breath of oxygen.They didn't know the difference between pure oxygen and ordinary air, but the air in the jar was fresh and comfortable, and they could obviously feel a lot easier in their lungs after inhaling it.

"Try it." Xu Yingsi put on an oxygen mask for his son after making sure it was safe.

The son took two deep breaths: "It's like a spray." Due to respiratory diseases, he has to inhale the spray three times a day.

"This is artificial oxygen." Xu Yingsi said distressedly. While her son was inhaling oxygen, the sign of severe oxygen demand also appeared on the tank.

Xu Yingsi found out his son's previous water cup sleeve, put the oxygen tank in the sleeve, and hung it around his son's neck. "In the future, if you feel uncomfortable, you will breathe oxygen, you know?"

"Okay." The son played with the oxygen tank freshly.

"Is it useful?" Su Xingkai asked worriedly.

Xu Yingsi looked complicated: "I tried it..."

Her son is hypoxic, and she is trying to comfort her.

On May [-]th, Xu Yingsi took her son to the hospital for reexamination.

"Let's do an electrocardiogram first, three items of the lungs..." The doctor said a lot.

Xu Yingsi took her son to do it one by one, and when she checked again, the doctor was very surprised: "Have you eaten anything recently?"


"Did you change the environment and do some physical therapy?"


The doctor asked a lot before Xu Yingsi remembered: "These days I often take oxygen."

"What oxygen?"

"This is it……"

Xu Yingsi took off the oxygen tank from his son's neck. Because of its small size, his son has been using it as a pacifier bottle for a while.

"Is there something wrong?" Xu Yingsi worried.

"Hypoxia has improved significantly, and I can breathe in more oxygen when I'm fine." Now that oxygen machines are popular, the number of hypoxic cases in hospitals has decreased significantly.

Xu Yingsi breathed a sigh of relief.


"I have been working with an oxygen tank for the past two days, and I feel very safe."

"The air quality in Huai Province is equivalent to 200 meters, and the breathing is too depressing."

"We're okay, Qing Province and Xi Province are not for normal people."


Netizens discuss the global hypoxia problem.

Global hypoxia.This was impossible five years ago, but now it is normal.

With the successive construction of oxygen stations, the domestic average temperature reached 57 degrees.Residents can use the constant temperature series to relieve the heat, but some animals and plants are killed by the high temperature exposure.

In late May, the soil around the world was dry and the planting process was not smooth.

"Feeling hell script."

"Masks, protective clothing, and oxygen tanks are the three major things you need to go out now."

"We have too many animal bacteria here, we disinfect them three times a week."


Netizens basked in the sun and made fun of it.

Now halfway through 3031, everyone has food and drink, as long as the courgette H1 does not die, it will not be contagious. Everything is better than four years ago, but the happiness index...doesn't seem to have improved much.

"It's all caused by acid rain." Everyone thought for a while, and then recalled the Halma storm in 3028.

This is an ordinary acid rain, but the consequences are more serious than imagined.Planting, policies to benefit the people, and employment development... With the drought and high temperature, Longxia's economy is struggling to develop.

[Economist Rokaner predicts that the global economy will drop by 3030% compared to 13. 】

[Global Weekly: Affected by high temperature and drought, Longxia may experience negative economic growth for the first time in three years. 】


Food crisis, polar melting, courgette H1... Since 3028, the global economy has been in negative growth.Due to measures such as food exports, cucumber masks, and seeds from other places, Long Xia belongs to the retrograde of the global economy.

Retrogrades also have a day to stop.Now that the global food pressure is slowing down, coupled with factors such as courgette H1 and Longxia tsunami, international economists predict that Longxia's economy in 3031 should be the same as 3030 or decline.

"Longxia's economic myth is no longer there."

"The global economy is on a difficult road to development."


According to the analysis of economists, everyone is not optimistic about Longxia's economy.In the midst of this global attention, in July 3031, Longxia announced its new quarterly financial report: Longxia's economy in 3031 grew by 3030% compared with the same period in 17, and Longxia's tertiary industry recovered 76% before the disaster.


This is everyone's first reaction after watching Long Xia Finance.

Longxia used to rely on food sales, cucumber masks, and seeds from other places to develop its economy. Although there are oxygen equipment this year, the scale of oxygen is not enough to support Longxia's economic growth again.

A 3031% increase in 3030 over the same period in 17 is an improbable financial outcome.

On July [-], some media interviewed Longxia residents.

"It's hot weather, why go to work?"

Deliveryman: "The whole family has to support their children, so there is no way if they don't go to work."

"Can current income support daily expenses?"

Salesperson: "Now that I have a savings plan, I can barely make ends meet."

"Are you happy?"

Catering owner: "I survived the catering crisis the year before last, and I am happier than before."


The reporter made a round of interviews, and immediately understood that everyone complained about it, but it didn't affect life.

"A special Long Xia spirit." The international media is amazing.

Residents of Longxia are like seeds in the ground. No matter how harsh the environment is, as long as they find a direction, they always seem to be able to grow vigorously.This is a spirit that can tenaciously germinate no matter the adversity.


"Has grown tall."

"It's quite high..."

While the international reporters were surprised, Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng looked at the hope tree seriously in Fengshan Farm.At this time, the hope tree has grown from 15 meters to 25 meters. The leaves are lush, and the branches above are the purest green leaves.

Qin Yun covered the hope tree with his right hand.

Name: Germinated Hope Tree.

Attribute: Plant a seed and harvest the hope of summer.


The hope tree has gone through four spring and summer cycles, and its roots are deeply rooted in the ground.

Liu Wensheng said with some regret: "There is no result."

Although he was sorry, the corners of his mouth could not be closed in a smile.

Long Xia's economic growth in the first half of the year, this time not only the international media was shocked, even Long Xia was also very surprised.According to grassroots surveys, the main industries for this growth include entertainment, catering, and fruit delivery.Affected by the tertiary industry, the employment of the tertiary industry also increased steadily.

The residents of Longxia are like the grass in the field, they are more tenacious than imagined.

The two watched for a while, and Liu Wensheng asked, "How is the research going?"

"Attempting DNA synthesis."

The main problems that Longxia is currently facing are: Cucumber H1, algae degradation, and global hypoxia.

The progress of each project——

Cucumber H1: in the study of grouper substances.

Global seaweed: [-] kinds of seaweed have been screened out by the farm, and a breakthrough is expected in the second half of the year.

Global hypoxia: Global hypoxia is caused by the imbalance of the global environment. When the global environment is restored, the problem of hypoxia will be solved.

After Qin Yun's report, Liu Wensheng patted Qin Yun's shoulder: "Thank you."

"It's all due to the efforts of the experimental group." Qin Yun said without taking credit.Although these studies are supported by golden hands, the most important thing is farm research.

The two chatted for a while, and Liu Wensheng asked, "When do you plan to leave?"

Qin Yun thought for a while: "Tomorrow afternoon."

Cucumber H1 can be prevented by a cucumber mask.But masks can't solve Hugua H1. After careful consideration, he has applied to the team to go to the North Pole again.See if you can gain something through the [Golden Hand].

"You." Liu Wensheng sighed.After Qin Yun submitted the application, his first reaction was to object.Just as a decision maker, this trip is essential.

"Pay attention to safety when you get there." Liu Wensheng entrusted him naggingly.

Qin Yun listened carefully.

At this time, the two are not superiors and subordinates, but the simplest elders and juniors.

At [-]:[-], Qin Yun was about to go to the technology group, but when he was about to leave, he suddenly froze.

"The system has been updated?" Liu Wensheng asked with experience.

Qin Yun shared the system interface.

Host name: Qin Yun.

Current task: restore 10% of the country's greening before the disaster, and return the global soil to normal. (completed)

Mission Reward: Virus Lab.


This is the longest high-level task after the foreign seed.

Name: Virus Lab. (Wishing pool reward)

Level: Advanced.

Area: 500 mu.


Half an hour later, on the south side of Fengshan Farm, Qin Yun directly used the [Virus Laboratory].

At the same time as he clicked, there was a boom in front of him, and then a silver-white modern building appeared.

The appearance of the building is similar to that of a science and technology laboratory, and the top is a very smooth and rounded arc.After looking at the appearance, everyone followed in.Constant temperature culture room, mold culture room, biochemical culture room... There are 53 laboratories in the laboratory, each of which is in a smooth modern and simple style.

high end.


This was everyone's first thought after seeing the lab.

"If Lao Xiang sees him, he will be so happy that he won't be able to sleep."

Song Yueshan joked from the side.Xiang Qingchuan is the leader of the biological team, and has been looking forward to advanced laboratories, but apart from the basic laboratories, the biological team is absolutely black.

After Song Yueshan finished speaking, a researcher said: "We don't need to send someone to deliver the news. Secretary Qin can just tell me when he arrives."

"It's not convenient to take these internal buildings, but I can take a picture of the exterior of the building for Lao Xiang."

"Old Xiang probably couldn't stay still, so he flew back directly by plane."


The researchers chatted miscellaneously.Finally, under the fire of Song Yueshan, Qin Yun took two pictures of the exterior with his mobile phone.This is just a simple appearance photo, even if it is exposed, it will not be affected, but with Xiang Qingchuan's familiarity with the farm, he can see the difference in the laboratory at a glance.

Everyone teased for a while, and the members of the biology team were familiar with the venue.Viruses belong to the ultra-front line of farm research.Due to special circumstances, when the biological group was preparing to conduct closed research, it discovered the BUFF of the virus laboratory: when personnel enter and exit, viruses and germs can be automatically detected.

The laboratory divides viruses into categories 1-5, with cold and fever belonging to category 1, and cucumber H1 belonging to category 4.If the laboratory detects category 4 and above, the laboratory will sound a serious alarm, which can be quickly controlled and prevented.

"This function is good." The biological team was very pleasantly surprised.

Because of the virus research involved, the biological group has been consciously isolated from ordinary researchers during this period, and now the laboratory can automatically detect it, which provides security for the biological group and the farm.

The biological team was delighted to be familiar with the laboratory, and Liu Wensheng reminded: "Everyone should pay attention to safety."

"Roger that!"

Now masks, isolation suits, and gloves are a three-piece set of biological groups.Even if Liu Wensheng doesn't say anything, they will strictly enforce the research standards.

Everyone stayed in the laboratory until two o'clock in the morning, when Qin Yun and Liu Wensheng left.

"Be careful." Liu Wensheng asked Qin Yun.

"Yes." Qin Yun said solemnly.

The next afternoon, Qin Yun took a special plane to the Arctic Biological Station.He first flew to the town of Polman, and then took a boat from the town to the biological station.This was his third trip to the North Pole, and just when he was used to it, he was taken aback when he saw the scene in front of him.

At this time, in front of him was the turbid sea, with dead fish, seaweed, and black floating ice floating on the sea surface.These waters are as still as stagnant water.There are icebergs at the farthest point of the floes, and the ice above these glaciers has degraded, exposing dark brown mountains.This place is not like the Arctic icebergs, but rather like the melting Hills.

In a daze, a Will staff member said: "We've arrived at the biological station."

The cruise ship passed through the glacier, and Qin Yun saw a familiar ship with a group of black figures waving.

Qin Yun beckoned, these figures are members of Long Xia's biological group.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yun boarded the ship, and the researchers greeted him warmly: "Long time no see."

"Long time no see." Because they were wearing isolation suits, everyone hugged empty-handedly, which is also a unique way of hugging at the biological station.

After Qin Yun hugged everyone, he came to the cabin.

"Here we come." Xiang Qingchuan greeted happily.

"Academician Xiang." Qin Yun said politely.

The Arctic Biology Group has been in the Arctic for ten months. Due to the long-term wind, everyone's face is as red as a red apple, and their bodies are generally thinner.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Yun went to say hello to other countries, and had dinner with the biology group.The pumpkin and polenta eaten by the biological group is inconvenient for vegetables to be transported. This is the food in the biological station's hometown.

After eating and drinking, everyone asked Qingchuan, "How is the farm?"

Qin Yun mysteriously dug out the phone photo album: "Surprise from the biological group."

Xiang Qingchuan took it.In the photo album is an exquisite white building. He was puzzled at first, and then responded instantly: "Laboratory?"

"En." Qin Yun nodded.

Although the two sides did not say what kind of laboratory it is, the meaning of the expression is self-evident.

"Is there an experiment?"



The other researchers were very excited.Since accepting the global soil mission, everyone has been looking forward to the completion of the virus laboratory, but the high temperature affects the planting. Everyone thought that the progress would be in October, but now it is a complete surprise!

In the next 10 minutes, everyone carefully flipped through the photos, and the photos from Qin Yun's phone were also sent to the biology group.

The researchers ate two bowls of rice porridge, and felt that today's rice porridge was particularly delicious.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Qin Yun came to Xiang Qingchuan's cabin.

Xiang Qingchuan looked at Qin Yun with a very complicated expression: "Thanks for your hard work."

Three months ago, Qin Yun obtained the golden hand skill, and the farm sent staff to report it.He was sincerely happy with the farm skills, but he never thought that Qin Yun would come to the North Pole again.

The two chatted for a while, and showed Qingchuan dozens of photos: "This was discovered last month. The preliminarily identified creatures include gray wolves, woolly rhinos, prehistoric elk, and brown bears..."

On the 1th of last month, after the Arctic permafrost thawed, another batch of animal carcasses were discovered at the biological station.These corpses have the diseased variant of cucumber H[-]. They also found a parasitic larvae on the corpses. These larvae will wriggle slightly after low-temperature heating. After testing, these larvae did not die, and still retain a certain amount of reproduction.

In prosperous times, these animal carcasses are the best research samples.But now the cucumber H1 is raging, and the biological station, like the residents of the world, hope that this crisis will pass quickly.

"It's such a headache." Xiang Qingchuan rubbed his forehead.

Qin Yun flipped through the photos, then put his right hand over the nearest photo.

Name: A photo.


Photo content: Skeleton of the woolly rhinoceros.


Qin Yun looked a little regretful: "I can't check the attributes of the content."

The golden hand can only see the touched object, but cannot see the deep layer of the object.During this time, he conducted biophotographic studies on the farm, as it is now.

"Go to the mountain to have a look tomorrow." Xiang Qingchuan was already prepared for the current result.

Early the next morning, Qin Yun and the inspection team went to the Huerla Mountains.The sun was high in the sky, and half of the ice and snow on the mountains had melted. Qin Yun followed the expedition team forward. Halfway through the journey, he felt that he was not coming to the North Pole, but like an outdoor trip.

An hour later, everyone came to a larger ice clearing.The ice layer here has not yet melted, and there is a big hole in the middle, next to the hole is a rope chisel, and dozens of workers are looking at the drawings beside the ice layer.

Qin Yun and Xiang Qingchuan walked over, and a staff member waved to Qin Yun: "Qin!"

"Mr. Ron." Qin Yun said with a smile.Ron is Will's staff member and his old acquaintance.

The two chatted for a while, and Qin Yun handed Ron a pot of tea: "Here."

"Thank you very much!" Ron was very surprised.During the last chat, he said that he likes Longxia tea, but Qin Yun actually remembered it.A can of tea is not worth much, but this instantly shortens the distance between the two of them.

During this chat, a staff member shouted: "I found something!"

The staff fished out a half-meter-long white bone from the hole. There were still some brown hairs stuck to the white bone, which seemed to have a lot of history.

The biological personnel were taking pictures at the side, Qin Yun stepped forward to help, and inadvertently slid across the bones with his right hand.

Name: Elk leg bone.

Time: 12335 years ago.

Attributes: A historic hind leg bone.


The introduction of bones is concise and to the point.After reading it, Qin Yun chose the directional data: Cucumber H1.

Cucumber H1: This data was not included in the survey.

Unwilling to give up, Qin Yun chose again: the grouper substance.

Grouper matter: This data is not within the scope of the survey.


Qin Yun: ...

In the next two days, Qin Yun wore isolation gloves and carried out a number of mortuary tasks.Just like the 'elk leg bone', the golden hand only has the name data of the animal corpse, so it cannot conduct directional detection.Qin Yun guessed that this should be related to the system's cheating judgment.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the [Golden Hand], Qin Yun took off his gloves and touched the broiler.

Name: Broiler. (male)

Date: Seven months ago.

Attributes: A broiler that has been frozen and cooked.


The introduction of broiler chickens has similarities to that of elk.It can also be confirmed that the detection accuracy of [Golden Hand] has nothing to do with gloves. As for the names of animal corpses... with the current technological means, there is no need for Golden Hand to determine it. This is an extremely useless function.

Just when Qin Yun returned from his trip to the North Pole without success, on July 17th, when Qin Yun passed an iceberg, the system was updated——

[The key to a disaster]: The key to a disaster. (red)

[The key to a disaster] and [the beginning of a disaster] have the same format, and the color code behind them is also the same.

Qin Yun read it carefully, stepped out of the iceberg, and [the key to a disaster] turned gray.

Qin Yun re-entered the range of the iceberg, and [the key to the disaster] turned red.

He repeated many times and was finally sure: the key to Cugua H1 is related to this iceberg, to be precise, it is within the range of the iceberg.

Qin Yun made a good guess and reported it directly to Xiang Qingchuan.

After discussing with Qingchuan and his team, he proposed that the biological station conduct the sixth round of blanket monitoring.This year, the biological groups around the world used this method to explore the permafrost, and the Long Xia group's proposal did not arouse everyone's doubts.

The study groups of each country agreed after discussion.

After sophisticated monitoring by modern instruments, we found another frozen corpse under the iceberg.This is a small, but older formation of permafrost ice than the previous opening.

Everyone determined the location of the corpse and began to dig deep.

On the morning of July 3th, a creature standing in the permafrost ice found a frozen narwhal.The narwhal was 1 years ago, and people found active cucurbit H1 virus in the narwhal. In addition to cucurbit H[-], a different grouper substance was also found.

This grouper material will bring new research directions to the experiment.

Qin Yun stayed at the Arctic Biological Station for half a month, and after confirming that he could not help much, he returned to China under Long Xia's arrangement on July 25th.Because he was wearing courgette isolation equipment all over his body, he was quarantined in Jiangcheng Hospital for a week. After confirming that there was no problem, he finally returned to the farm.

Now in the first ten days of August, Qin Yun took a brief rest, and discussed with the farm the key to this year: the wishing pool mission.

Rules of the wishing pool task: superimposed collection is not allowed, and the interval between collections must be more than three months.

Now just three months into Global Soil, the Trevi Fountain mission is among the top priorities of the year.

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